The Newest Member

See You Never

"This is not a good idea…" Min-ah groaned.

"Oh stop you!" Key scolded. "I refuse to leave you with that twit!"

"Min-ho's older than you Key," the girl laughed.

"No I'm not…" Minho claimed from the seat behind them.

"My Min-ho," Min-ah laughed again.

"I refuse to believe that pabo's turning 29!" Key barked. "He's the reason you're constantly late for school!"

"I thought Min-ah just had bad time management..." Jonghyun laughed from the front seat.

Min-ai turned in his general direction and glared while the others laughed along.

The group had taken some convincing, but Key managed to make the other boys see that leaving with her brother was not a wise decision, and staying with them would be best. Throughout the entire debate, Min-ai would constantly tell them that Min-ho, her brother, may be a bit of a prat sometimes, but he was dependable, although that fell through when Key called him and only got his answering machine.

"Speaking of school… how is that going to work now?" Taemin asked from beside Minho.

"What do you mean? She can still go to school, she just can't take notes," Onew claimed.

"Or read or write or walk down stairs or the hall or-"

"OK OK we get it!" Min-ai barked, swinging her hand towards Key, pouting when she missed.

"So what, she becomes home-schooled?" Minho questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, she's going to need a special teacher-"

"I don't need a special anything!" Min-ai claimed, getting aggravated. "All I need is a brail book for beginners or something!"

"Oh yeah! They have brail don't they~"

Min-ah threw her hand against her forehead with a sigh and sank slightly in her seat. The five boys claimed that they could take care of her, but they didn't even realise she'd need to learn how to read brail??

"Well, Taemin, Onew and I can take Min-ai home and get her settled while Jonghyun and Minho try to find a book," Key listed with a smile.

"Why do I have to go get the book?" Minho sighed.

"Ya! You don't want to go on a fieldtrip with your hyung!?" Jonghyun whined, giving the younger man a pout.

Minho didn't reply making the boys chuckle, Key turning to Min-ai, the girl simply staring at the back of the manager's head. He reached out and gently put his hand on her shoulder, making her jump slightly and turn in his direction.

"We'll take care of you Min-ai, that's a promise," he said, a soft smile on his face.

Jonghyun reached back and patted her knee while Onew reached forward from the back seat to gently pat her head, the girl smiling at the actions.

"Thanks guys, but I'm still not so sure about this…" she chuckled.

Key gave her a pout as the van stopped. Key got out first and the boys helped Min-ai climb across the van to the open door. Key reached in when she was at the edge, grasped her by the pit of her arms and lifted her out, the girl giving a small shriek when she was lifted off of her feet. Once they were on the ground, Min-ai busied herself with fixing her shirt, trying to will away the embarrassed toned on her cheeks.

"Alright, so we'll take you up to our room," Key sang, quickly grasping her hand in his.

Before the girl could say anything, Key began pulling her towards the building, either Onew or Taemin throwing a hat on the girl's head and pulling it down to try and cover her face. Min-ai was going to question this when she heard the tell-tale sound of fans getting louder and louder.

"OK, now this is a really bad idea," she squeaked, pulling against Key.

"Oh stop, there are security guards," Key huffed, continuing to pull her along.

"We won't let them hurt you Min-ai," Taemin added, placing a hand on her shoulder in comfort.

The girl gave a nervous nod as she was pulled towards the front doors. Although she couldn't see them, she could feel the glares from some of the girls as she walked by and could hear some of them question her "business" with SHINee.

"You're fans are going to eat me alive…" Min-ai groaned as they walked into the elevator.

"Don't worry Minmin! Key-Oppa won't let them and their cutlery anywhere near you!" the boy cheered, hugging the girl.

Min-ai simple rolled her eyes as the door opened. She was lead to SHINee's dorm and after Onew entered their pass-code, they entered.

"Ah! Min-ai watch out!" Taemin yelped, quickly grabbing the girl's wrist to stop her in mid step. "Sorry, you were going to trip on some shoes…"

"OK, well since you insist that I stay, that will have to be rule one," she claimed, getting her footing back as Key moved the shoes from the hall. "All paths must be clear, so nothing just laying on the floor."

"So she's not allowed into our room?" Onew laughed.

Taemin chuckled as Key lead Min-ai further into their dorm.

"OK, so how should we do this?" Key asked, still holding onto the girl's wrist.

"You let me feel around your apartment so I can memorize it and you make sure I don't fall or kill myself," Min-ai replied, reaching her arm out to the side.

Key took her hand and set it against the wall of the living room, then took a couple steps back as she slowly began walking along it.

The process of "memorizing" SHINee's dorm was… taxing. They weren't slobs, but the layout was a challenge for her, ending with her firmly believing that she had a welt on her shin.

