Getting tired

The Silent Treatment

Sungjong woke up by 4. They have a performance today at Music bank, and he guess that most of his hyungs were also awake. But the maknae felt very ill today.

‘I think I have a cold.’

He checked his drawer for some medicine. He was lucky to find some. He stood up and went outside. Just like he guessed, everyone was already awake. Woohyun and Hoya was making breakfast, Sunggyu’s is on the phone with their manager for their schedule, Dongwoo was stretching, Sungyeol was sitting half asleep at the kitchen, and Myungsoo was on the couch.

Sungjong tried his best not to be noticed, because his cold was obvious because of his voice. He quietly made his way to the kitchen. He opened the fridge and took out a bottle of water. When he was about to exit, someone noticed him.

“Hey Sungjong-ah, why are you sneaking?” Asked a half-asleep choding.

Woohyun and Hoya looked at the maknae.

“Oh, so you’re awake. Come on and sit, breakfast is almost ready.” Woohyun said. Sungjong just smiled and bowed. He took as seat and hid the medicine in his pocket.

“Come on, let’s eat!” Hoya shouted. The members gathered in the kitchen one by one. Myungsoo sat next to Sungyeol. Woohyun and Hoya served the food, and sat.

Hoya took a seat next to Sungjong.

“Hey Sungjong-ah, are you okay? You look a little pale.” Hoya asked. Upon hearing the maknae’s name, Myungsoo was surprised. He didn’t notice Sungjong.

“When did you wake up?” Myungsoo asked. Sungjong just smiled and nodded.

“Yah, are you deaf or something? Answer when someone asks you a question.” Sunggyu added.

“I woke up a while ago hyung.” They all looked at the maknae.

“You have a cold.” Sunggyu said in an irritated tone. Hoya placed his palm on Sungjong’s forehead.

“You also have a slight fever. Can you still go on today?”

“Of course hyung. I’ll just take medicine.”

“Aish, you should always take care of yourself.” Woohyun added. Sunggyu bitterly chuckled.

“Let him be. If he wants to ignore his health, so be it.” Sunggyu started to get rice and started eating.

“This is all Peniel’s fault.” Myungsoo said.

“How is this his fault?” Dongwoo aksed.

“If he didn’t let Sungjong run in the rain, then-.” Woohyun glared at Myungsoo, and gestured him to keep quiet.

“What? It’s true.” Myungsoo added.

“Aish, is Peniel being a bad influence to you? If so, stop seeing him okay? We don’t want him dragging the group down. Your voice is bad enough.” Sunggyu continued eating, clueless to what he just said.

“He is not being a bad influence, and this wasn’t his fault, it’s mine okay? So don’t drag Peniel here.” Sungjong said as he stood up. He made his way out of the kitchen and went to his room.

“Gyu, that wasn’t a nice thing to say you know.” Woohyun said.

“I was just being honest Namu. Sheesh, tell him to grow up.” Woohyun stood up.

“No, you grow up. Just because you have a higher role in this group doesn’t mean you have the right to treat him badly.” Woohyun could feel his hands clench into fists.

“Are you taking his side huh?” Sunggyu stood up and pointed at the maknae’s room.

“Yes! Yes I am! You know I love you, but what you said was overboard.” With that, Woohyun took his plate and went to the maknae’s room. For a moment, Sunggyu just stood there. He wanted to shout back, but Namu was right. He was wrong this time. So instead, he sat down and continued eating. Myungsoo could feel the cold glare of Hoya. Now he felt guiltier. He should’ve just kept his mouth shut.

Sungjong felt hurt. He never understood why Sunggyu was always like that towards him, and why Myungsoo said those things about Peniel. Sungjong decided to call Peniel.

“Hello?” Peniel said in a low voice.

“Hey.” Sungjong sniffled.

“What’s wrong? Why are you crying?”

“Why are they like that Peniel? Why?” Sungjong couldn’t even finish his sentence. He cried even harder.

“I’m coming over.”

“No, please. You don’t need to. I just wanted to know that someone’s there for me.” Sungjong felt relieved. Whenever he’s with Peniel, or just hearing his voice, he feels safe, and protected. So, he finally made his decision, even though it was a bit too fast. Sungjong took a deep breath.

“C-c-can we meet up later, after our performance?” Sungjong started to calm down.

“Of course, I’ll go to you later ok-.”

“No, I’ll go to you. Okay? I’ll see you later.”

“Okay. Call me if you need anything.” Sungjong hummed. With that, the phone call ended.

“Sungjong-ah.” Sungjong was startled by the familiar voice.

“Woohyun hyung.” He didn’t dare look at Woohyun, he didn’t want Woohyun to worry more than he is now. He could hear footsteps, drawing nearer and nearer, until saw a plate beside him, and a pair of nostalgic arms around his waist.

“I’m sorry for what Sunggyu did.” Sungjong could feel Woohyun’s sadness.

“Hyung, it’s okay.” Sungjong broke the hug and faced Woohyun. The other was crying. The usual happy, cheesy, grease ball of Infinite was crying. This made Sungjong feel sad. He never wanted to see any of his hyungs, cry especially Woohyun, and if the reason their sadness is him.

“Hyung, you’ll support me to whatever I’ll do right?” Sungjong wiped the tears from Woohyun’s cheek. The other nodded.

“The last time you told me that, you went out screaming.” Sungjong and Woohyun chuckled.

“Just don’t do anything stupid okay?” Sungjong nodded.

“You know, I wish you would choose someone who’ll love you, not someone always hurting you.” Sungjong chuckled.

“Hyung, you’re being too obvious about Peniel and Myungsoo hyung.” Sungjong smiled, but his smile slowly disappeared.

