Chapter 4

Baby, Baby, GAYBY


    Note:     Sti-hill a fla-hash-ba-hack :)       


               Hyukjae sat cross-legged on the floor, the relaxed posture of his body in total contrast to the discomfited feeling in his gut. The awkwardness in the room was so thick that it can be cut with a knife, so to speak. It didn’t help the situation too that Woohyuk was averting his eyes from Hyukjae’s place in the room, after barging in to his practice session asking if he had the time to talk about something “important”.

                “How’s the application going? Have they given you a hard time, the troupe members?” Woohyuk asked to break the silence in the room.

                “They’re not that bad… And the application is going okay, I guess.” Hyukjae responded. “What is it that we have to talk about, sunbaenim?”

                Woohyuk smiled just a little bit, though not really directed at Hyukjae. “It would be more awkward if I ask you to talk to me more casually and not call me sunbaenim anymore, right?”

                Hyukjae nodded at that, not even the slightest bit sorry about the other guy feeling awkward about this situation; he’s much a part of the awkwardness anyway, and since realizing how he needs to really make up with Donghae yet not knowing how, he’s been such a grumpy mess. He just doesn’t have it in him anymore to be nice, especially not to the guy who has been a big contributor to the cause of his estrangement with his best friend.

                Even Hyukjae’s really pissed at his moody ways as of late, to the point that he even ended up flicking Kyuhyun on his forehead for being a smartass once, pointing out all the obvious things that just had Hyukjae’s life jumbled in a ed mess. He didn’t even feel sorry to Kyuhyun after that – the brat had it coming, really – though the reproving glance Sungmin gave him afterwards made him feel a bit ashamed for losing his in front of a girl.

                To say that Hyukjae’s stressed and is at his wit’s end is a great understatement.

                “Just say it comfortably, sunbaenim.”

                And just then, Woohyuk raised his gaze to Hyukjae, looking straight at him for the first time since his appearance in the dance studio that day.

                Woohyuk then heaved a deep sigh, before reaching his hand to his head, slightly pulling at his hair before looking pleadingly at Hyukjae. “It’s Donghae. I don’t know how to bring back the happiness in her after slowly slipping out of it after you…after you two stopped talking.”

                Hyukjae’s breathing hitched when he heard Donghae’s name, the torment he was feeling amplified even further. He felt his heart hurt just a bit more, and his hands balled into angry fists.

                Really, how dare this guy to talk to me about Donghae being sad after all the things that happened just because of his unfounded jealousy over me, who is in the most damned platonic relationship with Donghae? Hyukjae fumed in his mind, and he had to relax his hands consciously before his nails dig permanently into the crescents they formed in his palms.

                Hyukjae remained quiet, still at a loss for words at everything that was said, at everything that happened.

                And also to stop himself from letting out all his frustrations by punching Donghae’s boyfriend’s monkey face right into his skull.

                Monkey face damn it. Damn Heechul hyung and his stupid comparisons ugh.

                “Well what I’m trying to say is… Donghae obviously needs you to be happy and bouncy and just be like her real self again.” Woohyuk said, his words tumbling one after another. “And now I just feel like the biggest jerk there is since my being…jealous over my girlfriend’s mere best friend is actually affecting my girfriend’s usual bouncy self.”

                Mere. Mere. MERE best friend okay shut up now who the hell gave you the right to label me a MERE something. Hyukjae can hear the other guy still chattering about something but Hyukjae’s too absorbed in his thoughts he just didn’t hear the words right – he chose to ignore the words, really. And jesus, say girlfriend one more time just to rub it in just a little bit more, jackass.

                “…my girlfriend…”

                There you go.

                Hyukjae thought that he couldn’t really take more of this talking, and that maybe today’s the day that he’ll reach his limit in stomaching from this unrequited love – and this blabbering dilemmaed boyfriend in front of him – that he just had to focus his eyes on the person sitting right in front of him.