"So that was the living room, kitchen and dining room, now you can come into the bedroom… provided they're done picking everything up.." Key claimed, grasping her wrist once again.

Key opened the door and gently pulled Min-ai into the room just as Onew and Taemin finished picking up the stray clothes and books.

"This must be your favourite room," Min-ai claimed.

"What makes you say that?" Taemin asked, tilting his head to the side.

"It smells like you," Min-ai laughed, taking a couple steps forward, her hand outstretched. "I could probably tell where you sleep just by your fragrance."

"Challenge accepted," Key laughed, motioning for the two boys to get off of their beds.

Onew and Taemin did so and stood by the diva as Min-ai slowly managed to get to the first set of beds.

"You sleep on bunk-beds?" she asked, her fingers tracing along the frame, feeling the details of the wood.

"It gives us more room to sleep," Taemin answered with a smile.

"Yeah, and you have no idea how many people find it strange when we tell them we all sleep in one room," Onew added with a laugh.

Min-ai squatted down so that she was in front of the lower bunk. After a couple seconds she stood again and walked towards the middle bed. She paused at it briefly, reaching around to find that it wasn't a bunk-bed, then continuing on.

When she was done with the beds, she turned in the boy's general direction and smiled. "Jonghyun, Taemin, Onew, Minho and the Ahjussi," she listed, pointing to each bed's space.

"You'd never think she was blind," Key gapped, giving the girl an incredulous look. "Wait who are you calling Ahjussi!" he barked, marching over to her.

Taemin and Onew laughed as Key grabbed the girl around the waist and lifted her out of the room, Min-ai yelling at him to put her down.

"You're bugging her already?"

"Jonghyun tell the Ahjussi to put me down!" Min-ai whined, still trying to get Key to put her on the ground.

"Yah! Stop calling me Ahjussi!" Key barked.

"Fine I'll call you Ajumma instead!" Min-ai barked back.


"You two sound like a crotchety old married couple…"

"NOBODY ASKED YOU!!" The two roared, Key glaring at Minho.

The boy raised his hands in surrender, a slight smirk on his face as Jonghyun walked forward with a book in his hand.

"Here Min-ai."

The girl raised an eyebrow, but took the book from him when he poked her hand with it.

"Yah Ajumma, put me down," she said, trying to get his arms off of her.

"I'M NOT YOUR AUNT!" Key barked, but releasing her none the less.

The sudden lack of support make Min-ai topple to the ground with a harsh 'thump', Key instantly kneeling by her side. "Ah! Min-ai! I'm sorry, I didn't mean t-"

"Silence Buumie, Minmin is trying to read," she interrupted, trailing her fingertips over the first page.

Key laughed but lifted her by the pit of her arms and lead her over to the couch. "Well, Minmin shouldn't be reading in the middle of the floor. Read on the couch instead."

Min-ai smiled and allowed him to lead her to the couch, then sit her on it.

"Speaking of the couch, who's being banished to it?" Jonghyun asked, sitting on the arm of the couch to watch Min-ai attempt to figure out her book.

"What do you mean?" Taemin asked.

"Aish! Jonghyun's right!" Onew grumbled, planting his hand against his forehead.

"There are five beds and five of us. If Min-ai's going to have a bed, one of us has to give it up ours and sleep on the couch," Minho explained for the younger boy.

"I'm alright with sleeping on the couch…" Min-ai claimed, not raising her head.

"You are not sleeping on the couch!" Key barked, giving her a firm look. "Jonghyun is."

"Ya! Why do I have to sleep on the couch?" Jonghyun whined with a pout.

"Awww, did you two have a lover's quarrel again?" Min-ai teased, a grin on her face.

"Nope, because Min-ai is my only love!" Key claimed, leaping onto the couch to hug her.

"Your only love is experiencing restricted airways," she croaked, trying to detach his arms from her neck.

Key quickly released her and instead hugged her waist, the others laughing as Min-ai sighed. Key's eyes suddenly shot wide and he grinned.

"You can share a bed with me!" he cheered.

"KEY!" Min-ai yelped, her face going pink.

"What? We always used to share a bed…" he claimed with a pout.


"But don't you-"

Key was cut off when Min-ai managed to whack him on the head with her book.

"I'm sleeping on the couch pabo Ajumma!" she said, threatening his with the book again.

Key sighed and pouted as the others laughed, Jonghyun reaching over to ruffle the girl's hair.

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Chapter five is coming soon guys, promise!


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Chapter 1: So sad!!! I want to cry!!!
Cant wait lOved it so far !!hope you takeout the next chapter soon
Can't wait until the first chapter! >w< Really loving the idea of the story!! Hwaiting author-nim! c: