
You Captured My Heart

"Date?" You gasped as you try to read Hyunseong's expression.." Is he serious or what?? "Thump.Thump.Thump. Your heart starts to beat faster. "What is happening??"

"Are you alright, Donna?? You can think about it, Im not asking for an answer right now. If you don't want a date then can we just say a friendly date first??" Hyunseong said trying to lighten up the mood in the room.

"Sure." You answered and smiled. 

"Sure?? You're gonna think about it??" Hyunseong asked.

"No. Sure, I already said yes to our friendly date." You said.

"Oh, 2 pm on saturday. I'll pick you up here." Hyunseong said.

"Okay. I'll be waiting for you." You said.

"I think we have to go now. Thanks, and take care." Hyunseong said as Hanna appeared in the room and both of them bade you goodbye.


"I just said YES to a date.." You let a sigh passed out. "It's been how many years, I think I need to free myself."


"Youngmin, I'm planning to go to the amusement park this saturday. You don't have your training, right??" Suzy asked as they were eating their dinner.

"Yes. It's been so long since I last visited the amusement park. That will be great." Youngmin answered enthusiastically.

"I know you will like the idea. So, saturday it is, okay?" Suzy said.

"How about we bring Kwangmin and Kwangsun with us?" Youngmin suggested and looked at Kwangmin who is eating with them.

"Ani. Me and Kwangsun will go out with his mom. The two of you can go alone." Kwangmin said and raffles Kwangsun's hair.

"Nae!! We will have a family bond this coming saturday, Youngmin hyung! You should meet my omma, she is so pretty!!" Kwangsun exclaimed.

"Jinjja?? Then why dont you just go to the amusement park with us? So I can meet your omma. And since when did you met your omma?" Youngmin said.

"That's a great idea!! appa, what can you say?? It's almost 2 years now Youngmin hyung. When appa started training." Kwangsun asked.

"Let's asked your omma about that. Its still a few days away. Dont get too excited." Kwangmin said and smiled.

"Okay.. Youngmin hyung, we'll still think about your offer." Kwangsun said and take a full bite on his food.


After eating their dinner, Youngmin talked with Kwangmin, he is really curious who is the omma kwangsun is talking about.

"She is Hailey, she is the only friend I have here and she is the only one who will likely to be Kwangsun's mom." Kwangmin answered reffering to their co-trainee/his online bestfriend.

"Ah~ I thought it was somebody else. Alright then, since she is our co-trainee, tell her that you'll go to the amusement park with us this coming saturday, okay? And im not taking a no as an answer Kwangmin~goon." Youngmin said.

"Waeyo?? Isn't it your date with Suzy eonnie?? Then why do we need to go with you??" Kwangmin asked like a child.

"Just do what I say." Youngmin answered.

"Hyung, I remember, the new secretary, I think she knows you. What's her name? Donna~shi??" Kwangmin said.

"Yeah, I met her in the Philippines. But it doesn't matter now. I have to sleep now. Still have class tomorrow." Youngmin said and go trying to avoid the topic.

"Jaljayo!!" Kwangmin said and was about to go when Suzy suddenly stepped infront of him.

"Kwangmin, Can I asked you something?" Suzy asked.

"What is it, eonnie??" Kwangmin answered.

"I heard you were talking about a girl named Donna. Who is she??" Suzy began.

"She is our new secretary. But I dont know much about her since she hasn't talked to us yet." Kwangmin answered honestly.

"Ah~ I see. Thanks! I'll be going then. Please tell your brother I go home already. Annyeong!" Suzy said and immediately went out.

"Okay, Annyeong!!" Kwangmin said and scratch his head. "They are weird." He said to his self and decided to enter his room where Kwangsun is waiting for him.



"Ya!! What are you doing here??!!!" You exclaimed as Jeongmin began to jump on your bed.

"Aiisshh~ It's saturday Donna and there is no training today, so I decided to come over here. Don't you missed me??" Jeongmin said and began pouting his lips.

"Stop acting so childish. You cant stay here today." You said.


