
Perfect Symphony

It was night time already. The sun had already settled down to sleep and let the moon take over the sky. The stars twinkled brightly throughout the sky peeking over the cupboard of heaven watching the city with delight. The park was still and cold due to the cold breeze of the night. The lamp posts were lighted up yet the odd eerie silence of the empty park gives a shivering and scary odd feeling to anyone who passes by the park.

David walks in the park and went to a place where he wouldn’t seen by anyone and starts crying. He wasn’t in pain physically but mentally; his heart ache for his younger brother that he will soon leave.

His whimpers and sobs echoes throughout the park as he try to holds it in to avoid any attention from any passersby.

A few minutes later a figure went in the park despite the warnings of the wind who knows everything. Wearing a simple white t-shirt layered by a black coat and black tight jeans, the figure walked leisurely through the park, ignoring the eerie noise and feeling.

He stopped for a few moments when he heard an incredulous noise. A growl? No, it’s not. A cry? Yeah, that’s definitely what he was hearing. He looked around, still standing on his spot as his eyes and ears tried to locate where the cry is.

After a few moments the sobbing stopped as if it was alerted that someone was listening to its cries. The figure stayed for awhile to listen again to the sob because he was sure he heard it, but after waiting for a few minutes, the cry never returned.

The figure shrugged it off and continued walking through the park.

David looked from the bushes as he watches the retreating figure with blurry eyes. He crouches again and cries.


It was broad daylight, the sun rays warming up the place shaking away the remnants of the cold distil night before. People were once again seen on the streets hastily making their way to work or to wherever they were going.

Busy cars and buzz swallows the city as the wind picks up more to distribute the noise and to lessen it. Two young men came running into the park as they shout someone’s name.

“David! David!”

They continued to shout as they know that the person, David, is in the park hiding somewhere.

They continued to shout the person’s name, earning themselves some glares and murmurs from the people who walked in the park. They completely ignored it and continued searching for David.

An hour passed and they stopped at a nearby bench, panting and gasping for air.

The older looks at the younger before sighing. He sat beside him and pats him in the back.

“We’ll find him. Just a bit more and we’ll be able to find him.” The older nodded to himself, assuring him and the younger that his words will be true.


Sniffling a bit, the brunette rubs his red and puffy eyes. Hiccupping with a strained throat, the brunette’s lips quiver and his body felt so heavy as if his energy were away by some unknown forces out there.

Feeling teary again, the former holds it back.

“I’m not going to cry. I’m not going to cry.” He muttered to himself.

Gripping his over-sized t-shirt, he looks around. His eyes held the lost and his lips parted a bit as he walks a bit still surveying his surroundings.

‘Where am I?’ He thought to himself as he nervously bit his lower lip.

He walks a bit more, hoping that at least he ends up at a place he knows. Walking for half an hour, the brunette stops walking and realization struck him so hard that he was sure that he would cry again.

He tried not thinking about it and thought of that if he walked more he would end up at his house. That he would find his friends there and that he wouldn’t be crying.


“Yah! Bang Yongguk! Come back home!” A young tall man listened to the irritating voice on the other side of the line after receiving the call. Carefully not leaning his phone near his ear, knowing his eardrums are going to explode anytime, he made a good distance of his phone from his ear.

He doesn’t even need to turn on the speaker mode to hear what the other is saying because the voice is already on speaker mode.

Rolling his eyes purposely, he responded.

“I’m not going back home mom. I spent my 17 years with you and I need some air.”

A growl was heard on the other line.

“But you need to come back home! You’re fa—“

“Bye mom.”

Yongguk pressed the end call and dropped his phone on the bed. The door of his room opened and a head poked in, trying to see if he was awake.

Yongguk noticed the head and chuckled.

“Come in.” A smile formed on the other’s lips and slips in the room.

“Was it your mom?” The latter asked and the older nodded.

“Yeah, she wants me back. Not for herself but for the devil.” Yongguk sighed and the latter walked to the big window.

“What are you going to do? Are you going back home?” The latter asked as he opened the dark blue curtains.

Shrugging and standing up, a smile formed on his lips.

“Nope, no way I’m going back to hell. Not after I finally escaped it.” He turned his head to face to the younger and both their eyes held the same words.



 “Clean the spilled milk Yongguk and buy groceries. It’s your turn today.” Himchan shouted from his room and Yongguk restrained himself from banging his head on the counter and heaves a lot of air and breathes out as he calmed down. He took a rag from the rag line and quickly got on his knees and wiped off the spilled milk.

He really couldn’t blame the younger. It’s true that he shouldn’t be acting this way after all what Himchan gladly did to him without a price (well, of course except the chores of the house and all) but setting that aside, he really couldn’t help himself being what he is. He was raised up this way (no, not really). His mother was a sophisticated brat who only agrees with her husband’s decision and never really took good care of her own son.

And his father…well, his father isn’t really the best father out there. His father was greedy for money and prideful person. He doesn’t want to live with a man who thinks nothing but his money and his wife and a mother who pretends not to have a son when she has one.

Standing up, he takes a good look on the floor and nods when he saw it’s sparkling clean after his many returns from the sink. He cleaned the rag and puts it back to the rag line. He takes the grocery list from the fridge and went his way to the door.

“I’m going now, Himchan.” He announced to his friend who only responded with a hum from his room. Nodding a bit, he opens the door after putting on his shoes and left the house.


“Kid, I’m going home now and you need to run off to your parents or whatsoever. Don’t stay here because it’s frightening and scary for children like you.” Yongguk told the brunette who was busy rubbing his puffy red eyes.

He sighed before he starts to leave the boy alone on the road. When he got good steps far away from the brunette, Yongguk couldn’t help but feel a thorn on his chest.

‘Don’t tell me this kid hasn’t left yet.’  Yongguk thought for awhile before shrugging it off and continues to walk only to stop and turn around and goes back to the brunette that he has a feeling is still there.

And he was right.

The kid is really there, standing with a lost look. Clicking his tongue in disbelief before sighing, he looks at the former.


 “Hey, kid.” He flicks the younger on the forehead just like what Himchan did to him this afternoon but his was a bit lighter than Himchan’s. “You’ve caused a lot of trouble to me and you owe me so much.” He paused as he searched for any reaction from the younger and he was glad when the younger’s eyes widen in shock and surprise as if he doesn’t know how the hell he got him in trouble and how much he owed him.

