Nado, Saranghae

The Silent Treatment

“Would you please be my boyfriend?” Peniel could feel his eyes widen.

“Excuse me?” Sungjong pouted and blushed.

“I said, would you please be my boyfriend?” Sungjong thought Peniel would smile, or be happy and jump around. But instead, Peniel just stared at him.

“Peniel, say something.” Sungjong caressed the other’s cheeks.

‘Was it a big mistake?’

“Of course.” Sungjong smiled.

“But may I know why so sudden?” For a while, Sungjong just sat there in silence. Tear drops suddenly flowed down Sungjong’s pale face.

“Sungjong-ah, ignore my question. I’m sorry.” Peniel wiped the tears.

“You know I love Myungsoo hyung right?” Peniel nodded.

“And he loves me too right?” Peniel nodded again.

“But why does he keep on hurting me? Why? Why does Sunggyu hyung hate me? He always finds my faults, never the good things I’ve done.” Sungjong started to cry really hard. Peniel hugged him.

“Ignore them Sungjong. No one can make you feel inferior, no one has the right to.” Peniel hugged Sungjong even more. After a while, Sungjong stopped crying.

“Are you sure you want to make that decision now? What about Myungsoo hyung? Don’t you have feelings for him?”

“I do Peniel.  But I’m tired of getting hurt, even if I love him.” Sungjong started to cry again. Peniel was hesitant, but seeing Sungjong in this condition made him realize that the feminine boy was serious.

“Okay Sungjong, I will.” Without hesitation, Peniel leaned in until their lips touched. Sungjong could feel the electricity going through his body. He loves Myungsoo, but he can only take so much. He knows he’ll regret this decision of his, but he didn’t care. What matters for Sungjong is the present, and his present is Peniel. Maybe it was about time for him to be selfish.

“Saranghae.” Peniel said. Sungjong smiled.

“Nado, Saranghae.” Sungjong leaned in and kissed Peniel.

“Congratulations on winning a while ago.” Sungjong smiled.

“Thanks. You know, we’re moving.” Peniel furrowed his eyebrows.

“Where?” Sungjong giggled.

“Somewhere in western Seoul, and I got the best room in the apartment.”

“Really?” Sungjong nodded.

“You should take me there.” Sungjong giggled, and smiled.

“You want me to cook something for you, boyfriend?” Sungjong could feel his cheeks burn because of Peniel’s greasiness.

“As long as it’s not ramen, Oppa.” Peniel blushed when he heard the word Oppa.

“I was joking boyfriend.” Sungjong stuck his tongue out and ran out of the room.


The others arrived at their old dorm. They would be soon moving out of that dorm, and most of them were excited, except for Sunggyu. He didn’t want to leave, because in this dorm, he and Woohyun share a room. Sunggyu could only sigh. He never knew the maknae always felt that way. He can be very mean and strict at times, but he never knew he was that harsh. He started packing some of his stuff. He was placing some of his things in a big box when he saw a picture of him, with Woohyun, during their debut. They looked so young and fresh back then. A tear escaped the leader’s eye. When he heard the door open, he quickly placed the photo in the box.

“Hey.” Woohyun said in a low voice. Sunggyu just gave him a faint smile and nodded.

Woohyun threw himself into his bed and faced the wall. Sunggyu wanted to talk to him, but he was afraid.

“Aren’t you packing too early?” Woohyun asked. He was surprised that he was even talking to him.

“Aniyo, it’s just that I have so much stuff.” After that, their conversation finished. There was nothing more Sunggyu could say to make their conversation longer. He decided to stop packing and go to sleep. He placed the box and the floor, and positioned himself in bed.

“Good night.” But there was no answer given. Sunggyu closed his eyes and tried his best to sleep. He was starting to doze off when he suddenly felt an arm around his waist.

“Gyu.” Sunggyu faced the person.

“I’m sorry.” Sunggyu couldn’t hold it back anymore. He knew Woohyun didn’t mean to be harsh, he just wanted to protect the maknae.

“I never meant to hurt the maknae, I never knew he was badly affected with what I say, I’m really-.” Woohyun cut him off with a kiss.

“Stop, okay? It already happened, and don’t apologize to me, you know who to apologize to.” Sunggyu nodded. Woohyun smiled and kissed Sunggyu on the forehead.

“Saranghae.” Woohyun wiped the tears on the leader’s face.

“Nado, Saranghae.” With that, Sunggyu felt happy in Woohyun’s arms.


Myungsoo couldn’t sleep, not one yawn came. He felt worried, nervous, and sad at the same time. What Sungjong told him was bugging him.

‘Why would he apologize?’ Myungsoo scratched his head. He stood up and went out of his room. He opened the door to Sungjong’s room, but the maknae wasn’t there.

‘Where is he?’ Myungsoo went to the living room, and sat at the empty couch. He turned the TV on so that he wouldn’t fall asleep. He found an interesting channel and started watching. After an hour of watching he could feel his eyes drop slowly. He guessed that Sungjong wouldn’t be going home again so he decided to sleep at the couch. He closed his eyes and started to doze off.

An hour passed, Myungsoo woke up by the noise of the front door. He checked the wall clock and it was only 11 pm.

“Good night.” Was all Myungsoo heard. Sungjong entered the dorm and tried his best not be noticed by his arrival. He went to the kitchen to drink a glass of water.

“Hey.” Sungjong almost dropped the glass he was holding.

“Hello hyung.” Myungsoo walked closer and closer towards the maknae.

“Where were you?”

“I was at Peniel’s place.” Sungjong avoided all eye contact possible.

“What did you do there?” Myungsoo moved closer, until they were only inches away from each other.

“Me and Peniel had to talk about something important.” Sungjong placed his glass on the sink and was about to exit the kitchen when a hand stopped him.

“Sungjong-ah, I’m really sorry for what I did, but can you please stop ignoring me?” Sungjong heaved a heavy sigh.

“Hyung, just let me go. Please, I want to get some sleep.” Sungjong pulled his arm back and left the kitchen. Myungsoo followed him but the Sungjong locked his door.

Myungsoo quietly knocked so that the others wouldn’t wake up.

“Sungjong-ah, please let me in. Let’s talk, please.” Sungjong rested his back on the door, trying his best to ignore Myungsoo. He slowly sat on the floor. He tried his best to fight back the tears, but his emotions got the best of him.

‘I’m sorry hyung, I’m really sorry.’


Morning came, and most of them were already awake. They will be having another performance later on M! Countdown. Sungjong sat up and remembered that there was something that he needed to do. He stood up from bed and went out of his room. The members were all at the kitchen area, waiting for breakfast to be served. As Sungjong entered the kitchen, he saw Myungsoo, looking restless. Sungjong never wanted to see Myungsoo like that, but he had no choice.

“Oh Sungjong-ah, what time did you arrive last night?” Woohyun asked.

“About 11 pm hyung.” Sungjong took a seat next to Hoya.

“Where were you?” Hoya asked in a serious tone.

“I was at Peniel’s.” Sungjong yawned.

“Are you two together now?” Sungyeol teased, as the choding he is.

When the maknae answered what’s supposed to be a rhetorical question, silence filled the room.









So here's the update! WooGyu back on! And PenJong is official now!!!!! I'm sorry to all MyungJong shippers. But like I said, it's not the end yet!!! We're a bit far from it actually!!!! So please continue to love me!!!!! *throws hearts at you* ^^ So please look forward to the following chapters okay? ^^ :D I love you all so much!!!! ^^

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DevilNextToYou #1
Okay I enjoyed the penjong ALOT but not the myungyeol cuz I'm sungjong biased LOL
u noe the feeling where u ship your bias with this one person real hard in this case myungsoo but u are fine with your bias being shipped with other people but not fine with your bias most shipped member to be with other ppl ok I dun think u understand but yeah ~~~
Chapter 47: The story was good, if I see it from a objective perspective it was flawless.... However I am very disappointed that I expect myungjong because you write in your preview it will be myungjong in the end and it never turned like that. T.T I feel conned and down since I am biased.
I will read the link you send I just hope this is a real myungjong.
Good story
myungyeol4life #3
i'm rereading this
AllHailMochi #4
Chapter 5: Okay, so I'm spazzing over my own story, I can't help but smile OMG. I'm the weirdest noona alive, I'm even commenting here.
naznew #5
Chapter 47: wow..great drama story ever..
and at the end, pengjong,woogyu,myungyeol,yadong and sikhoon..
Chapter 47: Well thanks for the journey author-nim... I managed to finish it in one go, so now i'm a little dizzy from staring at my iPod for too long... Although i'm a BlackLemon (a hardcore one) i really enjoying PanJong, i guess i let paniel borrowed Jjongie from myungsoo this time (only this time :p) Well thanks again author-nim, u've done a great job and thumbs up for u. Another MyungJong story juseyooooo~ 사랑해~ (there, i made a confession to u) LMAO
Chapter 47: just finished reading your story i love it i enjoyed reading it alot and the ending was really beautiful
thanks for sharing it ^^V
Chapter 47: this is beautiful orz♥
Chapter 47: Omg.. gosh, like finaly. That is just too.. omg. T-T Too damn cute. ♥ Dongwoo who had kiss Hoya, they are now together, and then there's MyungYeol, and Penjong.. argh. ♥
when i read the previous chapter, i was so scared that Myungsoo would be like.. idk. Actiong like a "demon" °-° *run* anyway, i really like this fiction, it was so cute. c: