Chapter 2

Baby, Baby, GAYBY

 NOTE:  This is still a flashback, a continuation from where we left off in the first chapter. I chose to no longer italicize the text for easier reading, but just know that this is STILL a flashback. ^^




                From that night on, Woohyuk seemed to become a very familiar face within the small group of Hyukjae, Donghae, Sungmin, and Kyuhyun. It wasn’t to the point where Woohyuk actually hung out with all of them every time they are all together, but the frequency of his visits to where Donghae usually is, and sometimes to just join her for lunch or a common break in their classes made him at least be in a hi-hello, and on casual conversations terms with Donghae’s closest friends.

                Woohyuk was nice; he was polite and despite the status he holds in the university as one of the most popular guys out there, he didn’t have that air in him that makes jocks hate-worthy. There was that confidence, of course, and thankfully that was contained to a bearable amount and because of that, it wasn’t really difficult for him to join Donghae’s group of friends time and again. Donghae was glad that at times that Woohyuk actually managed to join her and her friends, her friends really didn’t have any problem with ‘Woohyuk oppa,’ as she now casually calls him.

                Sungmin and Kyuhyun didn’t really have anything against the new addition from time to time since there wasn’t anything bad that they can actually attribute to Woohyuk in general, but the both of them just can’t help but throw Hyukjae curious and concerned glances every time Donghae and Woohyuk are together with them.

                Hyukjae, though he mostly  keeps quiet when Woohyuk joins them, doesn’t really have anything bad to say about their sunbaenim. The guy seems to be good to Donghae; he respects Donghae’s space and he also doesn’t seem to be overstepping the boundaries that Donghae has set for him. It would definitely be a lie to say that he is comfortable with the things that are going on, but what was important to him was that Donghae was happy and no harm or any negative thing is threatening her because of her new ‘friend’.

                Hyukjae also consciously tried his best to keep his expressions in check all the time, since he did not want a repeat of that fateful night when Sungmin and Kyuhyun actually managed to see through him. He was glad that his two friends didn’t bother further asking him about it, but he also can’t help but notice the furtive glances that Sungmin and Kyuhyun would throw his way every time Woohyuk joins their little group, or whenever there’s even just a mention of the guy or of Donghae’s relationship with the guy.  Even though Hyukjae was admittedly getting better and better at masking all his expressions that would give anything away just like it did that night with Sungmin and Kyuhyun, that didn’t mean that he appreciated the kind of looks that his friends are giving him as of late.

                “Hey Sungmin? Can I talk to you?” Hyukjae asked as he stood beside Sungmin in the dance room that Donghae managed to book for the three of them to practice in, with the help of course of Woohyuk.

                Sungmin immediately stopped at her stretching routine to actually look at Hyukjae, before saying in a concerned voice: “Yeah, sure, of course. Do you… need help with anything?”

                Hyukjae sighed as he again saw that look on Sungmin’s face. “Yeah, actually you can help me with something.” He said as he paused for a while, trying to gather his thoughts. He might be getting better at masking his face from all the twisting that he feels in his chest time and again because of his current situation, but that didn’t mean that he doesn’t feel it any longer. “I-I need you to please stop looking at me like that, like I’m going to break whenever I see them and as if I’m a little, sad puppy. Please Sungmin, it really makes me feel…uncomfortable.” Hyukjae said in a calm voice, looking intently at Sungmin.

                Sungmin flinched at what Hyukjae said, feeling guilt at hearing how Hyukjae felt about these things. “S-sorry Hyuk… I mean, okay, I won’t do it anymore, but please, if you need to talk about anything, you know I’m here, right?”

                Hyukjae gave Sungmin a small smile before nodding. “Yeah, I know that, silly.” He said as he gave Sungmin a wider smile. “But really, there’s no need for any talk anymore. I mean, if we can just forget everything that you saw that night, that would be best. I’m fine, really. I really think that it’s just my over protectiveness over Donghae that makes me act a certain way when it comes to her, but really, I’m fine; you have nothing to worry about.”

                “But Hyuk---“

                “Really Min, I’m okay. There’s nothing for you to worry about or to think about. I’m fine. Woohyuk sunbaenim is okay too; I mean, he seems good to Donghae, and he respects her and doesn’t overstep Donghae’s boundaries and most importantly, Donghae seems to be really happy when Woohyuk sunbaenim’s with us---ooof!”

                But before Hyukjae can even finish whatever it is he was saying, Sungmin already lunged for him and hugged him in a very tight embrace.

                “You don’t have to explain, Hyuk.” Sungmin said, her voice muffled by Hyukjae’s shoulder and if Hyukjae didn’t know better, he would actually think that the ever-so-tearless Sungmin is actually on the verge of shedding her very rare tears. “I understand, and I’ll take care of Kyuhyun too, don’t worry about it, okay?”

                And just then the door to the dance room burst open to reveal Kyuhyun standing on the doorway, acting shocked, looking on at the friendly hug that Sungmin and Hyukjae are having.

               “Minnie? Do I need to know anything? Will I need to kick the non-existent of this monkey boy because at the sight I’m seeing I can surely do just that.” Kyuhyun said, his whole countenance feigning shock and hurt.

                Sungmin and Hyukjae then let go of the hug, with Hyukjae muttering “insolent brat” under his breath as Sungmin walked on to her boyfriend with a menacing stare, before pecking him on the cheek.

                “Cho Kyuhyun, no more giving Hyukjae that look, you understand?” And even before Kyuhyun can complain about whatever it is that Sungmin was saying, Sungmin continued: “Oh you know what I’m talking about, so you better do what I say. Or you won’t have any idea what it is that hit you. And forget that there was anything that we found out in that party. Yes, delete that from your memory or else I swear Cho if I see you even just thinking about taunting Hyukjae with this you will regret it.”

                “W-what did I do now?!”



                It was two months into that kind of setup, on an uneventful afternoon where Hyukjae chose to arrange and rearrange his collection of mangas in his shelves when Donghae burst into his room and tackled him into a hug from behind.

                “You can at least try to save me from a heart attack you know, Hae.” Hyukjae joked, smiling genuinely at the sweetness that his best friend is showing him. Hyukjae, then facing the window of his room, immediately dropped the mangas in his hands on his bed to try to face Donghae but just then he heard a sniffle from his back and that alerted Hyukjae as if the whole of Seoul went on an actual red alert situation.

                He immediately disentangled Donghae’s arms around his waist, and with gentle movements so as not to shock Donghae, he faced her and then what he saw almost made Hyukjae go around and search for that thing, or someone responsible for Donghae crying, head bent down as if to stop her tears.

                “Hae? What’s wrong are you hurt? What happened? Please tell me, Hae. I need to know so I know how to help you okay?” Hyukjae asked in a very gentle yet apparently worried voice. He can feel his heart twisting in his chest again, but this time this is worse than all the other times it happened before because of the very girl in front of him.

                Hyukjae raised Donghae’s face with his hand, wiping the tears that were running down the latter’s cheeks.


                And then Donghae finally raised her eyes to Hyukjae’s face, and there Hyukjae saw something that made him falter on his ground even if he was standing firmly on his feet: the glimmer on Donghae’s eyes, though clouded with tears, was the happiest teary eyes he has ever seen and that made his heart skip a beat.

                And Hyukjae just felt that tourniquet in his chest tighten even more to aid in the bleeding of his heart.

                “H-he… Woohyuk oppa …He asked me to be his girlfriend, Hyukjae.” And then that smile on Donghae’s face just widened and Hyukjae knew he was done for, in more ways than one.

                “I-isn’t that where all this is heading?” Hyukjae responded, and despite the slight stutter he had at the beginning of his sentence, he was shocked at the ease of how he can reply to what Donghae just said. “What…did you say to him?”

                Donghae sniffled and pulled Hyukjae to sit on his bed. After sitting down, Donghae then used the edge of her long sleeves to wipe the tears (and snot) on her face.

                “I didn’t say anything yet… I wanted to ask you first.”

                “Ask me? Ask me what?” Hyukjae asked dumbfounded.

                “About what I should do.”

                Hyukjae just had to laugh at that. “Donghae, really? You’ve been pining for this guy since you saw him perform at our freshman orientation program, and now you ask me about what you should do now that you get asked that question you so longed to hear? Funny, Donghae.”

                “But you’re my best friend, Hyuk! You’re supposed to help me in this kind of things!” Donghae complained, slightly bouncing on her spot in tantrum.

                “Sungmin’s supposed to help you in this kind of things.” Hyukjae retorted and the rejection as Donghae perceived this act of Hyukjae’s as, made the girl sigh and pout.