Well, really, he doesn’t know.

Chuckling deeply, he ruffled the younger’s hair and stood up, picking up the once abandoned bags. “You can pay me anything though, but I won’t take it now; in the future maybe, when we meet again. Just remember, okay?” Yongguk bid his farewell to the younger and started to walk away.

The brunette’s eyes followed the retreating form of Yongguk and once he was out of sight as if on cue, two young men came.

“Hyung!” Zelo shouted to the brunette who was dazedly looking where Yongguk left. The two men arrived where the brunette was sitting and they gasped for air after they ran for hours.

Shifting his gaze, he looked at the two men who arrived. His eyes sparkled in recognition and he smiled.

2 years later---

Yongguk’s POV

It’s been 2 years since that incident. I couldn’t remember it clearly though, but I do remember my horrible night together with Himchan pestering me about what happened while I was on my way home. Of course, I couldn’t tell him that I, Bang Yongguk, have the decency to help out a weird kid out of the dangerous roads of the town.

My perfect image of being a badass will be ruined.

Well, no, not really. It was a joke, okay? I just couldn’t tell him that because he would nag me why I kick, which I presume it is a tap by the foot, a helpless boy then drop him off to a park which is also dangerous for him.

So in a way, it’s a no answer.

So I insisted to him that I carried a pregnant woman to the nearest hospital I remember whilst carrying the six heavy bags. I know it’s crazy but it is better that way. After insisting him that I really carried a pregnant woman to a hospital in a span of 2 hours for god-knows-how-many-times, he finally believed it. I’m sure he didn’t buy it, but as long as he doesn’t press on, then it’s good.

And now, I wonder how that boy is doing. I couldn’t remember the details that day (only the night, though) and the boy’s image was blur in my head. I have forgotten about him and I don’t care whether he shows up in front of me or somewhere. I don’t really care. I don’t have anything to do with him anymore.

Dropping my phone on the hand-made basket by Himchan as I make my way out of the office, I went up to the 2nd floor to check on things. The café is pretty well. The workers are doing well on their jobs. Smiling, greeting new customers, taking up orders and others. Customers have satisfactory smiles on their faces and I could see some familiar faces.

Some customers’ waves at me as they go down to leave and I wave back to them. They were one of the customers that come here daily.

Yes, I’m running a business if that’s what you’re thinking. I’ve been running this baby for 2 years already. As, yes, I’ve started these 2 years ago. I’ve been running this café back then and I remember it was still small and supplies were still limited and the workers were just me and Himchan and two loyal workers, but a lot of customers still come by to eat which I’m pleased.

And when I look at my café now, I’m overjoyed. This is one of my dreams that I wanted to accomplish.


I noticed a familiar figure on the entrance and the more closer I went to him, the more I recognize him.

“Kris?” I asked, completely not sure if I was right. He smiled so I was right. We hugged as a sign of greeting and I pulled him to the nearest vacant table. We sat down and immediately a waitress came by.

“Ah, Juyoung, give me two Americano, please.” Juyoung nodded and was about to write when Kris stopped her.

“Make it one Americano and one green tea latte, please.” Kris smiled at her and she nodded as she wrote down the orders and excused herself.


“What did you come here for?” I asked once I placed down my cup. He eyed me before smirking.

“I’ve got two tickets for the concert in Busan you’ve dying to have.” He grins a bit when he waves the two tickets in the air and his grin widen once he saw my shocked expression and he grins widely when I paid him back the $200.

I raked my fingers on my hair in frustration and moreover, in defeat. I heard Kris laughed and I groaned. He chuckles and stuffs the ticket back to his wallet.

“How did you get the tickets?” I asked him. I was about to order when they said it’s all sold out. So how the hell did he get one, especially two?

He smirks and I know he did something to get those.

“You bribed Yixing didn’t you?” I narrowed my eyes on him. Yixing was one of the managers in the band. He is the one who fixes where the concert is going to be held and holds the authority in the ticket session.

His smirk grew wider. “Well…” He checks his fingernails and takes a sip on his latte before continuing. “A bit, maybe.” He smiled innocently at him and I lightly kicked him on the leg.

“You bastard! You bribed Yixing with ‘that’?” I hissed at him and he blinks before standing up, picking up his latte as he stands up.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. The concert is in two weeks. I’ll tell you where we’ll meet up. Bye~” He bid farewell and waves before leaving the café.


“Give me one legit reason why I’m here, Him.” I hissed at him and he just blinked on me innocently.

“It’s because you need fresh air, Bang. That’s why. You’ve been locked up for two days in your office. You didn’t even come home!” Himchan retorted back with a glare that made me sink back in the bench and squirm a bit.

Damn. I knew I should have gone home. I made him worried about me when I told myself I shouldn’t do that.  Sighing a bit, I found him smiling at me and I smiled back.

“I’ll go get us some food. You could wander a bit around the park just don’t wander off too much, okay?” Himchan said to me and I nodded my head. He left off and I watched his retreating figure dissipates into nothing from far away.

I sighed a bit and looked at the sky.

A piece of the incident last 2 years ago came back and I remembered the kid now. His hair is brunette and silky, eyes that are melted hazelnut, lips pinkish-red yet chapped and pale skin. He was crying yet his eyes were happy despite he was crying like a baby.


While in deep thought, I didn’t know that I was walking. While in deep thought, I didn’t see someone running towards me with his head turned at the back as if he was checking someone was chasing after him. While in deep thought, I didn’t see him crash into me.

My head was the first one to fall on the soft ground and my body received a great blow and I’m having a hard time to breathe. And I didn’t know that my eyes were closed when he collided to me.

I opened my eyes and my eyes met with a familiar melted hazelnut eyes and I drowned in those eyes once more. I felt the familiar spark in my heart and more pieces of the incident back then came back.

I didn’t like what I’m feeling now but how could these eyes make me drown and make all of my movement restrained? 


 “Daehyun. My name is Daehyun. Jung Daehyun.” He told his name and I didn’t notice that I was chanting his name in my head.

Daehyun, Daehyun, Daehyun.

I snapped out of my chanting when he asked something.

“Pardon?” I coughed and I notice his eyes roll. I hissed in the inside at the lack of respect from this boy.

“Your name. I asked for you name.” He repeated his question and I nodded.

“Why would I tell you my name if we wouldn’t see each other again?” I narrowed my eyes on him and he just chuckled.

Did I say something funny for him to chuckle?

“You would never know that we would meet again, you know.”

After his statement, I found myself saying me name.

“Yongguk. Bang Yongguk.” I told my name without a second thought.


Daehyun’s POV:

I groaned and for a moment I thought I collided with a tree, but it wasn’t. The tree isn’t soft yet sturdy. I pushed myself up and I saw someone under me. I met with a dark chocolate orbs that seems to shine. For a moment, I was bewitched with those eyes as if telling me to know more of the guy under me and with that crap, I snapped out with my reverie.

I got off him and brushed any imaginary dusts from my clothes. I watched him sit up and coughed up a bit. Was I too heavy? I think I’m not. Even though I eat a lot, I didn’t weigh that much.

I reached out my hand to him to help him stand up but he pushed it away and stood up and brushed off the dirt and fixed his clothes. How rude! I was helping him stand up and now he rejects it? How rude of this guy!


“Daehyun. My name is Daehyun. Jung Daehyun.” I hissed at him before scowling. I don’t like being called ‘kid’ or ‘boy’. I feel so small and I feel that I’m being mistreated with those being called at me instead of my name.

I wasn’t letting him get away with this. I need to get my revenge for calling me a ‘kid’.

“What’s your name?” I asked but he wasn’t listening to me.

 “Pardon?” He coughed and I rolled my eyes. He’s annoying me already. He wasn’t even paying attention to me! Is his brain flying somewhere?

“Your name. I asked for you name.” I said one more time and he nodded. And what he said made me stifle my laughter.

“Why would I tell you my name if we wouldn’t see each other again?” He asked me as he narrowed his eyes and I couldn’t help but chuckle instead.

 “You would never know that we would meet again, you know.” And in the way, I could execute my revenge on you.

 “Yongguk. Bang Yongguk.” He replied and I saw his face turn into a scowl and I immediately knew he was scolding himself for telling his name to me without a second thought. I smirked.


 “I wonder where Daehyun went.” I shut my eyes and I could feel my heartbeat beating faster and louder. I knew this isn’t because of Youngjae calling out my name, but I knew this is because of the guy. I was, in a regretful situation, on his chest for one. Two, I could feel the warmth spread through my body because of his body warmth. Three, I never did a close contact with people before except for Youngjae and Zelo and Fourth, I could literally hear his heartbeat.

I flushed up in red and I knew my face is going to be like this and I don’t want him to see it. I lowered my head and pressed my head on his chest a bit more in order for me to hide my flushed face.


 “I saved you from them. You were running for an hour or two away from them, I assume and if you were to run again when they are near, you’ll be caught. And all your efforts of running away from them are wasted.” My eyes widened and I blushed. I guess he did have a point. I do have short legs and I know I won’t be able to run when they are so near from my back. They’ll catch me immediately!

I looked away and sputtered. I knew I owe him this time. I sighed and turned to him and went towards him and stopped at a good measure.

 “I owe you now. So what do you want?” I asked before I sighed again.


Bang Yongguk, huh? I’ll be sure to remember that.


It was night time. I haven’t heard from Youngjae nor Zelo. I was in my bed dressed in pyjamas after I showered. My eyes darted to the picture on my desk. I reached for it and sat up. I traced my finger on two young boys. I smiled.

“Hyung! Wait for me!” I whined as I saw my hyung getting ready to picture. He smiled at me and gestured to me to run faster and I did my best to run faster.

I arrived by his side while gasping in some air. I felt my chest tighten from lack of air and even though I’m gasping for air now, it’s still tightening for some reason. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up. I saw my hyung having a worried face and my heart ache.

I smiled and showed him that I’m fine.

“Are you okay, Daehyunnie?”

“I’m fine, hyung. Don’t worry.” I smiled to him with my best force. I straightened up and he smiled a bit and raised the camera up in the air. I made a peace sign and hyung puts his arm around my waist and I smiled wider.


“A bitter-sweet memory…” A tear fell out from eye and the tear dropped on the glass as I remembered the bittersweet memories of my childhood.

“Hyung…” I cried again this night when I vowed I wouldn’t just few nights ago.


Yongguk’s POV

“Great to see you here, Yongguk hyung.” He greeted me with his amused face. I hardened my glare and hissed at me. How the hell did he sneak up on me and why the hell is he up at 4 in the morning?!

I stood up and brushed off the dirt with my free hand. I hissed at him and he smirked.

“What are you doing here, brat?” I asked him and he scowled.

“How many times do I have to tell you that I’m Daehyun?!” He retorted with a growl. I ignored it and repeated my question.

“What are you doing here at this kind of time? It’s 4 in the morning and you’re awake?” I raised an eyebrow on him and he just rolled his eyes.

“Can’t a normal person wake up at 4 am? Then why are you awake at 4 am?” He asked me and I just sighed.


He hums again and I feel my throat dries. Our eyes met, locked in for the dying minutes as he continues to hum. He smiles and looks down before closing his eyes.

Moonlight shone on me as I watch it with glee

Every beat and tempo leaves my heart

As silence vanish together

With the cold distil night

I gaze at the moon lovingly

Yearning for its love

For you, my love is there

In the moon

In the moon~

In the moon, our music collides

My beats together with your voice

Forming a symphony

He finished with a gentle bass hum after plucking the G and A string. He finishes with a smile and handed to me my guitar.

“Is it good?” He asked out of the blue. I was stunned so I wasn’t able to answer quickly as he expected me to. He looked at me and I saw something beneath it but I can’t see what it was. Or was I just afraid to know what it was?

“Come on. Let me treat you for breakfast.” I found myself telling him after I locked in with his eyes. He blinked as if he was puzzled with my statement that I have just said. I grinned a bit and pulled him up with me for breakfast.

Well, this is going to be great day.


 “Aren’t you going to eat? You’re food is going to be cold.” Yongguk ate the piece of meat and watched Daehyun nods his head and eats the food.

“Ah, right.” Daehyun picked up the fork and the knife as he sliced the beef into half and into quarter. He took the piece of meat into his mouth and chewed it. While chewing a smile grace his lips and starts to slice the egg next.

Yongguk smiles as he saw Daehyun eat in comfort without problem. He nodded his head a bit and continued to eat.

They eat in silence but in a comfortable atmosphere.


 “Hey, Daehyun.” Yongguk called out to the younger and the latter looked at him.


“Since we didn’t get a proper introduction and impression at first, I…should at least start off with a better impression? I feel that you’re wary around me from yesterday’s event. What do you say?” Yongguk looked at the younger and he felt his heart beats faster than usual and he feels the familiar spark in his heart.

Daehyun smiles and looks down as he plays with his fingers.

“Sure,” he simply stated but it was good enough for Yongguk. He held out his hand to the younger and introduced himself.

“I’m Bang Yongguk.” Yongguk smiled and Daehyun smiled back as he clasped his hand with Yongguk.

“Daehyun. Jung Daehyun.”

They started with a new impression with each other and with a proper introduction. They broke the handshake and Yongguk grinned.

“Care to accompany the whole day?”


The day’s been a wreck for Daehyun. Not in a bad way but in between good and bad. He just accompanied Yongguk for the whole day and he didn’t expect it would turn out like this. Yongguk took him to amusement park after they went for a brief walk around the garden park. Yongguk forced him to ride every rides in the amusement park together with him and he couldn’t say no because he would find himself in the middle of the long line.

So he eventually gave up because that always happened when Yongguk would pull him to every ride that he dreaded to ride especially the roller coaster.

He grew pale and he felt sick just by watching the people scream (for help) for fun as they take multiple turns and round and Daehyun could feel his stomach fall.


Yongguk placed an icing on Daehyun’s nose and laughed at his face and Daehyun in return, slapped the entire cake on Yongguk’s face that the older won for him.

He laughed hard when the cake slid down and Yongguk has a poker face and Daehyun couldn’t help but roll in the ground and clutch his stomach from too much laughing.

“Y-y-you hahahaha, l-l-lo-look fa-fa-fa-fun-hahaha-n-ny, h-hyung!” Daehyun couldn’t even form a coherent sentence from too much laughing and Daehyun stopped laughing when he saw Yongguk pulled his sleeves and ed his top button. He gulped when Yongguk’s eyes flickered to him and Daehyun saw revenge on Yongguk’s eyes. He scrambled up and ran for his life.

Wiping off the icing from his face with his hand and it a bit, Yongguk eyed the rich brown hair on the midst of the crowd. He ignored the stares of the people and got himself a water gun. He walked over to the midst of crowd and kept his eyes on the running brunette.

In the end, Daehyun was drenched in cold water because Yongguk decided to play ‘nice’ and put ice on the water gun.

They shared laughter and smiles as they teased and played together.


The next event that happened was shopping.

“Tidy him up and dressed him beautifully.” That’s the only thing the Yongguk said when he pushed Daehyun to the ladies who were wearing a creepy smile on their face. (Well, no, not really. It’s just that for Daehyun, he thinks those pretty innocent smiles are creepy. His brain is soaked in wet that’s why.)

He looked at Yongguk nervously and the older just grinned at him showing his gums and gestured the younger to follow the ladies. He gulps and just nodded his head and turns his head to the ladies who were already carrying a lot of clothes.

One of the ladies pushed Daehyun to the dressing room and handed him a towel and a first set of clothes. Yongguk just sat down and the other girl who was with the other one brought him a coffee and he thanked her.

“Thanks Seol.”

“Anytime, Master Yongguk.”


He sat up and fixed his clothes and eyed Seok who has a smirk plastered on her face. They shared a communication and Seok opened the door of the dressing room.

Daehyun came out with a mixed emotion face. He didn’t know if he should be happy, overjoyed or angry because of the outcome. He chose the second instead and came out with confidence. He was wearing a red button down shirt loose and not tuck in tied down with a white tie on the collar and above the black vest that layer it paired up with a back tight jeans and his feet (thankfully) donned with a black sneakers with a thin lines of red in the sides.

He was grinning from ear to ear when he saw himself at the mirror. He got to admit that the 3 hours of changing of clothes was fruitful and he got to wear the clothes that suited him and that makes him comfortable to wear. He got to admit also, that he at fashion and he was glad that the ladies dolled him up prettily (He didn’t deny it also). His hair was messy and some of it were sticking out, he got a light powder only because he’s already a natural beauty,  Seok commented and she got so worked up to doll him up prettily but she was grinning, nonetheless with the outcome.

He was overjoyed and he couldn’t express it so he decided to smile as he went his way to Yongguk whose jaw slacken and has a shock expression plastered on his face.


For the third event of the day, Yongguk led him to a nearby ice cream shop. Daehyun was grinning from ear to ear and jumping like a kid and his eyes lit up in excitement and he pulled Yongguk to the ice cream shop. He restrained himself from hugging the man with so much joy and just tittered and Yongguk felt his heart beats so fast with Daehyun’s smile and titters and his excitement made Yongguk proud and happy.


The fourth event was that Yongguk brought Daehyun to an aquarium.

When they entered the aquarium, Yongguk felt himself being pulled by Daehyun. He watch Daehyun mouth open wide when a stingray swims past him. Daehyun pulled him again to another area and he jumps in glee.

“Hyung! Hyung! Look at those fishes!” Daehyun pointed at the school of fishes as he turned to Yongguk with a smile. Yongguk was taken aback but he quickly regained composure. He grins and leaned on the glass.

“What do you think of them, kid?” Yongguk asked as he looked at Daehyun and Daehyun just grinned at him.

“They’re cute! I mean look at those! It’s a family of fishes! They look so cute!” Daehyun responded with glee and Yongguk couldn’t help but grin. Daehyun pulled him again and this time Daehyun has his eyes wide and mouth parted.

“Woahhh. This starfish is so cool!” Daehyun looked at the beautiful starfish with awe, eyes sparkling with delight and awe and Yongguk nodded his head.

“Yeah, it’s cool.”

They spend a good hours in the aquarium and with their laughters and smiles, they didn’t know it was night time already. Yongguk has one more surprise for the younger.


He led the younger to Han River for the last event and made him sit down on the soft tickling grass, away from the people who have gathered on the other side.

 “The fireworks are beautiful isn’t it?”

Daehyun smiled a bit and nodded his head as he threw light cotton in his mouth.

“Yeah, it is.” Daehyun looked at the fireworks with a small smile. Yongguk looked at him before sighing a bit. He pulled the younger closer to him and let his head rest on his shoulder. The action made the brunette startle a bit as he questioned the older.

“Yongguk hyung?”

“Rest on my shoulder a bit and enjoy the fireworks.” Yongguk raked his fingers through Daehyun’s silky rich brown hair and he sighed in contentment. Daehyun blushed before nodding his head.

He smiled and threw cotton in his mouth.

“Neh, Yongguk hyung.” Daehyun whispered as he watched the fireworks with a smile playing on his lips and a heart beating fast yet swelling in love and affection that he have never experienced.

Yongguk wrapped his arm around Daehyun’s waist and gazed at the fireworks that were brightly lit up in the sky.


Equal tempo of beats their heart dances and sings. Their silence contains their unvoiced music that showed and tells their feelings on that night; their beautiful music that is voiced out in the silence as they watch the fireworks with a smile playing on their face.

And Daehyun thinks that this day isn’t wrecked like he thought it would be when Yongguk dragged him to the café. Well, his first thought was right.

He did enjoy this day together with Yongguk.


 “It’s nothing, Youngjae-ah. I just had the greatest time in my life.” Daehyun replied dreamily and Youngjae and Zelo shared another conversation through their eyes.

Zelo made a circular gesture in his head and both nodded their heads as they stared at Daehyun who was grinning from ear to ear as if he was lovesick.

Daehyun just remembered the day when he was with Yongguk. It’s not like he developed feelings for the older, he was just happy. In fact, it was more than being happy and he couldn’t explain it.

He never experienced what they did that day ever in his life and now that he experienced those, he felt so overjoyed. His dreams going to the amusement park, playing, shopping, aquarium, fireworks in the night, it was all accomplished in one day and he was so happy.

That explains why his brain isn’t in the world but flying in could nine and that he was tittering like a girl because he remembered the memories he had experienced.


Himchan didn’t ask Yongguk what he did for the whole day and why he wasn’t in the shop. He didn’t talk about it but just let Yongguk do whatever he wants. He’ll find it sooner or later, anyways and Yongguk would tell him willingly.

He changed after all. Two years after that incident, he didn’t pry on too much in Yongguk’s life but let the older do whatever he wants because sooner or later; the younger would tell him anyways.

So when Yongguk came back to the house around midnight, he just shrugged and gave the older a glass of water and left to go to his room and sleep.


Yongguk had a great time with Daehyun. He was able to make the younger happy and smile. He felt slightly attracted but he knows that it’ll pass soon besides the brunette is younger than him by 3 years. He was 21 and the latter was only 18. He learned a bit of the younger and knew some facts of his life.

He learns that Daehyun hates grapes more than anything and he is willing to trade his life rather than to drink grape flavoured juice. He also learns that the younger is finishing up his last semester in college and will graduate next year.

He also learns that Daehyun loves eating food (and Yongguk wonders how he maintains such built of body) and that he is willing to do anything just for food as an exchange for it. It’s a bit of information that Yongguk got, but enough for him to know about the younger.

He was glad that Daehyun isn’t uncomfortable with him anymore and that they started with a new impression and that they were able to form friendship in one day.

He was proud of himself that he was able to make the younger smile.


 And everything changed in their daily life.

Yongguk would often meet up with the younger in the park or pick him up in his university or they would meet up in a certain location and after that they would just spend their time with each company, talking, eating or just enjoy their time together with silence.

Yongguk was always the one who chooses the place that they would stay or go but sometimes he would let the younger choose what location they would stay and Daehyun would always choose the piano studio near the café.

They would often go there and Yongguk didn’t mind at all even though they stay a lot of hours there because every time he would go there with the younger, he would listen to the music that Daehyun plays.

The music would always be delicate, gentle and calm to his ears whenever Daehyun plays. He would often close his eyes and just listen to Daehyun playing the piano. He never gets tired of him playing the piano nor does he get tired of the same music he plays on the piano.


When Daehyun first played the piano, Yongguk was captivated by the younger. He was immersed at the music that was being played in his ears. His heart dance together with the music and his heart beats in the tempo together with piano as if it is following the tempo and the beats of the piano.

When Daehyun first play the piano, Yongguk knew that kid has a future and that his play should be known by everyone. He saw how the younger plays the piano whole-heartedly. He saw how the younger was so immersed in the song and saw how he gave his heart to the music he plays.

After the first time of Daehyun choosing the place they would stay, Yongguk would treat him into a date and that they would often chat how their day goes on before they meet up. They would talk for endless hours until it was closing to midnight that Yongguk has to drop him off.

After the first time of Daehyun choosing the place they would stay, Yongguk would often let the younger choose the location they would stay instead of him choosing it. They would often go to the piano studio or they would go to Han River or sometimes they spend their time in the garden park.

And Yongguk knows he didn’t regret letting the younger choose the location they would stay every time he would let the younger choose instead of him.


Daehyun would often feel the sparks and undefined feeling in his heart but he would always dismiss it. He wouldn’t let it ruin their friendship. He wouldn’t let those feelings get on him because he knows nothing about it and he doesn’t know what to do if he would ever let it get on him.

The latter would always find himself blushing and smiling whenever he was with the older. He would often feel shy whenever he was with the former and he would often find himself opening up more to the older whenever they would spend time together.

Daehyun would find himself missing Yongguk when he is not with him or when the older wouldn’t be able to make time for him because he was busy.

The younger would find his heart empty when Yongguk isn’t with him even though he has the company of Youngjae and Zelo. They weren’t enough to fill his empty heart but he would dismiss this and turn blind on it.

He instead just looked forward for the day that they would meet up soon. He was always wishing, dreaming and hoping.


Yongguk, on the other hand, didn’t forget about his café that he took care and fought for with sweat and blood. He didn’t forget about the customers and employees. And he also didn’t forget about Himchan even though he spends a lot of time with the younger.

He spends his time carefully and did what he was supposed to do before even meeting up with the younger. He always makes time for work and for the younger. He would separate them and does his best for both.

Though he enjoyed his time working because Himchan would be there and making cute aegyos and make jokes for everyone and that he would see the smiles of the customers and the hard work of his employees, Yongguk couldn’t deny that he enjoyed his time the most with the younger.


He could literally feel the anxiousness and defeat in Daehyun’s voice whenever he would tell the younger that he couldn’t meet up in one of those days in the week and he feels so defeated and he would feel his heart ache in pain whenever he hears Daehyun’s weak voice.

He feels bad and he would often find himself thinking what to make up for the younger whenever he was in work. He would stop all his work for awhile and find a way how to make up for the younger in his mind. He would think that for hours and just find himself missing the younger more and he couldn’t concentrate in his work anymore and he would just drop off the day like that with unfinished work and Himchan would finish it up for him instead.