"Umm, the CEO will come today, we'll be discussing some things. So, he can't see you here." You said trying to make an excuse. You are not used lying to your bestfriend but you can't just tell him that you and Hyunseong will be having a friendly date.

"Oh, I see. Can I stay up to lunch?? Then I'll leave.. Please." Jeongmin said.

"Okay, I'll prepare our breakfast first. And get out of my room I need to change my clothes." You said and pushed him away.

"Ah~~ Alright, I'll wait for you on the living room.. And hurry up, okay??" Jeongmin said and leaved the room.

"Aisshh~~ How can I tell him about it.."


"Annyeong! Are you ready??" Hyunseong asked as you opened the door for him.

"Yes. Are we going now??" You asked a little bit nervous.

"Nae. Shall we??" Hyunseong said and he excitedly walk side by side with you.


On the amusement park, the two of you try all of the rides and after you get exhausted you decided to eat some sandwiches and an ice cream.

"This is the best friendly date I've ever had. It's really fun." You exclaimed as you watched some kids running back and forth the amusement park.

"I'm happy to hear that. Wait for awhile, I'll just need to use the men's room." Hyunseong said as he excused himself and went to a men's room.


"Ohh~~ Are you alright??" You said as you run towards a kid who suddenly slipped.

"Nae. I'm alright eonnie. Thanks!" The kid answered as you helped him to get up.

"Do be careful next time, okay??" You said and the kid nodded and began to run again.

"Youngmin, please." Your attention was caught when you heard of that familiar name, you look behind the bushes and you saw Youngmin and Suzy. They are talking with each other and moments later, Suzy grabbed Youngmin's neck and they KISSED!!


"Donna!! Hey!!" Hyunseong tapped your shoulder.

"Oh! You're here already! Let's go!!" You said and pulled Hyunseong away from that placed.

"Hey, you're okay?? It seems like you've seen a ghost. You look pale." Hyunseong said worriedly.

"I'm alright, maybe it's just im tired. Should we rest for awhile." You said and tried to smile. "How can it still hurts me?? He is out of my life.. "

"Umm, then I should carry you." Upon saying this, Hyunseong carried you in a bridal style and took you to a nearer bench. 

"Hey, you can put me down. Seriously, we are getting their attention." You said and try to cover your face.

"Are you shy because you are with me?" Hyunseong asked.

"Ani. It's just that, I'm not used getting all of their stares." You answered.

"Hey Hey Hey!! Hyunseong Hyung!!" Kwangmin suddenly appeared in front of them.

"Kwangmin?? What are you doing here??" Hyunseong asked a little bit shocked and he puts you down.

"Eh~ Secretary Donna?? Is that you?" Kwangmin asked, he looked like a curious kid who keeps on looking intently to you.

"Waeyo??" You asked him.

"Nothing, are you and Hyunseong hyung dating??" Kwangmin asked.

"Ani. We are just..." Hyunseong was not finished with his sentence when..

"Nae. We are dating. Please keep it a secret between the three of us." You said and smiled at Hyunseong then you looked at Kwangmin.

"Ahh~~ Okay, It's a secret then!" Kwangmin said and he smiled.

"Kwangmin~goon!! We've been looking for you." Youngmin said then his eyes widened when he saw you and Hyunseong.

"Hyunseong hyung, you're here too. Donna,.??" Youngmin said surprised.

You tried to avoid Youngmin's stares and you held Hyunseong's hand. Youngmin's eyes widened as he saw you and Hyunseong holding each others hand. He can't deny that it pinched his heart.

"We better get going. See you at the office." You said and pulled Hyunseong away from them.


You and Hyunseong reached your house before dinner, You invited him inside but Hyunseong said he needs to go home already because Hanna is alone by herself.

"Thanks for an unforgetable date. It is really great." You said.

"Yeah. Hope we can have another date. Bye." Hyunseong said and he went home already.


A week after your date with Hyunseong, you decided to work late every night. You dont feel like staying with your house alone because it only makes you remember the scene on the park. And it's making you feel from worst to worse. You haven't told Jeongmin anything about it because you know he will just scold you.. You were lost with your thought when someone came in.

