Chapter 3

Baby, Baby, GAYBY


Note: Still a flashback^^



                Hyukjae could very well remember the shock and hurt that flashed on Donghae’s face as he said those words, tears gashing down her face as she pushed at Hyukjae hard on the chest before rushing out of his room, running down the stairs until he could hear his mom asking Donghae in a worried voice “Sweetheart, what happened? What did Hyukjae do?” And then he heard their front door slam shut.

                And it was just moments after that when his mom went to his still open room to ask him about what the hell just happened but when she saw him in his state, with tears unknowingly running down his face, Mrs. Lee just rushed to his son and gave him the hug that just seemed to release the dam of tears Hyukjae has tried so hard to contain. The look on Donghae’s face burned at his mind and the hurt that he felt when he said those words was only magnified by the hurt that reflected on his best friend's face, the hurt that he himself caused.

                Hyukjae had wanted so bad to stop Donghae from running away; his hands itched to reach out to her as she pushed him, his mouth wanting so hard to take back the words he just said. But the damage is done, and he can just hope for the best since he did it all for her anyway.


                Donghae predictably stopped talking to him after that night, and over the weekend he didn’t hear anything from or about Donghae. He expected all of these things happening, but that didn’t mean it would hurt less whenever the reality of what he just did would hit him right in the face.

                Monday came and he saw not a trace of Donghae, and Sungmin and Kyuhyun’s questions of their friend’s whereabouts told him that the two had no idea of what transpired between him and Donghae, and he kept his mouth shut about the matter too.

                Until of course Sungmin literally beat him up with her book bag when she came to Hyukjae’s desk in the library and demanded him to tell her “what the hell is going on are you out of your freaking mind, Lee Hyukjae?!” and that of course led to the both of them being asked to leave the premises of the library.

                So with a heavy heart (and a hurting back), Hyukjae told Sungmin everything that has happened.

                “Yeah, I heard as much when I talked to Donghae at lunch. But what I want to know is what the hell did you do that for? I mean, isn’t the girl hurting enough from her boyfriend dilemmas that you just had to abandon her, your best friend, at a time when she most certainly needed you, you git?”

                Hyukjae stared at Sungmin, trying to block out the image of Donghae all troubled as he shook his head as if to rid it of thoughts of his best friend. “Are you done now?” Hyukjae asked, starting to walk away from Sungmin when the latter held on to his arm, stopping him from evading the questions.

                Sungmin sighed as Hyukjae faced her again. “Fine, I’m sorry for hitting you, but I’m not apologizing for calling you a git, ‘cos you are one.” Sungmin said, pulling Hyukjae to sit with her on a bench. “I’m not gonna ask about that thing that we’re not acknowledging that I know, but I’d really like to know why you had to…resort to this.” Sungmin asked sincerely, and Hyukjae just had to bury his face in his hands as he pulled at his hair a bit.

                “I did it for her, Min. Of course I did it for her,” He said as he faced Sungmin again. “She came running to me crying about how she cannot lose her boyfriend just because they keep on arguing about me for god’s sake! They’ve been fighting about me on and off for a while now, and that made her so upset and since she didn’t want to lose her boyfriend, I offered her the alternative.”

                “Yeah, losing you? What makes you think that that’s what she wanted out of this problem?”

                “Nothing! Nothing, okay? I did it for her, and she would be smart to take advantage of that and set her relationship with Woohyuk sunbaenim straight, and both of them can forget about those fights they had now that I’m out of the picture.”

                Sungmin stared at Hyukjae before letting out a sigh. “I understand why you did it. But you should know that it hurt Donghae when you did that. And well, you should also know that you’re right, Donghae’s smart enough to capitalize on that decision you made because well, Woohyuk sunbae and Donghae are okay now. And Donghae’s hanging out with him more, and maybe she’ll quit seeing all of us when we’re together. And that even if she’s okay, Hyukjae, you hurt her.”

                Hyukjae cringed at the reminder before looking up at Sungmin. “Yeah, I was there and I saw all of it, remember?”


                Donghae did cease all sorts of communication with him, and there were times when Kangin or Leeteuk would call his home to ask why he’s never around anymore, and he would just tell them that he’s really busy with school. Donghae also stopped hanging out with him and Sungmin and Kyuhyun, and Donghae even managed not to cross paths with him in the university even if they used to always be together before, despite their different courses. Hyukjae would get a glimpse of Donghae once in a while, Donghae hanging on to Woohyuk’s side lovingly as she now hung out with his friends, and based on the smile on her face Hyukjae knew that he somehow made the right decision, despite the aching  in his heart.

