Frustrations and Decisions

See You Never

"Miiinnn-aaaaaiiiii~~~♪" Key sang, gently shaking the girl's shoulder.

Min-ai clenched her eyes shut then slowly opened them and reaching up to rub the sleep out of them. She shifted her head subconsciously so she was looking back at him, despite her obviously not able to see him.

"Did you have a nice sleep on my bed Minmin?" Key teased.

Min-ai was instantly wide awake and bolted into a sitting position, her hand shooting down to feel that she was, indeed, still on Key's bunk bed.

"Oh crap! I'm sorry Bummie-"

"Don't apologise Minmin; you were tired," Key laughed, patting down her hair.

"Besides, Key didn't seem to mind having a cuddle-buddy," Jonghyun laughed.


"JONGHYUN!!" Key barked. "I told you not to say anything!!"


"Onew~!" the man sang, poking his head into the room with a grin.

Despite the situation, the three burst out laughing as the leader's quirkiness. Their laughter was cut short when Minho's voice rang out from the living room.

"Ummm… guys!"

Exchanging looks, Onew and Jonghyun went into the living room while Key helped Min-ai down from the bunk bed.

"Kim Kibum if you so much as touched me…"

"Oh hush, I didn't do anything that you didn't enjoy~" he teased with a smirk.

Min-ai's face went red and she smacked him on the arm making him laugh and continue to lead her out of the bedroom. They got out and Min-ai could tell from the amount of steps they took that they were over by the couch and TV.

"SHINee's Key was seen at the Seoul mall yesterday, carting around a young woman as well as holding her hand, hugging her, you name it! Spectators managed to get photos of the girl and many now believe that it is SNSD's Yuri!"

"What!? Min-ai looks nothing like Yuri-noona!" Key barked.

That's not the point Key-goon!" Choi Jin sighed, turning of the TV. "The press know, in one shape or form, about Min-ai, and now she's not only going to create problems, but be in danger from the press as well as fans."

The room went silent and Min-ai could feel the six pairs of eyes on her.

"I told you me moving in with you was a bad idea…" Min-ai sighed. "I should just go home-"

"I'm not sending you back to your brother! He'll take advantage of your handicap and make your life worse!" Key growled, quickly taking her hand. "I'm going to figure something out Min-ai, so don't even think about giving up!"

The girl simply sighed, not giving him a real answer. Rather than listen to the others talk about how they were going to try and fix the problem, Min-ai moved back into the bedroom and sat on Onew's bed with a sigh.

After a couple minutes, she stood up on the bed and reached around for the book Key had been reading to her last night that apparently put her to sleep. She managed to find it and crawled her way back up to his bed, huddling in the back corner and skimming across the pages with her finger.


"Up here Ajumma," she laughed.

"Alright, if you insist on calling me Ajumma then that means I can call you Clementine!" Key growled, crawling up onto his bed.

"I'm not a Clementine!" Min-ai barked back.

"Then stop calling me Ajumma!"

"You two sound like an old married couple again~!"

"Shut up Minho!!!" The two barked, Key glaring down at the younger man.

The man simply chuckled and quickly ducked back out of the room leaving the two up on the bunk.

"Listen Min-ai-"

"Key I should just go home," she interrupted with a sigh, closing her book. "I'm causing you and your managers grief and now there's going to be fans and press constantly surrounding you and poor Yuri thinking that they'll get some sort of info."

"But… I don't want you to leave…" Key booed, his shoulders sagging.

"You sound like a puppy not wanting his master to go to work," Min-ai snickered.

Key grinned and quickly scuttled across the mattress, pulling the girl down so she was laying beside him and nuzzled her neck. "Master! Master! Please don't leave Bummie all alone Master! The other puppies don't play fair and I'll miss you, because I love you and love you and, and, and, I love yoooouuuu~!"

Min-ai let out a mix between a shriek and a laugh and tried to pry her friend's arms off from around her. "Kim Kibum! Let me go!"

"But Bummie loves his Master~!" he grinned, only hugging her tighter.

