Drawing the line

The Silent Treatment

Sungjong and Woohyun arrived at their dorm by 8 pm. The members were already eating dinner. No one even bothered to ask where they were. The confrontation was still very fresh for the others, so it was a bit awkward. Sungjong went straight to his room, while the other followed. He threw himself into bed and just closed his eyes.

 “Jongie-ah. Aren’t you going to tell what happened?” Woohyun asked in a very serious tone. Sungjong knew he couldn’t avoid Woohyun forever. He just didn’t want to talk about it, but he had no choice now.

“I fainted hyung, at an alley. I was trying to get home, but I was too hungry and too dizzy to continue. It was a good thing Peniel found me. Which reminds me, can you give me his number?”

“Sure thing dongsaeng.” Woohyun handed his cellphone to the younger. “Are you going to text him?”

“Yes, I remembered these were his clothes, and I left the ones I wore at their dorm.” Sungjong said as he saved Peniel’s number.

“Oh, okay- wait what? So it means he...and you...?!?!” Woohyun couldn’t finish his sentence. He sat beside Sungjong and glared at him. This made the younger blush. Sungjong could only nod.

“Jongie-ah, I’m sorry for what Sunggyu did. If you want I’ll ask him to talk-“ Sungjong stood up.

“No hyung, I know what to do." Sungjong stood up.

"But please, support me okay? I really need it. Especially with what I’m going to do.” Sungjong said nervously. He made his way to the door.

“Wait, what are you going to do? Yah! Come back here!” Woohyun rushed to follow the maknae.

The others were already done eating and were now watching some TV shows. Sungjong took the remote and turned the TV off.

“Yah! I was watching that!” Sungyeol said as he stood up.

“I have something very important to say, to all of you hyungs.” At first they weren’t paying attention, but they soon realized that the maknae was serious when he didn’t move away from the TV.

“I know most of you hyungs never liked me. Especially you, Sunggyu hyung.” Sunggyu just rolled his eyes.

“For a long time, I’ve been trying my best to have you hyungs appreciate me, or even respect me.” Sungjong’s tears were starting to form.

“I may not be as talented as most of you, but I’m trying my best here. But I guess you only see my mistakes. And I won’t bother to ask why. So from now on, I’ll stop convincing you hyungs to like me....to accept me.” Sungjong knew he was crying, but he didn’t care. The others looked away. Most of them were starting to feel bad.

“I won’t meddle in the things you do, and I know you don’t care to what I do. So please, just....leave me alone, okay? I’ve had it. I’m tired of...this. I only wanted to be loved, and accepted. But I guess that’s too hard for you hyungs. I’ll gladly avoid you if that’s what you want.” Sungjong was about to leave when he stopped himself.

“But please remember that I tried my best to be what you want me to be, but even I get tired hyungs. So, there. Good night.” And with that, Sungjong covered his face with his hand and rushed to his room, leaving the others in shock. Before he could lock the door, he felt a pair of arms hugging him tightly.

“Shh, I’m here Jongie, I promise. I won’t let anyone hurt you anymore.” Woohyun gave the maknae all the comfort he needed. Woohyun didn’t bother asking the maknae why he did that, because right now, the maknae needed him most.


The others members were still at the living room, still shocked with what had happened. It took them a little while before their minds started to register what just happened. For a while, there was nothing but silence. So it was Sunggyu who broke the ice.

“He’ll be fine tomorrow.” Sunggyu said flatly. “So everyone, get some sleep.” He made his way to their shared room, leaving the others dumbfounded.

“Yeah, I guess he’ll be fine tomorrow.” Hoya said as he made his way to their shared room.

“I don’t think so.” Dongwoo said. He rarely comments with things like these, and when he does say something, it’s accurately true.

Sungyeol just kept quiet, feeling very guilty.

Myungsoo just sat there, without doing anything. He wanted to comfort the maknae, but he realized Woohyun was already one step ahead of him. He let out a heavy sigh and went to his room.


2:17 AM.

The visual couldn’t sleep. Something was bothering him, killing him from the inside. He decided to have a glass of warm milk to help him sleep. As he exited his room quietly, he noticed a light coming from the kitchen.

Who would be awake at this time?

As he slowly made his way to the kitchen, he saw the person we needed to see.


The maknae was eating some ramen. Myungsoo took a seat next to him.

“Sungjong-ah, are you okay?” Stupid question. The maknae didn’t respond to the other’s question. He just kept eating his ramen.

“Jongie-ah.” Sungjong wanted to ignore him, even he was in love with this certain hyung, but he just couldn’t. Sungjong looked at the other, doing nothing.

“I’m sorry for what they did to you. But always know that I’m here-.” He was cut-off by the maknae himself.

“No hyung, you’re not. You were never there for me. You always say you’re there, but you’re not. I just wish you would do something, but instead, you remain silent.”

Myungsoo wanted to answer back, but he didn’t know what to answer. The maknae was right, he never did anything. He always ends up wanting to help but not actually doing anything to help. Silence fills the atmosphere.

Ring ring.

Sungjong smiled as he saw the caller ID.

“Yeoboseyo? Oh hey....yeah I couldn’t sleep.......I’m eating ramen....yes, in the middle of the morning.” The conversation went on and on.

Myungsoo just sat there, studying the maknae. Who would call at this time? Myungsoo started to feel weird inside.

“Okay then, good night. Sweet dreams.” With that, the conversation ended.

Sweet dreams? Psh.

Myungsoo was so drowned in his thoughts that he didn’t notice that the maknae was already washing his dishes.

“So, who were you talking to?”

“No one hyung, it doesn’t concern you.” Sungjong said coldly. Myungsoo felt a little hurt with what the maknae said. Sungjong finished what he was doing and was about to exit when Myungsoo stopped him.

“Sungjong, I know I haven’t been there, but please, give me a chance?” Myungsoo held tightly on Sungjong’s wrist.

“It’s too late Myungsoo hyung, I already made my decision.” Sungjong gently tugged his arm away from his hyung, rushing to his room, leaving a devastated Myungsoo standing there.












So hello there!!!! Here's another chapter! :D I apologize if this was wordy and a bit boring :( *bows 90 degress* So please don't hate me okay? :( You know how much I love you guys! That's why I needed to update! :) So as you can see, Sungjong finally had the courage to talk, but a certain hamster is still very arrogant, or is he? And who do you think called Sungjong? :"> Lol. Please comment! ^^ And Thank you so much to all the subscribers! I never thought my story would get this kind of attention. Thank you all! :') I LOVE YOU! <3

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DevilNextToYou #1
Okay I enjoyed the penjong ALOT but not the myungyeol cuz I'm sungjong biased LOL
u noe the feeling where u ship your bias with this one person real hard in this case myungsoo but u are fine with your bias being shipped with other people but not fine with your bias most shipped member to be with other ppl ok I dun think u understand but yeah ~~~
Chapter 47: The story was good, if I see it from a objective perspective it was flawless.... However I am very disappointed that I expect myungjong because you write in your preview it will be myungjong in the end and it never turned like that. T.T I feel conned and down since I am biased.
I will read the link you send I just hope this is a real myungjong.
Good story
myungyeol4life #3
i'm rereading this
AllHailMochi #4
Chapter 5: Okay, so I'm spazzing over my own story, I can't help but smile OMG. I'm the weirdest noona alive, I'm even commenting here.
naznew #5
Chapter 47: wow..great drama story ever..
and at the end, pengjong,woogyu,myungyeol,yadong and sikhoon..
Chapter 47: Well thanks for the journey author-nim... I managed to finish it in one go, so now i'm a little dizzy from staring at my iPod for too long... Although i'm a BlackLemon (a hardcore one) i really enjoying PanJong, i guess i let paniel borrowed Jjongie from myungsoo this time (only this time :p) Well thanks again author-nim, u've done a great job and thumbs up for u. Another MyungJong story juseyooooo~ 사랑해~ (there, i made a confession to u) LMAO
Chapter 47: just finished reading your story i love it i enjoyed reading it alot and the ending was really beautiful
thanks for sharing it ^^V
Chapter 47: this is beautiful orz♥
Chapter 47: Omg.. gosh, like finaly. That is just too.. omg. T-T Too damn cute. ♥ Dongwoo who had kiss Hoya, they are now together, and then there's MyungYeol, and Penjong.. argh. ♥
when i read the previous chapter, i was so scared that Myungsoo would be like.. idk. Actiong like a "demon" °-° *run* anyway, i really like this fiction, it was so cute. c: