
Virtual Game


Game 2: Melia

Edelstein. Home to the Resistance members. It’s a wonder that the Black Mage had not targeted this town of people already. It’s always crowded with people on jaguars, people armed with staves and even people stomping around in their mechanic armor. Ereve doesn’t provide jaguars, and neither does Victoria Island. Then again, the Black Mage had been lying low all these years. Closest thing we got to is when Luminous came out and the rest of us got a glimpse of the history. Truth be told, even though the Black Mage looks scary, his ‘evil’ laugh just doesn’t cut it at all.

“I heard that Xenon will come out soon,” a mother worriedly discusses with Claudine, a little child at their side his thumb.

“But Mum,” he unplugs his thumb to speak. “I thought this world had not been updated for 180 years,”

“The Cloud Corp. had planned updates that were to be released after a few period of time,” Claudine explains.

“Then what comes after Xenon?” the child eagerly asks.

The leader of the Resistance members and the mother shift uneasily on their spot.

“We don’t know, darling. We had found files only up to here. We don’t know anything after the Xenon update.” The mother crouches down to her son’s level, patting his head.

We don’t count the time in years. We have a period system. Right now, it’s the Demon Avenger Period, due to the fact that they had a new branch of class from Demon Slayer. After that will be the Xenon Period when Xenon arrives. Then after that, will be what the players call the Void Period. Well the Cloud. Cop had always been so careful and every once in a while, there will be maintenance just in case the NPCs (Non-Player Character) gain awareness. According to the history books the players wrote, there were a time where the NPCs had gained awareness. Some caused chaos while others kept at their jobs. Then the maintenance came and rolled the NPCs back to their original state.

“I feel sorry for those who were born into Ereve family,” Claudine mutters in concern. I glance sharply at her.

“We all do,” the mother sighs heavily in return. “So full of potential just wasting away, limited at their skills. They are still here because of their blessings from the Empress”

I stare at the group before swiftly turning my back to Edelstein. I grip my bow in my hand while I pay the correct fee to travel back to Victoria Island.

Limited huh?

“Melia, let’s meet up!”


Minho’s POV

“Haste!” Key cries out as he speeds walk past Taemin who just summoned an Eight-Legs Easton and is now currently blasting the crockies with rapid fire.
“Why do you need haste when you’re the fastest out of us?” Onew complains as he goes around after Key attempting to heal him. Note the word ‘attempting’. He’s failing because Key is jumping around in the air.

“So I can go even faster!” Key shouts, his voice fading a bit as he turns his arrows into spears, yelling out “Spikes Royale!”

I mutter out “Haste” and buff the whole group with speed and Key zooms past, grabbing onto the chain and shoot up while spinning out leaf tornado.

“That’s it!” Onew throws down his staff. “I give up healing you Key! Die for all I care!” He throws a mini tantrum before screaming out as a Crocky advances behind him, its spear threatening to rip a hole in Onew’s stomach.

“Holy Magic Shell!” he shrieks, diving for his staff just in time to be encased in a holy armor. “Holy…Symbol” he pants, his staff towards the sky as the blessing showers over us.

“Mille Aiguilles,” I shake my head and continue to bring down the surrounding monsters.

“You scream like a girl,” Taemin innocently comments as he aims his gun towards the approaching monster. Bullets shoots towards the Crocky, puncturing holes when they land.

“Do. Not.” Onew huffs as he clings onto the ropes, safe from any attacks. He manages to heal Key as he flies by Onew.

This is Lion Heart Castle. In a bleak and snowing environment, this is where we train to make ourselves stronger. This is the Maple world. This is our lives.

“Ey,” Key mutters, stowing away his duel bow guns. “My hair is ruined,” he grabs a mirror and stares at his reflection.
“Hey, is it safe for you to be defenseless?” Onew points out.

“You’re the strongest here, you can kill them while I fix my hair” Key replies.

“I’m a bishop!” Onew yells back and as if to emphasis his point, he heals the group. “My attacks aren’t that good, we agreed that we’ll go shopping for my equipments after you guys level up,” he whines.

“Well, Taemin can fight them for me,” Key pats his head down before frowning.

“He’s over there,” I nod my head towards that tiny dot in the distance.

“Ey, I told him not to go too far!” Key raises his fist before staring back to his reflection.

“You can take them down for me then,” Key reasons.

I roll my eyes, “Can you not see I’m trying to kill 6 of them right here?” I jump back and mutter “Penombre,” engulfing the monsters in enlarged cards.

“Behind you!” Taemin cries out in the group chat. Key turns around to see several crockies ganging up and menacingly walks towards Key.

“Dang it!” I curse as I dodge a spear ed at me.

“Do something!” Taemin continue to yell, running towards us with dusts behind him flying.

“I can resurrect him!” Onew offers.

Key stares at shock when simultaneously the crockies their spears forward.


“Hurricane!” somebody yells and a barrage of arrows come flying by, covering the monsters with golden arrows.

“Bellflower barrier,” a calm voice calls out and a tao sign appears in midair spreading out into blue mystical plants on the ground.

Both skills promptly killed the crockies and saved Key.

We all look up in awe to see a cold hard stare of a bowman and a pleasantly smiling kanna. 



I was meaning to write it and post it up...I was feeling lazy though xD




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