Adjusting to what you call change.

Endless Memories with you




“I don’t know if this is such a good idea anymore chunnie” I whined. I know SM Entertainment has treated us bad but still our friendship is on the line and I just don’t want things to change just yet. I love Yoochun and the rest of DBSK; I don’t want to see us torn apart.


Why am I so stupid? Why did I mention money? Eurgh.


“Su-ah, it’s not your fault …” It was like he could read my mind; he was wrong though because it IS my fault.


“Yoochun… I don’t know is all this worth our friendship?”


“DBSK… I don’t – yes it is. We can’t keep living like we did before, confined and restricted, unable to do anything without the company knowing our every move. We’re celebrities, but we’re still human not robots.” Yoochun said with his voice quivering, holding back his tears.


When we left the apartment, it meant leaving behind DBSK, SM Entertainment and our friends and co-workers there... I’ve been friends with Hyukjae and Donghae for so long now, especially Hyuk, but with me leaving the company where does our friendship stand as well?


It was just all happening so fast.


“Yoochun, Junsu our lawyer is here, Meet Mr. Park” –




“Hyung, why did you do that?” Changmin said starting to tear up.


“There are a lot of things that you’ll understand when you get older” I replied, my head facing down.


Truth is I do regret it, I over-reacted and I shouldn’t have misunderstood Jaejoong and the others like that, I’ve known them for so long, we’ve gone through so much of course it wasn’t all about the money. Why am I such a fool for? Even if I go and apologise to them right now, will they even forgive me? After what I said, I don’t exactly deserve forgiveness.


Then I remembered. That’s right. The ring, ARGH THAT WAS A $10 000 RING. WHY DID I CHUCK IT DOWN THE BUILDING?!


Damn you Jung Yunho and your hot tempered behaviour. I mean I guess it really isn’t the money, I wouldn’t go back with another ring, and this ring was special … 


I quickly caught the lift down the building and what was actually 3 minutes seemed more like 3 hours. Blame it on my impatience if you will.


While rushing to the side to where our window was I saw a pond. Oh damn. I must’ve fallen in this pond. Dammit why you would place a bloody pond here is beyond me; furthermore it was frozen solid. Well I’m not waiting for nature to turn its biological clock to get that ring back.


I removed my clothing hastily and used a rock to bash open the surface of the ice. Here goes nothing.


CRAP IT WAS COLD; and this pond is so bloody deep as well. I mean SERIOUSLY?! Are you trying to freeze me to death? Where is that ring… I opened my eyes painfully, and saw something next to some water weeds. As I swam closer to it… it became colder… So cold…


I can’t move, my body is numb from head to toe.






Where’s hyung he’s been gone for awhile now, he went our about 10 minutes ago… Where did he go?!

Talking of going somewhere… I guess I should contact our manager now since there are only two of us left. Jaejoong hyung did call me afterwards and explain to me why I should stay but this meant that I had to be torn away from them, and … well I don’t know if I was ready for this.


“Hello? Manager Hyung I think you should come over there is something I need to tell you…”


“I know it’s all over the news Changmin, Junsu, Jaejoong and Yoochun just filed a lawsuit against SM Entertainment.”


“They what?”


“Those bastards. You and Changmin better not follow their footsteps otherwise all five of you will be taken down”


“Neh Hyung” I needed to stay, to take care of Yunho-hyung, Jaejoong-hyung told me to do so. I walked out of the building and straight away Jae called.


“Changmin-ah… The news is going to get out very soon, from then on, we won’t be able to contact each other as frequently… I just want to tell you I’m sorry that I forced you into this situation..”


“Hyung, don’t forget I wanted to leave as well, I wish I could go with you guys but we both know that we can’t just abandon Yunho-hyung like that.”


“If you really need to contact me Changmin don’t call us… I don’t want you to get into trouble… Tell someone we both can trust to pass the message along.”


“Neh Hyung, I’ll talk to you … later”


“Goodbye Changmin… Goodluck”


The Phone went dead … That was probably the last phone call I would have with Jae for a long time. I can’t believe after 5 years it has come to this.



Breaking News.



“Park Yoochun, Kim Junsu and Kim Jaejoong, three members of legendary boy group, Dong Bang Shin Ki have filed a lawsuit against SM Entertainment arguing that their 13 year length and structure of their exclusive contracts as well as the terms of profit were unilaterality disadvantageous towards the artists and should be invalidated. Dong Bang Shin Ki debuted in 2003 under the label SM Entertainment, South Korea’s leading entertainment brand. The group name translation literally means “Rising Gods of the East” proves to be correct as the group has achieved many awards over the course of their career including their place in the 2008 Guiness World Records for having the largest official fanclub in the world (Cassiopeia). The news has shocked many of their loyal fans, many believe it is a hoax. Statements from each party have yet been released. Is this really the end?”


This is ridiculous! The press are blowing the situation right out of control…


“I know what you’re thinking Jae, the thing is though everything they said is true. It’s a long road ahead” reasoned Yoochun

“Oh my god guys! Look at the fan responses. They hate us” screeched Junsu.


“We can’t expect any more from them… I mean if I was in their position I would be just as angry” Yoochun AGAIN reasoned.


“However some fans are completely angry at SM at the moment” I added.


Yoochun was right we have a long road ahead of us.




“HOLY CRAP. HYUNG!” Yunho’s body was just floating… What the heck is the boy doing! I quickly went up and hoisted him to land and looked at his face it was almost ghost-like.


“HYUNG! HYUNG!” Crap I’m so stupid, I dialled 119 for emergency medical attention.


What am I going to do?


HEADLINE: DBSK'S Yunho rushed to the Emergency room!


Just Shortly after the news of DBSK’s impending doom, reporters released that DBSK’s leader U-know Yunho has been hospitalised as fellow member Choikang Changmin found him in the pond unresponsive. Has the leader attempted to commit suicide after he heard of the betrayal of the other three members? Stay in tune for further updates.


Oh dear god. I don’t know if Yoochun or Jae has heard about this yet. What have we done? Did we really push Yunho too far? Did we make a mistake?


“JAEJOONG!” I heard a loud bang from outside and ran. There I saw Jaejoong on the floor as Yoochun tried to wake him.


“KIM JAEJOONG WAKE UP!” Yoochun shouted again


“Yu-nho… It’s all my fault” he woke up but was in tears, I tried to hold it in too but seeing Jaejoong cry I just can’t help myself, for about ten minutes we just kneeled there crying. This didn’t seem like such a wise idea anymore, what are we to do then? We can only keep on going. It hurts but we can’t go back now… not after what we sacrificed to be here.



TEEHEE I'M SORRY I HAVEN'T BEEN UPDATING LOL . Here it is though ;) More heardbreaks though >: MIANHEEEEEE 

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update soon please
XiahNiwa #2
update soon please,,,<br />
for me it's no matter if it's short or long as long as it's not contain heartbreaking scene so much,, hehe
aww, sad.. hope you update soon! please! ^^