“Do you want me to kick Myungsoo?” Woohyun said in a very low voice.

“Hyung, no need. Not anymore.” Sungjong smiled. For a moment, Woohyun understood  what the maknae was saying.

“As long as you’re happy Jongie. Now eat.” Sungjong shook his head.

“Hyung, let’s eat at the table. I feel much more confident now.” Woohyun smiled and nodded. They went out of the room, and went straight to the kitchen.

Everyone was still there. Sunggyu and Myungsoo were a bit shocked seeing them back. Sungyeol was trolling. Hoya and Dongwoo were having a conversation.

“Hey, you feeling better?” Hoya asked. Sungjong nodded and smiled at him. Sunggyu wanted to talk to Woohyun, but the other never glanced at his direction.

“Here, let me feed you. Say Ahhh.” Woohyun fed Sungjong.

“Here, try this Sungjong.” Sungyeol also fed him. Sungyeol was never a person to be....touchy towards the maknae, but Sungjong wasn’t complaining.

“Try this. I made this myself.” Hoya also fed the maknae.

“No! This tastes much better, even though Hoya was the one who made it.” Dongwoo stood up and fed the maknae. Sungjong loved this moment. How he wishes that his hyungs were always like this towards him.

“Thanks hyungs, but can I eat by myself now?” Sungjong chuckled and started eating. He quickly finished eating and stood up.

“Thanks for the breakfast hyungs.” Sungjong smiled and placed his plate on the sink.

“I’ll shower now hyungs.” Sungjong bowed and went out of the kitchen.

“Oh, there’s still time. I can still watch some TV!” Sungyeol stood up and went to the living room.

“I’ll just go to my room. Call me if Sungjong’s done showering, so I can shower next.” Woohyun stood up, not even glancing at their leader or the visual.

“How about a little practice Hoya?” Hoya smiled and nodded.

Myungsoo felt very awkward right now. So he slowly stood up and went for the sink. Sunggyu just sat there, feeling guilty and sad at the same time.


They arrived at the recording studio. They have to perform for their rehearsal. Fans were already there, screaming and chanting their names. Hearing this gives them extra energy, which can make them last a whole day. After rehearsals, they went back to their dressing room. Sunggyu and Woohyun still haven’t talked since the incident. The leader felt broken. He regretted everything he had done, and he was sorry. He just wishes that Woohyun would talk to him.

As for Myungsoo, well, he thought about it for a long time, and decided to finally talk to Sungjong. He walked up to the maknae, who was sitting at a corner, texting.

“Hey.” Sungjong looked up and gave Myungsoo a weak smile. Myungsoo sat next to Sungjong.

“I’m sorry for saying those things about Peniel.” Myungsoo felt guiltier when Sungjong gave him another smile.

“I’m sorry too hyung.” With that Sungjong stood up, leaving a confused Myungsoo sitting there.








So I guess most of you already know what's coming next right? Well don't kill me yet!!! Because if you do, you'd never see the perfect ending. I'm sorry for not keeping my word, but a person/author told me that having 2 endings is a bad idea, and I also realized this. I love reading books, and stories, and I've never seen any story with two endings. So I decided to go with one perfect ending. I won't tell you who Sungjong would end up with, but please still support me! I'm sorry for giving you false promises. The ending is still far away people, so don't get down too easily okay? If you hate me, then I'm really sorry. :( If you support me, then thank you very much!!!! ^^ SO please leave your comments okay? PS I've already planned out everything. All I need is to write it down, and I'm working on a PenJae story. It's also angst, I guess I'll show it to you guys once this story is over! I love you guys!!!! <3

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DevilNextToYou #1
Okay I enjoyed the penjong ALOT but not the myungyeol cuz I'm sungjong biased LOL
u noe the feeling where u ship your bias with this one person real hard in this case myungsoo but u are fine with your bias being shipped with other people but not fine with your bias most shipped member to be with other ppl ok I dun think u understand but yeah ~~~
Chapter 47: The story was good, if I see it from a objective perspective it was flawless.... However I am very disappointed that I expect myungjong because you write in your preview it will be myungjong in the end and it never turned like that. T.T I feel conned and down since I am biased.
I will read the link you send I just hope this is a real myungjong.
Good story
myungyeol4life #3
i'm rereading this
AllHailMochi #4
Chapter 5: Okay, so I'm spazzing over my own story, I can't help but smile OMG. I'm the weirdest noona alive, I'm even commenting here.
naznew #5
Chapter 47: wow..great drama story ever..
and at the end, pengjong,woogyu,myungyeol,yadong and sikhoon..
Chapter 47: Well thanks for the journey author-nim... I managed to finish it in one go, so now i'm a little dizzy from staring at my iPod for too long... Although i'm a BlackLemon (a hardcore one) i really enjoying PanJong, i guess i let paniel borrowed Jjongie from myungsoo this time (only this time :p) Well thanks again author-nim, u've done a great job and thumbs up for u. Another MyungJong story juseyooooo~ 사랑해~ (there, i made a confession to u) LMAO
Chapter 47: just finished reading your story i love it i enjoyed reading it alot and the ending was really beautiful
thanks for sharing it ^^V
Chapter 47: this is beautiful orz♥
Chapter 47: Omg.. gosh, like finaly. That is just too.. omg. T-T Too damn cute. ♥ Dongwoo who had kiss Hoya, they are now together, and then there's MyungYeol, and Penjong.. argh. ♥
when i read the previous chapter, i was so scared that Myungsoo would be like.. idk. Actiong like a "demon" °-° *run* anyway, i really like this fiction, it was so cute. c: