canto iv

The Inferno's Kiss



You smiled...

because you knew.






Mieun missed Hyun.

She had been younger, much, much younger when she had first met him. It had been on November 12th, her sixth birthday. It had still been fairly recent since her parents had become extreme, only letting her out on her birthday.


She had only been able to venture as far as the wheat fields. That was what her mother said, and she didn't mind. She was playing among the grass with her stuffed dolls that her mother had sewn together for her, but mostly, she just enjoyed the fresh air rustling the wheat. She felt her mother's eagle-like eyes carefully watching her every now and then from the kitchen window. Mieun crawled through the wheat on all fours, dragging along her dolls. Her nails were stained with dirt, but she didn't care; she just kept looking down at the ground, playing with the dirt.

She stopped crawling when she saw shoes in front of her face. She looked up. A boy looked down at her, his head tilted to the side. She tilted her head to the side too. He blinked, his brown, milky eyes covered by his dark lashes. Mieun blinked slowly. What was he looking at?

The boy opened his mouth to speak, "What are you doing here?"

Mieun blinked again, "Who are you?"

The boy didn't say anything, but just repeated his question, "What are you doing here?"

Mieun stared at him. "I'm playing. What are you doing here?"

The boy frowned, "I've never seen you before."

Mieun pouted, "You're not answering my questions!"

The boy regarded her with a thoughtful expression. "Yeah, I don't think I've seen you before. I live here," he told her seriously.

Mieun shook her head. "No, I've never seen you before. My family and I are the only ones who live here. We just moved here," she informed him. 

He stuck out his hand, "My name is Hyun. What's yours?"


And so, a new friendship was born. They played together for the rest of the day. At the end of the day when the sun was setting, Hyun asked her if she wanted to come out and play tomorrow. Mieun sadly shook her head. "I can't," she told him, matter-of-factly, "I'm allowed out of the house on my birthday."

Hyun eyes widened, "Really? Why? You just let your parents lock you up like that?"

Mieun frowned, "Hey, don't talk about my parents like that! They're just doing what's best for me. It's good."

Hyun shrugged, "If you says so. Then will I see you next year this same day?"

Mieun nodded, "Yes!" She ran towards her house deep, deep in the woods, waving to Hyun the whole way.

Hyun waved to her the whole time, watching the woods swallow her up. "Thank you for playing with me today," he whispered, before the woods swallowed him up too.

From then on, every day until her next birthday, Mieun would always tell her parents how excited she was for her next birthday. When her parents would ask her why, she would just smile and say 'Just because.'

The next year,  on November 12th, she ran out into the fields, calling out for Hyun. He came running out of the woods with a huge grin plastered on his face. They played all day until the sun started setting, and the woods swallowed them up once again. 

She went home for dinner, chattering happily to her parents about her day with Hyun. Her parents looked at her strangely. She didn't realize anything out of the ordinary. "And then, we went up to the window to wave to Mommy, and she waved back!"

Mieun's mother glanced worriedly at her husband. Mieun looked at her mother, "Mommy? Didn't you see us? You waved back too."

Mieun's mother spoke very slowly, "Dear, I didn't see any boy today."


Mieun never saw Hyun again after that.





It was terrifyingly beautiful.


She gazed wide-eyed up at the ceiling, bewitched. The twisted, slithering design was intricate, and it fascinated her. The red paint jumped out in stark contrast with the otherwise pristine white ceiling.

It was haunting, sinister, and horrifying in every way to the eye of the beholder.

But not to her.

She thought it was beautiful, elegant, and dainty. She didn't see the drying brown spatters on the ceiling or the skeletons in the closet. No, she didn't see any of it. What she saw was beautiful and enchanting, not sinister and deadly.

O woe to her, who could not see, for her eyes are blinded. Like a lamb about to be led to slaughter.

She didn't remember anything at all. Her mind was absolutely blank. Funny, she couldn't even remember her own name. It always felt like it was on the tip of her tongue, but she couldn't be sure. It had a 'Eun' in there, that was all she could be sure of. She had just assumed that  she had always lived here in this strangely quiet, still house, deep, deep into the woods.

She thought it was normal that the fog was always thicker than usual. She thought it was normal that crows would always gather outside her door. She thought it was normal to stay locked up in her room all the time. She thought it was normal to live life imprisoned in a golden bird cage. She thought it was good.