"Well Master is not appreciating Bummie making our relationship sound like some sort of video!" she laughed, still trying to get away.

Key instantly froze and Min-ai could almost feel the heat coming off of his face as he released her making her laugh.

"OK, you did not need to take it that far," Key grumbled trying to calm himself down.

"Oh come on! You calling me Master and consistantly proclaiming your love for me? Even you have to admi-"

"Shhhhhhhhhh!" Key yelped, covering with his hands. "There are young ears in the dorm!"

"Oh bah, if Jonghyun hasn't introduced Taemin to by now then I will," Min-ai laughed, pushing his hand away from .

"Why I introducing Taemin to !?" Jonghyun yelled from the living room.

"Well I can't really see Minho doing it!" she yelled back with a laugh.

She could hear the others burst out laughing and Key simply reached forward and smoothed down her hair.

"So back to cleaner topics; what do you feel like doing today?" he asked.

"Well, now that I'm out I can't really leave the dorm, so I guess I'll work on my homework," Min-ai replied, slowly shimmying her way towards the edge of the bunk bed.

Key quickly leapt forward and stopped her. "I'll go get your bag and I can help you out with some of it if you want," he offered.

"Sure, especially since I'm absolutely lost with quadratics," Min-ai laughed, sending a coy smile in his direction.

Key simply chuckled and nodded, making his way down the bunk, getting her bag, then climbing back up and helping her with her books and laptop.

"So what? Your helper types down all of the notes?" Key asked, watching as the girl, by ways beyond his belief, booted up her laptop and managed to find her way around her desktop to her notes.

"Could you really not hear my speak and spell telling me algebra questions at like… one in the morning?" Min-ai laughed, typing away on her keyboard until the program came up.

"It's one in the morning; I don't think anyone can hear it," Key chuckled, shifting around so that he was sitting behind her with his legs on either side of hers, his chin resting on her shoulder.

Min-ai rolled her eyes and finished her code, her speakers bursting to life as it read her notes to her.

"It's so monotone…" Key booed with a pout.

"Shh!" Min-ai hissed, smacking his thigh as she tried to concentrate on the note.

"Wouldn't it be better if I read it to you?" he questioned with a small smirk.

"Key stop I'm trying to listen!" she scolded.

Key pouted but stayed silent, watching as the small cursor ran over each word as it read to her. After a couple minutes, the note was finished and another window popped up with the homework explanation that Min-ai's helper had typed out for her.

"Alright Almighty Mathlete, help me out here," Min-ai laughed, turning the screen slightly so Key could see the math problems. "I even asked my teacher to help explain it to me and he only confused me more."

Key shifted slightly so he could read over the screen and the answers instantly popped into his head, as well as why Min-ai was probably so confused.

"Alright, so it says "solve x2=4x-13=0 by completing the square, which means you have to figure out what the hidden letter is, in this case what is x. So the first thing you want to do is put x2=4x into brackets and then expand the equation."

The two sat around Min-ai's laptop for nearly an hour, Key helping the girl whenever she got stuck on a question… this meaning he basically helped her with every question…

"How are you not grasping this??" Key sighed, laying his forehead against her shoulder in slight exasperation.

"Because Math is a subject you need to see to understand, and even when you do see it 95% of the time it looks like a bowl of Alphaghetti!" Min-ai whined, lowering her head in defeat.

Key raised his head and could instantly see the large amount of frustration on the girl's face. He reached around her and saved her homework, then closed the laptop, Min-ai flinching slightly when he almost caught her fingers with the top. He moved the computer to the side of the bed then pulled her back down onto the mattress with him again.

"Key! I have to keep doing my homework!" Min-ai squeaked, trying to get away from him.

"If you keep frustrating yourself with it you're just going to get angry and quite possibly throw it across the room, which is not SHINee friendly," Key scolded, not releasing her. "Besides it's nap time."

Min-ai couldn't help but laugh at her friend's logic, but found that it was very true and chose to lay beside him and simply listen to his steady heartbeat.

"I'm sorry." Key whispered.

Min-ai 'hmmed' to let him know she heard him.

"I watch you try and fight against this and try to keep going on like nothing's changed… when in reality almost if not everything has changed. School's become even more frustrating, you can't technically read, you're all but lost for writing now, just living has become a corner at the Olympics. I'm sorry, I wish there was something I could do to help you… to make it easier…" Key rambled, looking down at the girl and slowly petting her hair.

"Hmmm… well we could always start with the ice cream cone you owe me," she chuckled, a large smile across her face.

"You and your damn ice cream, you'd think you love that stuff more than you love me!" Key huffed with a pout.

"Hmmm… wweeeeeeellllllll…"

"Minmin~!!!!" Key cried, giving her a dejected look.

Min-ai burst out laughing and patted his chest. "Don't worry Buumie, you will always be first on my list."

"Damn right I am," he huffed. "But I suppose I will still go and get you that ice cream…"

"Yay~! Buumie I love yooouuu~!" Min-ai cheered as he rolled her off of him and got down form the bunk bed.

"Yes yes Minmin, Buumie loves you too," he laughed, fixing his socks. "Just don't wander off while I'm gone or I'll eat your ice cream myself."

Min-ai pouted making him and and reach up to pet her on the head.

"Hurry baacckk~!" she cheered, waving towards where she remembered the bedroom door being.

"Oh hyung! Are you going out somewhere?" she heard Taemin ask.

"Yeah, the Clementine demands ice cream."

"YA!! I am not a Clementine!!" Min-ai barked.

She could hear the boys burst out laughing and could almost hear Key roll his eyes and smirk.

"Well we need some other things so why don't a couple of us go with you?" Onew claimed.

"Alright! Min-ai~! I'm taking Minho, Jonghyun and Onew with me! We'll be right back!" Key called.

"Be safe~!" she called back, rolling onto her stomach on his mattress.

She got a chorus of voices back and listened as the troupe left her, Taemin and the manager alone in the dorm. After a couple minutes she could hear someone walk into the bedroom.


Min-ai couldn't help but smile and open her eyes and turn her head towards the side of the bed. "Yes Taemin?" she laughed.

"Oh I'm sorry, did I wake you up?" he apologized.

"No, just lounging. So what's up?" she replied, giving him a smile.

"Well…. you don't really want to leave… do you?"

Min-ai's face fell when she heard the slightly hurt tone in his voice.

"I don't want to Taemin… but sometimes in order to do the right thing… it means doing something you don't want to. I'm not really benefitting any of you guys by being here; if anything I'm just giving you all one more thing to worry about besides your own lives," she sighed.

"But we'd miss you…" Taemin booed.

"It's not like I'd be moving to a different country Taemin, I'm just not in the dorm," Min-ai laughed.

"I still wish that you'll stay…"

Before she could think of a reply, she heard Taemin leave the room making her sigh out her nose and close her eyes in though.

Would it really be best for her to go back home? The boys might just end up worrying about her well being more because she wasn't there… but at the same time they'd have one less thing to try and take care of…

Min-ai sighed and rolled onto her back and opened her eyes. She gave herself a firm nod. She had decided.


Min-ai allowed Choi Jin to lead her out of the dorm later that night, her carrying her backpack and a bag while he had the others. Carefully helping her into the parking lot and over to the van, he opened the door and helped her to sit in the passenger seat after throwing her things into the back.

"You ready Min-ai-shi?" Jin asked, helping her with her seatbelt.

Min-ai simply nodded and shifted in her seat as the manager closed the passenger's door and walked over to the driver's side. He got in and started the van, driving away from the dorm building.

"It's for the best… It has to be for the best…"

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Chapter five is coming soon guys, promise!


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Chapter 1: So sad!!! I want to cry!!!
Cant wait lOved it so far !!hope you takeout the next chapter soon
Can't wait until the first chapter! >w< Really loving the idea of the story!! Hwaiting author-nim! c: