
Perfect Symphony

2 years later---

Yongguk’s POV

It’s been 2 years since that incident. I couldn’t remember it clearly though, but I do remember my horrible night together with Himchan pestering me about what happened while I was on my way home. Of course, I couldn’t tell him that I, Bang Yongguk, have the decency to help out a weird kid out of the dangerous roads of the town.

My perfect image of being a badass will be ruined.

Well, no, not really. It was a joke, okay? I just couldn’t tell him that because he would nag me why I kick, which I presume it is a tap by the foot, a helpless boy then drop him off to a park which is also dangerous for him.

So in a way, it’s a no answer.

So I insisted to him that I carried a pregnant woman to the nearest hospital I remember whilst carrying the six heavy bags. I know it’s crazy but it is better that way. After insisting him that I really carried a pregnant woman to a hospital in a span of 2 hours for god-knows-how-many-times, he finally believed it. I’m sure he didn’t buy it, but as long as he doesn’t press on, then it’s good.

And now, I wonder how that boy is doing. I couldn’t remember the details that day (only the night, though) and the boy’s image was blur in my head. I have forgotten about him and I don’t care whether he shows up in front of me or somewhere. I don’t really care. I don’t have anything to do with him anymore.

Reminiscing the past gave me a shiver as I still remember the cold steel hit my face and I remembered that it marked my face. I shivered at the thought of having Himchan slapping me with a spatula again, I dug out my phone, thanking it with my whole heart because it distracted me from remembering the cold steel.

Pressing the green phone and sliding my thumb to the right on the screen, I placed the phone a good measure distance from my ear.

“BANG YONGGUK!!!” Ah, yes, that familiar voice. That irritating voice.

My beautiful mother.

Groaning in displeasure of the voice that I hated so much, I clicked my tongue when my mother started raising her unsatisfying voice.

“MOM!!” I snapped at her, moreover, I yelled at her with frustration. Believe me, that’s not all the frustrations and anger that I have bottled up inside me. That’s just the beginning. She stopped which I sighed in relief.

“Dear…” She started in a calm and soothing voice that I dreaded and yearned for how many years that I lived with her. Why brought it up now?

“M-mom?” I stuttered a bit, completely not used to at the voice that she used awhile ago. I could feel her smiling a bit on the other side.

And I was about to believe that she changed, but I guess not.

“Dear, please go back home. Your fa-“

“Bye mom.”

I hung up immediately before she could even finish that word. I knew she is going to use all means for me to go back to that damn house which I call hell. After escaping that hell, I won’t go back there. Nu-uh. Nope. No way, I’m going back to hell after escaping that.

It’s not that I don’t care for my mom after she gave birth to me, I just took the immediate small action of her not caring for me as a sign that I’m not welcome to her own precious petty world, which I’m glad because ‘he’ was there in her precious petty world.

Dropping my phone on the hand-made basket by Himchan as I make my way out of the office, I went up to the 2nd floor to check on things. The café is pretty well. The workers are doing well on their jobs. Smiling, greeting new customers, taking up orders and others. Customers have satisfactory smiles on their faces and I could see some familiar faces.

Some customers’ waves at me as they go down to leave and I wave back to them. They were one of the customers that come here daily.

Yes, I’m running a business if that’s what you’re thinking. I’ve been running this baby for 2 years already. And yes, I’ve started this 2 years ago. I’ve been running this café back then and I remember it was still small and supplies were still limited and the workers were just me and Himchan and two loyal workers, but a lot of customers still come by to eat which I’m pleased.

And when I look at my café now, I’m overjoyed. This is one of my dreams that I wanted to accomplish.

“And you did.” Someone answered me as if reading my mind. I turned around and found Himchan looking at his delicate fingernails, which I noticed the newly polished fingernails with  a new pedicure.

Red. Perfect.

He takes one more look on it before shifting his gaze straight at my eyes.

