Happy, just plain happy

The Silent Treatment

By 7:30, they arrived at the studio for dance practice. The choreographer started to teach the dance. It wasn’t as hard as The Chaser or the Be Mine dance, but because the music was a bit upbeat, the dance had to be somehow fast. Hoya, the dance machine he is, quickly adapted to the dance. So did the other dinosaur rapper. They tried rehearsing as a group, but a certain maknae kept making mistakes. This gave an evil hamster an opportunity to scold and yell at the maknae.

“Yah! Lee Sungjong, try to keep up will you?” Sunggyu said as he scratched his head.

“Didn’t you know, Sungjong has two left feet. Try making the dance girlish, he’ll master it in an hour.” Sungyeol added. Woohyun wanted to protect the maknae, but Sungjong stopped him, giving him an ‘I’m okay’ look. Myungsoo wanted to answer back to his hyungs, but fear came first. Dongwoo just shook his head in disappointment to what the choding and the leader was doing to the maknae.

Hoya, who was standing in between them, found it very weird. Usually, the maknae would talk back to his hyungs, but instead, he just stood there, not caring. It’s as if he didn’t hear anything.

The day finished. Everyone mastered the dance, even Sungjong. After that little scene Sunggyu and Sungyeol caused, Sungjong danced flawlessly. It was about 6 PM when they finished.

“Great job everyone! And for that, I’ll treat you all tonight! Go change and let’s go!” Their manager said enthusiastically. He wanted to eat out tonight because they didn’t get to eat out yesterday because of the bad weather.

“No, thank you manager hyung. You enjoy your night.” And with that, Sungjong took his bag and made his way out of the door. This shocked everyone in the room, even Sunggyu. The maknae was never a person to turn down on food.

“Sungjong-ah! Wait!” Woohyun rushed to the maknae’s direction. “Where are you going? Come on! Let’s eat.” He held on the maknae’s wrist.

This made a certain hamster very, very, very jealous. He couldn’t control it anymore.

“If he doesn’t want, let him be. Let him starve to death. Sheesh.” Sunggyu shouted.

“Hyung, let go. I can handle myself. I’m going home.” Sungjong removed Woohyun’s grip and walked out the door.

Sungjong walked home. It was a good thing it was already dark. He wore a hooded jacket, and didn’t bother to change his sweat pants, since he was going home.

Stupid Sunggyu hyung. I hope he chokes!

Sungjong got home without being noticed by anyone. He went to the kitchen and made some ramen for himself. While cooking, he remembered that he has Peniel’s number. He texted the other right away.

To: Peniel


Hey Peniel! It’s Sungjong! Don’t forget to get me something from Bangkok okay? I’ll be expecting it! ^^ kekeke

Sungjong placed his phone on the table and continued making his ramen. After a while, his phone vibrated.

From: Peniel


Hey Sungjongieeee! ^^ Of course! How about I give you something special, like my heart? ^^ <3 Kekekeke

This made the maknae smile. Even though it was a greasy text, it still made him smile.

To: Peniel


Yah! I never knew you were as greasy as Woohyun hyung!

The ramen was finally cooked and Sungjong placed it in a big bowl. He was about to eat when his phone vibrated again.

From: Peniel


No I’m not! I’m just sweet. Kekeke, so whatcha doing? Besides running in my mind all day. <3 Kekekeke, you know I have a surprise for you.

Sungjong wanted to kill Peniel for being greasy. Woohyun as greasy enough, but for some reason, this made him smile more. Sungjong wanted to reply something greasy, but then he asked himself, What if he’s just playing with me? Should I ask straight forward?

Ding dong.

Aish, who would visit in this time?

Sungjong rushed to the door and surprised to Peniel carrying a big teddy bear.

“Surprise.” Peniel said as he handed the giant teddy to Sungjong.

“So this was the surprise you’ve been talking about.” Sungjong couldn’t help but blush with the surprise.

“Come on in.” Peniel entered the quiet dorm and sat on the couch.

“Where are the others?” Peniel asked.

“Oh, they went out.” Sungjong made his way to the kitchen while Peniel followed.

“Why didn’t you go with them? Is it because of Sunggyu hyung?” Sungjong hated to hear that name. He only nodded to the other.

“Don’t you have a flight tomorrow?” Sungjong asked. Peniel smile and nodded to the other. “Then what are you doing here?” Sungjong quickly finished his ramen and placed his bowl on the sink. “Did you even have permission to go out Peniel.” Sungjong heard him hum an affirmative. He was washing the dishes when he felt a pair of arms around his small waist.

“Sungjong-ah.” Peniel whispered in the other’s ear. His low, husky voice made Sungjong blush. Sungjong stopped the faucet and faced Peniel.

“Is all of.....this serious Peniel? I mean you and the gifts and-.” He was cut off by a pair of soft lips. For a while, they just stood there, Sungjong felt something inside him light up. When Sungjong started to response to Peniel’s kiss, he rested his hands on Peniel’s neck. Peniel broke the kiss, and for a while, both of them just stood there and smiled.

“From the moment I saw you Lee Sungjong, you made my heart flutter. I wanted to say this after our Bangkok concert, but it couldn’t wait any longer. I’m not expecting you to love me right away, I just want you to know what I feel about you.” Peniel smiled.

“Thank you. But here’s an assurance to what I’m starting to feel.” Sungjong leaned in and kissed Peniel. “You should get going Peniel. You have a flight tomorrow.”

“Okay, I’ll call you okay?” Sungjong accompanied Peniel towards the front door. “No good night kiss?” Peniel smiled, acting all innocent.

“Don’t push your luck.” Sungjong kissed Peniel’s cheek. “Good night.”

“Good night.” And with that, Peniel left and Sungjong couldn’t get any happier than this.

You’ll never know, until you try.













So hey readers! I updated again! I just had to publish this greasy chapter, I couldn't wait any longer. While I was writing this, I was watching Peniel's vlog where Sungjae was supposed to be a WOMAN. A very big one, he is. Lol, so please don't hate me for being all greasy and making PenJong work :( I love youu all readers!!! ^^ PS They're not official yet okay? ^^ Please leave your comments! Another PS, I'm not really good at making fluffy, greasy stories so please bear with me! ^^

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DevilNextToYou #1
Okay I enjoyed the penjong ALOT but not the myungyeol cuz I'm sungjong biased LOL
u noe the feeling where u ship your bias with this one person real hard in this case myungsoo but u are fine with your bias being shipped with other people but not fine with your bias most shipped member to be with other ppl ok I dun think u understand but yeah ~~~
Chapter 47: The story was good, if I see it from a objective perspective it was flawless.... However I am very disappointed that I expect myungjong because you write in your preview it will be myungjong in the end and it never turned like that. T.T I feel conned and down since I am biased.
I will read the link you send I just hope this is a real myungjong.
Good story
myungyeol4life #3
i'm rereading this
AllHailMochi #4
Chapter 5: Okay, so I'm spazzing over my own story, I can't help but smile OMG. I'm the weirdest noona alive, I'm even commenting here.
naznew #5
Chapter 47: wow..great drama story ever..
and at the end, pengjong,woogyu,myungyeol,yadong and sikhoon..
Chapter 47: Well thanks for the journey author-nim... I managed to finish it in one go, so now i'm a little dizzy from staring at my iPod for too long... Although i'm a BlackLemon (a hardcore one) i really enjoying PanJong, i guess i let paniel borrowed Jjongie from myungsoo this time (only this time :p) Well thanks again author-nim, u've done a great job and thumbs up for u. Another MyungJong story juseyooooo~ 사랑해~ (there, i made a confession to u) LMAO
Chapter 47: just finished reading your story i love it i enjoyed reading it alot and the ending was really beautiful
thanks for sharing it ^^V
Chapter 47: this is beautiful orz♥
Chapter 47: Omg.. gosh, like finaly. That is just too.. omg. T-T Too damn cute. ♥ Dongwoo who had kiss Hoya, they are now together, and then there's MyungYeol, and Penjong.. argh. ♥
when i read the previous chapter, i was so scared that Myungsoo would be like.. idk. Actiong like a "demon" °-° *run* anyway, i really like this fiction, it was so cute. c: