Party Quests and Expeditions

Virtual Game


Game 4: Party Quests and Expeditions

“No, no, no, no, no!” Onew chants as he manages to dodge every single monster and smash face first onto the rocky ledge.

“Eight-Legs Easton is floating!” Taemin happily cries as bullets wizzes past and embed themselves into flying black Wyverns.

Key floats around muttering how he can’t jump around like he used to. “I hate flying,” he scowls and I agree with him, finding the lack of mobility frustrating.

“When you dashed around and we can’t, we endured it,” Minho points out and Key glares at him before pointing his bow guns at Griffey.

“Ishtar’s Ring!” He commands and green arrows come shooting out, and Griffey retaliate.

“What? Only 500?” Key seethes at the unfairness of the damage taken.

“Sorry,” Onew floats by, having casted Holy Magic Shell a bit late. “Angel Ray,” he mutters, his staff turning into a golden bow.

“Mille Aiguilles!” Minho follows up.

“Rapid fire,” Taemin sings as he flies up behind Griffey.

“Shikigami Haunting,” Kanna retaliates.

“Ishtar’s Ri- stop moving you stupid Boss!” Key struggles to aim at Griffey. And Onew hangs at the back, darting in just to heal us and not take damage.

Onew and Minho shower us with their buffs as Taemin finishes off Griffey. The portal unlocks to take us to the next stage.


“Damage reflect! Don’t attack!” I yell out, dodging another fire attack from Dragonoir.

“I’m getting burned!” Key shrieks.

“Heal,” Onew raises his staff, encasing us in the green healing buff. Minho buffs us with Hyper Body.

“You’re not helping!” Key yells at Minho.

“Arrow Rain,” Raising my bow towards the sky, volleys of arrows starts to rain down towards Dragonoir.

“Eight-Legs Easton!” Taemin appears beside me.

“Shikigami Haunting!” Kanna yell.

As Dragonoir disappears, Onew announces in a tiny voice.

“I ran out of MP pots…”

“Ey, you!” Key snaps. “I got none to spare,”

“Me neither,” Minho replies and I shake my head as well.

“I use mana elixirs,” Kanna says after checking her inventory. “But I don’t think those will heal quickly enough,”

“Just cling on the rope,” I suggest as we fly towards the cave’s entry.


“Ouch!” Onew yelps as the spikes jab him in the stomach and Key bumps behind him, receiving the same damage.

“Magic Guard baby,” Onew laughs as Key’s dumbstruck face.

We all wait until Key flies over to us, his equipment all bloodied.

“I think the spears have a blood bath today,” Taemin murmurs as Minho floats up in the air by a bit and nods in agreement.

“Heal,” Onew sniggers.

“Okay, buff yourselves up! Save for Onew, just cling on the rope and hope to survive,” I add, running through my bow booster.

“Hyper Body,” Minho wields the cane in front of him, increasing our HP and MP.

“Double down!” Taemin calls out and screaming out a ‘Yes’ after he rolled a double 5.

“Let’s go,” Hoisting up my bow, I draw out a handful of arrows from midair as we enter the portal.


“I’m dying!” Onew wails as he dodges the falling rocks.

“Falling Sakura!” Kanna yells out once again, damaging Dragon Rider and healing Onew at the same time.

“Which words do you not understand? ‘Hang’? ‘On the’? or ‘Rope?” I scream at him as Minho and I flatten ourselves down to avoid the laser beam. Key uses Glide Blast to dodge it while summoning Spikes Royale, increasing his time in the air to dodge the laser.

“There were flying wyverns there,” he defends himself.

“Yes, and it just makes so much sense to walk straight into the boss fight,” Kanna sarcastically says, rolling her eyes.

“Ahoy Mateys!” Taemin shouts out and Jack pops out of the barrel, about to increase Taemin’s HP and MP when Taemin points his gun towards the boss and his other hands points to Onew. I swear to Goddess that Jack rolled his eyes and increases Onew’s HP and MP instead.

“Can you summon that tree again?” I shout as I summon a puppet to take the damage instead.

“Cool down! Can’t! Thanks to a certain someone!” Kanna growls as Haku in human form shakes his fist towards Onew’s direction.

“Okay! Okay! Uh…nice wyverns…” Onew gulps.

“Taemin, lure the boss over to me,” Minho starts running towards Onew. “Onew, come to me,” he commands after.

“Jack! A little help please,” Taemin sweetly calls as Jack obediently helps his captain.

“Okay, huddle around me,” Minho pants a little, shoving Key beside Onew and Kanna.

“But why?” Key asks, flustered at the lack of space.

“If you want to step into a tornado of cards, go ahead. I am not held responsible at the cuts or pieces of your flesh on the ground,” Minho grimly replies. Faintly, Kanna summons Bluebell Barrier

“You better hurry before the Wyverns bite our fleshes and digest it!” I cry out, clutching an arrow, plunging it deep into the Wyvern’s eye.


A tornado of light blue cards circle around us, growing steadily bigger and bigger as it engulfs the Wyverns and the boss.

“Hey, why do you two always level up together?” Key asks, gingerly stepping over the disappearing blue cards and flowers.

“Next time,” Kanna glares, her open fan at Onew’s throat as Haku bares his white pointy teeth. “Bring sufficient mana potions,” her eyes gleaming with murder.


I'm actually finishing up at my Uni LOL!!




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