“There’s someone at the main entrance. He was looking for you.” Himchan said with a tell-me-the-details-later look which gave me shivers. I nodded and strutted down stairs. There are also seats downstairs and it’s all full. The café is two-story and the biggest café in the district. They could go to the rooftop since there is a garden there and a shade to protect them from sunlight.

I’m proud of this café and I’m proud of everyone who works hard.

I noticed a familiar figure on the entrance and the more closer I went to him, the more I recognize him.

“Kris?” I asked, completely not sure if I was right. He smiled so I was right. We hugged as a sign of greeting and I pulled him to the nearest vacant table. We sat down and immediately a waitress came by.

“Ah, Juyoung, give me two Americano, please.” Juyoung nodded and was about to write when Kris stopped her.

“Make it one Americano and one green tea latte, please.” Kris smiled at her and she nodded as she wrote down the orders and excused herself. I raised an eyebrow to him.

“You’re not drinking Americano anymore?” I asked completely baffled by his sudden change of drink. He always drinks Americano and now he changed? He smiled sheepishly at me before scratching the back of his neck.

“Yixing forced me to drink green tea latte and well, yeah, you know.” He left the end with no detail at all and I understand. We’ve been best friends since middle school and I knew Yixing is a feisty one.

I smirked. “I told you, he’ll change who you are. Americano was one of your immortal drinks that you would never change but now you’re ordering a green tea latte. What a perfect way to destroy your will, Kris.” I half-mocked and half-joked. It was true anyways, he would often boast to me that he wouldn’t change his drink and now he is.

He sighed and took out his wallet and slipped in $200 on the table and groaned. I laughed and took the money on the table.

Yeah, we betted.

I bet on him that he would change and he said he won’t. Tsk, he proudly boasted that he won’t and now he changed, great.

“I hate you…” He mumbled once our drinks came and Juyoung left. I took a sip on my coffee before looking at him leisurely drinking his tea.

“What did you come here for?” I asked once I placed down my cup. He eyed me before smirking.

“I’ve got two tickets for the concert in Busan you’ve dying to have.” He grins a bit when he waves the two tickets in the air and his grin widen once he saw my shocked expression and he grins widely when I paid him back the $200.

I raked my fingers through my hair in frustration and moreover, in defeat. I heard Kris laughed and I groaned. He chuckles and stuffs the ticket back to his wallet.

“How did you get the tickets?” I asked him. I was about to order when they said it’s all sold out. So how the hell did he get one, especially two?

He smirks and I know he did something to get those.

“You bribed Yixing didn’t you?” I narrowed my eyes on him. Yixing was one of the managers in the band. He is the one who fixes where the concert is going to be held and holds the authority in the ticket session.

His smirk grew wider. “Well…” He checks his fingernails and takes a sip on his latte before continuing. “A bit, maybe.” He smiled innocently at him and I lightly kicked him on the leg.

“You bastard! You bribed Yixing with ‘that’?” I hissed at him and he blinks before standing up, picking up his latte as he stands up.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. The concert is in two weeks. I’ll tell you where we’ll meet up. Bye~” He bid farewell and waves before leaving the café. I sighed.

“He really got guts to bribe Yixing with a unicorn doll. Horrible” I shook my head and drank my coffee before standing up and leave to meet up with Himchan in the office.


“Who was that?” Is the first thing that Himchan told me when I entered the office. I loosened my tie and ed one of the buttons so that I could breathe more properly.

“It’s just Kris, my best friend since middle school.” I replied as I make way to my desk. Himchan nodded and grabbed my arm making me stop before I could even reach my desk.

“What?” I asked as I raised my eyebrow. He sighed before pulling me together with him.

“Hey, wait!”

“You’ll know when we get there, Bang.”


“Give me one legit reason why I’m here, Him.” I hissed at him and he just blinked on me innocently.

“It’s because you need fresh air, Bang. That’s why. You’ve been locked up for two days in your office. You didn’t even come home!” Himchan retorted back with a glare that made me sink back in the bench and squirm a bit.