Life was good.

She sat up, listening for any signs or movement of any other living thing in the house. There was nothing. Frowning, she threw back the satin blankets and set her bare feet on the floor. It wasn't cold. Rather, it was a comforting warm. Just as she was slipping on a sweater, a knock sounded at the door. "Jagiya, are you awake yet? I already made you some breakfast."

It was him. Her savior. Or, at least that was what she thought. He had rescued her from her cruel, abusive parents. His very presence was intoxicating. She couldn't see anyone else, anything else. She happily skipped to the door, pressing her face on the surface, "Yes."

There was a click and the clanking of chains, followed by a heavy thud. The doorknob twisted, and his face appeared in the frame. He smiled when he saw her face. "Good morning." He drew her in for a long, seductive kiss, his fingers trailing up and down her back.

It wasn't a loving kiss, but, rather, a hungry one. It was as if he wanted to consume her whole if he could. He kept pushing, wanting more and more. He was like a beast, uncontrollable, wild, and able to get his hands on anything he wanted. He growled underneath his breath, feral.

She gasped, feeling the fire spread out around her back where his fingers had touched. They traced swirling patterns on her neck. In the back of her hazy mind, she thought about  the pattern up on the ceiling. She was shaking all over and felt like she would collapse from lack of oxygen. Yet, he held her closer to his chest, crushing her, suffocating her.

He her back, almost possessively, and his nails dug into her skin. She shivered, but not in fear. Pleasure. That was all she could feel. The scorching fire that had awakened and had sprung up aflame when he had taken her into his arms. It was overwhelming, the euphoric high she could reach when she was with him.

He gripped her hair, almost painfully, but she didn't feel any pain. Only ecstasy. Her eyes were blinded  to her bruised and swollen lips, to the purplish color of her face, and to the blood seeping out of the cuts and scratches on her back.

He broke off the kiss, breathing heavily. Almost immediately, she felt as if a little part of the fire had died, only to be reduced to a small, burning flame. He smirked wickedly. "You must be hungry by now. Come eat."

Obediently, she rose unsteadily on her weak legs and followed him outside of her golden bird cage. Their slow, rhythmic footsteps echoed eerily in the deathly quiet house. She looked around in wonder at the fancy decorations and the intricate patterns displayed on the walls. There were pictures hanging on the walls.

The pictures. She didn't want to dwell on them too much. Sometimes, they scared her when she was by herself. When she was with him, of course, she felt no fear. Only pleasure. But when she was home, alone in the stony silence of the chilling house, she would gaze upon the pictures and feel Fear crawling up behind her.

They were ghastly, the pictures were. They depicted grisly pictures of people being killed, tortured, or buried alive. They showed images of people wailing, crying, begging for their lives. They showed people with their skulls showing underneath.

There was one picture that always caught her attention. It was an artistic interpretation of The Inferno. She could make out the wailing souls, weeping invisible tears. It showed horrific images, ones that she could not bear to see by herself. It was his pride and joy, he had said. Only one whole copy in the world. He asked her if she thought it was beautiful.

She could not remembered what she had answered or what had happened afterward. But every time she passed it--it was almost impossible not to, seeing how it was featured so prominently in the house--she couldn't quell the tremulous sensation she would always get creeping up her neck. She gingerly probed the two purplish bruises on her neck. She hadn't remembered where she had gotten them from.

She always forgot about the bruises. They would always just appear randomly one day, every time in a different place. But she would always see them one moment, before they were gone the next. They would just happen into existence before fading away.

She quietly averted her eyes, training them on his back instead. Focusing on him always helped her regain her senses. Whenever she looked at him, all the fear and doubt would just die inside of her. He was everything to her, the reason that she lived. They were connected to each other, he had once told her. They existed for each other. Without the other, they would just fade away into nothingness, a shade doomed to forever roam the shadows, looking for their lost lover.

She shook her head, dispelling all her thoughts. She didn't want to think about it. The very thought of life without him pained her. She couldn't bear to see anything like that happen. God forbid the day would come when they would have to part for eternity.

But death was not a barrier to their love, he would always remind her. Nothing could transcend their love because their love was everything to them. It was what fed them, nurtured them. Their love was untouchable; it was stainless and pure.