                Hyukjae didn’t think that he could take not having Donghae in his life when all their lives they’ve been lumped together, but now two months have passed and nothing has changed with the indifference that was present between them. There was one time that Amber even went to his home and barged into his room, telling him to “get fishface out of this funk or I swear I will call Heechul oppa to straighten this spat between the two of you and you know that WILL get ugly,” before rushing back out not waiting for his answer.

                He felt a chill run down his spine at the thought of Heechul interfering with what’s happening, but really, he can’t do anything about such things now anyway.

                What mattered to him was Donghae seems to be happy, and still is in talking terms with Sungmin when he’s not around, and for him, what he did was very well worth the drama he’s in now.



                Hyukjae took up Art Studies as his course in the university basically for two reasons: (1) he may not be gifted in artistic skills but he had the eye for it and (2) the load of an art studies major wasn’t that heavy so he can always have time for dancing and all the troupe activities that he’s required to attend if he wants to be admitted to the elite group.

                Joining the university’s dance troupe was a feat, but Hyukjae accepted it as a challenge. He had to attend endless workshops and orientations, and at the back of his mind sometimes he thinks that not having a 5 year-old kid disguising as a 20 year-old girl pestering him about tons of different things time and again is indeed a blessing. But then he thinks of missing his best friend and that thought just goes down the drain.

                With the events he needs to keep up with, the dance troupe also requires for good academic standing, so Hyukjae also had the pressure to keep his grades at par with the troupe’s standards. Everything was going well in his studies, aside from one minor yet prerequisite humanities class that has been giving him a hard time not because of the subject matter, but because of the professor who seemed to be unforgiving of the two consecutive absences that he made due to troupe activities.

                So when the professor offered him an opportunity for extra credit in his class, Hyukjae immediately grabbed at the chance and told the professor that he would do anything just to keep his grade up. The professor, a burly guy named Shim Ilshik, told him to help a transferee student from the States acclimate to life in Korea and in the university and in return, Hyukjae would get extra credits for his ‘volunteer work’, as his professor put it.

                Hyukjae thought that his professor was acting suspicious, being all nice to him all of a sudden, when one of his classmates, a shy girl named Seohyun, approached him after their class ended.

                “Hyukjae-ssi? I-I just wanted to warn you… I heard Prof.Shim talking to a staff in the department about this new student coming…” Seohyun softly said as the two of them walked together down the hallway. “He said that the transferee student is the son of a big-time CEO of a chain of companies here in Korea and in the US as well, and therefore he expects the boy to be ‘one of those brats that just live off their father’s fortune and I’m sure he’ll just be a pain in the ,’” Seohyun said, blushing at the choice of words that she had to repeat for Hyukjae. “I just wanted to give you a heads up, you know.” She smiled at him, before continuing, “Prof. Shim has been giving you a hard time and you don’t deserve it. If I could stop going to his boring classes oh I will too, but I’m scared of him, so…”

                Hyukjae smiled at that. “Figures. I also wondered why he’s giving me a chance all of a sudden and well, gotta take what I can, right?” Hyukjae said as they stopped at the lobby of the building. “Thanks for the heads up, Seohyun-ssi. Wish me luck on this.”


                Hyukjae was waiting in the library for 30 minutes already, and it was pouring outside so he really couldn’t blame this particular Choi Siwon for being late to their meeting. The latter could also have been lost, if it wasn’t the rain that made him late, or he could also be a rich brat who just couldn’t care for other people’s time-------

                “Hyukjae-ssi? Lee Hyukjae-ssi?” A deep voice snapped him out from his thoughts and when he looked up to where the voice came from, he saw a face that would only be described as handsome. And that sure meant something coming from him, someone who never really cared for how other men looked.

                “Choi Siwon-ssi?” He inquired, looking at the disheveled man standing beside his table, said man still trying to shake off water from his wet hair.       

                “Yes, I’m sorry for being late,” Siwon said before a big smile took almost half of the guy’s face. “I was kinda lost for a while since I went to the main library and not to this Arts and Letters library, and then I had to walk here since my car was parked at the Business Ad building and… I’m blabbering, am I not?” Siwon stopped himself before shrugging off his coat.

                “Yes, but that’s fine. I’m used to it.” Hyukjae said pointing to the seat in front of him. “So we have Hum 2 with Prof. Shim? ‘Cos he asked me to help you out in adjusting to the university and what not.”

                “Yeah. But I think one of my business management professors actually asked him for this favor. His sister, I think? So he was kinda forced to get one of his students to help me out. I hope you don’t mind.” Siwon said, sounding as if he’s one of those very articulate politicians that come from powerful, influential families. Oh wait, he probably comes from one of those, Hyukjae thought.

                “Nah, I don’t mind at all. I actually need this for credits, so we’re helping each other out either way.”

                Siwon smiled at him widely again, and Hyukjae couldn’t help but be reminded of Joker. He laughed inwardly and if the smile unnerved him just a little bit, he just chucked it to the fact that the guy really had a big, Joker-like smile.


                Siwon turned out to be a good guy, not one of those bratty rich kids that his professor thought him to be. Hyukjae didn’t forget to let Seohyun know of this fact and both of them laughed at their professor, relieved that Hyukjae wouldn’t be handling a person of bad character just for extra credits.

                Hyukjae also brought Siwon with him to hang out with Sungmin and Kyuhyun, and for the first time since he knew the magnae, Hyukjae saw Kyuhyun voluntarily put down his PSP to basically pick up Sungmin’s jaw from the floor at the sight of Siwon. Hyukjae had to chuckle at his friends’ antics, and he was glad that both Sungmin and Kyuhyun (though a bit reluctantly on the side of the magnae) accepted Siwon to their little circle.          

                Hyukjae didn’t have a list of things that he needed to help Siwon with, but he made sure to help Siwon get familiarized with buildings and places in the university, and since Siwon is an agreeable guy, Hyukjae didn’t hesitate to bring him in to his small group of friends. It wasn’t hard liking Siwon since he is even-tempered, and he also got along well with Sungmin and Kyuhyun and they were treating Siwon as if he’s one of their own in no time.

                It was easy accepting Siwon as a friend, and all of them got used to his presence easily after the first day Hyukjae brought him with him. The only disconcerting things about him are his money and his looks.

                Siwon was rich. Freaking filthy rich, if you want to sound like Sungmin in describing it, and all of them were a bit overwhelmed when they first came to Siwon’s pad. Sungmin exclaimed that it shouldn’t be called just a ‘pad’ but a mansion within a condo building, she said. Whenever his wealth and family status was talked about, Siwon just shakes his head and acts timid and modest about it, showing his signature hand gestures that Kyuhyun liked to impersonate.

                The other thing that had all of them adjusting to Siwon was his looks. Siwon looked ‘princely’ as most of their girl classmates put it, and Hyukjae didn’t really care but when they get mobbed by Siwon’s fangirls, Hyukjae really gets shocked every time, kind of amazed and a little bit freaked out at the sheer effect that Siwon had on the female population.

                Other than those two things though, Siwon was fine, and it didn’t take Hyukjae long to be used to having another friend in their little group. He got used to Siwon’s seemingly never-ending resources, and the fangirls too he can deal with for as long as he’s not really affected by it.

                There was still no development on the Donghae side of things, and all of them let it be that way.


                 It was on the third month after he stopped talking to Donghae (not that anybody’s counting, really) when the calls from Donghae’s household became frequent. The first time it was Kangin, asking him why he’s never over for watching games with him anymore, and Hyukjae just told him that he’s really busy with school and troupe stuff right now that’s why he can’t visit as of late. Kangin then grumbled, “It’s not as if you will take a bus or a plane to go here but sure, kid, if you’re that busy to see your old man anymore, fine,” before ending the call.

                 Hyukjae felt really guilty at that, and he admitted that he indeed missed Kangin and his antics but really, what can he do?

                 The second time it was Leeteuk, asking him if there’s anything wrong with him and Donghae and that she’s worried because Donghae has been acting weird lately, and that his not going to their house is really very suspicious. Hyukjae didn’t have the heart to lie to Leeteuk so he told her that Donghae and him had a bit of a misunderstanding, but that Donghae will be fine soon, he’s sure of it. Leeteuk, sensing the discomfort in Hyukjae’s voice, didn’t ask further and just wished that whatever misunderstanding it is they are having will be resolved soon because it’s so weird not seeing the two of them together anymore.

                 The third call he received from the Lee household was a very eerie call from Amber, telling him, “I WARNED YOU,” before ending the call just like that.

                 Hyukjae just brushed it off like Amber was just having another fit of her artistic side overtaking her reality. Maybe she’s composing music for the apocalypse or something, and that he’s just victimized by the young girl; nothing to worry about whatsoever.


                 It was on the following day when Hyukjae realized how wrong he was about Amber’s eerie phone call.

                 He was sitting under a tree at the field behind Siwon’s college as he was waiting for the latter’s class to finish; they planned to go to Siwon’s house for another work out session in his very well-equipped gym, when a hard hit to the back of his head shook his whole being as pain traveled from his head to practically everywhere in his body.

                 “What the hell?!” He exclaimed in shock and anger as he looked back to his assaulter and what he saw scared him even more.

                 “H-Heechul hyung…!”

                 “Oh don’t ‘hyung’ me, you monkey boy. You have a lot of things to explain to me, and you better do it right and fast if you know what’s best for you.”

                 Hyukjae just stared at Heechul standing over him, until the latter gave him an elegantly yet very threatening arch of his left brow.

                 “Well? I might have come here to hunt you down, but I don’t have an eternity to listen to your pleas before I skin you alive. So speak.” Heechul said, grabbing at Hyukjae’s bag to use it to pat down and clean the area beside said boy, before plopping down on it graciously. “Why did I receive a shrieking phone call from Amber – who by the way rarely shrieks – telling me that you messed up with Donghae?”

                 “W-what?! Hyung! I didn’t mess up with Donghae!”

                 “You didn’t? Well, okay, now tell me what you did do. ‘Cause you know I don’t take lightly to anyone causing little fishy any harm or hurt. Now spill.”


                 Hyukjae ended up telling Heechul everything, and aside from vicious glares the latter threw him, he was luckily safe from actual physical harm that his hyung has been kind of known to inflict on people on his bad side. He explained everything as he did with Sungmin, and aside from those glares, Hyukjae didn’t really know how Heechul felt about everything that’s going on in the latter’s mind.

                 There was silence after he stopped talking, with Heechul looking pensive as he stared off the field. Hyukjae just sighed in slight relief, thankful that Heechul hasn’t resorted to his violent ways.

                 “Woohyuk, you say? The one that’s friends with Kangta and Heejoon and their kind?” Heechul asked, breaking the silence.

                 “Their kind? You make them sound like some animals on National Geographic, hyung.” Hyukjae snickered.

                 “Yes, their kind. I don’t call other people popular; no one deserves to be called that in this school unless well, they’re me.” Heechul said as he tucked his longish hair behind his ear. “Hmmm. Woohyuk is the dancer friend of Kangta’s right; I’ve heard as much from Amber. That this Woohyuk is a dancer, I mean.”

                 “Yeah. He’s quite known in the school because of that. That, and his cliquish friends.” Hyukjae said, looking down at some pebbles on his feet.

                 “Well, he kinda looks like you – just a good looking version of you, actually.” Heechul said nonchalantly.

                 Hyukjae had to swing his head to Heechul’s direction at that. “What? Hyung! Of course not. I don’t look anything like him.”

                 “Of course you two look alike. I said so. Only, this Woohyuk person, if I remember correctly, looks a lot more like a human than a monkey, and you, well, you’re monkey boy.”

                 “Gee, thanks hyung.”

                 Heechul just rolled his eyes. “Well, this row between you and Donghae would’ve been avoided if she just went out with you instead---“

                 “---Hyung! What are you---“

                 “---I’m talking DO.NOT.INTERRUPT.ME.” Heechul said with another of his glares. “As I was saying, if Donghae went out with you instead, you wouldn’t have to not talk like this and stress out the whole of my family. You dance, you look just like the other guy, and you’re Hyukjae and for whatever reason Donghae likes you so much as her best friend, so that can only work for the both of you, right?”

                 Hyukjae purposely looked down, avoiding the stare that he knew Heechul was throwing at his direction. He knew that just one slip on his side would lead to disastrous discoveries for his very inquisitive hyung. “It’s not like that, hyung, you know that.”

                 There was silence, and it unnerved Hyukjae to no end. However he still couldn’t look back up to Heechul that soon, scared of whatever his face might show. The silence grew longer though, so he had no choice but to look back up to the man beside him only to see the latter gawking at a sight somewhere from afar.

                 Hyukjae stared off to the direction where Heechul seemingly found the most interesting of creatures, if his face was any indication, and there he saw Siwon walking dashingly to their direction, acting like he’s just stepped off from pages of a magazine.

                 “Holy god of church people now THAT surely makes me want to believe in a god,” Heechul said, still looking straight at Siwon’s direction.

                 “Er, hyung? Are you okay?”

                “Hyukjae, that man striding up to our direction is clearly god’s gift to mankind. And I don’t even believe in god!”

                Hyukjae would have rolled his eyes at Heechul’s antics (if not for his fear of whatever the latter might do to him in retaliation) but it was then that Siwon’s face appeared right in front of him.

                “Sorry Hyuk, did you wait long?” Siwon asked with a big smile on his face, not a hair out of place. “The professor dismissed us a bit later than usual, sorry.”

                “No that’s okay, uhm…” Hyukjae then turned his attention to Heechul, who was now blatantly looking Siwon up and down, his eyes scrutinizing as he scanned Siwon from head to toe. “Siwon, this is Heechul hyung, Donghae’s older brother. Well, you haven’t met Donghae but you know who she is, right? I think Sungmin or Kyuhyun might have mentioned her once in a while---“

                “Hyukjae, you are blabbering. Get your foot out of your mouth you doofus.” Heechul said as he stood up, patting his behind free of dirt, facing Siwon. “I’m Heechul. And since this is the first time that I saw you I’m sure – there’s just no way for me to miss that face – you’re new here. You have no idea who I am but you’ll soon know all about me, I’m certain of it.”

                Siwon, though Hyukjae expected him to be a bit put off by the 4D character that Heechul is never shy to use even on first meetings, just smiled that mega-watt smile at the new acquaintance, reaching out his hand with a very polite “How do you do?” slipping from his lips.

                Heechul just stared at the proffered hand, and hummed, just staring at it with a contemplative look on his face.

                “Hmmmm. If I didn’t have my Hannie now, oh you would be in for so much more than you would ever expect. But as it is, I am Hanual, so you, Simba, are safe.”

                Siwon’s eyebrows furrowed in a way that Hyukjae has never seen done by anyone ever in all his life, as a confused “w-what…?” slipped from his lips.

                “Hyung!” Hyukjae half-shouted at Heechul to reprimand him from probably scarring Siwon for life.

                With another lingering head-to-toe look at Siwon, Heechul finally diverted his attention to Hyukjae. “I’m leaving. Walk with me, monkey boy.”

                With an apologetic glance at Siwon, Hyukjae followed Heechul and caught up with the latter’s strides.

                “You could’ve at least tried not to scare off my friend like that, Hyung!”

                “You better not let go of that fine piece of a man, Lee Hyukjae.”

                Hyukjae tripped on air as he heard what Heechul said. “W-what?! Hyung! W-what do you mean?! You know I’m not like that!”

                Heechul spun to face Hyukjae, the menacing glare back on his face. “Fix your with Donghae soon and when I say soon, I mean today. Now, if you must.” Heechul said sternly, and Hyukjae had to just look at Heechul at that. “I don’t want to hear more on this matter. And more importantly, I NEVER want to hear Amber shriek to me again because good god, that was painful.”

                Hyukjae was just about to say something when Heechul stared him down, and he just had to gulp on air as he shut his mouth.

                “And like I said, do not let that very fine man just walk away, Hyukjae, when it’s so apparent that it’s clinging to you. Now, letting that fine just walk away is a waste, so listen to what your hyung says, understand?”

               “H-hyung. I-I’m not gay!”

               Heechul arched a finely shaped eyebrow at him, and he felt some sort of chill run down his spine. “Oh Hyukjae. With a specimen of a man as fine as that, good god you might as well be.”

               And with no further ado, and with the flare and grace only the mighty Kim Heechul can exude, he walked away leaving Hyukjae gaping, confused, and bewildered as .



                Hyukjae might be scared of Heechul and all the insane things that the latter is capable of, but he wasn’t that much of a coward to let his hyung dictate his course of action when it comes to his life. So after sending Heechul a polite text saying that he really couldn’t just go about talking to Donghae after everything he did and what he did all of it for, Hyukjae just went on his life like he did for the past three months.

                The calls from Donghae’s family also ceased and that was actually a relief on Hyukjae’s part, as he wouldn’t have to lie to them whenever they ask him what’s up with him and Donghae. He missed Donghae’s crazy family, he truly did, but he knew that he would have to live with this since this is a consequence of his decision all those months ago.

                He also rarely ever saw Donghae on campus. Those few moments where he would catch a glimpse of his best friend every now and then now became a rarity, and if Hyukjae’s to be honest with himself, he was really disappointed by that. He may not be in speaking terms with Donghae, but that didn’t mean that he didn’t want to see the girl, even from just afar.

                It was stalker-ish, as Kyuhyun pointed out when he made the mistake of voicing out that thought of missing seeing Donghae.

                But life must go on, and so Hyukjae’s did. He became really close to Siwon to the point that Kyuhyun once joked that it’s as if he has found a new Donghae to attach to his hip, only this time it was a he, and very much not like a kid always on a sugar high.

                Hyukjae just rolled his eyes at that, thinking deep inside him that there would never come a time that someone else will replace Donghae’s role in his life as his best friend. He wouldn’t deny that having Siwon as a friend is indeed a good thing (having his favorite strawberry milk given to him for free sure is one great perk from Siwon being such an attentive friend), but even in his and Donghae’s current state of affairs, he knew that Donghae is and will always be his one and only best friend.




                Sungmin was at their favorite diner near the university, waiting for Donghae to arrive.

                She received a call from said friend the night prior, asking her for some quality girl time since they haven’t had one of those recently and Sungmin readily agreed, setting the time and place for their much-needed girl talk.

                Even through the phone, Sungmin couldn’t deny the forlornness that lingered in Donghae’s voice. And was that longing that sounded in her friend’s tone? She wasn’t really sure, but she knew that after their talk, she’d be very much enlightened as to how her friend has been after everything that has happened.

                She was worried for Donghae, and with that call she received just the night before, Sungmin was afraid that Donghae is finally cracking from everything.

                The chimes that were hanging at the door pealed and when she turned her head to its direction, she saw Donghae coming in, immediately looking at their favorite spot before smiling as she caught sight of Sungmin already seated at their favorite table.

                Sungmin smiled back at Donghae, but not before a double-take as she looked for that natural twinkle of joy and energy that seemed to always shine in the latter’s face.

                Now, though, Sungmin could barely see that in her friend’s tired and teary eyes.

                “Hey Min, have you been here long?” Donghae asked as she took the seat in front of Sungmin.

                “No, I actually just got here a few minutes before you came in,” Sungmin responded as she looked over her friend’s face. She was glad to see that up close, there was still that glow in Donghae’s face that she was so used to seeing before, only now it was tinged with that…sadness that bothered Sungmin so much.

                Sungmin realized that Donghae was looking right back at her, as if she was doing the very thing that Sungmin just did. Sungmin realized though that Donghae looked as if she’s battling with herself, whether to talk, or not.

                “A-and Kyuhyun? I’m glad he let you go alone without tagging along,” Donghae said with a smile at the thought of their brat of a friend.  “We all know how he loves this place, and that he wouldn’t miss eating here if he could help it.”

                “Oh I bribed him with take-outs, Hae, just to keep him off my back. I sure don’t want him crashing on our girl time.”

                Donghae chuckled. “I’m glad that that worked!” She exclaimed with a genuine smile on her voice and her face. “I mean, I love Kyu, and I miss really hanging out with him too, but God knows how much I need the girl bonding. Especially with Hyukj…“

                Donghae immediately stopped talking when she realized who it was that she just mentioned, and her shoulders drooped, her face now showing complete sadness.

                Sungmin felt her heart hurt at the sight of Donghae’s expression. She really felt for her friends, knowing how inseparable those two really are, and seeing their situation now, she knew that it must be such a difficult time for both Donghae and Hyukjae. She couldn’t put the blame on anyone though, especially knowing where Hyukjae is coming from.

                A sniff from Donghae brought Sungmin back from her musings. “Hae…”

                Donghae didn’t respond though, and when the latter seemed to only further curl into herself, Sungmin moved to sit beside Donghae, enveloping her crying friend in her arms.

                “Why is Hyukjae such a jerk, Min? W-why…” Donghae cried as she bowed her head to hide her tears.

                Sungmin didn’t say anything to that and instead, she just hugged Donghae tighter as the latter cried even harder.


                It’s been a while since Donghae started crying, and now Sungmin already let go of her friend, as she stared at Donghae as the latter seemed to be gathering her thoughts and getting herself together.

                “Hae, are you okay now?” Sungmin asked as Donghae heaved a deep sigh, her eyes red from crying, her face dried of tears as of the moment.

                “N-no, Min, I’m not okay; I won’t be until Hyukjae gets his monkey head out of his and just…stops this stupidity.” Donghae said defiantly as she reached for her strawberry milkshake (really, she only loved this drink since Hyukjae has been obsessed with strawberries since they were in diapers).

                “Hae…” Sungmin started as she looked on at Donghae who seemed to have been back to her old self as she switched from sadness, to what seemed to be annoyance towards her estranged best friend. “Donghae, don’t you really know why Hyukjae did what he did? Sungmin asked.

                At Sungmin’s question, the sadness seemed to return to Donghae’s face. “Did…did he really have to resort to that, Min?” Donghae asked in a small, yet perplexed voice.

                Sungmin sighed. “Donghae, you were running to him all upset and crying because you are having troubles with your boyfriend. Do you think Hyukjae would take all of that sitting down?”

                “That was really none of his business though…” Donghae muttered.

                “The moment you cried in front of him he made it his business to make it all okay for you.”


                “---And then it turned out that he actually has a ‘hand’ at all this, being the reason of your arguments with Woohyuk sunbae, and that just made his resolve harder to fix everything for you.”

                A certain warmth showed in Donghae’s face as fresh tears started to brim in her eyes all over again. “Did he tell you all of this, Min?”

                Sungmin scoffed. “He did, but I had to beat it out of him with my book bag before he spilled it all out.”

                There was silence, as tears ran down Donghae’s face, her hands immediately wiping at her wet face.

                “Did it work though, Hae? What Hyukjae did?” Sungmin asked after a while.

                “It did, I guess,” Donghae said truthfully. “Woohyuk oppa and I stopped arguing because obviously, he no longer has a reason to be ‘jealous’ anymore. But…”


                “But now, now I’m just too sad to be okay anymore…” Donghae said despondently. “I think even Woohyuk oppa notices it. I really try not to show it, but I just miss that stupid monkey boy so much that I’m just…sad. I’m not even mad, I just miss him…”

                “I’m sure he misses you too, Hae…”

                “Huh. Maybe not.” Donghae scoffed. “Not when he has that tall poster boy keeping him company all the time…”

                “Poster boy?” Sungmin asked confusedly before realization hit her. “Ah, do you mean Siwon?”

