Chapter 1

Baby, Baby, GAYBY


                “Amber and Henry and the kids are visiting for the holidays. I hope you’ve already prepared your gifts for the little ones, Donghae-yah.” Donghae’s mom, Leeteuk, reminded her as she wiped the white countertop, giving her daughter a warning glance.

                “Mom, that was just one time that I forgot that Jonghyun is awfully scared of clowns! I didn’t mean to give him that pajama set filled with that face. And the little monsters should just send me a list of the gifts they want to receive, that way we can all spare ourselves a hysterical Christmas eve…” Donghae responded as she followed her mom’s every compulsive move to clean the perfectly white and spotless kitchen.

                “You should’ve remembered that fact, Donghae-yah. And stop calling your sister’s children little monsters or you’ll get it from her again.”

                “She calls them worse names on bad days, though…” Donghae muttered, twisting from her high chair.  “When are they coming? And Heechul oppa and the mafia?”

                Leeteuk threw her daughter an exhausted stare, shaking her head at her daughter’s choice words for their family members.  She knew that it was Donghae’s own way of giving endearments to everyone, but that doesn’t stop her siblings from throwing in words of opposition (and at a certain time flying chopsticks too, care of Heechul) every time she brings up her colorful words of endearment.

                “They’ll be coming, of course. And please, I do not want any piece of my cutlery flying across the dinner table any time that we are all here. So please, Donghae-yah. Do modify your pet names to something that wouldn’t call on the wrath of your siblings.”

                Donghae rolled her eyes at her mom, muttering “fine, fine” just before she followed her mom to the living room. There she saw all the boxes that she knew to be housing all the Christmas decorations they’ve acquired throughout the years. “Really, mom? It’s just September, isn’t it a bit too soon for all these Christmas talk and decorating?”

                Leeteuk stopped from what she was doing to give her full attention to her daughter. “Lee Donghae, I am not asking you to help so zip it; I’m starting decorating and preparing for Christmas whenever I want to and I can do that as early as now. Now, I asked you to come so you can take all those side dishes I made for you and Hyukjae, and to tell you that everyone will be here for the holidays so you better get your preparations started because I don’t want you doing any last minute shopping again. And well, I told you to come here to tell you that I’m having the family room repainted---“

                “White?! You’re gonna repaint our family room white aren’t you mom? Ugh! But I like it just the way it is! We love it just that way it is mom!” Donghae whined in tantrum at what Leeteuk said.  “How did you convince dad to have it this way, huh? Since I moved out of this house you’re all set to turn this to a mental hospital! All white!”

                “Hush, you! And I had my ways convincing your dad, and well, I waited for a long while for you to move out before I changed this house to something new.  I waited that long Donghae-yah.” Leeteuk said meaningfully that had Donghae shaking her head as she headed to the wrapped up Tupperware at the other end of the room.

                It was just more than a year ago that Donghae finally moved out from her parent’s house to finally get her own place just after her business partnership with her bestfriend Sungmin turned out really well. And her mother was never hesitant to use her ‘overstaying’ as she always put it, to guilt trip her into anything that she wants done.

                “Just for the record, I don’t have anything to do with this okay, so when Mafia Diva and Fertile Midget gets here to throw their tantrums, keep me out of it, I beg you.” And then she’s out of the house after kissing her mom goodbye on the cheek.

                Donghae got into her car and immediately started off to go to the building in front of where her and Sungmin’s studios are located, to meet Hyukjae, her other best friend, to deliver to him his share of her mother’s home-made side dishes.


