Trouble Maker

Devil Vs. Angel
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The day had finally come, and Daehyun was currently backstage, watching as his best friend Zelo did his thing out on stage. He was killing it, with every verse he dropped, the crowd's cheers got louder and louder. Daehyun could understand why, Zelo had this attraction to him, it just made people want to cheer for him and hear him rap even more. The standing ovation made Daehyun beam, he was proud of his dongsaeng.

As Zelo came off stage with a massive grin on his face, he hugged Daehyun and seemed to be on cloud nine, he felt his adrenaline pumping from finally getting to perform in front of a crowd. He knew he’d made his hyungs proud, and his noona too.

 Speaking of Luna…

“Where’s noona?” he asked, after he’d caught his breath. Everyone around Zelo and Daehyun were buzzing about like busy bees, trying to get ready for the next performance. Daehyun and Luna weren’t due on stage for another good 15 minutes, so all Daehyun could do right now was watch from backstage as the nervous acts before him went on stage and did their thing.

“She went to go talk to Jiyong about something” Daehyun replied, and he couldn’t help but notice how Zelo suddenly stiffened. “I don’t really like that Jiyong guy…he’s getting all too close with Luna noona” the maknae pursed his lip unsurely…should he go after her? As if reading his mind, Daehyun firmly shook his head. “No, you can’t get involved, let them talk, she’ll be back soon” Zelo could only sigh before nodding his head, it’s not like he could go against his hyung right? As a noona called Daehyun to add finishing touched to his makeup, Zelo tried to plead one last time.

“Please hyung, if you won’t let me go, at least go check if she doesn’t come back in 5 minutes, because I really do have a bad feeling about them being alone together…”

In a different part of the school, Luna was waiting in one of the classrooms. Jiyong had told her to wait for him, because he had something important to tell her. As she waited, she wondered what on earth Jiyong had to tell her…but she didn’t need to wait long to find out, he came into the classroom perhaps 3 minutes after she’d arrived.

“Hey...” he called out softly; she perked up and smiled as he walked closer towards her.

“So…what did you need to tell me?” she wasn’t in any rush, she still had time to go before her performance, but she was just so eager and curious to know what on earth Jiyong had to say.

“Luna…” Jiyong was trying hard not to stumble on his words, as he tried hard to clear his mind and just spit out what he had to say.

Daehyun was currently walking through the hallways in a clueless state, looking for a class that Luna and Jiyong could be in. After Zelo had pleaded him to go, he couldn’t refuse. Usually Zelo’s hunches tended to be right, so there was no way he could ignore it. Suddenly he was quite apprehensive about the fact that Jiyong and Luna were alone…why were they alone for? Why couldn’t they just talk later after the concert? Why now? As all the thoughts swam around his head, his attention soon turned to the classroom just at the end of the corridor, which happened to be slightly ajar. He tiptoed towards the door, making sure he was out of sight, but could

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Chapter 100: Oh. My. Gawd. Really a beautiful story! <3
nadhoya #2
Chapter 101: Waaaa~~ I love how the story is being plotted~~ ups and downs of main characters and all minor characters is really good!! Thumbs up for you author-nim!! Love this story~~ will check out others stories
Bigbangislife87 #3
Chapter 101: Chapter 100: this was such a great fanfic, I started reading about a week ago and couldn't stop because it's always so interesting. My favourite part was in Japan when zelo and Luna were in a room together and everyone thought they were doing it, as I read it I was laughing my head off. My friends thought I was mentally sick or something until I showed them what happened. Anyways I also loved the part where daehyun and Luna were in America together. Loved this fic and I'll check out the other ones as well. I love you authornim, please write more amazing fics like this.❤️❤️
ixzakwangie #4
Chapter 101: Loving this fanfic! You are totally rock, author-nim! Eemmm~ another Dae's fic will ya? Its just that… Imabigfansofdaehyunandddreallylovehisfic! *say in one breath* To be exact, Im head over heels of him *sheepishly smile* Stupendous fanfic! 짱!!!
ixzakwangie #5
Chapter 41: Just tell me where I can find that es Minhee and I will seriously make sure that tomorrow morning wouldnt come for her -_-' *smile evilly*
Baekna #6
Chapter 101:
this story is awesome! love this story so much!
Yonghyunism #8
Chapter 85: Finally!! Love how Channie got tongue tied with Sunhwa!