                “Is that joker face’s name? Siwon?” Donghae asked, her face showing vexation. “Wherever did that horse boy come from?”

                “Horse boy? Donghae, Siwon’s got the majority of the school’s female population – and a good number of men too – enchanted with his princely everything. Horse boy, really?” Sungmin asked in disbelief.

                “Oh, ‘princely everything’, really? Does Kyuhyun know about this princely… I don’t know, crush of yours?”

                “Psh. He’s over it now. Siwonie’s got a good collection of games that is easily accessible to Kyuhyun. I’m sure even Kyu would trade me for those games for a day.”

                “Are…Are you guys friends with Horse boy too, Min?” Donghae asked in a small voice.

                Sungmin, inferring from Donghae’s reaction, immediately gave Donghae an assuring smile. “Siwon’s a good guy, Hae. And we’ve hung out with him a lot of times already and he’s really an okay guy.”

                “O…kay.” Donghae said with a pout. “I guess Hyukjae wouldn’t really miss hanging out with a crybaby like me who he has to take care of all the time, when he has such an awesome horse boy to hang out with now…”

                “Donghae, you know that’s not true…” Sungmin said, her friend’s pout getting to her as it always does.

                “I don’t know what’s true anymore, Min.” Donghae said in a resigned voice. “All my life I believed that Hyukjae is as constant as my family is in my life, until he just willingly walked out of it.” Donghae said tearily. “I know I totally sound like an ingrate right now after all he did for me, but I don’t know…I can’t seem to get over missing having Hyukkie in my life. Even my family misses him. And I miss his mom too.”

                “Oh Donghae…”

                “I don’t know what to do anymore, Min…”

                “And I don’t know what to tell you, Hae. I’m sorry…” Sungmin said as she grasped Donghae’s hand, squeezing it in a gesture of comfort.

               Sungmin wanted so bad to help her friends, really, she did. But she knew that she really couldn’t do anything much, knowing that she needs to protect Hyukjae’s secret, and knowing that no one can really ask Donghae to leave Woohyuk for her friends.

                “I miss hanging out with all of you, Min… I miss you, and Kyuhyunie, I even miss Kyuhyunie’s snarky face. I miss Hyukjae. I miss all of us being together…”

                “I miss you too, Hae. And I’m 100% sure that Kyuhyun misses you too, more so, Hyukjae.”

                A hopeful gleam twinkled in Donghae’s eyes. “Really, Min? Im not being replaced by Si-horse even if he’s this totally awesome rich kid with a princely everything?”

                Sungmin just had to laugh at that. She didn’t even think it possible to miss DOnghae’s immaturity, but she was truly glad to see that childish Donghae again.

                “That’s stupid, Hae.”


                “Yes. That’s stupid, and you’re stupid, and Hyukjae’s stupid, and I don’t know why the two of you can’t just be stupid together, just like the old times."




                Hyukjae was on his second hour of practicing in the dance room, still stuck on one part of the routine he’s choreographing for the applicants’ night of the university’s dance troupe. It’s his second day being stuck on this particular part of his choreo, and he’s getting frustrated at himself for his lack of productivity.

                Finishing polishing the moves he was able to come up with as of then, Hyukjae slumped on the floor exhausted and frustrated as hell.

                He’s never been good at making new dance steps whenever he’s bothered and confused.

                Reaching to his gym bag, Hyukjae reached for his cellphone, going to his inbox to read THAT message again.

                                Hyukjae, I slept over at Hae’s last night.
                                She misses you, Hyuk. And as much as I hate
                                to tell you this, she’s hurting, Hyukjae. As
                                much as you tried everything to stop her hurting,
                                she ended up getting hurt, still. So please,
                                get your stupid head out of your nonexistent ,
                                and get your act with this other stupid
                                head straight because seriously, I miss all
                                of us hanging out together, and I swear Donghae’s
                                gonna be dehydrated soon, what with all
                                the tears she shed.
                                P.S. You know I don’t do well with a crying Donghae,
                                and we all know only you can take care of this
                                crybaby at times like this.
                                SHE.NEEDS.YOU. She needs her best friend back,
                                and I know you miss her too.
                                And in the mighty words of Kim Heechul (don’t
                                tell him I addressed that without proper
                                honorifics or else…): FIX THIS.



                Hyukjae fisted his hands before pressing it frustratingly at his eyes.

                Hyukjae never meant for everything to happen like this. Never. He never wanted Donghae to be out of his life, even if it’s temporary, even if he’s suffered so much heart-wringing from his unrequited feelings for his best friend.

                But when Donghae barged into his room with eyes swimming in tears, Hyukjae just felt his heart break further at the sight, and he just had to do something, even if it led to the decision for them to stop hanging out just so Donghae’s boyfriend can stop being jealous.

                Now that he thinks of it, that just sounded plain stupid and really, Hyukjae thought that he can vie for a title of martyrdom with that act. He could have been the jerk that he sure is capable of being and told Donghae’s boyfriend to just shove his jealousy right down his throat and blast it all, he still is Donghae’s boyfriend anyway so why be jealous of JUST the best friend Hyukjae.

                Frustration turned to irritation and anger, and Hyukjae heaved deep breaths to calm himself down. Regretting is useless now, he thought, since everything’s already done. And besides, when the image of Donghae crying and problematic comes to his mind, Hyukjae felt it in his heart that somehow, he still made the right decision to help Donghae be happy in whatever way he can.

                If only Donghae’s boyfriend wasn’t the jealous type, then there will be no problem. Hyukjae wished that Jang Woohyuk can get over his jealousy so he can go fix everything with Donghae. Just the thought that he’s causing his best friend some sort of hurt makes Hyukjae want to punch himself in the face.

                Hyukjae was at the middle of berating himself for everything that has happened, battling with his differing thoughts on how to just make everything work, when the door to the dance room opened.

                Good thing Hyukjae has mastered the art of giving a poker face after years of being stupidly infatuated (he’s always been terrified to call it the L-word) with his best friend, that when the person he never expected to see at this time showed his face, Hyukjae was all calm and normal. On the outside, of course.

                “Hyukjae? Do you…have time for us to talk? It’s kind of important…”
























                It was Woohyuk.



A/N: do you guys still remember me? i know, i know, it's been toooooo long since the last update, and i apologize. Real life got in the way, and somewhere there i kind of lost my muse even if i have outlined this story already. :c

Enough with the excuses, and i apologize again for the long wait and let me just THANK YOU guys for sticking with this story even if there are just two chapters out, and even with such sloooow updates as of late.

the "hanual" reference there is something i read from a fic somewhere, and credit should be given to the one who came up with such word because well, it's kind of awesome and fitting^^

and wow, all the subscriptions i got O.O thank you, and i hope i do not disappoint :)

the two characters i promised to make an entrance are finally here, and what can i say for the next chapter, hmmmm. one thing's for sure, it will still be a flashback :D


so will punches be thrown between the look-alike monkeys?

or will hyukjae remain to be po-po-po-poker faced?

we shall find out :D


lemme know what you think about this chapter! ^^



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Thank you!
i just updated my outline of this story and i really got excited with the things that are about to happen! excited to share all of them with you guys too ♥


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gayforhyuk #1
Chapter 4: Authornim~~ Update this please? *insert donghae's puppy eyes*
I love this fic so so much that I want more T_T
pearlyn22 #2
Chapter 4: Author nim...i m back!!!so sorry for missing ur updates....i have re read every chapter...n tears jus come down...touched by ur stories.....update soon....hwaiting n waiting!!!>_<!!
ecargebeohp_10 #3
Why does donghae thinks hyukjae is a gay while on the flashbacks hyuk seems to like hae...?? Pls update authornim
haesarang #4
Chapter 4: update soon pleaseeee. TT
wildrose88 #5
Chapter 4: this story is so loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee XD
the flashbacks waaaaaaaaaaaa
thanks authornoim ><
destrirra #6
Chapter 4: you know what, I really wanna cry reading the flashbacks. the urge on crying when I read chapter 2 and 3. I just I cant I dont I asdfhjksllabdbee hyukjae is really strong to keep it for himself. really. if I were hyukjae, I couldnt be as strong as him. I cant feel the ache of his heart really. its just really omg I believe it is ing hurt. I dont know what to say but I hope you will update this fic soon. this is really good. amazing. good job!
I surely will appreciate it if you gonna update this even it take so much time. thank you for sharing!
DEFINITELY WILL READ THIS TONIGHT T^T I'm busy today, this is a kind of plot i've been looking for xD thanks for writing and sharing this story
Chapter 4: omg another gendebender cries huhuhu it's awesomeeeee!! I love this !! but I literally tearing up about donghae and hyukjae status of JUST best friend ;cccc sad TT pats hyukjae and hail for him for being brave and tough hiding his feelings and and and for huhuhu he let over win his feelings about taking care and bribe his best friend over his infatuation omfg ;cc and why I sense donghae jealous over siwon hmmmm.. but I really salut hyukjae he hurted enough about his feelings

author nim are you still ganna continue this? I saw you updated this last may? pls continue I want to know what ganna happen pleeeeaaseeeeee!!! and why gay best friend when hyukjae like or Love donghae anyway? O.O continue pls ;cccc

any plans to update this? please? T-T
CRIES I LIKE THIS ONE WHY AM I SEEING THIS NOW OMG???? just when i'm about to sleep HUHUHU will READ IT TOMORROW!!!!!^^