Daehyun ~ Desolation

B.A.P Psycho Series

Today, you were contented.

A few days ago, your boyfriend of 2 years called you saying that he’d be home with you this coming weekend.

Normal girls in normal relationships would not have found it anything out of the ordinary. However, your relationship was everything but ordinary.

Daehyun was an idol, the proud main vocalist of B.A.P; that itself was special.

After a fulfilling home-made dinner, your parents had left you alone to head to an event; knowing that Daehyun was more than capable in taking care of you. You were also glad that you were able to spend some quality time with him and what best way to spend it other than to have heart to heart talks with a loved one.

“I’m glad we could spend some alone time like this.” You turned to him. “Just you and me and nobody else.”

Daehyun kept mum as he remained motionless lying on your bed. You found it a little weird seeing how he would have usually answered you even if he was distracted from playing games on his phone. Seeing how his eyes were shut, you couldn’t help but feel a little worried.

“Yah.” You poked him on his stomach.

The man opened his eyes and sat up straight, his expressions annoyed that you hit him in a sensitive area.

“A-Are you okay?” You stuttered, knowing that Daehyun was scary when he was angry. “Are you nauseous after a full meal?”

“I’m good.” He broke out into a smile and held your hands. “Why? Were you worried?”

You rolled your eyes and proceeded to cup his face with your hands.

“What do you think?” You asked but was left to worry again when he gave a disgruntled groan as he buried his head in between his knees.

A clucked of disapproval left your lips and you tried taking in long breaths to recompose your patience.

“Hey,” You gently massaged him on his shoulders. “Are you sure you’re all right?”

The man raised his head to meet your gaze and you saw how playful his eyes had become.

“Never better.” Daehyun smirked as he grabbed your hands by force.

Feeling intimidated at the sudden pressure, you brushed him off and took a step back, wondering why he was behaving strangely. You crossed your arms in frustration but the man took no notice of you and instead buried his face into his hands.

“Oppa, you know that hurts, right?” You snapped at him before composing yourself again.

After all, it had been a long time since you’ve met him and you wouldn’t want to cause any unnecessary fights.

“Yah. Jung Daehyun.” You called out to him, your fingers almost reaching his figure.

Ever so slowly, he looked up and you saw how his once playful eyes had turned red from tears. Had he been crying?

“Hwe Ji ah. H-Help me. I feel s-suffocated.” Daehyun hiccupped as he tried to wipe his tears away.

By instinct, your hands reached out to him but you paused when you saw how quickly he had turned into a smirk again.

“O-Oppa?” You stammered as you took in his smoky eyes. “If you’re playing a game, it’s not funny.”

“I am playing a game.” He chuckled as he stood up and you backed off, sensing that something wasn’t right.

The man came towards you and your cheeks. You shuddered at his touch and Daehyun grinned when he saw how his touch had affected you.

“Y-Yah. Jung Daehyun.  J-Just so you know, I’m not doing it with you.” You uttered softly.

A look of confusion flashed through his face and upon realising that you were referring to doing the deed, he laughed.

“That was definitely not part of our game but since you want it so badly,” Amusement was evident in his eyes. “I guess I can make an exception.”

You felt your cheeks burned with embarrassment and thus averted your gaze to the floor instead.

“By the way,” Daehyun caressed your hair softly. “I’m not Daehyun.”

Your head snapped up at this revelation and you froze. Did he really think that you were a fool? Your first reaction had been to scoff, but something in his eyes tells you that he wasn’t joking.

“T-Then who are you?” You played along, hoping that he was really just focused on his so called game.

Jung. Min. Hyun.” Daehyun enunciated each syllable softly into your ears. “And if you were smart, you’ll not run away and instead stay to play with me.”

But if I was really smart, I’d get the hell away… A sudden thought flashed through your mind.

In a sudden swift moment, you ran as fast as your legs could take you; away from the man you called your boyfriend. You ran down the stairs and almost left your house with nothing but your clothes on but you stopped.

My phone… Your eyes flickered through the room before seeing a white IPhone on the table.

“Go ahead. Take it.” Daehyun appeared at the top of the staircase, his tone mocking you.

With a hesitant step, you reached out towards your phone but every step nearer had Daehyun taking a step down the stairs. You gulped knowing that the man you saw right now wasn’t your boyfriend and after taking a deep breath, you grabbed your phone quickly and ran out of the house with your slippers.

As you ran, you turned around to see if the man was running after you, but there he was, smirking to see you leaving.

“You can run, but you can’t hide!” Daehyun yelled. “I’ll definitely catch you, Hwe Ji ah!”

Realising that you were in danger, you called the first person that flashed through your mind, Himchan.

Pick it up! God… You thought in impatience and you felt your legs faltering. If I stop, that’s it. Game over.

“Hello?” An annoyed voice came through and you felt a sudden surge of hope.

“Oppa! It’s me, Hwe Ji.”

“Yes, I know, stupid. What do you want? Aren’t you supposed to be with Daehyun now?” Himchan mumbled.

“Actually, I’m running away from him.” You admitted meekly. “But that’s not my point. Can you come pick me up? Please?”

“Why are you running?” The man questioned and you sensed that he was worried.

“I don’t know. Oppa’s creeping me out. He said he wanted to play a game and that he wasn’t Daehyun but Minhyun and-” You rambled urgently and took a peek around again.

He’s not here… You sighed in relief but continue jogging anyway. One can never be too careful.

“H-He said he was M-Minhyun?!” Himchan choked on his words before shouting over the phone. “Yah! Hwe Ji! Get your out of there now!”


“Where are you?” His voice was urgent and you heard other loud voices over the phone.

You attempted to listen to the conversation more clearly only to hear a deep voice, presumably Yongguk, shouting at the other members and more importantly, Himchan.

“I’m on the streets nearing the mini mart that we used to go together. Oppa?” You dreaded his answer. “What’s wrong with Daehyun?”

“Get yourself to the mini mart, quick.” He ordered you and you heard the sound of an engine starting through the phone.

“O-Okay. B-But what’s wrong with Daehyun?” You quickened your pace and you saw light emitted through the darkly lit place.

The mart… You rejoiced and proceeded to run faster.

“Get a person to stay with you. I’ll be there in 5 minutes. You get me?” Himchan’s breath was uneven.

“I get it, but what’s wrong with Daehyun? Why are you all so worried?!”

“Daehyun, that kid-” His voice was suddenly cut off and you too, came to a halt.

Glancing over your phone, you realised that your battery was dead and you cursed at the irony of it all.

“Daehyun has a personality disorder.” A voice greeted from the shadows and you turned in fear, knowing fully well who it belongs to. “I happen to be a part of it.”

You stumbled backwards, realising how close the man was suddenly to you. You attempted to scream but unfortunately, no sound came through. Before you tried to run away, the man had grabbed your right hand, making sure you wouldn’t dare leave again.

You closed your eyes in hopes that he’d go away but as you felt his fingers graze your shirt, you opened them quickly; hoping he’ll see the defiance within you.

The small will within you disappeared as soon as you saw his playful expression. It screamed dangerous and you saw for yourself the distinctive emotions in his eyes.

Lust and amusement.

Caught you.” 


A/N Daehyun is a creep! Or was it Minhyun? (; Subscribes, Comments, Love and Criticisms are welcomed ~

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authornim all of the chapters are masterpieces ! i hope u can write more bap psycho series
Sharissa #2
Chapter 2: Where i have been all this time? Searching text for angst and horror but found nothing great until i type 'DaeHyun angst' and then this come out and yeah congrats author you spark my interest
Chapter 2: I'm rereading this ff again.. And for the second time.. I swear I can sense someone's in my room with me.. Help.. ;;-;;
Chapter 7: Wow this is really awesome...... love all the part of story....
Chapter 8: Oh my god why did I choose to read this at night

Oh god I think I am going to have nightmares

Himchan protect me T_T
Happy123098 #6
Chapter 3: Uhhhhhhhhh this is scary....
Chapter 8: jk this is the scariest
Chapter 5: this is the scariest plot ever
Chapter 8: I legit am afraid to move now.. Reading this at 2am... bad idea. good job authornim! <3 <3 <3 Gave me nightmares ㅠㅠ
CumJaeEveryDae #10
Chapter 8: wooooow your writing is amazing!! totally scared the chizz outa me xD...great job, author-nim! <3