One mistake, one regret

The Silent Treatment

Sungjong was woken up by the rays of sunlight passing through his curtains. He slowly opened his eyes.

‘Why is it so cold?’ Sungjong suddenly felt a pair of arms around his waist. The hug felt so warm.

“Good morning.” The person said. Sungjong felt confused. He slowly sat up. As soon as he looked at the person, he was shocked. He noticed the person had not shirt on, and then he realized he wasn’t wearing one himself. Now Sungjong panicked.

Sungjong scanned the room. He noticed there were clothes scattered on the floor. His whole body felt a little sore. That’s when it hit him.

‘Did we...’

“Hyung, wake up.” Myungsoo groaned.

“5 more minutes.” Sungjong was fuming with anger.

“I said wake up, dammit!” Myungsoo suddenly opened his eyes and sat up.

“What’s wrong?” Myungsoo scratched his head.

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?!? Why the hell am I ?” Myungsoo flinched.

“You mean, you don’t remember?” A tear escaped Sungjong’s eye.

“Oh my god.” Sungjong covered his mouth using both of his hands. He faced Myungsoo and slapped him. “What did you do to me?” Myungsoo was shocked.

“Sungjong-ah, look. I’m sorry-.” Sungjong didn’t bother to listen to him and stood up. He quickly ran out of the room and went straight to the bathroom. He turned the shower knob on. He felt the cold water hit his pale skin. He took the soap and harshly rubbed in to his skin. After using soap, he still felt dirty. He rested his back on the wall and slowly slid down.

‘No. No. No. No. No.’ Sungjong broke down.

‘Myungsoo hyung!’ Images of last night started flashing through his mind. His hands covered his ears.

‘Stop, please. Stop. I don’t want to remember.’ Sungjong started to cry really hard.

‘Peniel, I’m sorry.’

Myungsoo felt bad, no, more like emotionless. He could still feel the ghost of Sungjong’s hand in his right cheek.

‘What have I done?’


It’s been about 2 weeks since that incident. Sungjong was totally avoiding Myungsoo. Even when they go to the studio, or interviews, he was still avoiding Myungsoo. His relationship with Peniel has returned to its normal ways. They went out on dates, went out, and texted non-stop. But Peniel noticed that Sungjong wasn’t the same.

He would just stare into nothing, and would smile less.

They were currently at Infinite’s apartment, specifically in Sungjong’s room. Sungjong was resting on Peniel’s chest, while Peniel just observed him. With promotions done, they both have some temporary free time.

“Jongie-ah.” Sungjong hummed. “Can you tell me what’s wrong?” Peniel felt Sungjong flinch. “I know something’s been bothering you, can you please tell me?” Sungjong sat up. Tears started to flow down his pale cheeks. “Baby, what’s wrong?” Sungjong closed his eyes.

“I’m sorry.” Peniel gave him a confused look.

“For what?” More tears started to flow out.

“I’m sorry.” Sungjong started to cry really hard.

“Baby, tell me what’s wrong so I can help you, please.” Peniel moved in closer. Sungjong started to sob even more. The guilt was killing him. He was afraid to lose Peniel, but he knew this was eventually going to happen.

“Remember the time me and the others went out?” Peniel nodded. “We went drinking, and I got drunk.”

“Is that why you’re crying? It’s okay baby.” Sungjong shook his head.

“That’s not it. After that, we went home, and well.” Peniel moved his head closer. “Myungsoo hyung and I....” Sungjong said in between of sobs. Sungjong couldn’t finish his sentence. In a way, Peniel understood what Sungjong meant. Peniel gritted his teeth; his hand balled up to fists.

“I’m going to kill him.” Peniel quickly stood up and rushed out of the door. Sungjong gasped and also rushed out.

Infinite members were all gathered at the living room. They were watching a horror movie. Sunggyu was pretending to be scared so that he would have an excuse for Woohyun to hold him. Of course, the grease ball knew this, but played along.

Peniel suddenly appeared in the living room and took Myungsoo by his shirt and punched him. The other quickly stood in between them.

“Let me go! I’m going to kill him.” Peniel growled at the other.

“Yah! What do you think you’re doing?” Sungyeol asked Peniel.

“Let me go!” Peniel started to move his body. He broke free and punched Myungsoo again.

“Stop!” Sungjong stood in between them this time.

“Stop? Stop?!? You want me to stop? You’re taking his side again?” Peniel shouted at tears started to flow down his cheeks.

“Peniel, please. Let’s talk about it back at my room, please.” Peniel was fuming with anger.

“Why? Why? Why would you take his side? Did you enjoy doing it with him?” A hand flew through Peniel’s face. Everyone in the room gasped. Peniel slowly turned his head, facing Sungjong. “I can’t do this anymore. I’m sorry. If you’re going to take his side, so be it. I’m done. I hope you and Myungsoo have a happy life together.” Peniel turned around and went straight to the door.

“Peniel, wait.” Sungjong clung onto the other, but pulled away. Peniel shook his head.

