EXO's Deal

Devil Vs. Angel
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The boys all nodded. “There’s actually 12 of us in EXO, but 6 of us are in America on a foreign exchange trip”

Luna's mouth formed a perfect ‘o’, as she listened in fascination as the boy continued to speak.

“My name is Kris, this is Luhan, that’s Chanyeol, Sehun, Chen and that loser at the end is Kai” they all waved in turn when they were introduced, except Kai who just continued to look elsewhere.

“My name is Luna…nice to meet you” she bowed slightly in her seat, and EXO chuckled at her formality.

“WAIT. YOU SAID YOUR NAME WAS LUNA?!” Luhan yelled, causing everyone in the parlour to stare at him, Chanyeol thumped him around the head for his sudden outburst, and Luhan pouted.

“Yeah, that’s my name” Luna’s face was plastered with confusion. Why was her name such a shocker?

“Are you the girl who performed ‘Trouble Maker’ at the T.S High annual concert?” Luhan continued, and Luna nodded in response. The rest of EXO gasped in shock, and it made Luna feel slightly alarmed.

“Is there a problem?” she asked unsurely, wondering why on earth they were suddenly gawping at her in utter disbelief, even Kai had stopped looking elsewhere and had taken an interest in the conversation.

“OH HOT DAMN GIRL! YOU CAN SING!” Chen exclaimed, once again causing people to look over at the table in annoyance at the loudness of the boys. Chanyeol proceeded to hit Chen and like Luhan, Chen pouted.

“Thanks” Luna grinned, feeling slightly better after seeing Chanyeol hitting Luhan and Chen.

“Oh yeah, I made her smile, aren’t I amazing?” Chen announced smugly, and the EXO boys rolled their eyes at his arrogance.

“How did you know about my performance?” Luna asked intrigued, she had no idea that S.M High kids would even have the slightest inkling about her existence.

“There are lots of girls at our school who went to go see Jung Daehyun and Zelo perform at the concert, and videos of your duet went around, and soon enough everyone at our school saw your version of Trouble Maker”

“I bet I can kiss you better than that Daehyun guy” Luhan smirked, and Luna blushed as her mind went back to that kiss. It was so passionate, and fiery, her lips almost tingled at the memory of it.

But then she frowned as the memory of what had just happened not too long ago and her eyes seemed to fill with tears again.

“YAH! LOOK WHAT YOU DID LUHAN! YOU MADE HER WANT TO CRY AGAIN!” Kris yelled at Luhan, as the EXO boys suddenly became alarmed at why Luna was so emotional at Luhan’s words.

“N-No, I’m not crying at that…” Luna sniffed, wiping her eyes with the smoothie stained sleeve of her shirt. Kai noticed that, and pulled out a tissue from his pocket, he shoved it in her direction and she took it appreciatively. “Thanks” Luna bowed a little, and Kai grunted in response.

“Why are you so quiet now Kai? Weren’t you the one going on and on about her after Kim Himchan nearly made you crap yourself?” Sehun sniggered and Kai shot him a dirty look.

“What’s wrong Luna-ssi?”Chen asked concerned.

Luna ate another spoon of her ice cream and sighed.

“It’s okay, tell us oppas everything, we’ll listen” Chanyeol added, and Luna smiled inwardly, he reminded

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Chapter 100: Oh. My. Gawd. Really a beautiful story! <3
nadhoya #2
Chapter 101: Waaaa~~ I love how the story is being plotted~~ ups and downs of main characters and all minor characters is really good!! Thumbs up for you author-nim!! Love this story~~ will check out others stories
Bigbangislife87 #3
Chapter 101: Chapter 100: this was such a great fanfic, I started reading about a week ago and couldn't stop because it's always so interesting. My favourite part was in Japan when zelo and Luna were in a room together and everyone thought they were doing it, as I read it I was laughing my head off. My friends thought I was mentally sick or something until I showed them what happened. Anyways I also loved the part where daehyun and Luna were in America together. Loved this fic and I'll check out the other ones as well. I love you authornim, please write more amazing fics like this.❤️❤️
ixzakwangie #4
Chapter 101: Loving this fanfic! You are totally rock, author-nim! Eemmm~ another Dae's fic will ya? Its just that… Imabigfansofdaehyunandddreallylovehisfic! *say in one breath* To be exact, Im head over heels of him *sheepishly smile* Stupendous fanfic! 짱!!!
ixzakwangie #5
Chapter 41: Just tell me where I can find that es Minhee and I will seriously make sure that tomorrow morning wouldnt come for her -_-' *smile evilly*
Baekna #6
Chapter 101:
this story is awesome! love this story so much!
Yonghyunism #8
Chapter 85: Finally!! Love how Channie got tongue tied with Sunhwa!