                Breathe in. Breathe out.

                Damn he really does look like a monkey somewhere in his angular face.

                “What is it that you really want to tell me, sunbaenim?” Hyukjae wished that his voice didn’t sound that cold, or antagonizing, but really, after all the pressure coming from all sides he just doesn’t have it in him to care that much.

                Woohyuk’s eyes seemed to harden a bit at the tone in Hyukjae’s voice, and all of a sudden the blabbering man in front of Hyukjae just turned into a serious one who seemed to really mean business.

                “I’m here to compromise.” Woohyuk said straightforwardly. “I will cut down on telling Donghae how I feel about your…friendship with her. Just… make her smile that way again.”

                Hyukjae was at the middle of punching the guy’s face thirty times to Sunday inside his head, but even Hyukjae, at the midst of his annoyance and distaste, has sensed just how much it took for Woohyuk to tell him this – to ask him this –  right in his face.

                Points for having the balls, sunbaenim.

                But still. You might be the boyfriend but where do you get off telling your girlfriend who to be friends with?

                “Okay.” Hyukjae breathes out. If he had the humility to face me and ask me of something for Donghae, I can do that too for my best friend.

                Woohyuk let go of a sigh that the both of them were unaware the latter was holding in.

                “But I’m doing this for Donghae.” Hyukjae continued. The wrinkle in Woohyuk’s eyebrows was gone right after it appeared, as if it never happened though Hyukjae has seen it. Woohyuk nodded.

                “And for me.”

                And just then the furrowing of Woohyuk’s eyebrows was too undeniable for the both of them.

                Saying that to his sunbaenim’s face really was refreshing, and the staggered look (annoyed, if you ask Hyukjae) on Woohyuk’s face just made everything feel victorious for Hyukjae. But more than anything, it’s really the thought that he can finally get back to talking to his best friend that just made Hyukjae’s heart feel light after seemingly being weighed down by boulders and boulders of angst and animosity.

                He admits that he admires Woohyuk for taking the first step to make Donghae happy. The guy must really care for his best friend, and as much as that was painful to him, it was still reassuring. But after getting to say what he just said to Woohyuk, with the words “and for me” still lingering in the air and Woohyuk’s face still twisted with that look Hyukjae’s evil side wants to treasure so much, Hyukjae just can’t help but think:

                Huh. I have the bigger balls.



                Days have passed since the awkward conversation with Woohyuk, but Hyukjae still felt the the lightness he felt after said conversation.

                Sure he had to reassure his sunbaenim that he really doesn’t have to be jealous of them since Hyukjae and Donghae are just best friends. With a reluctant nod and a small smile towards Hyukjae, Woohyuk went out of the dance studio, regaining that confidence that seemed to have been overshadowed by whatever feelings he had during his conversation with Hyukjae.

                And now he’s left with the dilemma of when and how to approach his best friend.


                Knowing Donghae, Hyukjae knew that he will have to think of a grand gesture to find his way back into his bestfriend’s good graces. Being the kid Donghae is, and after the excruciating months of them ignoring each other like it was their only goal in their lives, Hyukjae knew that there will be hell to pay for what he did even if he had Donghae’s best intentions in mind.

                When they were younger sometimes it took Hyukjae a fishbowl of two clownfishes to appease Donghae’s wrath; other times it had to be a summer-long allegiance to Donghae’s ways, giving his best friend the freedom to enslave him just to make up for his part in whatever fight they were having. Hyukjae wished that Donghae’s still the same little crybaby that she was all those years ago, wishing that this time everything will also be fixed by a new pet or humiliating errands that he will sure run if that meant that the two of them will be okay again.



                Hyukjae’s chance came in the form Donghae’s sister who seemed to be more of a brother than their real brother.

                Amber went into his room without knocking on his door, uncaring of whatever travesty she will see inside a guy’s room, and what shocked Hyukjae the most is Amber’s forlorn face, her shoulders in an uncharacteristic slouch.

                “Amber? Hey, are you alright?” Hyukjae asked as he sat up, Amber sitting at the foot of his bed.

                Hyukjae was caught off guard by the quiet and gloomy Amber who is usually as happy as Donghae. The fact though that Amber is not screaming bloody murder at him means that there’s no apparent and immediate danger to him or to anyone in their household.

                But still. A quiet Amber is just putting Hyukjae off his guard.

                “I’m leaving.” Amber said in her low voice.

                “W-what? You just got into my room to tell me you’re leaving my room okay wha---” Hyhukjae responded perplexed.

                Just then Amber leveled her eyes with Hyukjae. “I’m leaving for the States, oppa.”

                “Ooookay the fact that you are calling me ‘oppa’ means this must be serious.” Hyukjae said, still with disbelief in his voice.

                Hearing that, Amber glared at Hyukjae, a glare that was close enough to how Heechul glares at him. It seems that that piercing glare really runs in the famiy, since Donghae also has that in her.

                “Do you think I’d go to you – of all people, you – if this isn’t serious?”Amber said, wiping her face with the back of her hands. “I’m desperate, obviously.” Amber murmured before bowing her head.

                Upon hearing what the girl just said, and really seeing the state of the latter in front of him, Hyukjae suddenly felt worried. “I’m sorry… Now, tell me everything that happened? Why are you crying?” Hyukjae said as he came closer to Amber.

                “It’s… Okay, I know that it was mean and unfair of me to plan everything without telling any of them and just dropping this on them now when im sure that I will go to the States, but really, I just didn’t want to put it out in the open even before it happens… I didn’t want to jinx it and now…now I’m left with my family hating me for making decisions for myself… I mean, this is really what I want oppa, and this is what will make me happy and I just want them to understand that I never wanted to hurt them…” Amber blabbered, and Hyukjae had no idea what the girl was talking about. All Hyukjae knew that whatever is going on, it must be in a very serious state because Amber is fidgeting, tears running down her face anew.

                “What…what is it that you want for yourself, Amber? What did you decide on that it had to be this way?” Hyukjae asked sincerely, concernedly, and Amber was thankful that there was just care and concern in the former’s voice, no reprove at all.

                “Music school in Boston, Oppa. That’s what. And not just any music school, it’s Berklee College of Music. And only a fool passes off on such a golden opportunity and you know I’m no fool. I sent my application last year before the school year ended, sent my audition piece and I got accepted, Oppa. I know I will still have to do a live audition when I get there, but with what I already submitted, I already got accepted to a program and I really, really want to go.”


                “Wow indeed. And I know I really shouldn’t have let it come to this point, but what’s done is done and I just want them to understand me…” Amber said in a small voice.

                Hyukjae heaved a sigh. “You know it’s not that easy, right? From the looks of it it seems like you hurt them, Amber. And it will take a bit of time for them to let this sink in. But your family loves you, they will come around.”

                “R-really?” Amber asked, her eyes trained on Hyukjae’s face, hopeful.

                “Really. Now tell me, how did they react to this? And how did you tell them?”

                Amber seemed to relax at Hyukjae’s reassurance and just then sat cross-legged on Hyukjae’s bed. Hyukjae handed Amber a box of tissue.

                Amber, as if regaining all her senses and forgetting that she has a dilemma at hand, stared at Hyukjae as if he is the lowliest of all creatures.

                “Really? You are offering me your tissue, the very box of tissue on your bedside table and you think I would accept it? When it is very probable that you use this very box of tissue to clean yourself wheneve---“



                “Jeebus, just take it I assure you that it’s...not what you think it is…for.” Hyukjae said, mumbling the last word, his face bright red.

                Amber stared at Hyukjae for a while, before huffing, accepting the proferred box. “Do you swear? Swear it on my dad’s precious baseball bats---oh wait no swear it on Heechul oppa’s cats instead.”

                “God Amber okay I swear it! Just take the box; your snot is dripping on my bed and it’s disgusting.”

                Amber then pulled sheets of tissue, murmuring, “Well being the clean freak that you are? You probably have a different set of paraphernalia reserved just for those activities.”

                Hyukjae just face-palmed.




                Apparently what Amber did was call her family for a ‘conference’ as they every so often have it whenever there’s an announcement concerning the family. Kangin, as usual, lounged on his lazy boy, looking as if he’s already bored and can’t wait to watch whatever game it is he can tune into in TV. Leeteuk, on the other hand, looked as if said conference was about to affect the entire world, with the way she squared her shoulders, looking at Amber expectantly, a faint smile on her face. Donghae, still as moody as ever, grouched and slouched her way to the couch beside her mother, her gaze never focusing on any of her family members; she was too absorbed in her sad, sad world.

                “I have something to tell all of you.”

                “Okay, Amber Josephine, the floor is yours. We’re listening.”

                Every time Amber hears her full name she just cringes as if the goosebumps are never to leave her skin ever again.


                Leeteuk just nodded at Amber, as if urging her to go on.

                “WAIT,” It was Kangin, and all of a sudden he was sitting upright on his chair, his back in a 90-degree angle from the seat, taut that it almost seems as if he can snap his back into two. “Amber, don’t tell me that you’re pregnant because young lady, I never expected that out of you. You’re…you’re Amber; if it was Donghae maybe a little bit but---“

                “Dad, ewwww.” Donghae grimaced at her father.

                “Dad I’m not preggo, okay. Jeez.” Amber said, scratching at her head of short yet stylish hair.

                Hearing that, it was as if a heavy heavy weight was removed from Kangin’s shoulders, his back returning to its comfortable slouch against his chair. “Good to hear.”

                “Anyway. I’m here to tell all of you something and please please please I just want all of you to listen first, okay? Can all of you do that for me, your daughter,” She said looking to her parents, and then to Donghae, “and sister. So please? Yes?”

                Donghae nodded, her interest peaked by this weird gesture and requests from Amber. Leeteuk and Kangin both nodded, Leeteuk looking as if she was proud at the very sight of Amber invoking her right to call her family to order. 

                “I’m leaving for the States for college.”

                Probably not the best way to start this conversation for Amber, as three resounding WHATs reverberated around the room, varying in pitch and loudness, but all the same in shock, surprise, and just plain dumbfoundedness.

                “WHAT?!” Leeteuk’s voice won as the loudest in the three booming whats. “Amber Josephine, you better explain yourself fast. NOW.”

                Amber almost forgot that her mother has this side in her, the side where all of them knew where their Heechul oppa got his y, commandeering side.

                “I… I got accepted to a prestigious music school in Boston, mom.” Amber said, feigning a smile at her mom’s furious face, before adding: “Yay?”


                “I know, I know I should’ve told you guys, but I didn’t want to jinx it and I know all of you will understand me, right? ‘Cos this is really what I want and I know this is good for me, mom. Dad.”

                “You are seventeen years old, Amber. You don’t know what is good for you. Not here, definitely not in another country.” Kangin said sternly.


                Amber frantically searched the faces of her family members, looking for sympathy or just a hint of understanding, but all she saw were the questions in her mom’s face, the finality of disapproval in her dad’s, and the tears of… was it betrayal in Donghae’s face?

                “Amber. This isn’t how you do things in this house.” Leeteuk said, her voice reproving, her gaze level on her daughter’s face. “You do not bypass your dad’s and my word on decisions regarding your life. You are our daughter, you live under our roof, you talk to us before you tell us right in our faces that you’ve already decided and that you already know what’s good for you. Because truthfully, child? What you did just now shows us how you still don’t understand a load of things about how you should do things.” Leeteuk said in an uncharacteristic stern voice, her face void of emotions, even if her eyes are b with tears.


                “I want you to think about what you did, Amber, all of it. And then come talk to me when you’ve finally understood the wrong in what you just did not just to for yourself, but to this family too.” The tears then ran from Leeteuk’s eyes, before walking to the other end of the room, up the stairs to hers and Kangin’s room.

                “Mom…” Amber tried to reach out to her mother, but Donghae was already there to hold onto her arm to stop her. The hold was gentle, yet firm. When Amber looked back at Donghae she saw her sister’s face wet with tears, the latter shaking her head at her.

                And then Kangin stood up from his chair. Amber wished that her dad said something – anything – but he just walked past her to follow her mom upstairs, and the lack of words hurt her even more.


                “D-don’t call me that now, Amber. It’s not gonna work.” Donghae said, letting go of her sister’s arm.


                Donghae started to walk past Amber before stopping in her tracks, facing her younger sister with her tearful face.

                “Everyone already left, Amber. Heechul oppa left to live alone… H-hyukjae… And then even you, Amber? Really?” Donghae said, a soft sob leaving before walking to the stairs, up to her room.

                Amber burst out crying, and she hasn’t even left her home to live by herself yet and she aleady feels the most alone in her life.



                Donghae never saw herself as one for theatricals; living with Heechul for most of her life really just drains one of those tendencies because her oppa really just owns being a diva. She’s lived a happy, albeit a bit sheltered, life. Her parents, however crazy and embarrassing they may be at times, are happy and disgustingly in love with each other, and her siblings – no matter how different and insane they may be – really love and care for her so much. She has always been grateful to be born to such loving and  kind parents, and to be part of such a tight-knit family. Donghae’s always been thankful that she’s never had any reason to suffer or go through hardships, like other people do, because of family.

                And now, presented with this surprising news from her sister, she can’t help but think how laughable she may seem, treating this as serious family problem, compared to what family problems others have.

                The aching in her heart though proves to be reason enough for her unstoppable tears. Because if there’s absolutely on thing that Donghae hates the most, it’s being alone.


                When her Heechul oppa called for his own family meeting more than a year ago, he was already 25 and has been in a serious monogamous relationship with his Chinese boyfriend Hangeng for almost 10 years. The news of them officially moving in together after college graduation was no shock to the family, since really, most of Heechul’s important belongings are already out of his room and are in fact at Hangeng’s bachelor’s pad since they started college.

                With little waterworks from their mother, Heechul was hugged and nodded to, formally let go from living in his parents’ house. Donghae smiled through Heechul’s announcement, dreamily thinking that it’s just gonna be a matter of time until “I Dos” are exchanged – and until her and Amber’s bet on whether their oppa will wear a wedding dress instead of a tux, sees the light of day.

                Donghae, of course, bet that their Heechul oppa would be the prettiest blushing bride in a top-of-the-line wedding dress.

                Amber just snorted at her, bet on the contrary, and dared Donghae to say all of that to Heechul’s face. Donghae visibly paled before begging her sister to shut her freaking piehole.

                She was happy for her oppa, of course she was. But that didn’t really stop her from crying alone in her room at the thought that one of her favorite people in the world will no longer be 10 paces away from her room.

                Donghae just comforted herself at the thought that Amber’s still there, and will always be. Heechul also never failed to remind his sisters that he’s just a phonecall away, and that they’re always welcome to come over.

                “If you’re amenable to hearing noises all throughout the night, that is,” Heechul added with his signature smirk and a hug to his traumatized siblings.

                Bleach was #1 on Leeteuk’s to-buy list that weekend, written in Amber’s lazy, yet imperative scribble.

                Now, Donghae faces a similar situation only this time it was unexpected. Being caught off guard only added to the feelings Donghae was having and eventhough she wanted to be an understanding older sister to Amber, she just can’t seem to do just that. Not yet.

                She lay on her bed, hugging her pillow so tight, with tears running down her face. Her phone has been ringing time and again but she didn’t answer it. She’ll just have to explain to Woohyuk the reason for the ignored calls and texts. All she wanted at that time was to wallow in her lonesomeness.

               Her Heechul oppa left their home more than a year ago but now, she misses him again.

               Amber is just about to up and leave them for the States, and she just can’t fathom how her sister will be an ocean away from their family.

               And Hyukjae…it’s as if he’s gone away too, after all those months of them not talking to each other.

               Donghae never felt more alone in her life than at that moment. She felt miserable and lonely, and the fact that she knew that she was being selfish when it comes to Amber’s situation just irks her more. She loves her sister, but she just wants to feel bad about everything just for this while.

               Donghae was at the middle of her sad and angry thoughts when she heard the door of her room click open.

               “I don’t want to talk to anyone…” Donghae murmured, her face still buried in her pillow, her back to the intruder in her room.

               Donghae heard the door click close again, Whoever it is must have gone out again, she thought, but just then she smelled Hyukjae’s cologne in the air, and the impossibility of such thoughts to be reality just made her burst into another fit of tears and sobs.


               The voice that filled the silence brought Donghae’s sobs to a complete stop as her body stiffened in reaction to hearing the voice.

               Then a dip at the side of her bed seemed to rouse Donghae from her frozen state as she immediately sat up, facing the direction of the other person, and she was met with her best friend’s apologetic, yet very welcome smile.

               Hyukjae was just about to say something, his mouth in an awkward open, when Donghae suddenly lunged to hug him

               And pummel into his back with girly, yet very strong fists.

               “Hey, o-ow…Donghae, ow…” Hyukjae said as he tried to get away from Donghae’s embrace-con-torture, but as he pulled at Donghae’s vice grip of a hug, the only tighter it got around his shoulders and neck.

               Huh. Just like an anaconda to its prey. Doomed.

               And just like a prey who desperately wants to survive its predator, Hyukjae let Donghae be, staying still and relaxed as he hugs back his best friend.

               “…stupid, stupid monkey face…” He heard Donghae mutter against his shoulder, the words accentuated by pummels against his back.

               This time, Hyukjae tried and succeeded to push Donghae away from his body, putting Donghae at an arm’s-length distance away from him. And the sight of Donghae’s tear-stained face made Hyukjae choke on guilt.

               “I’m sorry, Hae…” Hyukjae said is he reached to wipe away Donghae’s tears with the pads of his thumbs.

               “You’re an idiot.”

               “I know.”

               “And you hurt me, Hyukjae.”

               “I know and I’m so sorry for it, Hae…”

               “And you’ll pay dearly for every second of it, you monkey brain.

               “Okay,” Hyukjae agreed, a smile finding its way to his lips. “You’ve become feisty – and can I say, violent? – in that time already, Donghae.”

               “I’m a late bloomer. I’ll be like Heechul oppa in no time, just you wait.”

               “Oh God help us all.”

               And just then, Donghae just managed a smile in her tear-filled face. “I missed you. But I hate you for ignoring me for that long, Hyukjae.”

               “But you know why I did it, right?”

               Donghae managed to nod, a pout on her lips. “But that doesn’t mean that I like it. And it was still stupid.” Donghae said stubbornly, before making a space near the head of her bed for Hyukjae. When she’s done scooting to one side of the bed, she patted the space beside her for Hyukjae to move to it.

               “How are you holding up, Hae?” Hyukjae asked after a while of silence, the both of them now leaning at the headboard of the bed.

               “Amber’s leaving,” Donghae said with a sniff.

               “I know.”

               This made Donghae look at Hyukjae. “You talked to her?”

               “She talked to me. She’s in an awful state, Hae.”

               Dongahe’s eyes watered once again at the thought of her sister. “Did she…talk to you to talk to us so she can do what she wants easily?” Donghae asked in a small voice.

               “Well no… But she talked to me to talk to you, because your sister knows how you feel, and she worries about you.” Hyukjae said in a soft voice.

               “So…did you just talk to me because Amber told you so?” Donghae asked in a defeated voice.

               “Well not because Amber–“

               “ –Was it because of Heechul oppa then? He threatened you, didn’t he?”

               “Oh that he did, but Donghae–“

               “So it was just because of my siblings that you’re talking to me now, Hyukjae?” Donghae said with fresh tears running down her face.

               “No! God, what is it with you siblings alwas interrupting people when they’re speaking?” Hyukjae exclaimed as he wiped at Donghae’s face. “Let me finish speaking, okay?” Hyukjae asked and when Donghae nodded meekly, Hyukjae continued. “Just to get things out in the open, Sungmin talked to me too; Kyuhyun talked too much I even flicked that brat in his thick head. Your parents called me to guilt trip me for not coming over anymore, even mom didn’t let me hear the end of it when it came to this topic. And Woohyuk sunbaenim talked to me too.”

               The way Donghae’s eyes popped wide open looked really comical to Hyukjae. He didn’t have the chance to dwell on it though as he raised an eyebrow at Donghae who was just about to burst into another tirade.

               Donghae, getting Hyukjae’s hint, gestured to zip her lips closed, throwing the imaginary key behind her.

               “Your boyfriend talked to me because apparently, it was so obvious that you missed me so much you weren’t even smiling so much like you used to – and no, your mouth is zipped so no talking, Donghae.” Hyukjae added the lsat part when he noticed that DOnghae was about to start protesting.

               “I didn’t come here just because people asked me to, though; I came because I don’t want you to miss me even more. What if you go insane because of it?” Hyukjae teased, and he felt like a victor when he saw Donghae’s eyes widen in objection. Hyukjae chuckled. “And…I wanted to talk to you too sooner but I was just waiting for a good timing. So when your sister barged into my room earlier today, I knew that this was my chance.”

               Hyukjae stared at Donghae, watching the expression change in her face. When DOnghae realized that Hyukjae was just waiting for her to speak, she relaxed her shouldesr and began speaking. “You’re an idiot.”

               “I think we’ve already established that, yes.”

               “I wish you were just the same boy who was so scared of our parents that even at tjust the slightest hint of tears, you’d already come scrambling to appease me.”

               “We’re not 7 anymore, Donghae.”

               “But at least then you weren’t this big of an idiot. All it took was a bowl of clownfish–“

                “That were killed a week afte–“

                “–Heebum ate them! Please do not remind me…” Donghae frowned at the reminder of the fate of her first pet one afternoon when Donghae forgetfully left the door to her room open. “It was easier when you were a boy, and not this prideful 20-year-old version of you, because all it took then was that, or a voucher for your enslavement to me for the whole of vaca–“

                Just then a piece of paper fell on Donghae’s lap. On it was Hyukjae’s familiar scribble – childish excuses for a layout and decoration – similar to those things Hyukjae gave her for an aology back when they were way younger.


-valid for one month ONLY-


                “But you just said that we are no longer 7!” Donghae exclaimed in disbelief and excitement.

                “If you don’t want it then–“ Hyukjae reached to get the voucher but his hand was slapped by Donghae who then shrieked, “I want it I want it I want it!”

                Donghae, with the voucher secure in her hand, looked at Hyukjae evilly. “I will use it as much as I can this coming month, in the most unimaginable, embarrassing ways I can order you around. Please look forward to it, Hyukkie.

                To be perfectly honest, Hyukjae missed hearing Donghae’s term of endearment for him. But now, hearing it in that wicked, wicked tone, Hyukjae can’t help but feel a little bit scared of his best friend, and all the possible ways the latter can torture him.

                “I think we’re old enough now not to get your kicks in asking me to buy you tampons at the store, Donghae.” Hyukjae mused, looking at his threatening yet adorably excited best friend.

                Donghae snorted. “Oh I think it’d be plenty funny to see a 20-year-old you buying me girl stuff.  Why don’t we escalate it to you accompanying me to buy, hmmm, lingerie, perhaps?”

                Hyukjae choked on his spit, his whole face blushing to the tips of his ears as he stuttered, “W-w-what,” with Donghae laughing right at his beet-red, embarrassed, and agonized face.

                Hyukjae stared dumbfoundedly at his best friend, all the while thinking that he will just have to sleep at night with the knowledge that yes, his best friend is actually a 20year old girl – no scratch that, a woman – who’s just at the point in her life where she already has come to need for nonteenager things.

                Like lingerie. Yep, that’s not leaving Hyukjae’s mind anytime soon.









Hi! i know it's been a while, but work has taken much of my time as of late. but as the good employee that i am, i, of course, write updates for this story during some downtime at the office while im being paid by the company, hihihi^^

I enjoyed writing this chapter - from the ballsy convo between Hyukjae and the boyfriend to Amber (I just love writing Amber^^) and the family. 

I decided to get on with all that has happened in the past before getting to the present time, and that might take a while, i think, what with the flow of this story so far. im enjoying writing the younger version of the characters so much, and there are still quite a few important things in the past that would play in their present, so i have to focus on those first :)

follow me  @iflytooooo for updates, or if you just want to talk and be friends that's fine too :) i don't bite! :)

COMMENTS really do make me happy (gimme gimme!^^)

And yes I was talking whale there at the note waaaaaaay up there :D

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Thank you!
i just updated my outline of this story and i really got excited with the things that are about to happen! excited to share all of them with you guys too ♥


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gayforhyuk #1
Chapter 4: Authornim~~ Update this please? *insert donghae's puppy eyes*
I love this fic so so much that I want more T_T
pearlyn22 #2
Chapter 4: Author nim...i m back!!!so sorry for missing ur updates....i have re read every chapter...n tears jus come down...touched by ur stories.....update soon....hwaiting n waiting!!!>_<!!
ecargebeohp_10 #3
Why does donghae thinks hyukjae is a gay while on the flashbacks hyuk seems to like hae...?? Pls update authornim
haesarang #4
Chapter 4: update soon pleaseeee. TT
wildrose88 #5
Chapter 4: this story is so loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee XD
the flashbacks waaaaaaaaaaaa
thanks authornoim ><
destrirra #6
Chapter 4: you know what, I really wanna cry reading the flashbacks. the urge on crying when I read chapter 2 and 3. I just I cant I dont I asdfhjksllabdbee hyukjae is really strong to keep it for himself. really. if I were hyukjae, I couldnt be as strong as him. I cant feel the ache of his heart really. its just really omg I believe it is ing hurt. I dont know what to say but I hope you will update this fic soon. this is really good. amazing. good job!
I surely will appreciate it if you gonna update this even it take so much time. thank you for sharing!
DEFINITELY WILL READ THIS TONIGHT T^T I'm busy today, this is a kind of plot i've been looking for xD thanks for writing and sharing this story
Chapter 4: omg another gendebender cries huhuhu it's awesomeeeee!! I love this !! but I literally tearing up about donghae and hyukjae status of JUST best friend ;cccc sad TT pats hyukjae and hail for him for being brave and tough hiding his feelings and and and for huhuhu he let over win his feelings about taking care and bribe his best friend over his infatuation omfg ;cc and why I sense donghae jealous over siwon hmmmm.. but I really salut hyukjae he hurted enough about his feelings

author nim are you still ganna continue this? I saw you updated this last may? pls continue I want to know what ganna happen pleeeeaaseeeeee!!! and why gay best friend when hyukjae like or Love donghae anyway? O.O continue pls ;cccc

any plans to update this? please? T-T
CRIES I LIKE THIS ONE WHY AM I SEEING THIS NOW OMG???? just when i'm about to sleep HUHUHU will READ IT TOMORROW!!!!!^^