“Not anymore. I’m tired. You know how much I love you, but I know that I would never win against Myungsoo hyung, because you knew him longer way more than me. I’m just a person who saved you before, and I was stupid enough to believe that you could love me whole heartedly. I hope you and Myungsoo hyung would be happy together.” Peniel went through the door and never came back. Sungjong fell on his knees. Hoya quickly ran towards the maknae. He took Sungjong and guided him to his room.

“What the hell did you do?” Woohyun faced Myungsoo. “What did Peniel mean by ‘enjoying doing it with him’?” Myungsoo faced the ground. “Answer me, dammit!” Myungsoo was taken aback. Woohyun tried his best to keep calm, but he was quickly losing his patience. “Did you and Sungjong have ?” Myungsoo flinched.

“Namu, enough.” Sunggyu said in a soft tone.

“No! Answer me Kim Myungsoo. Did you and Sungjong have ?” Myungsoo nodded. When Woohyun was about to kill Myungsoo, Sungyeol and Dongwoo held onto his arms. “Let me go! How dare you! I specifically told you not to get in between Sungjong and Peniel!” Woohyun was even angrier than Peniel.

“Take Namu to his room.” Sungyeol and Dongwoo nodded. Woohyun tried to protest, but he was still dragged to his room. Sunggyu walked up to Myungsoo.

“Why? Why did you do it?” Myungsoo shook his head.

“I don’t know hyung. I was drunk and-.” Sunggyu scoffed.

“Drunk? That’s just bull. That’s the oldest excuse in the book. If you had the time to even get to his room, then you were sober enough to realize what you were doing.” Sunggyu moved closer to Myungsoo. “You, fix this. Or else.”

“But Sungjong will never talk to me hyung.” Sunggyu still glared at the visual.

“That’s your problem.” Sunggyu turned around and went to Woohyun’s room. Myungsoo fell to his knees.

‘Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.’

Sungjong’s room

Sungjong kept crying at Hoya’s built arms. He felt weak, tired, and helpless. He felt so vulnerable. He felt so alone, even though the others were taking care of him.

“Sungjong-ah.” Hoya said in a calm voice. Sungjong kept sobbing. “Please, stop. If you want, we’ll go to Peniel later.”

“You’ll really go with me hyung?” Sungjong said in between of sobs. Hoya nodded. “Thank you Hoya hyung.” Sungjong snuggled closer to Hoya and cried even more. Hoya hated this, seeing Sungjong like this. He wanted to kill Myungsoo, but Sungjong needs him even more.

‘I’ll deal with Myungsoo later. Right now, the only person I love needs me.’






So hey guys! I'm sorry for the short chapter. I just feel so tireeeeeed. -_- I'll make the next chapter more productive. Maybe the end is nearing? O.O Bum bum bum!!! Lol, but don't fret, after this story, I'll do my best to make another one!!!! <3 Lol! So please leave your comments okay? Sorry for the short update. I love you guys! <3

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DevilNextToYou #1
Okay I enjoyed the penjong ALOT but not the myungyeol cuz I'm sungjong biased LOL
u noe the feeling where u ship your bias with this one person real hard in this case myungsoo but u are fine with your bias being shipped with other people but not fine with your bias most shipped member to be with other ppl ok I dun think u understand but yeah ~~~
Chapter 47: The story was good, if I see it from a objective perspective it was flawless.... However I am very disappointed that I expect myungjong because you write in your preview it will be myungjong in the end and it never turned like that. T.T I feel conned and down since I am biased.
I will read the link you send I just hope this is a real myungjong.
Good story
myungyeol4life #3
i'm rereading this
AllHailMochi #4
Chapter 5: Okay, so I'm spazzing over my own story, I can't help but smile OMG. I'm the weirdest noona alive, I'm even commenting here.
naznew #5
Chapter 47: wow..great drama story ever..
and at the end, pengjong,woogyu,myungyeol,yadong and sikhoon..
Chapter 47: Well thanks for the journey author-nim... I managed to finish it in one go, so now i'm a little dizzy from staring at my iPod for too long... Although i'm a BlackLemon (a hardcore one) i really enjoying PanJong, i guess i let paniel borrowed Jjongie from myungsoo this time (only this time :p) Well thanks again author-nim, u've done a great job and thumbs up for u. Another MyungJong story juseyooooo~ 사랑해~ (there, i made a confession to u) LMAO
Chapter 47: just finished reading your story i love it i enjoyed reading it alot and the ending was really beautiful
thanks for sharing it ^^V
Chapter 47: this is beautiful orz♥
Chapter 47: Omg.. gosh, like finaly. That is just too.. omg. T-T Too damn cute. ♥ Dongwoo who had kiss Hoya, they are now together, and then there's MyungYeol, and Penjong.. argh. ♥
when i read the previous chapter, i was so scared that Myungsoo would be like.. idk. Actiong like a "demon" °-° *run* anyway, i really like this fiction, it was so cute. c: