L'Incendie et L'Eau


Il y avait une fois un grand royaume. Ce pays était beau et luxueux, avec beaucoup de citoyens qui étaient tous satisfait de leur vie.

Tous satisfait sauf un. C’était à cette personne que le prince de ce royaume devait offrir ses remerciements, parce-que sans cette personne, Prince Suho n’aurait jamais rencontré son véritable amour. 


Yeah this is a story for tumblr anon who requested something en français :) 

Si tu connais quelqu'un qui parle français ou si tu parle français, n'hésite pas de me corriger! Merci :)

Un grand merci et des grosses bisous à LeeJuLian d'être si gentille en corrigeant mes erreurs <3

Translated to English here!

[L'Incendie et L'Eau] Translated to English! See foreword for details~


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lilith9999 #1
Chapter 1: Mignon. Mérite quand même une bonne correction (orthographe, syntaxe...). Félicitations pour ce joli conte.
Chapter 1: I'm supposed to read Le Petit Prince for homework but I left the book at school so I decided to read this fic instead (to pretend I'm actually doing stuff lol) and OMG SO FLUFFYYYY
Chapter 1: L'histoire était bonne.
Dubiaku #4
Pretty good, overall. It is a bit stilted and doesn't flow too smoothly, but then you never claimed to be an expert. There are a few things I'd point out, but I'll stick with one right now. "Rencontrer" bothers me. As you know, it is "encontrer" with the "re-" added to signify repetition. True, it is used in the sense of meeting someone, but more in the sense of "meeting up with". In other words, it has the "sense" of repetition in that you are meeting people you already know. It seems awkward the way you use it since supposedly he had never met his "veritable amour" (amour veritable?) before. It is more of a search for one, so I'd be happier with "trouver" myself.
Chapter 1: Challenge completed, status: creying, becasue it was awesome and bc i was tortured with french
Chapter 1: Omg I just found this and I was able to figure out all the new vocabulary just from the context! I feel a lot more at ease about going into AP French next year haha
Chapter 1: I could actually understand most of this...but my vocabulary failed me *sigh*
It was a good challenge though :D
Juste quelques fautes, rien de grave. ^^
Tu es forte, c'est bien !