Youngjae ~ Wither

B.A.P Psycho Series

The café that you sat in blasted a familiar music that almost had you squealing in glee. It was playing B.A.P’s Crash and you knew why they played such a song on speaker.

Today was Tuesday and like every Tuesdays, you would sit at the second level of this café owned by your friend to await a certain someone’s arrival. That was none other than your one year boyfriend, Youngjae.

Ever since he debuted in B.A.P, the times you were able to meet got lesser and then one day, his manger had gave a suggestion to meet at this café instead.

You were of course excited by it and this had become a daily routine now.

“Su Min!” Someone greeted you enthusiastically and as you turned around, you see Youngjae walking towards you.

“Youngjae ah! What took you so long?” You pouted once he sat down.

“Tummy ache. Why? Did you miss me?” He chuckled and you felt your cheeks turning red.

You always loved it when he laughed. His sincerity when laughing always soothes you on your bad day.

“Of course not!” You huffed. “I saw you last week remember?”

“More like yesterday.” He flipped through the menu to his front.

He’s trying to avoid eye contact, You thought to yourself.

“Well, it was your comeback stage. I had to go and support you, you know.”

“Mmkay.” He replied and you knew that he was distracted from looking at the food selection.

“Speaking of which,” You tried to cheer yourself up despite the lack of attention. “Why couldn’t I visit you in your waiting room yesterday?”

That caught his attention. Youngjae looked up as he ruffled his hair, looking apologetic.

“We can’t let the fans know, can we?”

You nodded your head, in full agreement with what he said. Although there were some rumors that claimed Youngjae was dating, you didn’t dare to step out and acknowledged it either. Imagine the pitchforks that’d be after you.

“So… Anything that happened this week which you’d like to share?” You asked your boyfriend who still is distracted by the menu.

“Nothing much. Oh, except that Taejun hyung said he’s quitting for personal reasons.”

“Taejun?” You tried to put a face to the name. “Who’s Taejun?”

“Our manager. Did you really forget, Su Min ah?” He clucked in disapproval.

“I don’t remember any Taejun being your manager. Isn’t In Seok oppa and Min Jun oppa your managers?” You asked in full curiosity. “Taejun is a guy, right?”

“Yes, Su Min.” Youngjae shook his head at your jealousy. “Taejun hyung had always been one of our managers, though he rarely interacts with the others.”

“Why’s that?”

“I don’t know. He says he’s most comfortable with me.”

You sighed as you flipped through the menu. You came upon the milkshake section and instantly forgot all your worries.

“What are you getting? I’ll order.” Youngjae grinned at you widely.

“Chocolate milkshake for me. Thanks!”

“You know you’re paying right?” The man teased you and you can’t help but stick out a tongue at him.

As Youngjae walked away, you took out your cellphone to text Yongguk, your neighbourhood oppa when you were younger. It was through Yongguk that you came to know of Youngjae and with his blessings, the two of you got together.

“Oppa, who’s Taejun? Youngjae said it’s your manager but I’m checking to see if he’s really a guy. Hehe.”  You texted him.

You looked up to see that Youngjae was still queuing and you thanked the heavens that you weren’t caught being wary. After all, this was an issue that you and Youngjae had talked about before; your protectiveness.

Instead of receiving a reply, your phone rang and you were surprised to see that it was Yongguk. He rarely called you unless it was an emergency and you wondered if Youngjae was telling the truth, seeing how Yongguk had called you immediately.

“Hello?” You answered the call softly when Youngjae turned to look at you from his queue.

You flashed him a smile to make him turn away and when he did, you continued to focus on your call.

“Why did you call? I’m on my date with Youngjae, you know.” You hissed through the phone.

“W-What did Youngjae said about T-Taejun?” Yongguk was stammering and you felt that something was amiss.

“He said that he was the manager of the group and that he’s quitting. Why? Oppa? Is it a girl?”

“Taejun is dead, Su Min ah.” You felt yourself losing grip on your phone. “He died 2 and a half years before we debuted.”

“W-What do you mean he’s d-dead?” It was your turn to stutter. “Youngjae said…”

“I know what Youngjae said but it doesn’t change the fact that Taejun is dead. I know this is sudden, but Taejun had killed himself by jumping off our company’s building. Youngjae happened to saw it and well, I guess he was traumatised. However, he did undergo therapy and we managed to heal him. That was before you met him, Su Min.”

You felt yourself getting dizzy at the influx of words and you rested your chin on the table; unable to fathom anymore new information.

“I don’t know what happened, but I think he needs to go for therapy again. Act normal, Su Min ah. And if you can, avoid all discussions on Taejun. I’ll be right down with our manager. Wait for us.”