               “But you are my best friend, Hyukkie,” Donghae said in a small voice. “And I want to know how you think about this, and how you think about Woohyuk oppa.”

                Hyukjae felt a little bit guilty of his brushing off Donghae’s question when he saw that look on Donghae’s face. “Why should it matter what I think though, when we both know that you want this? Unless---“

                “It matters to me, Hyuk.” Donghae said sincerely. “It matters to me how you think about this and how you think about him because you are my best friend. I want to know what you think.”

                Hyukjae stared at Donghae for a while, before letting out a deep sigh. “If this makes you really happy, and I see that it does, then that’s all that matters to me.” Hyukjae said earnestly. “And I see that Woohyuk sunbaenim cares for you, and more importantly he respects you and he seems to be a nice guy; well, he is a nice guy.”

                Donghae smiled at Hyukjae before she wrapped her arms around him. “Thanks Hyukkie.” Donghae muttered against Hyukjae’s shoulder.

                Hyukjae then, reached his hand to pat Donghae’s back, returning her embrace. “You’re gonna say yes, right?”

                Donghae nodded, before wiping off his tears on Hyukjae’s shirt, before leaning back from the embrace. “He said that if I already have an answer by tomorrow, I should meet him at the dance room. I’ll meet him there.”

                Hyukjae just nodded, a faint smile on his face at the sight of DOnghae’s face wet with tears. “Look at you, a day away from actually having a boyfriend and you still wipe your tears and snot with the sleeves of your clothes, and worse, you wiped it on my shirt too." Hyukjae said, patting Donghae's head affectionately. "When do you plan on actually growing up into a lady, you big baby?” Hyukjae teased, and that made Donghae scowl before hitting Hyukjae on his arm.

                “I am a lady. This side of me is reserved especially for you because you are my best friend, and you can’t do anything about that.”

                Hyukjae stared on at Donghae as her attention then shifted fully to the mangas spread out on his bed and was no longer on him, before mumbling lowly to himself:

                “Yeah, I really can’t do anything about us being best friends, can I?”



                And so Donghae and Woohyuk officially became a couple the next day, and that didn’t really shock anyone from their small group; all of them knew that that’s where everything was headed anyway, and only congratulations were in order as Woohyuk and Donghae sauntered into their table at the cafeteria, hands clasped together.

                Hyukjae can only be thankful that Sungmin and Kyuhyun really did stand up to their word that they would no longer mind Hyukjae when it comes to that matter. Neither Sungmin nor Kyuhyun threw him those looks of concern and worry anymore, and neither of the two really opened any conversation related to, or that will lead to whatever it is that they found out that fateful night.

                It was as if nothing really happened, with the way said couple acted around Hyukjae, and for that, Hyukjae was really grateful.



                Hyukjae was cleaning his room (he’s always cleaning his room, Donghae says) when a most unexpected song blasted in his room.

Yo, I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want, 
So tell me what you want, what you really really want, 
I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want, 
So tell me what you want, what you really really want, 
I wanna , I wanna , I wanna ha, I wanna ha, I wanna really 
Really really wanna zigazig------

                “---Lee Donghae what the hell did you do to my ringtone?!?” Hyukjae screamed at his phone after a long while of finding it buried to the depths of his bag.

                “What! You know how much I like that song,” Donghae retorted, and Hyukjae can only shake his head. “But that’s not really important right now. Hyukkie, I need you to come here at home, fast. Please, I’m begging you, come here now.”

                It was then that Hyukjae noticed the distress, and was it anger he could detect in Donghae’s voice?

                “Why, what’s up? You okay?” He said as he set down the frame he was holding to its original position.

                “No, I’m not okay Hyukjae; dad is killing me. I mean, he’s killing me with embarrassment and frustration and I swear Hyuk, he’s going to scare Woohyuk oppa away.” Donghae explained in a rushed manner, aggravation clear in her voice.

                “Wait, Woohyuk sunbaenim is at your house?”

                “Yeah, I brought him home to introduce to mom and dad and god, even Amber is here and it’s pure chaos Hyuk.”

                “Hae, I think your dad is entitled to act all fatherly on you since you just brought a guy home---“

                “Hyuk! He’s asking him if his alcohol tolerance is high, and if he ever did drugs, or wild parties, or if he’s been in jail or how he thinks about homouality because my older brother is as fruity as can be, and if he’s ever had without protection------“

                “----Woah, woah, woah, okay I get your point.”Hyukjae cut off Donghae’s tirade, as he fully understands how Kangin is acting now with Woohyuk there; Donghae’s parents, though very sweet and are considered ‘cool’ parents, sometimes really have the tendency to be on the…strange side of things. This scenario right now doesn’t really shock Hyukjae that much. “But Donghae, don’t you think it will make Woohyuk sunbaenim uncomfortable? Me going there when you’re all on a meet-the-parents mode?”

                “I swear he could even kiss you if you save him from this pandemonium; he’s not showing it but if I’m uncomfortable with my family acting all crazy, how much more for a stranger like him, right? So please Hyukkie? Plus, dad asked you to come over too because he said that you’re needed in family matters like this.”

                “Fine, I’m coming over.” He conceded.

                “Now Hyukkie, now!”

                He didn’t even bother changing his clothes, running down the stairs right away to go to Donghae’s house just down the street.


                And the scene that he came into was downright funny, if not for the murderous glare on Donghae’s face, and the almost constipated look on Woohyuk’s face: Leeteuk, Donghae’s mom, was standing near the piano, watching over Donghae’s younger sister Amber play the piano grudgingly based on the sour expression on her face, while Kangin sat beside Woohyuk, showing and flexing his bicep, gloating how “a man needs strength and these babies to be man enough” as Donghae sat across her dad and boyfriend, beating his dad up six ways to Sunday with the glare that she’s directing at him.

                “Hey guys,” he greeted so as to alleviate the unbearably crazy (really he couldn’t find another word to describe it) air in the room.

                “Oh God finally Hyukjae oppa, save me from this hell!” Amber exclaimed as she abruptly stopped playing and stood up, running to hide behind Hyukjae.

                “Amber Josephine!” Leeteuk admonished Amber before shifting her gaze on Hyukjae, the look on her face changing from reproving to sweet in a blink of an eye. “Good to see you again, Hyukjae dear. Now, Amber, go back here and play---“

                “Mom, nobody cares if I can play the piano! Dad is too busy scaring off Donghae’s boyfriend while Fishface is busy thinking of ways to emancipate herself from this family, and her poor boyfriend is rethinking everything he’s done in his life right now so please mom, can I just go back to my room?”

                They all clearly heard Donghae agonizingly cry oh my god under her breath, as she buried her face in her hands, before looking up again to check on her traumatized, probably soon-to-be ex-boyfriend as the latter stared right back at her with a small smile on his pallid face.

                Leeteuk just sighed before waving Amber off and that made the young tomboy dash of to the stairs. But before actually climbing up to the haven of her room, she looked back to the people at the living room, calling Woohyuk’s attention.

                “And Woohyuk-ssi? Good luck and welcome to this bonkers of a family!” She said as she ran as fast as she could upstairs.


                Hyukjae could almost see the tears forming at Donghae’s eyes and he knew that more than anything it was because of embarrassment. Donghae looked pleadingly at Hyukjae as if to say “save me from this hellhole too please.”

                “Hyukjae!” Kangin’s booming voice called out to him and he immediately looked at the older guy. “Now, this guy has the muscles despite his skinny anchovy body and he sure is manly enough to never fail to protect my girl.” He boasted as he continued, “Why don’t you come sit here with Woohyun—

                “It’s Woohyuk, dad---

                “---Woohyum while I sit there with Donghae?”

                Donghae just had to bury her head in her hands again for the nth time that afternoon.

                “Er, Kangin, I think it won’t be safe for you to sit there with Donghae, really.” Hyukjae said smilingly at Kangin. “Why don’t I sit with you there and Donghae can check if Woohyuk sunbaenim is still okay.”

                Donghae raised her head to Hyukjae with a grateful smile, before she heard her dad grunt fine as he stood up and waved her to go sit with her boyfriend.

                “Mom? Can Woohyuk oppa and I join you in the kitchen instead? We can help you. Plus Hyukkie is here to be with dad so please?” Donghae said as she stood from her seat, her eyes pleading with her mom.

                Leeteuk gave her daughter and Woohyuk a kind smile, before nodding and waving for Donghae and Woohyuk to go to the kitchen. “Kangin dear? Try not to drown Hyukjae with your disgusting muscle talk too or else I will use your baseball bats on you, you neanderthal.”

                Leeteuk sauntered to the kitchen, and Hyukjae was then left to the company of Kangin, who then heaved a sigh and just slouched on his seat, as if a big boulder was carried off his shoulders.

