
Virtual Game


Game 3: Introductions


Melia’s POV

“Come on, I got to train too!” Kanna begs over the chat system. “Just because you’re at max level doesn’t mean you can’t help me,”

“I’m on my way to Victoria Island,” I sigh, peering behind my shoulder to see the distant land of Edelstein.

“So?” Kanna questions.

“What? You want me to jump out of the ship?” I incredulously suggest with a hint of sarcasm

“Well,” Kanna starts and I can imagine her shrugging her shoulders. “If that’s the fastest way and if that’s what you want, then by all means jump,”

“You want your friend to die?” I ask, my mind made up not to jump off the ship that is currently floating over rocks.

“I did say ‘If that’s what you want’,” she points out.

“Just…wait for me to change ships,” I sigh.

“Just do what I did. Force the pilot to change course to where ever I wanted to go,” Kanna suggests.

I eye at the pilot who is oblivious of Kanna’s plot.

“And how exactly did you do that?” I question

“Well, a fox baring its pointy teeth at you and a sharp fan at your throat isn’t a pretty sight,” Kanna laughs daintily.

I shiver at her laugh. For such a warm hearted girl, she sure has her evil moments. I don’t have a fox but, I reckon a sharpened arrow will do the trick…


“See, it’s not so bad threatening the pilot. Just don’t do it too often, they recognise you and kick you out,” Kanna muses.

I did a double take. “You got kicked out?”

She nods calmly. “There was a late maintenance for a period of time. They gained NPC awareness and kicked me out. I was stranded in Edelstein for 3 days,” she scowls as Haku yips at her feet.  She hovers her hand over Haku’s head and he begins to grow big enough for her to hop onto his back.

“Nothing beats a fox mount. Nothing,” she sighs in happiness as she runs her hand over the white soft fur.

“Catch up with us if you can,” she grins cheekily at me before Haku dashes away. “To Lion Heart Castle!” the wind carries her voice over to me. I sigh as I leap into the air and the wind gathers under my feet just enough so I can jump in midair.


“We need to find a party,” Kanna muses as she flicks her wrist, her fan snapping open. I begin to run through my series of boosts as Haku slowly trots around.

I slowly follow her, my arrows drawn from midair, poise, ready to fire if necessary.

“I think there’s a party there,” Kanna nods towards the distance and Haku starts to run with me bringing up the behind.

“Wind walk!” I summon a gust of wind that whirls around me, concealing me from sight.

“Ho ho,” Kanna chuckles in triumph as she hops off Haku’s back and shrinks him back to his original size. “We got a party in distress,”

I glance at where she’s looking at to see a Corsair running towards us in the distance, a Phantom holding off 6 monsters, a screaming Bishop on the chains and a defenseless Mercedes.

“Interesting,” I smile as I bring my bow up, my arrow aimed at the monster’s eyes and yell out “Hurricane!”

Golden wings appear in front of me as barrages of arrows come shooting out.

“Bellflower Barrier,” Kanna calmly summons over us and the Mercedes, blue mystical plants firmly in the ground.

“Rapid,” the Corsair that was running towards us from the distance coarsely says, pointing his gun at the remaining Crocky. “Fire,” he pants and rapid sessions of bullets cut the air and into the armor of the monster.

“Thank you,” the Phantom calls out as Kanna waves her fan towards the sky, dispersing the barrier before hiding her smile behind her fan.

“You’re welcome,” she replies.

“Why did you stand there and do nothing!” the Corsair scolds the stoned Mercedes.

“Hey, are you still shocked?” Phantom worriedly waves his hand over the Mercedes’s face.

“’I can resurrect him’?” the Mercedes finally speaks, his eyes glaring daggers at the Bishop who is climbing down from the chain. “Is that what you can say at that time?!”

“What did you want me to say?” the Bishop protests. “’I’ll Holy Symbol you when you come back from the dead!’?”

“So,” the Corsair swiftly turns to us and holds out his hand, ignoring the bickering in the background. “I’m Taemin, what’s your name?”

“Kanna,” Kanna introduces herself. “She’s Melia,” she gestures at him.

“I’m Minho,” the Phantom bows.

Phantoms, always the gentlemen.



Hi, it's OreoPandaa here!

Writing this in the middle of the night! Hehe!




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