                Donghae is second of three children, with her Heechul oppa as the eldest of their brood. Heechul, a half-brother from his mother’s first husband, is currently in Paris with his husband and their little princess, Krystal. Heechul, the resident diva of their household since the very beginning has been openly gay since time immemorial, and it was in middle school when he met Hangeng after the latter’s transfer from China to Korea. Since then Heechul had the chinaman in his grasp oh so willingly, and it’s been six years since the couple’s glamorous wedding was held in Antwerp. Three years into the marriage, Heechul and Hangeng decided that they wanted to have a kid, and agreed that they would find a suitable (and that, ladies and gentlemen, is A VERY hard find when you are using ‘suitable’ under the terms of the great Kim Heechul) surrogate mother for their ‘spawn,’ as Donghae would always silently refer to her niece Krystal (saying it out loud would mean a risk to be heard by Heechul and that is never a good idea if you want your head to remain connected to your neck). They decided to have Heechul’s inseminated to a Chinese dancer from one of the top universities in Beijing, who was paid handsomely to carry Heechul and Hangeng’s spawn, after the long and rigorous process of background checks and checking for every single minor detail about the entirety of the Chinese girl’s being – not a crook nor cranny missed (quite literally too, the poor girl) - just to make sure that she is not just up to par but is indeed in the level of Heechul’s standards.

                Amber, the family’s youngest, is the biggest surprise for them all. Growing up to be the one to fill up the boyishness that Heechul sure lacked in all his lifetime, nobody expected Amber, then 20 years old, to come home to Korea after two years of studying music in the States knocked up, and married no less. Donghae couldn’t forget the murderous glare in their father’s face, and their mother’s paper-white face when Amber came home with a mochi-looking boy (at that time and even up to now Donghae can’t summon the nerve to call Henry a man even with three kids and a devil for a wife, bless his soul) in tow, and for the first time since Donghae accidentally broke Amber’s guitar she again saw her younger sister’s eyes b with tears, as she knelt in front of their parents telling them and the whole family that yes, she already married the boy kneeling beside her.

                It was on the night following that one that they got the guts to let all of the family know that basically Amber got knocked up hence the marriage, and Donghae and Hyukjae had to restrain her dad, Kangin, from smashing Henry with his collector’s item bats from whichever golden era the baseball greats have ever had.

                And that leaves Donghae, the first born of Leeteuk and Kangin, after the latter basically rescued Leeteuk and Heechul from the latter’s drunkard of a father, who then turned to beating both mother and son on his bad nights which were more often than not. Kangin, claiming that he fell in love with Leeteuk the first time he saw her on the parking lot of the baseball stadium where Leeteuk was being dragged by her then husband to the car for a disgusting drunken , and where Heechul was furiously kicking and scratching the skin out of his bastard of a father, immediately went to the rescue and since then charmed his way not only into Leeteuk’s heart but most especially to Heechul’s approval. Kangin helped them move out of their then home and since then, he has helped both Heechul and Leeteuk to start anew. It was three months after when Heechul’s father was found dead after a brawl in a club in the red light district outside of Seoul. Leeteuk, then 25, mourned her first husband for a month while Heechul never once shed a tear for the man who always treated him and his mom in the worst ways a father and a husband could.

                One year later a five year old Heechul finally threatened Kangin to never hurt his mom ever and if so then yes they can get married and a year after came Donghae.

                Donghae has always been the one among the brood to be the homebody; she was never a queen bee as much as Heechul was in their school, and was never as active and outgoing as Amber. If there was one thing that she ever cared about since she was little, it was dancing. She started learning ballet from a very early age, and has continued to do so until middle school when she started venturing out to other genres of dance. She went to all sorts of dance classes and Leeteuk managed to squeeze in some piano lessons here and there in between her priority dance classes.

                Between the endless dance classes and school, Donghae was never one to bother making a lot of friends; she was no Heechul when it comes to popularity, but she was known and liked enough in school (who wouldn’t know her, she’s the sister of mighty Kim Heechul after all). And she didn’t find the need for a big circle of friends. She has Sungmin, her best friend who was her classmate since the first day she started learning ballet. And of course she has Hyukjae, her neighbor who she was endlessly buddied up with because they are of the same age, and they had the same interest in dancing. The three of them all became close since they went to the same school and are in the same grade, and since Hyukjae and Sungmin already fill that space a person needs friends for, Donghae never bothered to reach out that much to other people.