                “What’s your read on that guy, Hyukjae-ah?” Kangin asked and for the first time since he entered the room, Hyukjae actually saw the fatherly side of Kangin as he stared at him intently, waiting for his answer.

                “He’s a good guy,” he readily replied. “You should cut the guy some slack, Kangin. He’s visibly terrified; what have you been doing to him?

                “Oh nothing, just being a father to my daughter is all.”

                “Yeah, I’m sure Donghae appreciates you scarring her boyfriend with your muscle talk.” Hyukjae scoffed, and that had Kangin laughing in as well as he shook his head.

                “I’m as much new to this as that kid is. But who cares, I have the upper hand; he’s asking to go out with my daughter so I get to act as obnoxious as I want to be, blast it.”

                “Sure you could, but I wish you luck with Leeteuk’s wrath tonight, if – and I’m kinda sure of it – Donghae will get Leeteuk’s side.”

                “Ah crap.”



                Just a little while later dinner was served, and Woohyuk looks as if he has regained a bit of color to his face and since going to the kitchen, Donghae didn’t leave her boyfriend’s side for the rest of the night. Her homicidal stares still remained on Kangin whenever he makes a verbal jab at her boyfriend, even if they weren’t really meant to make the night any worse.

                “So you are a dancer as well, Woohyuk-ssi?” Leeteuk asked as everybody settled down in the dining table. Amber chose to excuse herself from it though, and screamed for her mom to just call her “when all the bloodshed is over and the bodies are already disposed of.” That quip of course garnered another round of reprimanding on Leeteuk’s side, which expectantly fell on deaf ears.

                “Yes Ma’am; I have my own dance crew at the university," Woohyuk replied smilingly at Leeteuk. "We also join in competitions and concerts whenever we can.”             

                “Hyukjae’s a dancer too; aren’t you applying for a dance troupe or something right now Hyuk?” Kangin asked Hyukjae, who slightly blushed as he was put on the spotlight, when it surely isn’t supposed to be on him.

                “Yeah, I’m auditioning for a position at the school’s dance troupe, but nothing’s really sure as of yet…”

                “Oh you’ll get it for sure, Hyukjae-ah," Leeteuk assured. "You’re really good at what you do and I’m sure the group will definitely see that." She said as she handed him over his favorite side-dish.  “Oh! So does that mean that the two of you will be part of one group if Hyukjae gets accepted to this audition?” Leeteuk then excitedly asked, looking at Woohyuk.

                “Ah, no, ma’am. The troupe where Hyukjae-ssi is applying for now is the school’s official dance troupe. My dance crew is more of a freelance kind of group; we aren’t in any way affiliated to the university.”

                “Oh so is that like a rouge dance group or something?” Kangin blurted out.

               Silence enveloped the dining table as Woohyuk tried to grasp for words to say back, as Donghae stared at his dad with disbelief, frustration, and anger.

               Leeteuk was athe one to break the tension-filled silence. “Kangin dear? Stuff your face with the food I made; you are getting irrelevant to the conversation.” Leeteuk remarked with a forced smile, as Kangin grunted, but still setting out to do what his wife ordered him to do.



                Dinner went on like that, and to Hyukjae’s chagrin, there were quite a number of times that his name would come up in comparison with Woohyuk. It made him really uncomfortable, and he could only wish that it was only him that was affected by the comparisons – blatant and otherwise – made not only by Kangin, but Leeteuk and Donghae (really she could at least try to be a sensitive girlfriend) as well.

                The night ended with Woohyuk going home after dinner and tea– not without Kangin reminding him to “beef up those flabs” and Donghae nearly tackling her dad for the heck of shutting him up – as Leeteuk, Kangin, and Hyukjae lazed around in the couch.

                Hyukjae was about to place his cup of tea at the kitchen counter when he caught a glance of Woohyuk and Donghae at the front porch, Woohyuk’s face intimately close to Donghae’s.







                Hyukjae expected Donghae to cut down on her time with him and with their little group because of her relationship with Woohyuk; he expected that her best friend, and her boyfriend as well, would want time for themselves on class breaks, lunch, and all the other times in between. So Hyukjae was surprised to still see Donghae join them just as much as she did before having a boyfriend, with Woohyuk joining them once in a while during lunch. Not much has changed, aside from the fact that Hyukjae didn’t really need to chaperone Donghae whenever she goes to parties since she coerced her parents on letting her go, with the assurance that Woohyuk won’t let anything stupid and bad happen to her.

                Kangin and Leeteuk begrudgingly granted Donghae that, but not without grumbling on how Hyukjae should still go with her just in case Woohyuk was the one that needed protecting from. Donghae held her ground, saying how Hyukjae can of course come if he wants to but not to babysit her anymore.

                Hyukjae never joined them though.

                It also didn’t escape Hyukjae’s attention, the quips that Donghae’s parents made here and there about the similarities and differences between him and Woohyuk. It would be flattering for him, really, to hear Donghae’s parents shower compliments about him as compared to another guy, if only he didn’t feel for Woohyuk; he always thought that if he were in his sunbaenim’s shoes, it would definitely hurt his pride to always be compared (and be put 2nd best) next to his girlfriend’s best friend. He just wished that like Donghae, Woohyuk is deaf to this nuisance as well.



                But apparently, Woohyuk wasn’t blind to all the comparisons made, especially not when Donghae inadvertently makes them as well, even just in passing. This, plus the fact that the rare moments that Donghae would actually agree to him visiting their home again after the “disastrous” (her words, not his) first meeting, Donghae’s parents always seem to never fail to bring up Hyukjae in their conversations be them unintentional, or deliberate as in Kangin’s case.

                The incessant occurrence of such pride-hurting comparisons actually reached its peak in Woohyuk’s heart that he just had to talk to Donghae about it.

                Donghae on her part, didn’t understand Woohyuk’s side in the matter since she never really saw Hyukjae as a “competition” when it comes to her relationship with Woohyuk. She brushed it off the first time, not doing anything to appease Woohyuk aside from telling him that he didn’t have to worry about such things one bit since “Hyukjae is basically family,” she said.

                That wasn’t enough for Woohyuk though, and the topic became a common starting point for the couple’s repeated arguments. Hyukjae, together with Sungmin and Kyuhyun, got whiff of this relationship problem as Donghae became agitated more and more whenever they hung out together; they all noticed how the fights (though Donghae wouldn’t really call them that) took its toll on Donghae. When she didn’t talk to Woohyuk for a couple of days because of another spat between them, tears seemed to be always b in her eyes and this worried Hyukjae the most. He talked to Donghae about it, asking her if there’s anything he could do, but the latter would just shrug her shoulders at him telling him that Woohyuk’s “complaints are unfounded anyway Hyuk, it’s all in his head,” still with those tears threatening to fall off from her eyes. “He just needs to understand Hyuk, and nobody can really help him do that if his mind is closed to what I say to him,” she would add.

                It got so bad that after weeks of on and off fighting, Donghae came rushing to Hyukjae’s bedroom, her eyes red from too much crying, her phone clutched so tight in her hand Hyukjae thought she can actually break it.

                “Hae? What’s wrong? What happened?” He asked as he sat up on his bed as a crying Donghae jumped beside him, burrowing herself in his pillows as sniffles filled his room.

                “Donghae? Tell me what’s wrong so I can help you fix it, come on.” He said, poking at Donghae’s arm to rouse her from the fetal position she took on his bed.

                “Woohyuk oppa…” Donghae mumbled against a pillow, and Hyukjae caught his breath, thinking of all the bad things Woohyuk could’ve done to Donghae to make her cry like this, at the same time thinking of ways to get back at Woohyuk for hurting his best---

                “---What the hell did he do to you?” He asked menacingly as he stopped himself from thoughts that were starting to fuel an unimaginable amount of rage in his body.

                Hearing the fury in Hyukjae’s words snapped Donghae from her stupor, and she immediately sat up to face a very angry Hyukjae.

                “N-nothing Hyuk… I-it’s just… It’s just that we’re fighting again and it’s really getting tiring but I don’t want to lose him Hyuk…I…I love him, Hyuk.” Donghae said through her tears, before continuing, “I think I really love him ‘cos just the thought of us breaking up because of our fights hurts so much… I don’t want that to happen, I don’t…”

                Hyukjae saw whatever calmness Donghae still had diminish right in front of his very eyes, and his heart just broke a little more at the sight. He heaved a deep breath, before gathering the distraught Donghae in his arms, the latter burying her face in his chest.

                He smoothed his hand on Donghae’s back, rocking the both of them back and forth to offer his best friend whatever comfort he can give at the moment.

