You can call me Youngbae.

I Need a Girl

Around seven, he did call and I was extremely excited. He was coming to pick me up in half an hour.

            I quickly showered and got into a dress that I found to be appropriate for the night. I finished my outfit with heels because heels are a girl’s best friend. Unless they’re really uncomfortable then they’re a girl’s worst enemy, but that’s someone else’s story.

            I heard a knock on my door as I was putting the final touches on my lip gloss. Ugh, I hated lip gloss.

            I ran to the door and opened it to reveal a very cute-looking Taeyang. He was wearing some pretty fancy and expensive clothing (just thought I'd point that out) and somehow his hair was always perfect.

            “Hi Jacklyne,” he said, giving me a hug.

            “Hi there,” I said, smiling at him.

            “Let’s go,” he said, leading me outside to his car.


Once we got to his hotel, he showed me around the large suite and we relaxed on the couch where there was already an array of different Korean foods. I was always up for trying new food, because I loved food.

            “What’s this?” I asked, looking at something in a cube form.

            “That’s called Mak Chang,” Taeyang said, laughing.

            “Why are you laughing?” I asked, getting a little nervous.

            “Oh, nothing. Do you know what that is?”


            “It’s pig intestine.”

            “Oh god!” I yelled, covering my mouth. I burst out laughing, which made him laugh. “Um... what’s that?” I asked, looking at something that looked a litter safer to eat than pig intestine.

            “That’s my homemade Kimchi fried rice. It’s pretty spicy, but most Koreans can handle it,” he said, winking at me.

            “Well then you can call me Korean,” I said, grabbing the bowl. I’d always loved spicy food because of my mom. And I remember one time a really long time ago when my mom got something with Kimchi and she had to add more hot sauce. Not to mention that that woman eats wasabi by the spoonful.

            “This is great,” I said after my first bite. I was horrible at using chopsticks so it took me about five minutes to have that first bite.

            He laughed at me. “Do you need some help with the chopsticks?” He asked.

            “I don’t know. All my life I’ve never been able to use these,” I said, staring at them, defeated.

            “Here, I’ll show you,” he said, putting his hands over mine and putting my fingers in the right place. He showed me how to pick stuff up and it was actually quite easy.

            “Th...Thank you,” I said, suddenly feeling nervous.

            “Oh, and you can call me Youngbae,” he added.

            “Youngbae? Why?” It already confused me that their names were backwards, but now he wants me to call him something totally different? What the hell? Life doesn’t make sense.

            “Well, Taeyang is just my stage name. My real name is Dong Youngbae, so you can call me Youngbae,” he explained.

            “Wow, I feel stupid now,” I said, laughing at myself. “And Youngbae takes too long to say so I’ll find a nickname for you.”

            He laughed and then all of a sudden there was a loud strike of lightening coming from outside. I screamed and Tae-Youngbae looked at me with a worried expression.

            “Sorry, I’m afraid of lightening... just a tiny bit,” I said, balling myself up in the corner of the couch. I looked out the window and saw that it was completely pouring rain.

            “That’s fine, are you ok?” He asked, still looking worried.

            “Um, would it be alright if I stayed here for the night? It’s raining really hard and I don’t want anyone to get in an accident.” Ok, was I being too nice? I think I was being too nice.

            “Yeah, that’s ok. Do you want something to change into?” Youngbae asked, standing up from the couch.

            “Sure,” I said, smiling a weak smile towards him as another strike of lightening went off.

            He went into his bedroom of the suite hotel, and for some reason I felt even more scared. Lightening was the death of me, and one of the only bad things about New York if you take away the rapists.

            He came back with a large t-shirt and some sweat pants. He handed them to me. “You can change in the washroom over there,” he said, motioning towards the washroom.

            I got off the couch and went over to the washroom, and locked myself in there. I took a deep breath and took my dress off. Youngbae was making me feel things that I shouldn’t be feeling for a guy I just met this morning.

            After changing into his clothes, I was about to open the door when the power went out. I let out a quick scream because I was surprised and an idiot.

            “Are you ok?” Youngbae asked from the couch. I heard him get up.

            “Yeah, I’m fine,” I said, opening the door. Once I stepped forward, I bumped into his chest and fell backwards. He caught me before I fell to the floor. “Um... the power’s out,” I said. Once again, I am an idiot.

            He laughed. “Yeah it is,” he said, leading me back to the couch. I was glad the power was out just because he couldn’t see me blushing like a loser. “Well, I’ll sleep on the couch tonight. Do you need help getting to the bed? I mean... to sleep of course, not to,” he stopped talking. I could tell he was embarrassed, which made me feel less embarrassed.

            “No, it’s ok. I think I can manage,” I said, getting off the couch and putting my hands along the wall to help guide myself to the bedroom. My eyes kind of adjusted to the dark so I made it there quickly.

            I had no idea how I was going to sleep tonight, though.

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Chapter 17: wow love this fanfic :)
Chapter 17: Love it love it love it! Perfect mix of humor fluff and angst! And it didn't hurt that some of the one liners had me in stitches XD Hope to see more fics like this! PS I love the subtle use of the main character's name, Jacklyne I wonder........... ;D
Chapter 17: Heeeey, what about a sequel? :)
Carmelnap #4
Chapter 17: Awww, im glad Youngbae realized he was wrong. i would enjoy a Jiyong or Top fanfic.
lovis89 #5
Chapter 16: why is jiyong such a ____... uggghhh!! i was happy they kick chloe and the other girl i forgot her name lol
Chapter 15: .......... )":
Chapter 13: Yah! Jacklyne, update right now!!! I wanna see what happens to that ____!!! xD
Chapter 12: Foood!=p more=3 ♥