                And here they are, 20 something years later, all living their lives as much as they have planned it. Hyukjae is already a senior choreographer at a big entertainment company in Korea, and Sungmin and Donghae have already opened their own dance studio – all four rooms in the building in front of where Hyukjae works – where they teach dance, yoga, martial arts, and a fusion of those three. At 29 Donghae seems to be at the top of her game, but it wasn’t like that not even three years ago. Whoever said that there was no money in dancing (and in music and in writing) had a reason for saying so.

                After finishing university with a degree in Creative Writing, Donghae immediately went with Hyukjae and Sungmin to audition for the backup dancer/trainers position in the entertainment company where Hyukjae is currently still employed. Creative Writing isn’t Donghae’s first choice; it was Biology, but she and everyone else around her knew that Donghae didn’t have the attention span to actually stick with Bio, plus the fact that this would be more time consuming than other courses which would mean it would take away precious time for her first love: dancing. Her second choice, CW, was a much better option for her because it has a lighter load than biology, and even if she didn’t have the attention span required for sciences, she sure had the imagination needed to explore writing. Oh don’t even get her started on life on other planets. Don’t. Let’s just say that imagination-wise, Donghae is never in shortage of inspiration to write, plus she has actually developed skills in writing hence she was able to finish and submit her manuscript and graduate.

                Jobs didn't come easy to Donghae because she wasn't invested enough in actually having writing as a profession, and since dancing really was her first love. Dancing, however, didn't really garner in the money even if she was working for a big company. But she loved it though, and she wasn't complaining. Her mother on the other hand, seems like she can't wait to get rid of Donghae in their home, and never really shut up about it. Three years after working at the company, Donghae, together with Sungmin, finally decided to get on with their dream of opening a studio where they can teach dance lessons, even yoga and martial arts. So with the help of both their parents, and with whatever money they managed to save up (there wasn't much of it, really), they finally got to open their dance studio and is now doing well enough to be in business, and to carry in profit for Donghae and Sungmin.


                Sitting on the floor of the dance room, Donghae watched as her best friend wiped off the sweat from his face, plopping down in front her as he reached into his gym bag for fresh clothes.

                After storming out of her parents' house she immediately headed to Hyukjae’s workplace and with the perks of being a head choreographer’s friend, she just got inside the building after greeting and passing through the bulky bodyguards at the backdoor.

                “What brings you here?” Hyukjae asked the staring Donghae in front of him.

                “What, can’t a girl visit her gay best friend just for quality bonding time?” Donghae said and at her mention of the word gay, she immediately noticed how there was an almost indiscernible wince in Hyukjae’s face; it would’ve been completely unnoticed, but then Donghae basically has all of Hyukjae’s reactions and nuisances memorized so it was out of the question this time. “Really Hyukkie, when will you ever get over that word? I mean, you’re obviously not in denial, since all of the world knows about you and your preference. Why the reaction though, still?”

                Hyukjae just shook his head with a sigh, as if this topic has exhausted him already. “Really Donghae, why are you here again?”

                “Always so grumpy, tsktsk… “ Donghae mumbled. “Well I’m here because – oh did you know that Heechul oppa and Amber are coming home for the holidays?” Donghae said excitedly, her face brightening at the mention of her siblings.

                “Actually I do know that; your mom called me last night to ask if I still have food in my fridge and to tell me the good news that your family house will be as noisy again as ever, what with all the riot that’s about to befall us. So yeah, I already know.”

                Upon hearing that, Donghae’s face turned into a scowl that was all the same endearing as it contorted her pretty face. “That woman! She called you first and I just knew this morning??? Ugh, I swear Hyukkie, she loves you more as a real child than she loves me.”

                Hyukjae smiled at the forming pout on Donghae’s face. “That’s not possible. But Donghae, my question? Why are you here?”

                “Oh! That! Well, I’m here to bring all the side dishes that mom prepared for you to stuff your fridge with. And I know that you didn’t drive to work today since I didn’t see your car at the parking lot, so I can just drive you home. The food’s in my car. Are you done for today?” Donghae bombarded.

                “Yeah, nothing’s coming out of my head for this routine anyway, and I’m just about to head home.” Hyukjae started to get up, in his hands are the clean clothes that he got from his bags. “I’ll just go change and then we can go.” Hyukjae was just about to turn his back when Donghae began speaking again.  

                “Really, you can’t even change in front of me still? Hyukjae! It’s not as if I’ll be affected or anything; I know that we’re basically of the same make, and well… it’s not like I haven’t seen any of that before…” Donghae said, mumbling the last part.

                Upon hearing what his best friend said Hyukjae began blushing, the edge of his ears burning a furious red. “W-what Donghae! I told you not to ever… “ Hyukjae, at a loss for words, just heaved a deep sigh and tried to control the furious blushing on his face. “Whatever, I’ll just go and change and you wait here and please, don’t touch anything; I don’t want you to break any of the company things again, you gadget wrecker.” And with that, Hyukjae was out of the studio and into the company lockers.

                When Hyukjae finished, both of them then went out to Donghae’s car, and on the way there, Donghae couldn’t stop telling Hyukjae how her mom just basically loves Hyukjae more as a daughter than she ever loves Donghae. Hyukjae couldn’t even get in one word before DOnghae launches into another story about her mother, father, or Sungmin, or her siblings, and basically Donghae just about had a monologue and good thing Hyukjae had the patience and tenacity to deal with a very talkative DOnghae.

                Being friends for all their lives, Donghae has always been the lively one while Hyukjae more often than not just stayed quiet, watching after Donghae as she wreaks havoc on everything she touches and gets into. Hyukjae then comes into the picture, cleaning after his best friend.


9 years ago

                “Hyukkie! Are you done yet??? Hurry cos I don’t want to be late to this party Kangta sunbaenim is throwing!” Donghae screamed as she banged on the door of the bathroom where her best friend, Hyukjae, was still in. “I don’t want to miss Woohyuk sunbae in case he leaves early!”

                “It’s a party! No one can ever come late to a party, so hold your horses and just wait! I’ll be out in a minute!” Hyukjae shouted back and after a loud harrumph, he finally heard the steps of her best friend as she trudged down the stairs of their house to the living room, probably to coo into his mother or complain about how long it takes him to finish getting ready.

                Looking into himself at the mirror, he sighed as he finally wore his shirt, accepting his fate for the night as Donghae’s babysitter again, for the nth time. It couldn’t be helped though, because he knew that he couldn’t even think of leaving Donghae alone in a party nonetheless, with booze and whatever else there is when he knows that Donghae’s alcohol tolerance is basically nonexistent. Sungmin might be there with her, but he knows that the girl will just be busy canoodling into her boyfriend Kyuhyun, who will probably be dragged by his feet and hands into the party (everyone knows that the brat wouldn’t just live his house for a party when there’s good time he can spend killing and winning over losers in his second most beloved next to Sungmin, his games).

                And well, as if his mother will ever let him see the light of day if she knew that he let his best friend Donghae go into the unknowns of college partying.

                Going down the stairs, he couldn’t help but overhear Donghae cooing to his mother about how excited she is to see ‘dashing Woohyuk sunbae’ showcase his and his dance crew’s performance to the whole party. And in that sickly sweet voice, Donghae added, “Umma, he’s just so handsome and good at dancing, and he even has his own groupies at the university, can you believe that?”

                “And he’s on the verge of failing his art history class because he barely goes into class and when he does, he just sleeps in and disregards all sorts of decorum and respect for our professor.” Hyukjae said as he took his car keys on the key holder near the island where Donghae and his mom were talking.

                “Hyukkie! Why do you keep on ruining everything!” Donghae exclaimed before facing Hyukjae’s mother. “Umma, he’s always like this; he just sees the not-so-good things on people and continues ruining innocent people’s dreams!”Donghae turned to Hyukjae at the latter part of her sentence, escalating the volume of her voice as she faced Hyukjae.

