
An Angel's Duty

After Sungmin disappeared that day, Kyuhyun was an empty shell compared to the person he was before. He just sat around the house with empty eyes. He looked so lifeless compared to the fierce, defiant person that he was before.


In his mind, Kyuhyun couldn’t believe that he had lost the one he loved so soon. It didn’t help that he was now the only knight who didn’t have his beloved angel by his side.


Donghae knew that Kyuhyun was still depressed over the loss of Sungmin but he knew he had to get Kyuhyun outside again. He had to move on with his life eventually. It would be what Sungmin would want for him…


“Kyu…” Donghae said in concern one day, “Why don’t you try talking to others? It isn’t healthy for you to act like this for the rest of your life. Sungmin… He wouldn’t want to see you like this…”


Kyuhyun looked up at Donghae with tear-filled eyes at the mere mention of Sungmin’s name. When he saw Hyukjae standing next to Donghae, he couldn’t stand it anymore. He couldn’t be around angel-knight couples. It made him wonder if Sungmin and he could have been like that. That thought only shattered his already broken heart further.


Kyuhyun quickly stood up and ran out the door, tears finally falling after all this time. He wasn’t even watching where he was running.


Suddenly, Kyuhyun ran into someone and knocked that person over.


“I’m so sorry!” Kyuhyun stuttered as he stared at the person’s back and held out his hand to offer assistance in getting up.


As the person turned around, Kyuhyun gasped in surprise. The male that looked up at him looked exactly like Sungmin. He had the same face and the same warm eyes that melted Kyuhyun’s heart. But this couldn’t be Sungmin. He had disappeared after sealing away the demons for good…


“Min…” Kyuhyun stuttered in shock as the male grasped his hand and stood up again.


“I’m sorry. I think you have me confused with someone else…” the shorter male said quietly.


“I’m sorry… You just remind me of someone I knew. It’s my mistake.” Kyuhyun said as he continued to stare at the shorter male with sad eyes.


“It’s okay. I’m sorry that I didn’t turn out to be him.” the shorter male said as he bowed and turned away from Kyuhyun. He then started to walk away.


Kyuhyun watched him with sadness in his eyes. Suddenly, he could have sworn he saw a pair of angel wings appear on the male’s back.


“Wait Sungmin!” Kyuhyun suddenly yelled in shock as he blinked his eyes a few times, tears falling yet again.


At the mention of that name, the shorter male suddenly stopped in his tracks. Why did that name sound so familiar…?


When Kyuhyun noticed the male stop, he realized that this had to be his Sungmin. He slowly approached him and hugged him from behind.


As Kyuhyun hugged him, Sungmin’s memories finally returned. He smiled as he turned around and leaned up to kiss his beloved knight.


As Sungmin locked their lips together, Kyuhyun’s eyes widened in shock. He slowly closed his eyes and returned the kiss as tears streamed down his cheeks.


“Minnie…” Kyuhyun whispered as they finally pulled away from each other.


“Kyu… I’m sorry it took me so long to get back to you.” Sungmin whispered back.


“How…?” Kyuhyun asked dumbfoundedly, wondering how his Sungmin returned to him.


“It’s a long story… But basically, you know how Shindong said I devoured the soul of a light angel? Well, that light angel felt my love for you and let himself fade away willingly, even if he was supposed to be your angel partner… He gave me his wings and purified me of my demon nature just after I faded away…” Sungmin explained, “I awoke with no memories a couple of days ago. All I knew was that I wanted to find someone desperately. Once you called my name, I realized that you were the one I was searching for…”


As Kyuhyun processed all of this information, he slowly began to understand and felt grateful to the light angel he never knew. He then thought in his head, ‘Thank you. Even if I don’t know your name, thank you for saving my Minnie…’


After saying those words in his head, he could have sworn he heard a faint, unfamiliar voice in his head reply with, ‘You’re welcome. I just wanted to see you happy, my knight…’


Kyuhyun smiled and then pulled Sungmin into another tender kiss. He blushed as he felt Sungmin’s tongue against his lips, slowly parting them to grant Sungmin the access he craved. As their tongues entwined, Kyuhyun reveled in the taste that was his Minnie.


Sungmin was completely lost in the taste that was his Kyu. As his mind spun out of control, he had absolutely no regrets that he had taken their kisses to a whole new level.


As soon as they parted, Kyuhyun and Sungmin stared into each other’s eyes with blushes staining their cheeks.


“Are you ready to go home Minnie?” Kyuhyun said with a sincere smile.


“Of course Kyu!” Sungmin said enthusiastically as he grasped Kyuhyun’s hand in his own.


They then held each other’s hands tenderly as they turned around to walk home. Their minds rested at ease, knowing they would have an eternity to spend together. And they wouldn’t have it any other way…






A/N: As promised, here is the epilogue that I said I would post by Easter Sunday! It marks the end of my first ever fanfiction. I hope that it was an enjoyable read! :)


Thank you to all the readers that commented throughout the writing of this story! I really appreciated knowing that there were people out there actually reading and enjoying this! A shoutout to all my lovely commentors! @Andagi @fanficfan499 @chiaraa @FadingEchos @fairytael @kyuteukhyukhae @Poko24Makashi @Kyu-Min @Dani_MYA @high_sky


I would also like to take this time to thank my subscribers who took an interest in my fic! I can't name you all since it'd take forever but please know that I truly appreciate your interest in my story! :D


I don't know if I will be writing another fic anytime soon because quite honestly, it takes a lot for me to get inspired to write. However, I know I will be writing again someday. Until then, take care and I hope to see you lovely people next time! Thank you again for all of your support! Fighting! ^_^

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Mingsshi #1
Chapter 5: legendary water night .. sounded too cool for a snarky kyuhyun xD

kyuhyun: shut up -_- . I always awesome by the way B) note that .
Mingsshi #2
Chapter 4: Wahhhh finally i could grasp what was happening little by little .. heechul had no bad intention but he just wanted to bonding with kyuhyun . But because as impatient as he was . Heechul did it in dirty way by get rid of sungmin . His rival in bonding with kyuhyun ... idk actually just presumption
Mingsshi #3
Chapter 3: Eh . What was happening O.o it was happening so fast . They met And theres farewell... wushhh sungmin's suddenly gone by a dagger
Mingsshi #4
Chapter 2: *swats kyuhyun's hand away* what the hell are you doing kyuhyun ??? Is kyuhyun possessed or something O_o ?
Mingsshi #5
Chapter 1: Woaaahhh why do i always find a great story while the fact that tomorrow is monday .... i cant read it until late T_T
venzsuju #6
Chapter 20: kyu too much crying~
but its really sweet~ :D
cynicallynnlove #7
gahh, my kyumin feelz ;—; they consume me with butterflies~ lol this is really cute and the plot twists kept me guessing. I know this fic is already finished, but I'm just gonna subscribe to it so that I can come back and reread when I'm in the mood for some angel/demon!min and knight!kyu~ ^^ thanks for sharing❤
Chapter 20: Woah~ the ending really sweet, minnie became an angel n everyone is happy ^.^ well, im not sure about shindong n his queen -,-
Chapter 18: Min isnt a dark angel but a demon ~!