Damn. I knew I should have gone home. I made him worried about me when I told myself I shouldn’t do that.  Sighing a bit, I found him smiling at me and I smiled back.

“I’ll go get us some food. You could wander a bit around the park just don’t wander off too much, okay?” Himchan said to me and I nodded my head. He left off and I watched his retreating figure dissipates into nothing from far away.

I sighed a bit and looked at the sky.

Yongguk led the latter further in the park and made him sit down on one of the benches. He crouched making him look up on the younger’s face who stared back at him with less puffy red eyes.

The corner of his lips tugged a bit upwards as he placed down the plastic bags down on the ground. Okay, he got to admit. He doesn’t hate this kid. Despite all what he had done to him, he didn’t hate him very much, but that doesn’t mean he likes him. He doesn’t like him at all. But that’s better than hating the younger, right?

He looked at those melted hazelnut eyes and once again Yongguk were drowned on those eyes. He gulped before chuckling.

“Hey, kid.” He flicks the younger on the forehead just like what Himchan did to him this afternoon but his was a bit lighter than Himchan’s. “You’ve caused a lot of trouble to me and you owe me so much.” He paused as he searched for any reaction from the younger and he was glad when the younger’s eyes widen in shock and surprise as if he doesn’t know how the hell he got him in trouble and how much he owed him.

Well, really, he doesn’t know.

Chuckling deeply, he ruffled the younger’s hair and stood up, picking up the once abandoned bags. “You can pay me anything though, but I won’t take it now; in the future maybe, when we meet again. Just remember, okay?” Yongguk bid his farewell to the younger and started to walk away.

A piece of the incident last 2 years ago came back and I remembered the kid now. His hair is brunette and silky, eyes that are melted hazelnut, lips pinkish-red yet chapped and pale skin. He was crying yet his eyes were happy despite he was crying like a baby.

Funny, though. I didn’t get his name nor do I know what his age is.

While in deep thought, I didn’t know that I was walking. While in deep thought, I didn’t see someone running towards me with his head turned at the back as if he was checking someone was chasing after him. While in deep thought, I didn’t see him crash into me.

My head was the first one to fall on the soft ground and my body received a great blow and I’m having a hard time to breathe. And I didn’t know that my eyes were closed when he collided to me.

I opened my eyes and my eyes met with a familiar melted hazelnut eyes and I drowned in those eyes once more. I felt the familiar spark in my heart and more pieces of the incident back then came back.

He sighs and placed down the bags on the pavement before raking his fingers on his hair.

‘This kid already gives me so many headaches.’  Yongguk thought and sighed loudly, forgetting for a moment that the brunette is staring at him with tear-filled eyes.

When he snapped out of his thoughts, his eyes locked for a moment with the younger. Staring at those hazelnut eyes for a moment, Yongguk drowns on those melted hazelnut eyes.

An undefined feeling sparks on his heart like an electrifying feeling that coursed throughout his body and Yongguk didn’t like that feeling. Not at all.

Shaking his head, he grabbed the younger’s arm.

Not a good choice Yongguk. Seriously, not a good choice.

When Yongguk got a hold of the younger’s arm, the brunette grew more scared and fear creeped throughout his body as tears started to flow like a waterfall making Yongguk look at him incredulously.

I didn’t like what I’m feeling now but how could these eyes make me drown and make all of my movement restrained? 

Just as I was to drown more and be bewitched on those eyes, the person got off me which I’m glad because he’s seriously taking the air I needed. I sat up, coughing a bit and a hand reached out to me. I looked at the boy who was being a silhouette because of the sun and next to the hand before (rudely) pushing it away and stood up. I brushed off the dirt and fixed my clothes.

I looked at the boy and my eyes widen at the sight.

Rich dark brown hair, eyes that are melted hazelnut, lips pinkish-red yet chapped and pale skin.

He’s the boy I met two years ago!