                “I’m not ruining anything, I’m just telling the truth to remind you that the man is human and has flaws and does not deserve this idolatry that you undeservingly give him.” Hyukjae responded as he kissed his mom’s cheek, signaling that he and Donghae were finally about to go.

                “Hyukjae, cut the guy some slack, and stop teasing Donghae about these things; you know this upsets her…” Hyukjae’s mom said, smiling at the best friends before leaning into the kiss that Donghae’s about to land on her cheek. “And take care of Donghae and get her home in time for the curfew her dad gave her. Don’t overdo anything okay?”

                Both Hyukjae and Donghae nodded before heading to the door, with Donghae waving goodbye to Hyukjae mother with a smile before lunging for Hyukjae’s arm as they walked to Hyukjae’s black sedan.


                Getting into the massive house of one of their university seniors, Kangta, the host of the party, Donghae immediately stretched her neck to look for her other best friend and the latter’s boyfriend, and at the same time keeping her eye out for her Woohyuk sunbae. Hyukjae, on the other hand, stuck to Donghae like glue, keeping away all sorts of contact from the drunken, and sometimes just intent touches from the crowded party-goers. Donghae, expectedly growing into a beautiful young lady, still has that bearing that would remind you of a child, even if she’s already on her way to growing up into a very graceful and beautiful woman. With her dark brown locks falling at the middle of her back, its natural curls framing her face beautifully, and her always shining brown eyes that just makes you do whatever it is she beckons, Donghae is a vision of innocence and youthful beauty. Being a dancer, Donghae’s body is lean, with the right curves at the right places, her skinny jeans accenting her shaped legs and her blue v-neck shirt hugging her upper body as if it was made to be worn by her. The black leather jacket she had on top of it just gives her this additional tough look that she carries so well despite the youthfulness in her eyes.

                “Minnie!” Donghae screamed as she finally sighted Sungmin near the bar, and not surprisingly she was liplocked with her boyfriend Kyuhyun.

                Upon reaching the still kissing Sungmin and Kyuhyun, Donghae chuckled shyly before facing Hyukjae to bury her eyes into Hyukjae’s shoulder.

                Hyukjae then kicked the high stool Kyuhyun was sitting on and that shocked the couple to actually stop them from faces.

              “Hey guys, glad that you could actually take a break from eating each other’s faces to greet us. Nice to see you too.” Hyukjae scoffed at the couple with Sungmin blushing, and Kyuhyun looking annoyed at the interruption.

                Donghae getting the hint that all the kissing was finally done turned back to her friends and attached herself to Sungmin’s arm. Hyukjae then stood up beside Kyuhyun.

                “Have you seen him yet? Have we missed anything already? Hyukkie was so slow at getting ready as usual so---“

                “Nah, nothing actually happened yet and no, I haven’t seen the monkey-look-a-like yet. Your brother, on the other hand, is already here in the arms of Chinaman, and has already slapped a couple of ignorant ones who dared to lay their hands on Hangeng oppa.” Sungmin cut off DOnghae’s seemingly endless questions.

                Donghae just rolled her eyes at what Sungmin shared, before easing her shoulders at the news that Woohyuk still haven’t made his appearance yet.

                “I just wish that Heechul oppa will actually get to a room before devouring Hangeng oppa. The last time made me want to bleach my brain, it traumatized me.” Donghae said, cringing at the memory.

                Before anyone got to react to what Donghae said, there seemed to be a commotion near the living room where the ‘dance floor’ for the night was set, and upon landing their eyes there Donghae’s eyes basically glinted with excitement, finally seeing Woohyuk with his crew of dancers, giving the people there high fives and bro hugs, before Woohyuk looked around the room, finally landing his eyes on Donghae and then he smiled.

                Donghae instantly blushed, while Sungmin smiled, excited for Donghae. Kyuhyun on the other hand just shook his head at the high-school-girl scenario he’s expecting, while Hyukjae looked on at what was happening, not one discernible expression seen on his face.

                When Woohyuk signaled for Donghae to come over to their circle, Donghae nodded shyly before looking back at her friends. Before she even managed to get words out, Hyukjae was already speaking.

                “You aren’t allowed to take drinks from strangers, and if I have any word on it, not even from Woohyuk sunbae. And if you do drink, just a glass would be enough, since that’s just about able to knock you out. Keep in my sight before I call 911 I don’t want my head on a platter served to our mothers Donghae I am telling you.”

                Donghae just rolled her eyes before punching Hyukjae in his arm, showing her tongue out just to oppose Hyukjae even in just that way, before sharing squeals with Sungmin and whatever girly mumblings they do before walking her way to Woohyuk.

                “I swear, she shouldn’t be allowed to parties; she should just be kept in the sandbox or something; her brain apparently hasn’t matured yet.” Hyukjae said, following Donghae with his gaze.

                “Ooooh, protective I see.” Kyuhyun teased.

                Hyukjae threw Kyuhyun a glare before saying, “Oh you would be protective too if your whole neighborhood expected you to just look after this ball of energy disguising as a 20 year old girl. So shut up. And don’t you dare stand next to Sungmin and start face again I swear I will smash your games to pieces.”

                Upon hearing that Kyuhyun scrunched his eyebrows together at Hyukjae’s threat. “Try getting close to them and I’ll have not just your head but your balls in a platter as well, you monkey.”

                Before Hyukjae could even throw a rebuttal Sungmin has already clasped her hands on both their arms, pointing her lips to the scene in front of them.

                Donghae was talking to Woohyuk in his circle of friends, and it was apparent that whatever Woohyuk was saying or doing was just about perfect to make Donghae blush and smile that sweet smile of hers. Sungmin cooed at the sight, while Kyuhyun remained stoic, as Hyukjae felt a little squeeze in his heart.


                Woohyuk and his crew were preparing for their little dance performance for the party, his eyes obviously intent on watching Donghae. And it was obvious that even all throughout the performance, Woohyuk had his eyes on the girl and Donghae just seemed to be over the moon at this, blush never leaving her face.

                “Do you see how much attention Woohyuk sunbae is giving Donghae?” Sungmin said with a pleased tone in her voice. “I mean, it’s too palpable I could almost feel it on my skin or even bottle it up for Donghae to cherish,” She swooned.

                “I can’t believe that someone actually got around the 5-year old façade to actually see the 20 year old girl that she really is. And of all people, it’s Woohyuk sunbaenim, who is basically worshipped by our whole university. Lucky kid, Donghae.” Kyuhyun said with an unbelieving smirk.

                And then both Sungmin and Kyuhyun turned their gazes on Hyukjae, waiting for his two cents in, when they saw the latter with an intent look on his face, never taking his eyes off Donghae, as if guarding the girl like a hawk.

              “Uh, earth to Hyukjae? Hello, Cyclops would be ashamed of his optic blast mutant powers if he sees that glare on your face Hyukjae.” Kyuhyun said, finally breaking Hyukjae’s stare on Donghae and Woohyuk.

                “W-what? What were you guys talking about?” Hyukjae said, honestly unaware of the conversation that just took place.

                “Well we were talking about how Woohyuk sunbaenim seems to be all over our friend, you know, Donghae, the girl you are guarding with your freaky single-lidded eyes----“

                “Kyuhyun, I was looking after her since I really don’t want to do the cleaning up in case someone messes with her, or in case her naïveté just overcomes her as it happens most of the time, and then she’ll be in so much trouble I wouldn’t even know where to begin to clean up after her.” Hyukjae explained with most of his attention still on Donghae, who now joined much of the crowd in dancing at the dance floor. Only Donghae, is now in very close proximity to Woohyuk; too close, actually, that Hyukjae winced at the view he was seeing.

                “May I remind you, father Hyukjae, that Donghae is a 20 year old girl, who has in her own right the power to do whatever the hell she wants as an adult? And that sure includes the right to be a stupid college girl in a stupid college party Hyukjae.” Kyuhyun said with that seemingly permanent smirk on his face. “Seriously Hyukjae, why do you always act like you’ve got a stick up your when it comes to Donghae.”

                Hyukjae just shook his head at what Kyuhyun said. Whatever it is that he says, he sure knew that nobody would understand how much responsibility he has over what happens to Donghae. Blame that on a lifetime of being the voice of logic between the two best friends, or on the fact that Hyukjae just couldn’t, and wouldn’t take it to see Donghae in any sort of ugly, hurtful, and dangerous scenario, but Hyukjae has always lived to take care of Donghae.

                Sungmin, standing beside Kyuhyun, just observed the conversation, and also the weird, almost compulsive act of Hyukjae to watch Donghae with Woohyuk. She then noticed how Hyukjae would look down whenever Donghae gets too close to their sunbae, or just how Hyukjae would always look up to the dance floor when he hears Donghae’s unique laugh permeating through the music.

                And then Sungmin saw it. Just when she looked back at Hyukjae, she saw that little wince in his eyes, and just how his face contorted into something akin to…jealousy before it was gone in a flash, as if the expression never crossed his face.

                “Oh my god.” Sungmin gasped, cutting Kyuhyun from his tirade, as she stared at Hyukjae, now looking right back at her.

                “What? What do you mean ‘oh my god’ what’s wrong?”

                “Oh my god Hyukjae. You… You l-like her? Donghae?”

                Upon hearing this, Hyukjae’s eyes widened, his eyebrows almost disappearing in his hairline as his face turned a fuming red. “W-what?! Sungmin what are you talking about that’s…that’s insane!” Hyukjae stuttered, trying his best to look back at Sungmin but failing, as his eyes wandered everywhere but in Sungmin’s and Kyuhyun’s direction.

                Before anyone else from the trio can say another word, Donghae came skipping to their small group with a big smile on her face, with that adorable blush still tainting her cheeks a glowing color.

                Hyukjae was trying to shake off the tightness that suddenly lodged in his throat, while Sungmin tried her hardest to look as if she didn’t just feel like unearthing one of the world’s biggest secrets.

                “Hyukjae Hyukjae Hyukjae!” Donghae shrieked in excitement, as she clung to Hyukjae’s arm. “Can we please, pretty please, go to this other party that one of the other dancers is throwing? Woohyuk oppa said that we can all go there since even Kangta sunbaenim is going and can we please go? I swear we will still go home in time for my curfew. Can we? Please?”

                Hyukjae, seeing the excited face and that gleam in Donghae’s eyes just endured that twisting in his chest, before giving his best friend a little smile, nodding. “Just convince Sungmin and Kyuhyun to come too since I really don’t want to be alone waiting for time to tick by.”

                Donghae expectantly stared at Kyuhyun and Sungmin, waiting for their response. “Uh, yeah sure. Hyukjae can drive us all there right?” Sungmin hesitantly answered as she threw Hyukjae a glance.

                “Of course Hyukkie will. I even told Woohyuk sunbaenim that I will definitely ride with you guys since Hyukkie isn’t comfortable with me getting into other people’s cars. Right Hyukkie?”

                Hyukjae cleared his throat. That stupid lump in his throat is still there. “Y-yeah, sure. But all the rules here apply, Donghae. No anything from strangers and we will head home in time for---“

                Hyukjae didn’t even manage to finish his statement when he felt Donghae peck him on his cheek while jumping on her place, thanking him profusely for being ‘the best friend any girl can ever have really and Hyukjae I love you thank youuuuu!!!’ before rushing to Woohyuk’s group to probably tell them that all’s set.

