There is no time like the present

Endless Memories with you


Chapter One: There’s no time like now. 



♫Stand by U – TVXQ


“Woah~ yeah yeah ~”




After the song Jaejoong smiled at Yunho, vice versa.


“Lets go home, I have an announcement to make” Jaejoong said grabbing the hand of his lover. 


It has been 5 years since they formed the South Korean boy group Dong Bang Shin Ki. Literally translated as Rising Gods of the East, together they faced many obstacles together. However there have been some things that have been going on for a while now and there is no time like now to bring it up right?


They pulled up at a block of high rise apartments and got off. Their penthouse had 3 bedrooms, and 1 ½ bathrooms. They had a modern kitchen and lounge, and down the hall they had 2 work spaces and a dance practice room.


They headed towards the practice room, where they had normally discussed matters.


“Jae, what did you want to talk about?” Yunho said


Jaejoong bit his lip, glancing at Yoochun, Junsu and Changmin. “Yun, we have been thinking about this for a few weeks now, we want to break from SM Entertainment.”


“Hyung, I thought we agreed to break it to him easily!” Changmin protested as he didn’t know what to do, being the youngest he depended on SM Entertainment the most, however it was clear that SM wasn’t treating them right.


Yunho simply looked at each one of the members, he analysed their faces, noticing the sincerity in their faces. None the less, something bothered him, why did everyone know except him? What happened to being a team? What had SM Entertainment done, to make them want to leave, out of the whole company, SM treated them the best with the exception of BoA.


He simply did not understand.


“Why? SM Entertainment treats us fantastically.” He said clearly


“No Hyung, they don’t treat US fantastically, they treat YOU like a god, knowing we wouldn’t leave if you were still here” Yoochun argued


“What?” Yunho had no idea what Yoochun was on about


“Yeah, and we would make more money as well” Junsu said joining in the persuasion not realising his bad choice of words.


At the word money Yunho flinched, so this was it, this was what it was all about, money. No matter how close you are, it’s always about money isn’t it?


Jaejoong noticed Yunho’s change in attitude when the word money was said, he knew more than anyone that Yunho hated people who were greedy for money.


“Yunnie, he doesn’t mean it in that way, we jus-”


“Just what? Kim Jaejoong” Yunho had had enough


“We just want our basic human rights, Jung Yunho, why do you make it seem like its wrong?” Jaejoong fought back


“NO. JAEJOONG, YOU ONLY WANT YOUR ING MONEY!” This was now escalating into a full throttle fight


“HOW DARE YOU ACCUSE ME OF THAT, YOU’VE KNOWN ME FOR SO LONG, YOU KNOW I’M NOT THAT KIND OF PERSON….  I mean how could you…” Jaejoong was fighting every droplet of tear trying to escape from his eyes.


Yunho knew this, he knew Jaejoong wasn’t this type of person, but his pride and stubbornness wasn’t allowing him to see this. He was just angry, angry that they wanted to leave.




“Yunnie, no, please…” Jaejoong was tearing up, but Yunho was no longer there to wipe his tears away in fact Yunho was the sole reason of these tears.


“Don’t Yunnie me, Jaejoong, if you want to leave, LEAVE. I don’t want to look at money hungry animals for another second.” Yunho laughed bitterly…


“Fine” As much as Jaejoong loved Yunho, he could not live like a slave anymore. He glanced at Changmin and accepted that the lost kid would stay with Yunho.


As he walked away with Junsu and Yoochun, he heard Yunho once again.




For a moment Jaejoong’s heart skipped a beat and his hopes were raised a little bit.


“Before you leave, give me that ring” Yunho said pointing out the diamond ring on Jaejoong’s third finger.


“What?”  Jaejoong feared what would come next.


“Give me the ing engagement ring Jaejoong” His eyes burning with fury.


Jaejoong just stared at Yunho unable to move. It’s been so many years of ups and downs. All of which they got through but because of this one decision it has cut the rope of friendship and love forever. 


“Take it, since it has no meaning to you anyway”  Jaejoong was hurt his heart was clenching as if a clever had twisted it and cracking the edges while stabbing Jaejoong, but Jaejoong didn’t have a choice a relationship requires both people to be there as one. If one is lead away then even an engagement ring wouldn’t do anything. Promises aren’t meant to be broken, but they still are only leaving memories behind.


With that, Yunho grabbed the ring and chucked it down 55 levels. You couldn’t even hear the cling at the end.


“How the can you do this Jung Yunho?! You two have been through so much!” Yoochun said throwing a punch at Yunho’s beautifully carved face.


“Chun..” Junsu knew it was his fault if he hadn’t said the word money none of this would’ve happened. He just blamed himself for all this. What was he going to do.


“This is none of your business Park. I don’t want to see any of your faces ever again, from today we no longer know each other okay?!” Yunho had enough there was no more Yunjae or DBSK as five. From now on it was just him and ….


“Changmin are you staying or going with these people?”


Changmin didn’t want to be torn like this. Ever since they debuted he always thought they’d be together forever. He looked at Jaejoong who was like a motherly figure to him and Jaejoong’s eyes told him that he had to stay. He didn’t want to leave the other three but he couldn’t leave Yunho all alone.


“I’ll stay”


Jaejoong gave him an encouraging smile, the three smiles of his band members he probably couldn’t see from now on. It was all gone.


“Yunho, goodbye, I hope you find happiness here.” Jaejoong said bitterly and hurt. Again there was no way out from here.


So they left. The final bang made by the closing of the door signalled a startling silence.


“Hyung, why did you do that?” Changmin said starting to tear up.


“There are a lot of things that you’ll understand when you get older” Yunho replied, his head facing down.




“Hyung? Why did you want me to stay?”


“Because, no matter what he says to me, I still love him, and I don’t want him to be alone.”


“Will we ever be together again?”




A/N: should i make this into a short story? because i can assure you it ends happily ever after (: ?

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update soon please
XiahNiwa #2
update soon please,,,<br />
for me it's no matter if it's short or long as long as it's not contain heartbreaking scene so much,, hehe
aww, sad.. hope you update soon! please! ^^