Warm Up

Perfect Symphony

Daehyun bit his lips as he looked everywhere but Yongguk. He was nervous, heck he feels as if he was going to confess to his crush like a girl.

Yongguk sipped his coffee and looked at his food. He picked up his knife and fork and sliced the freshly grilled meat. He forked the cut meat and ate it. He chewed the food a bit before swallowing.

 “Hmm, delicious as always.” Yongguk nodded his head in delight. He looked at Daehyun who was busy looking around and touching his food.

“Hey,” he called out Daehyun and Daehyun snapped his attention towards him.

“Yes?” he asked as he tilts his head in the side. Yongguk stared at him for a moment before shifting his gaze back at the food, slicing the meat.

“Aren’t you going to eat? You’re food is going to be cold.” Yongguk ate the piece of meat and watched Daehyun nods his head and eats the food.

“Ah, right.” Daehyun picked up the fork and the knife as he sliced the beef into half and into quarter. He took the piece of meat into his mouth and chewed it. While chewing a smile grace his lips and starts to slice the egg next.

Yongguk smiles as he saw Daehyun eat in comfort without problem. He nodded his head a bit and continued to eat.

They eat in silence but in a comfortable atmosphere.


“Umm, thanks for the breakfast Yongguk hyung.” Daehyun shyly said as his cheeks grew pink. Yongguk smiled while looking at the sky.. “No problem. It’s at least the thing I can do for your help.”

Daehyun nodded his head and looked at the sky. They were back again to the park they were in awhile ago. The sun was up and was already shining and warming up the place.

“Hey, Daehyun.” Yongguk called out to the younger and the latter looked at him.


“Since we didn’t get a proper introduction and impression at first, I…should at least start off with a better impression? I feel that you’re wary around me from yesterday’s event. What do you say?” Yongguk looked at the younger and he felt his heart beats faster than usual and he feels the familiar spark in his heart.

Daehyun smiles and looks down as he plays with his fingers.

“Sure,” he simply stated but it was good enough for Yongguk. He held out his hand to the younger and introduced himself.

“I’m Bang Yongguk.” Yongguk smiled and Daehyun smiled back as he clasped his hand with Yongguk.

“Daehyun. Jung Daehyun.”

They started with a new impression with each other and with a proper introduction. Daehyun forgets the revenge he has for the older and thinks that he is immature for taking a revenge to the older just because he called him a ‘kid’.

It saddens him a little that the older doesn’t call him by his name but he didn’t pay heed to it and just accepted whatever Yongguk was to call him.

Yongguk on the other hand didn’t forget what happened yesterday that Daehyun owes him yesterday and before. He clearly remembers the trouble he had faced last two years ago and he made sure to get it.

But for now, he would forget that for awhile. He wanted to warm up their friendship and make it stronger. He’s been a type of person who strengthens its friendship with any person he has met.

Take Kris as an example. He knows what the older’s life here and there and he knows what are the small changes are. And because of that, their friendship didn’t falter but instead it strengthens.

They broke the handshake and Yongguk grinned.

“Care to accompany the whole day?”


The day’s been a wreck for Daehyun. Not in a bad way but in between good and bad. He just accompanied Yongguk for the whole day and he didn’t expect it would turn out like this. Yongguk took him to amusement park after they went for a brief walk around the garden park. Yongguk forced him to ride every rides in the amusement park together with him and he couldn’t say no because he would find himself in the middle of the long line.

So he eventually gave up because that always happened when Yongguk would pull him to every ride that he dreaded to ride especially the roller coaster.

He grew pale and he felt sick just by watching the people scream (for help) for fun as they take multiple turns and round and Daehyun could feel his stomach fall.

He was yelling and slapping Yongguk in the arm when the older dragged him to the gate of the roller coaster; he was practically spitting out different profanities and curses to Yongguk when Yongguk picked the front place and he could feel his heart break into many pieces when Yongguk pulled down the seatbelt and his mouth dried when the coaster began to move.

His soul left him when the coaster went up to the highest part and dove down like a pretty bird who wants to boast it’s skill in the sky and Yongguk has to carry him into a nearby bench and slap him several times to make him regain conscience.

After those rides, Yongguk did something return to make up for Daehyun a bit. He led the younger to booths and bought every food in every booth for Daehyun. He even played some bear and gifts booths and won Daehyun some bears, pillows and other stuffs.

Yongguk placed an icing on Daehyun’s nose and laughed at his face and Daehyun in return, slapped the entire cake on Yongguk’s face that the older won for him.

'That's revenge!' Daehyun thought to himself as he laughs mentally. Oh, he did definitely get his revenge. He was lying when he didn't want to get his revenge on the older.

He laughed hard when the cake slid down and Yongguk has a poker face and Daehyun couldn’t help but roll in the ground and clutch his stomach from too much laughing.

“Y-y-you hahahaha, l-l-lo-look fa-fa-fa-fun-hahaha-n-ny, h-hyung!” Daehyun couldn’t even form a coherent sentence from too much laughing and Daehyun stopped laughing when he saw Yongguk pulled his sleeves and ed his top button. He gulped when Yongguk’s eyes flickered to him and Daehyun saw revenge on Yongguk’s eyes. He scrambled up and ran for his life.

Wiping off the icing from his face with his hand and it a bit, Yongguk eyed the rich brown hair on the midst of the crowd. He ignored the stares of the people and got himself a water gun. He walked over to the midst of crowd and kept his eyes on the running brunette.

'Since you owe me before, I'll take this as your compensation to it. You being wet is your payment to me.'

In the end, Daehyun was drenched in cold water because Yongguk decided to play ‘nice’ and put ice on the water gun.

They shared laughter and smiles as they teased and played together.

The next event that happened was shopping. Yongguk dragged the drenched and shivering Daehyun to the cold mall and made the younger shiver more. He leaned to the younger and whispered that it’ll be okay soon.

“It’ll be fine. You won’t be shivering soon.”

Daehyun just nodded his head and followed Yongguk (who has his face sparkly clean) to the department store.

The second event made Daehyun jaw dropped. They went to different expensive shops that Daehyun couldn’t even afford in his life (his lying, though).

“Tidy him up and dressed him beautifully.” That’s the only thing the Yongguk said when he pushed Daehyun to the ladies who were wearing a creepy smile on their face. (Well, no, not really. It’s just that for Daehyun, he thinks those pretty innocent smiles are creepy. His brain is soaked in wet that’s why.)

He looked at Yongguk nervously and the older just grinned at him showing his gums and gestured the younger to follow the ladies. He gulps and just nodded his head and turns his head to the ladies who were already carrying a lot of clothes.

One of the ladies pushed Daehyun to the dressing room and handed him a towel and a first set of clothes. Yongguk just sat down and the other girl who was with the other one brought him a coffee and he thanked her.

“Thanks Seol.”

“Anytime, Master Yongguk.”

Seol went back to her companion and pulled out different set of clothes for Daehyun to try and be comfortable with. Her companion, Seok, pulled her kits and together both of them entered the dressing room and locked it.

Yongguk yawned as he heard Daehyun yelp in shock as to why there are two girls in the dressing room.

The dressing room isn’t any dressing room out there. It’s big and it’s like the room of the world’s famous fashion designer. The ladies wouldn’t dare look at him while he was changing anyways. They are just at the door with a divider in front of them preventing them to see anything. When Daehyun is finished dressing and they aren’t satisfied with the clothes they give him, they would hand him another set of clothes.

They are, after all, have the eyes for fashion.

It took them 3 hours to find the proper clothes for Daehyun and doll him up prettily as they say to Yongguk.  Well, as soon as they close the door and lock it up and heard the yelp from Daehyun, Yongguk fell asleep.

He was woken up by Seol who was smiling at him widely. Yongguk has his highest anticipation when he saw Seol’s wide smile. He knew when Seol smile widely, they have accomplished their mission successfully and that made Yongguk anxious what Daehyun would look.

He sat up and fixed his clothes and eyed Seok who has a smirk plastered on her face. They shared a communication and Seok opened the door of the dressing room.

Daehyun came out with a mixed emotion face. He didn’t know if he should be happy, overjoyed or angry because of the outcome. He chose the second instead and came out with confidence. He was wearing a red button down shirt loose and not tuck in, tied down with a white tie on the collar and above the black vest that layer it paired up with a back tight jeans and his feet (thankfully) donned with a black sneakers with a thin lines of red in the sides.

He was grinning from ear to ear when he saw himself at the mirror. He got to admit that the 3 hours of changing of clothes was fruitful and he got to wear the clothes that suited him and that makes him comfortable to wear. He got to admit also, that he at fashion and he was glad that the ladies dolled him up prettily (He didn’t deny it also). His hair was messy and some of it were sticking out, he got a light powder only because he’s already a natural beauty,  Seok commented and she got so worked up to doll him up prettily but she was grinning, nonetheless with the outcome.

He was overjoyed and he couldn’t express it so he decided to smile as he went his way to Yongguk whose jaw slacken and has a shock expression plastered on his face.

“How do I look, Yongguk hyung?” Daehyun asked in a high-pitched voice than normal. That shows already how overjoyed he is because his eyes were already crescent and his was grinning from ear to ear.

Yongguk, on the other hand, couldn’t answer because the words were stuck on his throat and his mouth was dry. He couldn’t believe that Daehyun could be so…so beautiful like this. Heck he wasn’t beautiful, he was way more than that and Yongguk couldn’t explain it.

“I…” He mouth went dry again when he got the hang of it to say a coherent one. He was completely stunned as he stared at Daehyun. And Daehyun was slightly disappointed. He was expecting a comment from Yongguk but he couldn’t even hear one from him. The twins saw Daehyun’s expression and giggled and went beside him.

“Daehyun oppa! Forgive Yongguk here. He’s probably stunned by you, because your delectable being is too much for him.” Seok whispered and smirked at Yongguk. Seol grinned evilly and whispered to Daehyun’s left ear.

“Yeah, Seok’s right, oppa. Master Yongguk is stunned by your appearance and couldn’t form a word because you are so beautiful. Heck, more than that. So please don’t be disappointed with his reaction instead be delighted.” Seol complimented and Seok nodded her head. Daehyun looked at the twins in shock.


Their eyes went crescent as they smiled.

“We know.” They said in unison. Daehyun just nodded his head and looked at Yongguk who was in his normal state now. He cleared his throat and stood up. He eyes Daehyun again before grabbing his hand with his and left the shop.

Seol and Seok waved at them as a goodbye and watch their retreating form.

Seok smirked. “They look good together.” Seol nodded her head and smiled wickedly and they returned to dressing room to fold up the clothes that were used.

For the third event of the day, Yongguk led him to a nearby ice cream shop. Daehyun was grinning from ear to ear and jumping like a kid and his eyes lit up in excitement and he pulled Yongguk to the ice cream shop. He restrained himself from hugging the man with so much joy and just tittered and Yongguk felt his heart beats so fast with Daehyun’s smile and titters and his excitement made Yongguk proud and happy.

It was a surprise for Yongguk when Daehyun ordered 9 deluxe of ice cream and he only ordered 1 royal flush of ice cream. 9 deluxe of ice cream beat his. And he wasn’t surprised when Daehyun finished all of it and he just watched him finished it all as he just took one dip of ice cream and put it in his mouth and he didn’t dip another.

Daehyun sighs in contentment and he eyes the royal flush of Yongguk. He looked at Yongguk with a sparkle in the eyes and Yongguk just pushed his ice cream to the younger. He didn’t need to be told twice. He knew the younger was hungry for more and the royal flush is just a quarter of 9 deluxe.

The fourth event was that Yongguk brought Daehyun to an aquarium. At first, Daehyun just gave him a-you’ve-got-to-be-kidding-me face and Yongguk just smirked at him.

“You’ll love it, kid. Believe me.” Yongguk clasped his hand with the younger and Daehyun felt his cheeks hot but he never pulls away even though his brain screams him to pull away.

When they entered the aquarium, Yongguk felt himself being pulled by Daehyun. He watch Daehyun mouth open wide when a stingray swims past him. Daehyun pulled him again to another area and he jumps in glee.

“Hyung! Hyung! Look at those fishes!” Daehyun pointed at the school of fishes as he turned to Yongguk with a smile. Yongguk was taken aback but he quickly regained composure. He grins and leaned on the glass.

“What do you think of them, kid?” Yongguk asked as he looked at Daehyun and Daehyun just grinned at him.

“They’re cute! I mean look at those! It’s a family of fishes! They look so cute!” Daehyun responded with glee and Yongguk couldn’t help but grin. Daehyun pulled him again and this time Daehyun has his eyes wide and mouth parted.

“Woahhh. This starfish is so cool!” Daehyun looked at the beautiful starfish with awe, eyes sparkling with delight and awe and Yongguk nodded his head.

“Yeah, it’s cool.”

Daehyun pulled him there and here stating how beautiful the shells are, octopus, squids, fishes and others. Daehyun was jumping when he was able to hold a starfish and excitedly showed it to Yongguk who just ruffled his hair with a big grin in his face.

They spend a good hours in the aquarium and with their laughters and smiles, that they didn’t know it was night time already. Yongguk has one more surprise for the younger.

He led the younger to Han River for the last event and made him sit down on the soft tickling grass, away from the people who have gathered on the other side.

“What are we doing here, hyung?” Daehyun asked as he settled on the grass and Yongguk followed as he sat beside him. The older just grinned and held out to Daehyun a container of cotton candy.

Daehyun’s eyes sparkled and took the container from him and Yongguk didn’t regret buying one when the younger was busy admiring the containers. He stared at Daehyun who was busy eating the cotton candy with closed eyes that he didn’t realize that the fireworks have started.

He took in Daehyun’s face. He was a bit baby when he first met him and he was cocky in his recent meeting with him and now, he looks beautiful with his smile on his face. He takes Daehyun’s new side greatly and he looks at the younger with a different angle.

His reverie was stop when Daehyun lock eyes with him and he was once again drowned on those eyes and now he knew why his brain was telling him to do this. He saw pain underneath those precious orbs and he knows why his heart aches whenever he drowns in those eyes. He wants to make the younger’s pain go away.

And now when he looks at those eyes, there’s still the pain but happiness is seen mixed with it. Daehyun looked at him quizzically before asking.


He eventually snapped out and cleared his throat and shifted his gaze at the fireworks.

“The fireworks are beautiful isn’t it?”

Daehyun smiled a bit and nodded his head as he threw light cotton in his mouth.

“Yeah, it is.” Daehyun looked at the fireworks with a small smile. Yongguk looked at him before sighing a bit. He pulled the younger closer to him and let his head rest on his shoulder. The action made the brunette startle a bit as he questioned the older.

“Yongguk hyung?”

“Rest on my shoulder a bit and enjoy the fireworks.” Yongguk raked his fingers through Daehyun’s silky rich brown hair and he sighed in contentment. Daehyun blushed before nodding his head.

He smiled and threw cotton in his mouth.

“Neh, Yongguk hyung.” Daehyun whispered as he watched the fireworks with a smile playing on his lips and a heart beating fast yet swelling in love and affection that he have never experienced.

Yongguk wrapped his arm around Daehyun’s waist and gazed at the fireworks that were brightly lit up in the sky.

Equal tempo of beats their heart dances and sings. Their silence contains their unvoiced music that showed and tells their feelings on that night; their beautiful music that is voiced out in the silence as they watch the fireworks with a smile playing on their face, creating a silent symphony.

And Daehyun thinks that this day isn’t wrecked like he thought it would be when Yongguk dragged him to the café. Well, his first thought was right.

He did enjoy this day together with Yongguk.


Two unbeknownst being from the clouds looked at the two males watching fireworks as they hissed in displeasure.

“They won’t have their way.”

“We won’t allow it.”


“Separate them.”

Word Count: 3,215

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bangdaebak #1
Chapter 6: Yay a happy ending omfg thank god. This was beautiful and cute at the same time. Bless david.

Thank you for writing xx
XaraKAI #2
Chapter 6: Happy Ending!!!!
Gr....bang is acting so cute in the final chappie, pouting & whining <3
Chapter 6: Ah that was beautiful ;A;
I loved Himchan's role in the story. That's pretty much how he would act like in reality. XD
I have a question though: What happened to Youngjae and Zelo? :o
Chapter 6: EEEEEEEP
i'm happy because bangdae
this story is sonehow confusing because there are so many things going on but well it's crystal clear now (except on why did the seok seol twin call yongguk master)
i've enjoyed this ^^ thank you for writing and sharing ~
Chapter 4: Not everyone will end up with their soulmates.
XaraKAI #6
Chapter 3: I am grinning n giggling th whole time, nope!!! U don't fail in fluff, far from it.
Who are going to separate them? Why? Why was daehyun 'david'?
Tightening in chest, is dae having heart disease or sth?
Okay, crap load of questions! Forgive me <3 and plz update soon!
Chapter 3: Who are those two brave-idiotic-imbeciles that dares to separate BangDae. /inserts flipping table emoticon. /inserts rage. /inserts flipping the bangdae tag.
omg this is too lovely ;w; its 03.00 am here in the morning and im drowned on my own bangdae feels
david daehyun omg im kinda confused what actually happened to daehyun why cant he remember anything about yongguk
well im dying here too much feelings TwT
update soon
Chapter 2: Asdfghjkl the story needs more attention. Omg feels everywhere ;_;<3<3<3<3<3
Chapter 1: interesting i cant wait :D ♡