Finally, I Heard You Say 'I DO'


Although not with happy ending, this story tells of a love so true and unending.

Just read it to see it for yourself. :)


Nothing on this Earth will keep me apart from you;

For this love is so genuine and true.

Imponderable, inexplicable and irreplaceable

As it is from the very start

Just always remember,

When all fades ... 

My love for you will be retained forever.

.comments are of great help *^▁^*


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eniam27 #1
Chapter 1: Gist!!! this is not the first time I read my own oneshot.. but it turned my mood into a gloomy one.

Oh my Kiseop... im loving you more for this..
Chapter 1: GOSH !

I cried . Really tears .

I thought they will be together ..