                “But he didn’t do…he didn’t hurt you physically or anything, did he?” Hyukjae asked cautiously.

                Donghae’s vehement shaking of her head assured Hyukjae that that wasn’t the case. “N-no…He wouldn’t do that to me, Hyuk.”

                Hyukjae nodded his head. “Tell me what’s wrong?” He asked carefully, not wanting to rush Donghae in any way, but curious as to what lead to his best friend crying so much like this. Could it possibly be the same argument the two have been fighting over for weeks now…?

                “I-it’s the same thing over and o-over, Hyuk.” Donghae said, moving away from the embrace they had to face Hyukjae. “It’s still about you a-and me and I really don’t know what to tell him and how to make him understand when he’s so set on shutting his mind when I tell him th-that we’re just best friends,” Donghae said, looking at Hyukjae with befuddlement and tears swimming in her eyes. “We’re basically brothers and sisters and you’re family, Hyuk. He…he can’t understand that you’re as much a part of me as my parents and siblings are, th-that he doesn’t have to feel insecure? Is that what he’s feeling? Or Jealousy? Or whatever kind of f-feelings like that be-because… you’re Hyukjae. My bestest friend a-and… you’re my person and he doesn’t understand that one bit Hyuk…” Donghae explained, confusion settling in her tone and in her words, before burying her face in Hyukjae’s chest again.

                “Why can’t he understand that I want you both in my life and that he doesn’t need to feel threatened of what I have with you?” Donghae asked rhetorically. “I just want him to understand that what I have with you is not the same with what I have with him; you are my best friend, but he’s my boyfriend and I love him in a very different way than how I love you. It’s different, why can’t he understand that damn simple thing?”

                Donghae’s words hit Hyukjae in his heart hard, and Hyukjae expected Donghae to babble more into his chest, as he steeled himself for more words that are said truthfully yet unintentionally and inevitably hurting him where it hurts the most. But Donghae didn’t say anything more, and after a while, Hyukjae can still hear Donghae’s muffled sobs, figuring that the latter wouldn’t be stopping anytime soon. He just laid them both down on his bed, with Donghae snuggling so close to his side that he didn’t have any choice but hug his best friend just a little tighter, even if the closeness hurt his already broken heart.



                The calm breathing against his neck told him that Donghae already fell asleep, but Hyukjae is wide awake; his varied thoughts are running so fast in his head he can actually feel his head ache from too much thinking, from too much of everything.

                While Donghae slept in his arms, he pondered on a lot of different things but all of them with the same goal: lightening the burden Donghae is carrying right now. He just wanted his best friend to stop crying, and for her to get what it is that she most wants so that she can be back to her childish, happy ways.

                And in thinking that, there are a lot of inevitable things that he must do – unthinkable, really, if you base it on the kind and length of his relationship with Donghae. But he set his priorities: he wants her happy, and from the get go he knew that he would do whatever it is in his power to make her that way, even if he knew that it would mean that he’d have to break both of their hearts just a tiny bit (more, in his case) just for her to get what – or who – it is that she ultimately wants.

                So he lay there beside his best friend, cherishing every moment of it as he closed his eyes as he waited for life to take its course. His decision was made.



                Donghae ended up sleeping for a couple of hours, and through all that Hyukjae kept awake, calming Donghae down whenever the latter would seem to be still affected by her worries even in her sleep. It worried Hyukjae to see Donghae cry so much like this; everyone knew that Donghae is a crybaby, but as she cries easily, it was also quite easy to appease her and make her stop crying. Donghae has cried so much in her life, and Hyukjae was one to witness all of that, but she never cried as much as this. The hurt that reflected in Donghae’s eyes burned at Hyukjae’s eyes, and he swore that he never wants to see Donghae like that again if he can help it. He even wanted to talk to Woohyuk just to set the man straight – and maybe give him a taste of his fist just for the heck of making Donghae cry – but he knew that that wouldn’t end well for anyone.     

                Donghae stirred in his arms and upon opening her eyes she immediately raised her cellphone to her face, checking it for messages or calls, but the look on her face told Hyukjae that there was nothing.

                Donghae sat up, and Hyukjae sat up right after her.

                “I-I wished that my problems would go a-away when I fell asleep…b-but they’re still here and---“ Donghae croaked and she didn’t manage to finish her sentence as fresh tears fell down from her eyes.

                Hyukjae, with shaking hands, held Donghae’s face and wiped the tears with his thumbs.

                “I-I don’t know w-what to do, Hyuk…”

                It’s now or never, Hyukjae thought.

                With his resolve cemented in his mind and heart, Hyukjae raised Donghae’s face to his, wiping the stray tears that his thumb caught as he waited for Donghae to raise his gaze to him. And then she did.

                Hyukjae was at a loss for words the moment their eyes met, but his determination to do this was stronger than the beating of his heart.

                (And that is testament enough to how decided he is with this choice he made, for his heart was beating wildly in his ribcage).

                “Hae… You don’t want to lose him, right?”

                Donghae nodded, but her eyes were questioning as she saw the determination in Hyukjae’s eyes.

                Hyukjae took a deep breath, and he gazed at Donghae’s face for a while longer, caressing her face with his stare, his thumb catching another tear that fell down her face as he battled with the loudness of his heartbeats ringing in his ears just to get the words out. And then he did.

                “Donghae. I think we should stop seeing each other.”










A/N: First of all i'd like to thank you guys all the subscriptions and views and really, I truly appreciate you guys giving this work of mine your time of day. :) Before this I've always read of authors saying that their readers are really the ones who push them to write more and more and now I know that that is indeed true! So thank you for reading, and for giving me just the right amount of push to actually write more and continue and post my first fic. <3

PS. I've said in the foreword that this fic will contain lots of flashbacks and I really meant that. I wanted to get the past all out there before I start on where the description/summary puts us in, so that we all know what happened to all or at the very least most of these characters before we meet them again in their present almost-30 glory days. But I promise you that when all this is done, we will get to that part I posted in the desc :)

PPS. A new character will be introduced in the next chapter, and a very, very otherworldy, should I say, diva will FINALLY make his appearance, so I hope you guys are still here for that, if I dont bore you yet with my long A/N okay i'm shutting up now :)

THANKS again for the views, subs, and comments! :)

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i just updated my outline of this story and i really got excited with the things that are about to happen! excited to share all of them with you guys too ♥


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gayforhyuk #1
Chapter 4: Authornim~~ Update this please? *insert donghae's puppy eyes*
I love this fic so so much that I want more T_T
pearlyn22 #2
Chapter 4: Author nim...i m back!!!so sorry for missing ur updates....i have re read every chapter...n tears jus come down...touched by ur stories.....update soon....hwaiting n waiting!!!>_<!!
ecargebeohp_10 #3
Why does donghae thinks hyukjae is a gay while on the flashbacks hyuk seems to like hae...?? Pls update authornim
haesarang #4
Chapter 4: update soon pleaseeee. TT
wildrose88 #5
Chapter 4: this story is so loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee XD
the flashbacks waaaaaaaaaaaa
thanks authornoim ><
destrirra #6
Chapter 4: you know what, I really wanna cry reading the flashbacks. the urge on crying when I read chapter 2 and 3. I just I cant I dont I asdfhjksllabdbee hyukjae is really strong to keep it for himself. really. if I were hyukjae, I couldnt be as strong as him. I cant feel the ache of his heart really. its just really omg I believe it is ing hurt. I dont know what to say but I hope you will update this fic soon. this is really good. amazing. good job!
I surely will appreciate it if you gonna update this even it take so much time. thank you for sharing!
DEFINITELY WILL READ THIS TONIGHT T^T I'm busy today, this is a kind of plot i've been looking for xD thanks for writing and sharing this story
Chapter 4: omg another gendebender cries huhuhu it's awesomeeeee!! I love this !! but I literally tearing up about donghae and hyukjae status of JUST best friend ;cccc sad TT pats hyukjae and hail for him for being brave and tough hiding his feelings and and and for huhuhu he let over win his feelings about taking care and bribe his best friend over his infatuation omfg ;cc and why I sense donghae jealous over siwon hmmmm.. but I really salut hyukjae he hurted enough about his feelings

author nim are you still ganna continue this? I saw you updated this last may? pls continue I want to know what ganna happen pleeeeaaseeeeee!!! and why gay best friend when hyukjae like or Love donghae anyway? O.O continue pls ;cccc

any plans to update this? please? T-T
CRIES I LIKE THIS ONE WHY AM I SEEING THIS NOW OMG???? just when i'm about to sleep HUHUHU will READ IT TOMORROW!!!!!^^