Yongguk doesn’t know why he is like that for the past few weeks. It’s been 2 months since he met the younger again after two years. They shared a lot of memories together and they shared a lot of smiles and laughter whenever they were together.

After the day when they became friends and the week after that, Yongguk found himself liking the younger when they went together to Busan for the concert (after bribing Yixing to do something on that day to make Kris give him the tickets.).

After that day they went to the concert, Yongguk felt the familiar spark and undefined feeling again in his heart. He knows he should ignore it but he couldn’t. He couldn’t deny the feeling that he likes the younger.

But at the same time he isn’t sure if what his feeling is sure or was it just his imagination. He doesn’t know yet so he sets it aside for awhile.


Daehyun didn’t know that Yongguk was watching him the whole time with a smile on his face. He was glad that Daehyun liked the food and he was glad to see the smile again from Daehyun’s face.

He grew to admire the beautiful smile that Daehyun would wear and he was proud at himself that he was the cause of his smile and laughs and not others.

He looked at his food and continued to eat whilst Daehyun looked at him. He warmly smiled at the male in front of him. His heart swell in affection for the older but he ignores it instead he admires at the male.

He grew to admire Yongguk’s funny and caring nature. He also grew to admire the smiles and laugh that the older would commit and he was happy to see those on the older and he was proud that he was the cause of it and not others.

They chatted and talked about some random topics that they would think of and they would often laugh when one would make a joke. The beautiful night passes by.



“Hello? May I speak to Yoo Youngjae?”

 “Ah, yes, I am Yoo Youngjae that you’re talking to now.”

“Great. Yoo Youngjae-sshi, I’m Moon Jongup.”

 “Jongup? Umm, nice to meet you Jongup-sshi.”

“It’s nice to meet you too, Youngjae-sshi.”

“What can I do for you?”

“I want to talk about Jung Daehyun and his lung cancer.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I’ve sent a letter to you about his condition after David sent to me his blood data and medical bio.”

“Okay. I get it.”

“Please do inform me back in two days time.”

“Yes, thank you.”


After Youngjae have received the letter from Jongup, he couldn’t accept the truth at first but soon he accepted it and talked with Zelo about it.


 “My name is Yoo Youngjae and this is Choi Junhong but he goes by the name Zelo.” Youngjae pointed at the male beside him and Zelo just looked at Yongguk before shifting his gaze back at his frappe.

Youngjae leaned back to the chair and asked.

“Do you like Daehyun?”

Yongguk almost choked on his drink as he coughs a bit and puts down the cup of coffee back to the saucer.

“Pardon?” Yongguk coughs a bit more before clearing his aching and scratchy throat. Youngjae sighs before gazing back to Yongguk.

“Do you like Daehyun?” Youngjae repeated the question for him and Yongguk was too stunned to answer the frank question.


 “You won’t be able to have Daehyun hyung. You don’t have the qualifications to be with him.” Zelo frankly said as he check his fingernails before staring back at Yongguk’s dark chocolate orbs.

Yongguk hissed and fisted his hands on his legs.

“And how were you able to say that? You don’t know anything.” Yongguk retorted back and Zelo rolled his eyes.

“We know everything, Yongguk-sshi.” Zelo informally responded back to the older and Yongguk glared at the younger.

“What do you know?”

“We know everything about you guys, Yongguk-sshi. We know everything.” Youngjae repeated what Zelo said and glared at the older.


He doesn’t know anything about the younger after all the days they spend together.

Youngjae saw the emotions that dwelt on Yongguk’s eyes and he already knew the answer anyways. He looked at Zelo who just looked at him back and he nodded his head.

“Yongguk-sshi, we’ve got to tell you something.”

Yongguk’s attention was successfully caught by them and Zelo sighed.

“Listen carefully, Yongguk-sshi. We know that you like Daehyun since you’ve done a lot for him.”

“I don’t like Daehyun. We’re just friends.” Yongguk stubbornly replied; he’s not going to let them win this. Youngjae’s chocolate eyes flickered to him.

“Yongguk-sshi, we don’t care if you don’t like Daehyun or not but we felt oblige to tell you about his condition.” Youngjae responded back.

“His condition?” Yongguk narrowed his eyes at Youngjae and the latter nodded his head.

“He has lung cancer. Fortunately, it’s only second stage. His doctor, Moon Jongup, wants him to be in U.S. by next month to get his treatment.”

Yongguk’s jaws slacken by the information. Daehyun has lung cancer? Why didn’t the younger tell him? Oh, right…he didn’t bother asking about him.

Zelo eyed the male in front of him and sighed.

“Yongguk-sshi, do you remember what happened last two years ago?”

“Two years ago?” Yongguk focused his attention to Zelo who had caught his attention. What does two years ago have to be connected with this? Oh wait it does, because Daehyun owes him and other stuffs and blah.

“The person you met two years ago isn’t Daehyun hyung.” Zelo tiredly sighed; he was getting bored and he wants to play with Daehyun but the latter is still in the university.

Yongguk raised an eyebrow, his face showing confusion.

“The person you met two years ago isn’t Daehyun instead you met his older brother, David.”   


It’s been 3 weeks since that happened. The confrontation with Youngjae and Zelo and Yongguk couldn’t even think straight about it. He couldn’t sleep for 3 straight days and Himchan scolded him for torturing himself thinking about things he could put off for tomorrow.

He talked it out with Himchan when Himchan forced himself to sleep for a day. He told Himchan everything that the younger should know. He told him everything that he did when he wasn’t in the office. He told him everything including Daehyun.

“Do you really like him, Yong?” Himchan asked him. They were talking for hours already and it’s already 4 am. Yongguk just stared at the picture that he was holding. A picture that Youngjae gave him to prove that he wasn’t lying when he told him that Daehyun has an older brother.

He stared at it intently. Everything is the same; the silky soft rich brown hair, pale skin, orbs that are painted in the hue of melted hazelnut, pinkish-red lips that form the most beautiful smile.

He placed it down on the table and sighed. He closed his eyes and remembered the person two years ago and Daehyun today.

They were the same completely the same and he hated himself for not being able to know the difference of them. Even though they’re the same, there are some things that identical twins don’t have in common.

And Yongguk knows the difference between them.

Jung Daehyun stole his heart in the beginning he lock eyes with those orbs. Jung Daehyun got his heart the moment he smiled.

And Jung David never did. He never caught his heart. Even though he felt the familiar spark he had with Daehyun, Yongguk didn’t deny that he liked the older before, but he was never successful in taking his heart.

Only Jung Daehyun was successfully in stealing his heart.

He remembered the shy laughs and smiles of the younger. He remembers the times that Daehyun would call out to him with a smile on his face.

Whenever he closes his eyes, Daehyun is all he can see.

Yongguk slowly opened his eyes and stared at Himchan.

“I don’t like him, Himchan,” he replied making Himchan frown. He smiled warmly at the younger as tears flowed out from his eyes.


“I love him.”


“David died a month later after he met you. He told us to know a bit more of you so we snooped up a bit of you-“ I cut him off as I glowered on Youngjae

“So you investigated me?” I asked him as I narrowed my eyes on him. He nodded his head as a response.

“We only took some information about you. Your name, age, and some other information. David wants to at least know who you are before he died.”

“He wants to know me?” I muttered as I leaned on my chair. I couldn’t get hold of the information that is being told to me.

“Here, read this. This is his message to you.”


Daehyun is nervous, no scratch that, he’s scared. He’s scared telling Yongguk about this. He’ scared to tell Yongguk about the news. He’s scared of the outcome that would happen if he would tell the older about the news.

He bit his lips in fear and his eyes welled up a bit for the thought of Yongguk hating him or leaving him.

He doesn’t know why he was afraid in the first place.

They were just best friends, nothing more and nothing else.

They weren’t a couple to begin with and they weren’t more than friends in the first place so why did he fear about Yongguk leaving him and breaking off their friendship just because of the news?


Daehyun doesn’t know.


 “It’s nice to see you again, kid.” Yongguk greeted him and Daehyun could feel his heart ache again. He still hasn’t called my name yet. After all what we have gone through, he never called my name, even once. When will Yongguk hyung call me by my name instead of kid or boy? When?

Daehyun could feel tears well up again by the thought. He held it back again and forced a smile.

“It’s nice to see you again, hyung.” Daehyun hugged him and the blonde hugged him back before they broke it.

“Where are we going today, Yongguk hyung?” Daehyun asked as he tilted his head in the side and Yongguk chuckled at Daehyun’s action.

“We’ll stop by at the piano studio first then the rest is a surprise.” Yongguk pressed his finger in his lips in a keep it quiet manner. Daehyun pouts at the lack of detail but grins. They were always like this anyways.

He nodded his head and Yongguk grins and clasped his hand with the younger making Daehyun blush in response. He kept his head low and Yongguk just chuckled and led the younger to the piano studio.


Daehyun looked at the mirror, his fingers tracing his neck and he closed his eyes as he sighs. Suddenly he felt something cool on his neck and his eyes fluttered open. His eyes widen in shock and his cheeks flushed red.

He felt a familiar cling and he found himself holding the necklace.

“It looks good on you.”

Someone whispers near his ear and Daehyun felt his cheeks burn red from the husky whisper that he knew so well.

“Yongguk hyung…” He trailed off as he looked at his reflection at the mirror. Yongguk placed his hands on his shoulder and smiled at him.

“It looks good on you and definitely suits you.”

Daehyun holds the ring that has a treble clef inside and he smiles warmly at Yongguk.

“Yeah, you’re right hyung. It’s beautiful.” Daehyun whispers lowly but Yongguk caught it and he stared at their reflection with a smile.

Seok and Seol smiling at the corner.



“I…I’m leaving hyung…” Daehyun continued as he looked down and played with his fingers. “I’m leaving for U.S. tomorrow. I’m going there…I…I’m not going to leave you forever hyung! I…I…I’m just going to have a surgery there. They need to have me there before my lung cancer worsens…” Daehyun looked up at Yongguk who was silent and was just staring at him with a blank face

Daehyun bit his lips.

“I…I’m sorry hyung. For everything I have done to you and thank you. Thank you for everything that you have given to me and the memories that we shared. I’m glad to have met you.” Daehyun felt his tears well up in his eyes as he finished his sentence. It wasn’t because he was leaving Yongguk that broke his heart, it’s because that Yongguk didn’t give any reaction or any response to what he said. It’s as if he’s talking to no one.

It breaks his heart that Yongguk was disappointed at him, angry at him or even worse hated him. He knows his over-thinking things but he can’t help it. He doesn’t know what these feelings are nor does he know why he is acting like this.

Tears flowed out from his eyes.

He whimpers as he nods his head as he took Yongguk’s silence as an answer. He turns around and starts to walk away as tears flowed down from his eyes.


 “Daehyun ah…” Yongguk calls out and Daehyun froze. I’m going to make things well before he leaves. I need him to tell him what he should know.

Daehyun couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Did Yongguk just called out his name? Is he hearing things right or was he just hallucinating?

This can’t be happening. After all the time that we shared, he only calls my name right now?

“Daehyun ah…pabo, you don’t need to be sorry. I should be the one who should say sorry to you for not telling my feelings for you.”

Daehyun pulls away and look at him quizzically making Yongguk chuckle.

“Daehyun, I’ve got something to tell you.” Yongguk smiled at the younger making Daehyun’s heart beats faster; his cheeks heating up. The blonde went closer to the brunette and caressed his cheek.

“I love you.”


“I’m so sorry hyung! I’m so sorry!” He broke down as he got on his knees. His hands brought up to his face, hiding his beauty for the world to see. Yongguk knelt down in front of him and hugged him and gently rubbed circles in his back and whispers loving words to the younger’s ear to calm him down but it seems to aggravate the younger’s sobs.

Daehyun pushed him away making Yongguk look at him with worry and care.

“I’m so sorry hyung! I want to love but I can’t! I can’t love because I don’t know how to love.” Daehyun yells at him as he sobs harder and louder that left Yongguk stunned for a minute and after a minute passed by, he smiles warmly to the younger.

He pulls the younger in embrace and Daehyun buries his face on his chest, sobbing loudly. He rakes his fingers through his hair, caressing the soft silky locks and his free hand pulling him closer by his waist.

“Please tell me what love hyung…is so that I could at least know even the slightest knowledge.” Daehyun pleaded through his sobs and Yongguk nuzzles his nose on Daehyun soft locks.

Love is like the wind, you can't see it but you can feel it. There is never a time or place for true love. It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat, in a single flashing, throbbing moment.” Yongguk whispers to Daehyun and the younger whimpers as new hot tears rolls down from his eyes.

“You stole my heart Jung Daehyun. You stole my heart.”


“H-hyung…I’m so sorry…I’m sorry…” I cried out to him. He hugs me tighter than before and I clutched on his more, damping his shirt with my tears more.

“I’m so sorry…” I whispered out and felt myself calm down a bit, but my heart denies it. It’s broken and crying out to me that it knows how to love but it can’t because I turn blind on it and buried it.

Yongguk hyung pulls away and looked at me. I sniffed as my tears continue roll down from my eyes. He pecked my forehead before nuzzling his nose with mine. He pulls away and his thumb wipes off my tears before leaning down again to capture my lips.


I leaned down to capture his lips. His lips as I have expected is indeed soft and very addicting. I pulled away and I grinned as I saw his tears seemed to stop. I wiped the remaining tears and pecked his nose as he giggled a bit.

I leaned my forehead with his and stared at his eyes as he stared at me back with those beautiful orbs that are the one instantly made me fall in love with him.

“Daehyun ah, it is okay if you don’t love me yet but I do know that you like me. Loving someone takes a lot of risk in his life and you’re still young. I don’t want you to live life so rashly. So I want you to go to U.S. for your treatment. I’ll be here, waiting for you for your return I won’t be sad or disappointed or angry because you’ll leave me, but remember this, okay?”

I pecked his lips before continuing.

“Remember that I’ll be missing you so much, okay?”


“Hyung…” Daehyun looked at me with puppy eyes and I just laughed at him, pinching his cheeks in the process.

“Hyuuung!” Daehyun whines at me and I chuckled. This kid is seriously getting cuter and cuter. Youngjae gladly moved the flight by the next four days after the night. He wanted us to fix up the mistakes that we had and did our best to maintain the relationship.

And no, we’re still not together, if you’re thinking that we’re together. We’re not.

We’re at the airport and I was seeing him off and he was whining at me that he doesn’t want to leave me behind. Aish, this bunny is going to be the death of me!

“You have to go Daehyunnie! You need to get your treatment or you don’t want hyung to be angry at you for not going?” I jokingly threatened him and he pouted adorably. How cute!


I stuck out my tongue at him before childishly grinning.

“You won’t be angry at me! Or else you won’t be able to see me for the rest of your life!” I responded back with a sly smile as he widens his eyes. I laughed and leaned to give him a peck in the cheek.

I blushed. Aish! I’m still not used to this.

I held my luggage and turned around to leave. I looked around and saw him waving his hands at me with a smile on his face.

‘I love you.’ He mouthed to me and I blushed more. I gave him a smile before turning back my attention to my terminal.

Youngjae is right. Being loved deeply by someone gives you strength and loving someone deeply gives you courage. Even though I’m still not sure about my feelings of loving Yongguk hyung, I do know that I like him and maybe when I return, I will love him.

What Yongguk hyung said was right. I’m still young for this and that it may not be the right time, but when I return I’ll give him back his heart that I secretly stole from him.

I giggled before spotting Zelo and Youngjae near my terminal. I waved at them and they waved back.

Wait for me hyung. I’ll come back healthy and I’ll love you to the fullest.


Dear Yongguk-sshi,

First of all, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for taking your background information. I’m so sorry for all the trouble that I have caused you that day. I’m sorry for making you face the consequences for making you late. I’m sorry for the mark on your face. I’m sorry for everything.

Yongguk-sshi…when you read this, I won’t be alive anymore instead Youngjae will give you this. I know are meeting that day will soon be a memory that you will forget but if you’ll remember, then I’m sorry.

I’m sorry if I won’t be able to pay you back with the trouble that I have caused you. I’m sorry if I can’t pay you for what I owe you. I’m really sorry.

I know I have no right to say this, but I’m asking you a favour, Yongguk-sshi. Will you please take care of my brother?

I know it’s crazy to let a stranger take care of someone’s brother but I’m one of it. I’m crazy to ask for your help to take care of my brother. I don’t want to leave him, but I have no choice. My lung cancer is on 4th stage already and I have no hope of living anymore.

Will you please take care of him for me?  I know that I could have asked someone else for this, but ever since that day that we met, the day when you saved me, the day when you smiled genuinely and warmly at me, I’ve trusted you.

Even though it’s crazy to trust a stranger but I trust you, Yongguk-sshi.

Please take care of my brother and love him dearly.

His name is Jung Daehyun, my lovable younger brother.

Thank you Yongguk-sshi.

Sincerely yours, Jung David


Come back to me safely Jung Daehyun. Don’t you dare leave me or find anyone there in U.S because I’m not there. Remember that I’m here waiting for your return.

Word Count:  10,754

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bangdaebak #1
Chapter 6: Yay a happy ending omfg thank god. This was beautiful and cute at the same time. Bless david.

Thank you for writing xx
XaraKAI #2
Chapter 6: Happy Ending!!!!
Gr....bang is acting so cute in the final chappie, pouting & whining <3
Chapter 6: Ah that was beautiful ;A;
I loved Himchan's role in the story. That's pretty much how he would act like in reality. XD
I have a question though: What happened to Youngjae and Zelo? :o
Chapter 6: EEEEEEEP
i'm happy because bangdae
this story is sonehow confusing because there are so many things going on but well it's crystal clear now (except on why did the seok seol twin call yongguk master)
i've enjoyed this ^^ thank you for writing and sharing ~
Chapter 4: Not everyone will end up with their soulmates.
XaraKAI #6
Chapter 3: I am grinning n giggling th whole time, nope!!! U don't fail in fluff, far from it.
Who are going to separate them? Why? Why was daehyun 'david'?
Tightening in chest, is dae having heart disease or sth?
Okay, crap load of questions! Forgive me <3 and plz update soon!
Chapter 3: Who are those two brave-idiotic-imbeciles that dares to separate BangDae. /inserts flipping table emoticon. /inserts rage. /inserts flipping the bangdae tag.
omg this is too lovely ;w; its 03.00 am here in the morning and im drowned on my own bangdae feels
david daehyun omg im kinda confused what actually happened to daehyun why cant he remember anything about yongguk
well im dying here too much feelings TwT
update soon
Chapter 2: Asdfghjkl the story needs more attention. Omg feels everywhere ;_;<3<3<3<3<3
Chapter 1: interesting i cant wait :D ♡