“Y-you…” I stuttered a bit as I notice that he matured. His facial feature last two years ago was young like a baby and now he looks so mature.

I felt my cheeks burn up a bit but something changed. He looks the same yet…something changed. I couldn’t put what it is, but I do know that there’s something that changed.

“Are you okay?” A voice snapped my train of thoughts and I eyed him. He was looking at me with a bored look and he released an exasperated sigh when I didn’t respond.

Does he want to get on my nerve like last time?

“Yeah, I’m fine.” I retorted with a scowl on my face at his impudence. He nodded before smirking.

“Good. I don’t want to owe you or something.”

‘Owe? You owe me so much back then!’ I thought. I was bewildered by his statement. Doesn’t he remember me? I was the one who saved him from danger! The nerve of this boy just like last time!

“Hey kid, don’t you re-“

“Daehyun. My name is Daehyun. Jung Daehyun.” He told his name and I didn’t notice that I was chanting his name in my head.

Daehyun, Daehyun, Daehyun.

I snapped out of my chanting when he asked something.

“Pardon?” I coughed and I notice his eyes roll. I hissed in the inside at the lack of respect from this boy.

“Your name. I asked for you name.” He repeated his question and I nodded.

“Why would I tell you my name if we wouldn’t see each other again?” I narrowed my eyes on him and he just chuckled.

Did I say something funny for him to chuckle?

“You would never know that we would meet again, you know.”

After his statement, I found myself saying me name.

“Yongguk. Bang Yongguk.” I told my name without a second thought and I scolded myself for telling this boy my name.

“Oh stop regretting telling your name to me. I’m not conning you or something. At least when we meet again, I would know your name and you wouldn’t call me kid. It’s a win-win situation.” He smiled to me and I felt my breathe being taken away from me.

I stopped at my reverie when I saw him having a panic face. I was confused. Why?

“Daehyun!” Someone called out from afar.

I looked past him and saw a rich gold hair and I knew now why he was running and collided to me. He was running away from this man.

I heard him cuss and I sighed. Guess I have to save him again, huh?

I grabbed his arm and pulled him with me.

Hiding in a nearby tree, the kid on my chest and in my embrace; I clamped my hand in his mouth to stop him from thrashing and making a noise from the sudden action I executed.

“Daehyun!” The person called again and I could tell he was nearby the tree that we were hiding from. I pulled the kid closer to my chest and I hissed a bit when I heard the person’s footsteps just near the tree.

“I wonder where Daehyun went.”

“Hyung!” A high-pitched voice called out. There are two of them?! Does this kid have done such a horrible thing to them that they are after him?

“Ah, Zelo, have you seen Daehyun?”

“No, hyung. Have you?” The Zelo person asked. I looked at Daehyun who has his eyes shut for some reason. I restrained my chuckle and prayed to the heavens to let the two person go away.

And my prayer were answered.

“Aish, that boy really gives me headache!” Yeah, I know what you’re talking about.

“Let’s look for him back at his house, maybe he went back there.” And footsteps were heard going away and I sighed in relief. I looked behind and saw no one in particular. I released the boy and watched him gasp for air and heaved a lot of air.

Oops, guess I went too far. I chuckled and he glared at me.

“What did you do that for?” He yelled at me and I smirked.

“I just saved you from losing your breath.” I told him smoothly and he looked at me, bewildered.

“Huh?” I swear this boy is going to be the death of me.

“I saved you from them. You were running for an hour or two away from them, I assume and if you were to run again when they are near, you’ll be caught. And all your efforts of running away from them are wasted.” I smirked when I saw him blush.

This kid grew cute. Not bad.

I chuckled when he turned away and sputtered. I heard him sigh and he went towards me and stopped good meters away.

“I owe you now. So what do you want?” I heard him sigh again and I raised an eyebrow. Kid, you’ve got to be kidding me. I told you to remember me when you owe me last time.

Guess I can’t help it when he doesn’t remember.

