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B.A.P Psycho Series

Hi guys! Sorry if you have already read through all 6 chapters, but I was wondering....

Is anyone interested in a re-do for Yongguk's chapter?

I honestly held back a lot as I was writing this and this was supposed to be Rated M.

I didn't actually liked how it turned out and Yongguk's was supposed to be the scariest ><

So... does anyone want a re-do?

It includes suggestive scenes as well as blood and everything you can't imagine.

Please comment below if you do want it! ^^

Thank you!

Lots of Love! 

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authornim all of the chapters are masterpieces ! i hope u can write more bap psycho series
Sharissa #2
Chapter 2: Where i have been all this time? Searching text for angst and horror but found nothing great until i type 'DaeHyun angst' and then this come out and yeah congrats author you spark my interest
Chapter 2: I'm rereading this ff again.. And for the second time.. I swear I can sense someone's in my room with me.. Help.. ;;-;;
Chapter 7: Wow this is really awesome...... love all the part of story....
Chapter 8: Oh my god why did I choose to read this at night

Oh god I think I am going to have nightmares

Himchan protect me T_T
Happy123098 #6
Chapter 3: Uhhhhhhhhh this is scary....
Chapter 8: jk this is the scariest
Chapter 5: this is the scariest plot ever
Chapter 8: I legit am afraid to move now.. Reading this at 2am... bad idea. good job authornim! <3 <3 <3 Gave me nightmares ㅠㅠ
CumJaeEveryDae #10
Chapter 8: wooooow your writing is amazing!! totally scared the chizz outa me xD...great job, author-nim! <3