                Hyukjae, barely recovering from that gesture from Donghae, just managed to look on at Donghae as she rushed back to the crowd until she was back to Woohyuk, all the while as if feeling the flutter of Donghae’s lips where it landed on his cheek, his face expectedly beet red.

                “Holy Minnie you are so right,” Kyuhyun exclaimed enough for just the three of them to hear and that had Hyukjae landing back on earth to actually pay attention to his other friends.

                “Shut up, brat.” Hyukjae sneered at Kyuhyun that had the magnae smirking at him.

                “Yes, Cho Kyuhyun, shut the frack up if you know what’s best for you or else, you wouldn’t know what would hit you.” Sungmin menacingly hissed at her boyfriend.

                “What did I do now? I just---“

                “I mean it, Kyu. Not a word about this or else, I swear to god I won’t forgive you…’Sungmin threatened as she stared Kyuhyun down even if he’s towering above her, and the magnae didn’t have any choice but to just nod.

                Hyukjae let out a deep breath after the couple’s conversation, and that had Sungmin reaching out to Hyukjae, giving him a friendly, understanding pat on his shoulder, and for the first time that night, Kyuhyun actually managed to look a bit abashed at how he just acted. Hyukjae just gave them a small smile, looking on to Donghae as he saw her call to them to go out of the party, before looking back to both Kyuhyun and Sungmin. With a resigned smile on his face, he said:

                “I am ed, ain’t I?”





A/N: It will be the understatement of the century to say that I'm a lengthy writer, if this first chapter is anything to go by. :) I hope that this chapter was okay though, and I'm really excited for the future chapters :) 

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i just updated my outline of this story and i really got excited with the things that are about to happen! excited to share all of them with you guys too ♥


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gayforhyuk #1
Chapter 4: Authornim~~ Update this please? *insert donghae's puppy eyes*
I love this fic so so much that I want more T_T
pearlyn22 #2
Chapter 4: Author nim...i m back!!!so sorry for missing ur updates....i have re read every chapter...n tears jus come down...touched by ur stories.....update soon....hwaiting n waiting!!!>_<!!
ecargebeohp_10 #3
Why does donghae thinks hyukjae is a gay while on the flashbacks hyuk seems to like hae...?? Pls update authornim
haesarang #4
Chapter 4: update soon pleaseeee. TT
wildrose88 #5
Chapter 4: this story is so loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee XD
the flashbacks waaaaaaaaaaaa
thanks authornoim ><
destrirra #6
Chapter 4: you know what, I really wanna cry reading the flashbacks. the urge on crying when I read chapter 2 and 3. I just I cant I dont I asdfhjksllabdbee hyukjae is really strong to keep it for himself. really. if I were hyukjae, I couldnt be as strong as him. I cant feel the ache of his heart really. its just really omg I believe it is ing hurt. I dont know what to say but I hope you will update this fic soon. this is really good. amazing. good job!
I surely will appreciate it if you gonna update this even it take so much time. thank you for sharing!
DEFINITELY WILL READ THIS TONIGHT T^T I'm busy today, this is a kind of plot i've been looking for xD thanks for writing and sharing this story
Chapter 4: omg another gendebender cries huhuhu it's awesomeeeee!! I love this !! but I literally tearing up about donghae and hyukjae status of JUST best friend ;cccc sad TT pats hyukjae and hail for him for being brave and tough hiding his feelings and and and for huhuhu he let over win his feelings about taking care and bribe his best friend over his infatuation omfg ;cc and why I sense donghae jealous over siwon hmmmm.. but I really salut hyukjae he hurted enough about his feelings

author nim are you still ganna continue this? I saw you updated this last may? pls continue I want to know what ganna happen pleeeeaaseeeeee!!! and why gay best friend when hyukjae like or Love donghae anyway? O.O continue pls ;cccc

any plans to update this? please? T-T
CRIES I LIKE THIS ONE WHY AM I SEEING THIS NOW OMG???? just when i'm about to sleep HUHUHU will READ IT TOMORROW!!!!!^^