Chapter 2

Dear. Love
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Jesse's POV       "What a great way to start a day" I heard the bunny muttered.     Well, I don't care. why do people likes to mind other person's businesses?      Ugh, whatever sleep here I come...    Oh, I'm Jesse 3rd year student. Distant, cold, dangerous... that's what people reffered me. I really know know why though. You're lucky that I am talking right now *looks at the readers* or else, no one would explain this freakin' story of this freakin'n author.   By the way, I really don't feel like sleeping right now, so I decided to just look at what the professor or rather the students looking at. Normal Day. I suddenly remember that bunny. She's really reeeeaaaaalllllly cute. I want to hug her!! Whoa get I hold on yourself Jesse Jung. It's the first day and you already had a crush?    It's not a big deal to look at her right? Decided. I decided to tilt my head a little to see what the bunny is doing. Aish, I really should listen to what she'd said earlier. /gasp. She's looking at me!! So I look coldly to her. /sigh   Aish~ I feel like I'm a gay.   I'll talk to her later.       Sunny's POV     He's a bit weird, I tilt my head a little. (It's a habit of me while I was thinking)   Time passes by so quickly, so it's lunch now. I decided to take my lunch at the cafeteria inside the school. As you can see we can go outside the school during our leasure time adn do whatever we want as long as we'll come back t
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Jeti48 #1
Chingu yah..
Please update it.... I miss jeti here....
nelly515 #2
Chapter 7: Where is sunyeon???
Chapter 7: When will Tiffany appear??? Update more author-shi...
tazkia16 #4
Chapter 7: Please make fany appeared..
ice_princess14 #5
Chapter 7: Fany umma where r u jesse appa needs u
hahaxixihehe #6
Chapter 6: Forget hyuna jesse Fanny there for you :)
Update soon author XD
Chapter 6: Yahhhhhh! When will fanny appear? Poor Jess. He had a broken heart and because of Hyuna.

I hope the wife is Fanny. XD

come back soon!! XDDDD