Chapter One

When All You Believe Is A Lie


                I checked the clock again; my boss should be sending someone to go get me from school so that I can work. I tried to focus on the math that was on the board but nothing made sense, why do I even have to learn this!? So I gave up on trying and I began to write things down instead.

                “Can you please send Katherin Masato to the office for dismissal?” It was the intercom and my heart jumped- at least I was leaving this hell cell. I grabbed my panda bag and my notebook and hanged my head down low so one could look me in the eye. My eyes stung at the sudden brightness of outside and I could hear my best friends Jeff and Kaida –which means little dragon in Japanese.

                “So what are you doing today?” Kaida asked as we sat down in the car, the driver passed me my black heels and I slid them on.

                “Photo shot with some group for school uniforms.” Yeah I said photo shot. Oh did I forget to mention that I work as a model? Sorry about that, well hey I work for a modeling and acting company. Jeff looked down at me skeptically. “We will be fully covered, Jeff so don’t give me that look.” I hissed.

                “Do you know who it is?” I nodded my boss had told me the day I was chosen for the shot.

                “Exo, didn’t I tell you that?” Her eyes sparkled and Jeff covered as she screamed. Why is she so loud? I did tell her that they would be there right? And you’d think she would be comfortable with them by now.

                “Well that means I can catch up with them, we haven’t seen them in forever.” Jeff looked out the window and pointed to the entrance of my work building. “Thanks for the ride.”

                “Good luck Katherin.” I nodded; well I would need all the luck I can get. The minute I walked in I was rushed right into makeup which lasted longer than I would have liked- mostly because they know I rather dress first. I groaned as they tried to cover my dark circles which wouldn’t work like they wanted.

                “Jeff! Come here!” I yelled I hated this feeling I was having. My stomach was cramping and my head was hurting. Oh God this can’t be happening, not right now. I waited till Jeff came over and I pulled him down close to me. “Get my bag and inside there is a bottle of Tylenol I need two and some water.” He squeezed my shoulder and came back with the things I needed. I nodded in thanks.

                “We’re here!” The boy’s voices boomed throughout the place as they walked in. I laughed when I saw Sehun in his school uniform, but he just laughed at me- since I too was in my own. Once my hair was down I went to go say hi to them. Chanyeol instantly laughed at my height, which he and Kris love to do, but when you practically live with them you get used to it. Once we greeted everyone I took Kaida to the dressing room so she could help me change. She left after a while to go talk to Chanyeol.

                “Katherin.”  I looked up to see Suho standing there at the door way, good thing I’m dressed. I made my way over to him. “How are you?” He bent down and rested his forehead on mine, the contact sent butterflies down my tummy.

                “I…” I shouldn’t tell him the truth; I know it would break his heart. He looked at me when I didn’t continue. So I faked a yawn. “I’m just tired.” I hated the fact I had to lie, especially when he believed it.

                “You want to go take a nap?” He winked as he pointed to the couch, God I couldn’t help but love him even more! I nodded even though I know he would have to leave soon to start the single photos. We slept for a while in silence, it was perfect. Just like the first day we started talking to each other. Suho is perfect. His smile, his lips, his voice and the list goes on and on.


                I lifted my head from Suho’s chest and saw a group of photographers. I lifted my eyebrow almost in warning. I looked down and Suho was still asleep, he looked even more angelic. SNAP. My eyes widened and I sent them a death glare- they took the hint and left us. Suho’s arm pulled me down again this time he was awake and his lips crushed against mine, sending complete bliss through my body. I smiled through the kiss and I could almost hear him laugh.


                “I swear to all that is bad if I see one more camera in this room I will kill you all!” I roared, but when I looked up it was the eleven other members and my two best friends. Suho laughed his faced buried in my hair.

                “Whoa, well…” Baekhyun looked for some sort of words to say but fail. None of them were used to seeing us like this plus anyone could have mistaken this little pose we had.

                “Get out and start the photos we have a schedule and it won’t be ruined. I am still your leader.” Suho sat upright and ordered them in a stern voice. The guys bowed and left, Chanyeol grabbed Kaida’s wrist and pushed her out. Suho looked down at me and kissed my forehead.

                “I think… I think you might…. Might have- um.” I found it cute that he was so tongue tied. I motioned for him to continue. “Is it you… your time?” I waited for a second trying to understand. Then it hit me. I ran towards the bathroom connected to the dressing room. I laughed in relieve.

                “Suho- oppa!” He walked inside after a while. “Baby, it was just a string. No need to worry.” I could hear him sigh through the door.

                “Thank God, you are always just so…” He cut himself short not even realizing I was sending him a look through the door.  I loved Suho for not being embarrassed like I would have been. I loved him, when all you believe is a lie you never know what else to believe.


A/N: Hey it's Baby Panda! This is chapter one. THe story consists of both chapter AND diary entries so please anticipate it! I will try to upload as much as I can but weekends seem to be easiry to type during. Hope you enjoy reading this! ~Baby Panda <3



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