“Bye.” You quickly ended the call as you see Youngjae strolling back towards you with the drinks on his hand.

“Who’s that?” He asked casually but you could sense envy in his voice.

“That was mum. She’s asking me when I’ll be home for dinner.” You hated lying but this was something you needed to do.

“Oh.” Relief washed through his face. “Can I come for dinner?”

“You have a schedule remember?” You shook your head and laugh. Thank god he didn’t notice that you were nervous.

“Yeah.” He pouted and you were tempted to pinch his cheeks. “Taejun hyung is going to accompany me. It’ll be his last schedule.”

“T-Taejun?” You tried to stifle in your sigh.

“Why? Still can’t put a face to his name?” Youngjae chuckled to which you nodded meekly.

“I can only remember yours!” You tried to avoid the conversation by being cheesy.

He patted your head and all forms of fear disappeared. In fact, you almost felt bad for lying to him that you were so close in telling him the truth.

“Su Min?” Youngjae called you as you were sipping your milkshake. “Why are you so nervous today?”

Crap… You thought to yourself, I’m caught.

“Wow. Someone’s observant today.” You chuckled.

“I am your boyfriend, remember? I can tell.” He rolled his eyes. “Is it about Taejun? I swear, he’s of male species. I don’t understand why you can’t remember him.”

“Maybe because he doesn’t exist?” You uttered softly but Youngjae managed to hear you just fine.

“Of course he does! What makes you say so?” He glared at you and you felt another fight coming through.

“Well, one thing for sure, he’s no longer with you. Can’t you remember that Youngjae?” You defended yourself, though you regretted it almost immediately.

Me and my big mouth… You thought solemnly.

As much as you really loved Youngjae, he had to take a reality check. And it was because you loved him that you were trying to help him remember that the man was long gone.

“How did you know I died?” He whispered, distracted.

“Well, Yongguk was telling me that-” You stopped as you took in his words. “D-Did you just say y-you d-died?”

In that moment, you felt a sudden shiver up your spine and you could have sworn that Youngjae just said what he said.

You kept mum as you continued to stare at the person to your front. Who was he? He did looked like Youngjae and in that moment, you realised that you doubted your own boyfriend.

From the corner of your eye, you saw Yongguk and his manager running outside the café and into the door. Their eyes scanned quickly and soon enough, they spotted you.

“You called them.” Youngjae uttered without even looking around. How did he know that Yongguk was there?

Hurry up, Yongguk. Why aren’t you running? Your heart was beating fast.

“It’s too late.” He whispered as he gave you a piercing stare right into your eyes. “Youngjae’s gone.”

Forever.” He enunciated each word with glory.

Any moment now. Hurry up, Oppa! You mentally screamed at Yongguk.

Yongguk finally reached you but it was too late; for to a smirking man’s front was a young lady, shuddering with fear.

“You’re too late.” Youngjae’s alter ego sat leisurely on his chair, his legs crossed with triumph.

You stood up and hid behind Yongguk who was shaking at the sight before him. You could feel his hands trembling as you held his hands but after sensing your touch, Yongguk took a grip of himself and nodded to his manager.

“I don’t really care what happens to me. I mean, I’m not your precious Youngjae.” The man chuckled, as if he could read their minds.

“But you, Su Min.” Youngjae gave a malicious grin and you felt your heart racing, “Are mine.”



A/N So if anyone had a hard time decoding what this means, it means that Youngjae got possessed, or he’s just pretending to be Taejun in his own evil way. Muahahaha. Subscribes and Comments are welcome!

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authornim all of the chapters are masterpieces ! i hope u can write more bap psycho series
Sharissa #2
Chapter 2: Where i have been all this time? Searching text for angst and horror but found nothing great until i type 'DaeHyun angst' and then this come out and yeah congrats author you spark my interest
Chapter 2: I'm rereading this ff again.. And for the second time.. I swear I can sense someone's in my room with me.. Help.. ;;-;;
Chapter 7: Wow this is really awesome...... love all the part of story....
Chapter 8: Oh my god why did I choose to read this at night

Oh god I think I am going to have nightmares

Himchan protect me T_T
Happy123098 #6
Chapter 3: Uhhhhhhhhh this is scary....
Chapter 8: jk this is the scariest
Chapter 5: this is the scariest plot ever
Chapter 8: I legit am afraid to move now.. Reading this at 2am... bad idea. good job authornim! <3 <3 <3 Gave me nightmares ㅠㅠ
CumJaeEveryDae #10
Chapter 8: wooooow your writing is amazing!! totally scared the chizz outa me xD...great job, author-nim! <3