"Secretary Donna, It's late. What are you still doing here?" Hailey asked.

"I am finishing something." You answered.

"Ah~~ I see. Mind if I stay here with you for awhile?" Hailey asked.

"Not at all. What brings you here?? It's late, aren't you supposed to take a rest? you still have training tomorrow.." You said.

"Training, I will not attend tomorrow's training.. " Hailey said.


"I just dont feel like attending it. But please dont tell them that im in the lazy mode again.." Hailey answered.

"ALright. Its a secret." 

"Donna, Can I ask you something??"

"What is it??"

"You know Youngmin, right??"

"He is a trainee here. Together with his twin." You answered and chuckled.

"No. Aside from being a trainee here. You know him personally, right??" Hailey said like she is so sure.. "Well, when me and Jeongmin arrived here in Korea almost 2 yrs now, Kwangmin came at the airport to fetch us. He is already my friend way back then. At that time, Jeongmin mistook Kwangmin from being Youngmin and he also mention something about you.." Hailey added and she looks at you waiting for your reaction.

"That one, before i answer that, promise me that you'll keep this a secret, okay??" You said.

"My lips are sealed." Hailey answered.

"Me and Youngmin, we used to be together in the Philippines but sadly we part ways when he came here in Korea..."

"And you still love him??" Hailey asked.

"I dont know..."

"I saw you at the park, Donna. You saw them kissed, right??"

"Hailey??" You are holding back your tears but you just can't. It seems like it has its own life.

"Why dont you tell him that you still love him? You're being unfair to yourself." Hailey said as she carressed your back.

"There's no point on telling him the truth. The reason why he left me is because he is engaged with Suzy. I'm such a jerk. How come this heart can't just forget about him." You said.

"Shhss~~ Stop crying now." Hailey said and wipe your tears..

After an hour of letting out what is on your heart, the two of you decided to go home. Before the two of you part ways. Hailey said something.

"Tell him what you really feels. And tell him the truth too. Jeongmin is not really your ex-boyfriend, right?? I dont know the story between the four of you but.. do not make the same mistake that i will do.. Annyeong!!" Hailey said and just run on the opposite direction.

"Hailey!!!" you shouted but she didnt looked back." The same mistake??" 


"Hyung, why are you still awake?" Kwangmin asked when he saw his twin outside the house.

"I was just thinking of something." Youngmin answered.

"Ah~~ Hyung, What can you say about Hyunseong hyung and Secretary Donna?? They looked like a nice couple, right??" Kwangmin said.

"You think so??"

"Hyunseong hyung is a nice guy and I also think that Secretary Donna is nice. So that makes them a nice couple." Kwangmin said and chuckled.

"If you say so. well, I need to sleep, Bye." Youngmin said and just leaved Kwangmin outside.


"It still hurts alot. How come I can't just let you go." Youngmin said as he glanced at your picture. "This maybe unfair but... you are the only one to whom my heart beats for.."

"I know I will hurt her but this is the right thing to do. Suzy doesn't deserve me, she deserve someone who really loves her.." Youngmin said and heaved a sigh.



Here is an update!!

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the second to the last chapter :))


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Chapter 41: omo >.< Janus and Princess and Ilayda so they have 3 kids :)

i think this is not the last chapter :)
Chapter 40: omo! Sad to hear this story is about to end soon... :3 but I like it!!!! <3 <3 <3 ^_^
Cant wait to read this story ;)))
Chapter 39: wahhh nice :)

im so excited about the ending :)
Chapter 37: O_O

take a deep breath >.< oh my Donna's first kiss ~ wahhhhhhhh
inhale exhale inhale is this real :)
but what happen to them now ? next Update please ms. author :)
wow i feel it :) Youngmin and Donna wahhh
Chapter 36: Omo... The relationship of youngmin and donna is progressing.

teheheh Happy New Year Author-nim..
Chapter 36: Aigoo hurry up and date each other already!!!!! Oh btw author-nim oppa is for girls to call guys or older brothers and noona is for guys to ca older girls :)
Chapter 35: Merry Christmas unnie :) I love the update<3