“You owe me before…” I found myself mumbling. He looked at me quizzically and I sighed. I was about to say what I wanted when a voice cut through it.

“Yonggukkie!” A husky yet high-pitched voice called out to me from afar. I immediately knew who this was.


I looked at the boy before sighing.

“Kid-“ I was cut off when he screamed at me his name. I ignored it and continued. “Kid, I’ve got to go. Someone is calling out to me already. You owe me and I would be getting it sooner or later. Just remember it, okay?”

This is too familiar.

I left the boy alone and was a good distance away from him when I heard him shout.

“I’ll make sure to remember you, Yongguk! And my name is not kid! It’s Daehyun! Jung Daehyun!” I smiled and went my way to see Himchan.

---End of POV

Daehyun’s POV

I don’t know how the hell I got into a situation like this. I’m running, yes. And I don’t know why. Youngjae and Zelo are chasing after me and I seriously don’t know why they are chasing after me. Why are they chasing after me again?

“Youngjae-ah! I don’t want to go to the hospital!” I whined but no, he didn’t listen to me and kept pulling me to the entrance of the hospital. I hate hospital after grapes. I don’t know why, but I just hate it. I guess because of the awful stench and the needles and others.

I hissed at Youngjae and I had planned to get away from his grip. I went behind a little and kicked his leg from the back. He yelped in pain and lost grip on me. I took my chance to run away.

I was at a good distance away when I heard Youngjae’s loud voice telling Zelo to catch me. I fasten my pace because that young boy knows how to run.

I’m not sick, okay? They’re just on the troll of getting me in the hospital for daily check-up. I have-

“Hyung!” I heard Zelo’s voice from afar and I knew I was dead meat. I ran more and much quicker than before and I lost him when I mingled with the crowd and took a turn to the park.

I hope he doesn’t take a turn also.

Oh, right. They want me to have my daily check-up, so that’s why I’m running. I turned my head to check if anyone was behind me and I collided with something hard.

I groaned and for a moment I thought I collided with a tree, but it wasn’t. The tree isn’t soft yet sturdy. I pushed myself up and I saw someone under me. I met with a dark chocolate orbs that seems to shine. For a moment, I was bewitched with those eyes as if telling me to know more of the guy under me and with that crap, I snapped out with my reverie.

I got off him and brushed any imaginary dusts from my clothes. I watched him sit up and coughed up a bit. Was I too heavy? I think I’m not. Even though I eat a lot, I didn’t weigh that much.

I reached out my hand to him to help him stand up but he pushed it away and stood up and brushed off the dirt and fixed his clothes. How rude! I was helping him stand up and now he rejects it? How rude of this guy!

I felt my temper rising in a minute because of this guy. Believe me, I’m not like this, but this guy seriously has to tip it off.

He stared at me as if he knew me. Well one thing for sure. I don’t know him.

“Y-you…” He stuttered and I looked at him bewildered. Does he know me? With him staring at me like that made me uncomfortable. Not wanting this atmosphere, I was the one who broke it first.

“Are you okay?” I asked with my bored face. He didn’t respond and I sighed exasperated by his lack of response.

 “Yeah, I’m fine.” He retorted with a scowl and I find myself nodding and smirking.

“Good. I don’t want to owe you or something.” I stated. Really, I don’t want to owe anyone because I don’t know what they want. They could get a million dollars from me or turn me into a slave or something. And from the looks of this guy, I bet he works in a club or something.

And then he spoke. What he said made me snap.

 “Daehyun. My name is Daehyun. Jung Daehyun.” I hissed at him before scowling. I don’t like being called ‘kid’ or ‘boy’. I feel so small and I feel that I’m being mistreated with those being called at me instead of my name.

I wasn’t letting him get away with this. I need to get my revenge for calling me a ‘kid’.

“What’s your name?” I asked but he wasn’t listening to me.

 “Pardon?” He coughed and I rolled my eyes. He’s annoying me already. He wasn’t even paying attention to me! Is his brain flying somewhere?

“Your name. I asked for you name.” I said one more time and he nodded. And what he said made me stifle my laughter.

“Why would I tell you my name if we wouldn’t see each other again?” He asked me as he narrowed his eyes and I couldn’t help but chuckle instead.

 “You would never know that we would meet again, you know.” And in that way, I could execute my revenge on you.

 “Yongguk. Bang Yongguk.” He replied and I saw his face turn into a scowl and I immediately knew he was scolding himself for telling his name to me without a second thought. I smirked.

“Oh stop regretting telling your name to me. I’m not conning you or something. At least when we meet again, I would know your name and you wouldn’t call me kid. It’s a win-win situation.” I smiled to him to ease his worries when I heard a familiar voice.


I immediately grew panic by his voice. He was going to take me back to the hospital!

“Daehyun!” Someone called out from afar.

“.” Oh god, he’s here! Oh my gosh! What do I do? What do I do? I was in my panic state when Yongguk grabbed my arm and pulled me with him. I shut my eyes and found myself slammed back to the soft yet sturdy form. I opened my eyes and I found myself on his chest, pressed by his arm around my shoulder and a hand at my mouth.

My heart was beating fast and I heard Youngjae’s voice. He was near as if he was behind the tree that we were hiding from.

“Daehyun!” I could feel Yongguk pressing me harder on his chest, his grip a bit hard on my shoulder and I knew this is going to bruise a little later. I breathed in through my nose since I can’t breathe through my mouth because of his hand covering it.

“I wonder where Daehyun went.” I shut my eyes and I could feel my heartbeat beating faster and louder. I knew this isn’t because of Youngjae calling out my name, but I knew this is because of the guy. I was, in a regretful situation, on his chest for one. Two, I could feel the warmth spread through my body because of his body warmth. Three, I never did a close contact with people before except for Youngjae and Zelo and Fourth, I could literally hear his heartbeat.

I flushed up in red and I knew my face is going to be like this and I don’t want him to see it. I lowered my head and pressed my head on his chest a bit more in order for me to hide my flushed face.

I was too busy keeping up my flushed face and trying to maintain my beating heart that Yongguk released me and I stumbled a bit backwards from the lost of air. I didn’t know I was holding my breath while I was keeping up my flushed face from him.

I gasped for a lot of air and inhaled and exhaled. I heard a chuckle and I immediately shifted my gaze at him and glared at him. The nerve to laugh at me!

 “What did you do that for?” I yelled at him and he just smirked. He freakin’ smirked! I was about to snap when he beat me to it.

“I just saved you from losing your breath.” He replied to me. Save me? What the hell was that suppose to mean?

“Huh?” I was beyond confused. How was that saving me? I didn’t even ask for his help! I could perfectly run on my own!

“I saved you from them. You were running for an hour or two away from them, I assume and if you were to run again when they are near, you’ll be caught. And all your efforts of running away from them are wasted.” My eyes widened and I blushed. I guess he did have a point. I do have short legs and I know I won’t be able to run when they are so near from my back. They’ll catch me immediately!

I looked away and sputtered. I knew I owe him this time. I sighed and turned to him and went towards him and stopped at a good measure.

 “I owe you now. So what do you want?” I asked before I sighed again. I really hate owing someone. I heard him mumble and I couldn’t figure it out what it is. I looked at him, bewildered and watch him sigh. He was about to speak when someone called out.

 “Yonggukkie!” A husky yet high-pitched voice called out. I’m guessing it’s a boy? He turned his head at the side and watch him look at me before sighing.

“Kid-“ I cut him off and I growled.

“Daehyun! It’s Daehyun!” I snapped at him.

“Kid, I’ve got to go. Someone is calling out to me already. You owe me and I would be getting it sooner or later. Just remember it, okay?” He said before leaving. I could feel my jaw slacken. He dared to call me kid, again?! I stomped my feet on the ground in frustration before sighing a bit to myself.

I got out of the grass and stepped on the soft ground. I looked at him and shouted.

 “I’ll make sure to remember you, Yongguk! And my name is not kid! It’s Daehyun! Jung Daehyun!”

I puffed my cheeks and smiled a bit.

Bang Yongguk, huh? I’ll be sure to remember that.


It was night time. I haven’t heard from Youngjae nor Zelo. I was in my bed dressed in pyjamas after I showered. My eyes darted to the picture on my desk. I reached for it and sat up. I traced my finger on the two young boys. I smiled.

“Hyung! Wait for me!” I whined as I saw my hyung getting ready to picture. He smiled at me and gestured to me to run faster and I did my best to run faster.

I arrived by his side while gasping in some air. I felt my chest tighten from lack of air and even though I’m gasping for air now, it’s still tightening for some reason. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up. I saw my hyung having a worried face and my heart ache.

I smiled and showed him that I’m fine.

“Are you okay, Daehyunnie?”

“I’m fine, hyung. Don’t worry.” I smiled to him with my best force. I straightened up and he smiled a bit and raised the camera up in the air. I made a peace sign and hyung puts his arm around my waist and I smiled wider.


“A bitter-sweet memory…” A tear fell out from eye and the tear dropped on the glass.

“Hyung…” I cried again this night when I vowed I wouldn’t just few nights ago.


“You at playing the guitar.” I found myself saying to Yongguk hyung. I was just walking around the park when I saw him sitting on one of the benches.

I guess I’m not the only one who wakes up at 4 in the morning.

I sneaked up on him and went behind him. I hear him strumming the guitar and I thought he’s a good guitarist.

I talk too soon.

I found myself blocking my ears from the horrendous noise the guitar is making. What the hell is he doing to the guitar?! Is he going to destroy it?!

Then it came to this that I told him he at playing the guitar and I was amused when I saw him jump and stumbled on the floor with a shock and pale face.

“Thought I was a ghost?” I revealed myself from the dark shade of the trees. He glared at me and I chuckled.

“Great to see you here, Yongguk hyung.” I greeted him with an amused face.

I’m going to enjoy this day.

---End of POV

Yongguk’s POV

“Great to see you here, Yongguk hyung.” He greeted me with his amused face. I hardened my glare and hissed at him. How the hell did he sneak up on me and why the hell is he up at 4 in the morning?!

I stood up and brushed off the dirt with my free hand. I glowered at him and he smirked.

“What are you doing here, brat?” I asked him and he scowled.

“How many times do I have to tell you that I’m Daehyun?!” He retorted with a growl. I ignored it and repeated my question.

“What are you doing here at this kind of time? It’s 4 in the morning and you’re awake?” I raised an eyebrow on him and he just rolled his eyes.

“Can’t a normal person wake up at 4 am? Then why are you awake at 4 am?” He asked me and I just sighed.

“Luhan and Yixing gave me an instrumental song that they both composed and they asked me to make lyrics out of it. I couldn’t make lyrics out of the instrumental so I decided to pluck it in the guitar in the same tune to make out lyrics from it.” I said in one breathe and I just realized I told the boy that I met twice why I’m here in 4 in the morning.

He stared at me with those eyes and I simply can’t help but be drowned again. My eyes snapped out of it, when I followed him sit on the previous bench that I sat on. He patted the bench beside him and I understood. I went towards him and sat beside him but I made sure not to get too close to him as if know each other so well.

“Give me the guitar.” He told me. I looked at him quizzically and he groaned.

“Why?” I asked as I narrowed my eyes on him. He quickly snatched the guitar from me and my eyes widen with his quick speed.

Quick witty kid

I smirked and watched him pluck some string. He looked at me and smiled and I caught myself blushing a bit.

“Give me the player.”


He rolled his eyes and strums some strings.

“I’m going to help you in the lyrics.” He stated so simply and I gave him the player. I watched him put the earphones in his ear.

He bobbed his head a bit in the rhythm and he started strumming the guitar. I watched him take my notebook and jotted some notes.

It’s been an hour already and I’m still watching him. I couldn’t believe that I didn’t move at my seat at all and that I was captivated at him.

After a half of an hour, he took off the earphones. He looked at his notes and nodded his head and handed me over my notebook.

I looked at him with a raised eyebrow and he just gestured me to read it. I looked at the page.

I hear the familiar tune of the song but this time it’s in a guitar.

And what happened next made my heart swell.

He sang. He ing sang and I couldn’t believe that my ears were hearing the most beautiful music that I have ever heard. I can’t believe the my heart ache in pain as he sang the song he wrote. I can’t believe that I freakin’ let him do all of this to me.

Moonlight shone on me as I watch it with glee

Every beat and tempo leaves my heart

As silence vanish together

With the cold distil night

I gaze at the moon lovingly

Yearning for its love

For you, my love is there

In the moon

I looked at him and he hummed as his fingers delicately pluck the strings and I can’t help but be captivated by the sight.

My love, the beats of my heart are like twinkles

In the sky, shining throughout the sky

Showing you how many beats of my heart

For you

They dance in the rhythm of your voice

My love dance together with your melodic whispers

The tempo of the rhythm beats together

With our love

He hums again and I feel my throat dries. Our eyes met, locked in for the dying minutes as he continues to hum. He smiles and looks down before closing his eyes.

Moonlight shone on me as I watch it with glee

Every beat and tempo leaves my heart

As silence vanish together

With the cold distil night

I gaze at the moon lovingly

Yearning for its love

For you, my love is there

In the moon

In the moon~

In the moon, our music collides

My beats together with your voice

Forming a symphony

He finished with a gentle bass hum after plucking the G and A string. He finishes with a smile and handed to me my guitar.

“Is it good?” He asked out of the blue. I was stunned so I wasn’t able to answer quickly as he expected me to. He looked at me and I saw something beneath it but I can’t see what it was. Or was I just afraid to know what it was?

“Come on. Let me treat you for breakfast.” I found myself telling him after I locked in with his eyes. He blinked as if he was puzzled with my statement that I have just said. I grinned a bit and pulled him up with me for breakfast.

Well, this is going to be great day.

Word Count:6,537

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bangdaebak #1
Chapter 6: Yay a happy ending omfg thank god. This was beautiful and cute at the same time. Bless david.

Thank you for writing xx
XaraKAI #2
Chapter 6: Happy Ending!!!!
Gr....bang is acting so cute in the final chappie, pouting & whining <3
Chapter 6: Ah that was beautiful ;A;
I loved Himchan's role in the story. That's pretty much how he would act like in reality. XD
I have a question though: What happened to Youngjae and Zelo? :o
Chapter 6: EEEEEEEP
i'm happy because bangdae
this story is sonehow confusing because there are so many things going on but well it's crystal clear now (except on why did the seok seol twin call yongguk master)
i've enjoyed this ^^ thank you for writing and sharing ~
Chapter 4: Not everyone will end up with their soulmates.
XaraKAI #6
Chapter 3: I am grinning n giggling th whole time, nope!!! U don't fail in fluff, far from it.
Who are going to separate them? Why? Why was daehyun 'david'?
Tightening in chest, is dae having heart disease or sth?
Okay, crap load of questions! Forgive me <3 and plz update soon!
Chapter 3: Who are those two brave-idiotic-imbeciles that dares to separate BangDae. /inserts flipping table emoticon. /inserts rage. /inserts flipping the bangdae tag.
omg this is too lovely ;w; its 03.00 am here in the morning and im drowned on my own bangdae feels
david daehyun omg im kinda confused what actually happened to daehyun why cant he remember anything about yongguk
well im dying here too much feelings TwT
update soon
Chapter 2: Asdfghjkl the story needs more attention. Omg feels everywhere ;_;<3<3<3<3<3
Chapter 1: interesting i cant wait :D ♡