For they were together, and that was what really mattered.

That they would be bound together for eternity.

As they passed the dark passageway, cloaked in darkness, she forced herself to repress the overwhelming curiosity that built up inside of her. The forbidding locks on the door, the hostile darkness, the ominous, evil aura surrounding that door. Everything about it roused her curiosity, but she pressed it down. No, she told herself, She mustn't look.

No, she mustn't look because he said so.

"What's that?" she pointed down the hall at the door with the chained doorknob. "Why is it all locked up?"

He didn't look at what she was pointing, but she noticed that the muscles in his neck became taut and rigid. She tilted her head to the side. Why wasn't he answering? She opened again to repeat her question in case he hadn't heard her. He interrupted her, "Don't touch it."

She was about to ask him why, but he cut her off again, his voice much colder and icier. "Don't ask. Just don't touch it."


He whirled around, gripping her shoulders harshly. His eyes blazed dangerously, "I said. Don't. Touch. It." He shook her viciously, her head snapping back and forth, "Did you hear me?"

She stared back at him with frightened eyes, "Y-yeah....I.I won't.."

He let go of her abruptly, "Good."

She forced herself to tear her eyes away from the door and to keep following him, pushing the door to the back of her mind. But she couldn't deny the fact that it was there.

And it was calling to her.






 It was the best of times; it was the worst of times.

Mieun didn't know which.

She was frightened yet enthralled at the same time. Happy yet sad. Optimistic yet depressed. But if there was one thing that Mieun was, it was confused. She couldn't decide. She couldn't make up her mind. Daehyun scared her, and she loved it. Daehyun frightened her, and she was terrified.

He was beautiful yet terrible.

A beautiful monster. A sinister angel.

But she didn't care because life was good, and that was all that mattered to Mieun.

The first night, he had led her to the bedroom and had handed her a pile of clothes. Mieun had stared at them in confusion. Daehyun had smiled, pushing her gently into the bedroom. "Go on," he had nodded towards the bedroom, "You must be exhausted." His expression had changed, and he had grinned menacingly, "And don't even think about running. Because I'll know."

Mieun had shivered.

She had quickly stepped into the darkness, letting it cloak her. Behind her, she had heard Daehyun shut the door, leaving her alone in the darkness. There had been a click and the rattling of chains.

She had been alone again.


And the icy coldness had taken over her heart.





Night was setting. Mieun was lying on her bed, watching the crows flock around outside from her window. Daehyun was out again. He was at work, and she didn't want to disturb him. She was alone at home, free to wander throughout the house as she pleased.

She was cold. Daehyun wasn't there any more to keep her warm. She didn't feel euphoric. She felt her blood chilling. There was something wrong with Daehyun. She wasn't Eunmi. He thought she was Eunmi. She wasn't Eunmi.

He was wrong. She shouldn't be here because she wasn't Eunmi. She wasn't who he thought she was. Right? Surely she wasn't. She was Mieun, the girl who should've been asleep at home deep, deep in the woods.

She wasn't Eunmi, the mysterious girl who Daehyun was in love with. The mysterious girl that made Daehyun so insane and disillusioned. The girl that should've been here lying on her bed instead of Mieun.

It was all messed up. It was all twisted. A twisted fairytale it seemed. Mieun had wanted her Prince Charming to swoop in and rescue her from her concealed prison, her golden-gilded birdcage.

But Daehyun was far from her Prince Charming.


He was the devil incarnate.


She closed her eyes, listening to the echo of the wind. It seemed to whisper in her ear, telling her of lies, deceit, and wonders untold. Mieun was curious. The wind told her of secrets, dangerous secrets. Ones that were best left hidden. The wind always started to say a few words, before the voice died out again, leaving her puzzled and curious.


The outside....


Beware the...

Hidden in the fire...

Underneath the bed....


Underneath the bed.


Oh, how Mieun was curious. 

She was curious about what was hidden underneath the bed.




"Daehyun?" she looked at him with wondering eyes. "Daehyun, is something wrong?" Daehyun's face was pale and ashen, glistening with sweat. His eyes were wild, and she could tell that he had been crying. Dirt streaked his face, and he looked like he had not eaten or slept for months. His face was haggard, and for the first time, he looked vulnerable.

He saw her, and immediately, his face brightened up. He smiled widely, crying tears that ran down his cheeks. "Oh, Eunmi. Eunmi. You're alive." He caught her in his arms and held her tight, rocking them back and forth. His sobs echoed throughout the room, and she felt the need to comfort him. She patted his head like she would to a little child. "Oh, Daehyun. Of course. I'm with you."

He squeezed her tighter, burrowing his face into her neck, breathing in her sweet scent. "Promise," he begged, "Promise me that you'll never leave me. Promise me...that you'll stay by my side."

"I'll take your love to my grave," she promised, hoping that her words would be sufficient enough to soothe his anxiety. He gripped her arms desperately, a wild, maniacal gleam in his eyes. "Promise me. Promise."

She stared at him wide-eyed, unsure of what to say now. There was something in those eyes that scared her. A crazy, desperate longing. The desire of a madman. She pulled him close to her, softly kissing his lips. But instead, he grabbed her roughly by her hair and kissed her hard.

The fire burned harder, making her wither on the inside. It made her peel, blister, and blacken. Skin peeled away from bone, revealing her flesh red and raw. But he was still hungry for more. He mashed his lips to hers, slamming her to the ground. He kissed her, biting her lip until it bled. His grip left angry red marks on her arms.

He squeezed her neck painfully, listening to her painful gasps. He bit her neck, whispering into her ear, "Don't look under the bed. Okay? We'll stay together forever, as long as you don't look underneath the bed. You won't look underneath the bed, will you? Promise me."

She nodded fervently, gasping for air. She didn't understand a word of what Daehyun was saying. She didn't know anything underneath the bed. And she didn't care, so she just nodded to assure him and to assuage his fears.  


But little did she know what she was agreeing to.




She got up from her bed, wrapping her arms around herself, trying to fend off the icy chill that blanketed the house. It was always cold when Daehyun wasn't with her. She went down to the kitchen to brew some hot tea. Perhaps that would keep her warm until Daehyun came home.

But it didn't. It was only like a little flame that burst to life and then died out. She walked around the house, wishing that she could go outside. But Daehyun always made sure that the doors and windows were locked from the outside until he got home. She was a prisoner in this beautiful house, this golden bird cage.

She didn't know much about him. He never told her much about himself. Only about them. Curious, she walked to his bedroom. Sometimes he slept with her, but most of the time, he would sleep downstairs when he would come home late. There were no pictures. Just one of them together. She assumed that the girl in the picture was her, but she couldn't remember ever taking a picture like this. Daehyun was lightly kissing her head, while she smiled at the camera happily.

There was something odd in the photo that caught her attention. In the photo, she was lightly resting her hand on top of her stomach, which was more like a bulge. Did she ever have a child? She couldn't remember ever having a child either.

She moved on, touching everything, looking at everything. Daehyun didn't keep much stuff in here. Everything was neat, and the room wasn't cluttered at all. Instead, it felt empty and lonely. It felt....sad.

She was about to leave and turn off the lights when something caught her attention.

The bed.

She inched closer, her feet taking steps hesitantly. The floorboards creaked and groaned, echoing eerily throughout the desolate room. Daehyun's words echoed inside her head.

Don't look under the bed.

She stopped herself, questioning herself. Did she really just think about looking underneath the bed? Daehyun said not to. She shouldn't.

But she wanted to cry and tear her hair out, for the curiosity was too much for her to bear. She had to look, she told herself. Oh, how she had to satisfy her curiosity. It was so easy. So easy for her reason to abandon her and her curiosity to lead her. She succumbed to her cravings, just how she had succumbed to her craving to go outside months ago, ignoring her parents' warnings.

She let her curiosity lead her, let the wind whisper secrets and lies in her ear. She left behind her mind, her rationality, her sanity, everything. All she could think about was looking underneath the bed.


All she could think about was what Daehyun had been hiding from her.


All she could think about was what may be lying underneath the bed.


All she could feel was someone, something behind her, pushing her, urging her to see.


To see what may be lying underneath the bed.


Oh yes, Shin Mieun was, indeed, a very curious girl. 



Fourth chapter is finally up! It was supposed to finished yesterday, but I'm just a stupid lazy a** procrastinator who should be slapped. I made a schedule for myself, but I just can't seem to stick to it! This is the longest chapter yet, 3,500+ words. The others will be a lot shorter, probably 1,000+ words. Again, lots of symbolism. I didn't really want to focus on the beauty of the kiss, but rather, the horrific side of it. Hope I managed to capture what I was hoping to express well. I'm just so stressed, I can't think straight. -kitty. 

-thank you so much for all the lovely comments and subs. Y'all made my day and kept my spirits up. ^^

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50+ subs. Gosh, I'm crying already. Thank you for all the support. Gathering ideas in my head for a sequel if my life will permit it. -.-


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I'm not even a BAP fan but like this was rlly good gosh
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Coolcutiedj #3
Chapter 2: Xi Luhan? The most manly, baby faced angel? A murderer?? When I first saw his name as a convicted murderer.... I LAUGHED MY OFF!? HAHAHAHAHA!! Well.. Gotta continue the story... ^_^
Chapter 9: I knew it: Xi Luhan and Daehyun were the same person! Err.. they are, right? Haha.

And yes, there were so many symbolism in this story. Honestly, I only noticed the 'white nightgown' that you used frequently and that symbolises innocence. And I felt completely out of place when it said, "slippers that were made of lamb's wool". I was like, "you could've just used "she wore the slippers that were placed nearby." or something". Lol, never did I know that it was actually a symbol. I'm sorry.

Hyun, Xi Luhan, Daehyun and Jung Daehyun.
I actually had the thought that Xi Luhan was just the name that the people gave to the 'insane murderer'... and he was actually Daehyun.
I really thought that Hyun was Jung Daehyun. Considering that Mieun had never met him again after their second encounter --maybe he (Jung Daehyun) was killed afterwards by his parents? But to think again, it was never mentioned that Jung Daehyun went outside. So, Hyun can never be Jung Daehyun.
And it never crossed my mind that Jung Daehyun and Daehyun were actually different.

Oh well, all in all. The story's amazing! *applauds* although I feel a bit dizzy at the moment lol. Moving on to read the sequel now.
I finished reading your story all in one day,
And it's REALLY good, it had so much detail and description.
I was honestly really scared of what was under Daehyun's bed because at first... I thought that there was a dead body.
I understood the story, but just don't know if Luhan and Daehyun are the same person and that's all.
I will move on and read the squeal now.
Update that soon.
I started reading it and ur title really reminded me of The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri. Then I went on the 1st ch and saw canto 1 (: made me smiile, I adore his work.
Can't wait to finish this fic! :D
Chapter 9: Oh, I haven't really commented on your story properly didn't I? keke. Sorry for that. T.T
Well, first of, I love the theme for this story. Not many people write this kind of story.
But I gotta say that, yes, this story is confusing because you used lots of symbolism. I'm not saying that you did the wrong thing it's just that not many readers can interpret the whole story properly. It takes a lot of time to ponder over this kind of story. I, myself, am not that good at interpreting stories with metaphors and such.
(Maybe that's why people choose to read simple love story)

My interpretation:
Mieun wants freedom so one day she ran away and then she met this guy, Daehyun. She doesn't know who he is so she's afraid of him (since he's kidnapped her) but he takes care of her like she's the most precious thing to her, which results into her falling in love with him. At this point, I assume that it's stockholm syndrome.
But then, as I read more, I learn that Daehyun's a crazy guy. So I thought 'Oh, so he's an overly obsessed guy'.
And slowly, the story starts to unravel some of the mysteries.
It turns out that Daehyun thinks of her as eunmi. I assume that he uses mieun as a replacement. When mieun founds out about the truth, she loses her mind and decides to run away. Daehyun manages to stop her but she kills him.
Turns out that she didn't really kill him so at that point, I realize that she's crazy too. In the end, Daehyun died anyway because of Jung Daehyun's disease.
So yeah, that's what I think about the story. I don't think you could understand me completely, sorry. keke
My mind is not deep enough to understand your story. OTZ I apologize if I ever disappoint you, author.
krinkle_shawol #8
Chapter 9: I suggest you listen to Jieun and BYG's Going Crazy while reading this :) Oh, this fic DAEBAK, by the way :D Good job, author-nim!
Chapter 9: Theres a sequel omfg XD