



Three years ago, Sehun celebrated his birthday with his beloved boyfriend Luhan, along with his friends and family. They brought a cake for this special celebration and everything went perfectly well. That night happened to be extremely memorable for Sehun. His boyfriend was with him after all the ups and downs, all the obstacles, and they were finally together. This was not only a celebration for his birthday but a reunion as well. After everyone left, leaving Sehun and his boyfriend to their little cozy, yet sweet home, they are finally by themselves. Sehun pushed Luhan against the wall of their bedroom and declared Luhan to be the replacement for his birthday present, since a certain careless boyfriend lost it. Luhan, on the other hand, said nothing, but his actions were enough. The elder pushed the younger lustfully into their king sized bed and went completely romantic yet wild. But that wasn’t the end. The two of them stayed awake till 4AM in the morning. That birthday happened to be the best day of Sehun’s life.

Sehun recalled that was the happiest moment on his 24th birthday.

Everything after that was pure pain and torture.

They had another fight. But what was different about this quarrel was that there was no chance of apology given. Everything happened too quickly. 




It was April 20th and the couple was out for birthday shopping and celebrations. As usual, the two was holding each other’s hand while walking around in a shopping center. They were talking about what to do on this special event but the conversation just scattered everywhere. One second ago, they were talking about going out for a romantic dinner at a nearby restaurant; the next second, it got switched to having a birthday party like what they did for Sehun. Fortunately, the two of them settled on the idea of having a dinner with some wine and later, having some alone time in their cozy apartment.

Sadly, things didn’t go as expected.

The two of them walked casually into the bubble tea shop (which was also the store they went for their first date) to fill up their stomach but they ended up bumping into someone they “know” instead. This certain someone was way beyond the word “know”, she was Sehun’s ex.

Due to Sehun’s friendliness and niceness, he still kept in contact with his ex-girlfriends. Luhan on the other hand, was more childish and naïve therefore, he lost contact with all of them instead. However, the exes Sehun had was the center of conflict for the past few fights they had with each other. Sehun was being nice and polite as a friend but for Luhan, the idea of someone else having his boyfriend was extremely disturbing and irritating.

As expected, the two lovers broke into a verbal fight and the sweetness vanished from the air the moment they had a disagreement.

“Why do you still keep in touch with her? I thought you told me you stopped because you know I don’t like it.” Luhan asked after the ex left.

“I just asked her how she was doing with her baby, that’s all. You shouldn’t be too worried about me being friends with her, she is married already.” Sehun smiled while giving Luhan a soft tap on the nose.

“Don’t treat me like a little kid,” Luhan retorted while pushing Sehun’s hands away. “You promised me and now you broke your words.”

“Come on Lu, don’t be so childish. It’s just chatting with an old friend.”

“Yeah, just an old friend that you went out for three years and almost moved in with!”

“Luhan, the past is the past. I don’t get why it bothers you so much. I’m here with you now and there is nothing you need to worry about.”

“How would I know if you changed your mind and got back together with her?”

“She’s already married Luhan! I don’t know why you are so paranoid. Does dating me make you feel unstable and unrealistic or am I just over reacting. We discussed this topic and got into a fight because of this for numerous times already, do you not trust me or something.”

“I do Sehun, it’s just that….”

“I’m going out for some fresh air while you try to figure out what is wrong with the two of us. Honestly, we have been at this for numerous times and you are still getting mad over the same thing over and over again. Grow up Luhan; you are the older, therefore more should be the more mature one in this relationship, not me.”

“Wait, Sehun, don’t go…”

 But it was too late; Sehun never hear the last words Luhan said. 




Sehun headed out of the shop and crossed the street to a nearby Starbucks. He went in to get a drink (for himself) and something to fill up his empty stomach. While he was busy scrutinizing different snacks and drinks, his phone rang. He pulled his phone out of his pocket, while paying for the food with the other.

It was a text from Jongin.

“Hey, what’s your plan for Luhan’s birthday? Feel free to ask for help if you need it^^.”

From, Jongin.

This was a very ordinary text but it still managed to ring a bell in Sehun’s head.

Luhan’s birthday is today, and he had forgotten it due to the previous fight that evoked anger which blanked out his mind.

It’s his birthday and I left him. Why couldn’t I be more considerate? That question went on eternal repetition for Sehun for the rest of his life. At the same time it kept on reminding him how immature he was.

He quickly rushed through the doors with what he bought and headed back towards the shop. The roads were full of cars and the sidewalks were packed with people. Sehun had to tiptoe to find the boy with the blonde hair, who most likely chased after him, in the sea of people. After 30 seconds or so, he smiled at himself thinking, my eyes never failed to find what I’m searching for. Without paying attention to anything around him, he went straight towards his baby deer but was shocked when he saw the expression of fear on his face.

I was so stupid to leave you behind baby Lu.     

And now, you are the one that is leaving me.

You must be very proud then, for getting back at me for abandoning you.

I’m no position to blame you. After all, I was the idiot that provoked everything. 

A/N: Hi again, i really hope you guys enjoy this chapter and I'm trying really hard to be desciptive and precise. 

Once again, if you have confusion or question please free to leave a comment. (Compliments are allowed ;D)

Anyways, just letting my readers to know that I will be busy for the next week or so.

There won't be any updates and it honestly takes me forever to write a chapter so updates will be estimated once per week (+/- half a week?)

Enjoy ^^ 

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Chapter 5: Such a cute and adorable story!!:') It sent me through a roller coaster of emotions!! Definitely a favorite!!^^
Chapter 5: AWWW This story was amazing >u<
Chapter 5: love this ><
I really thought that Luhan is actually dead TT^TT but so glad to know that he is just in comma~
this is beautiful!! :)
Chapter 1: One of my friends recommend this fic to me.. And... WOW.. It's daebak.
Chapter 5: Update! :( Jebal jebal jebal authornim T.T