
One Shot - Collection

조기 아침 - ( Early Mornings )

You open your eyes groggily, vision slightly hazy from just waking up. A yawn forces its way through your mouth, your arms stretching above your head. The sunlight filtered nicely through the curtain, giving a warm morning glow in your room. A smile spread across your face, a sort of warm feeling bloomed in your chest.

"Mm..." a sleepy voice whined, their voice husky and attractive in the morning. You pull back the covers and smile lovingly at the sight of Kikwang, curled up against your side. His tan arms wrapped around your waist, keeping you in place, while his face was nuzzled against your stomach.

"Kikwang, I have to go get ready for work." you said softly, gently shaking the sleeping idol.

"Can't you stay for today?" he whined pitifully, face still pressed against your stomach.

"I'm sorry babe, but I have to get ready, an important director of a joint company is coming to meet our president." you said quietly, your slender fingers brushing through his dark bed head.

"They won't miss one person, will they?" he asked, pushing you down onto the bed, his dark eyes almost pleading you to stay. Your eyes softened and your fingers touched his cheeks gently.

"Well... Maybe for today." you whisper, caving in.

A grin spread across his face and he dropped himself on top of you. Your breath left you in a gasp and you gave a breathless laugh.

"Kikwang, that hurt." you said while patting his shoulder. He made no sign to move so you lay there, thinking about how you got stuck with him.

"Hey, ( Your name )." you blink at the sound of his hesitant voice.

"What is it?" you ask, watching his form; rising and falling. 

"Do you love me?" a blink before you slap the back of his head with the palm of your hand.


"You're an idiot Kikwang. If I didn't love you, would I have gone out with you?" he was silent. Suddenly his face was a three mere inches from your own.

"But you like Doojoon more than me don't you? I mean, he is your favorite of the group." he said quietly, gaze suddenly turned to look out the window.

Your heart broke, here was Kikwang, your boyfriend, being insecure. This had to mean that you had done something wrong, it must have meant that you hadn't shown him enough love.

"Kikwang..." he bit his bottom lip.

"I love you." you said, leaning up to plant a soft kiss on his cheek. He turned to look at you, his eyes showing the same sentiment as yours.

"I know that I spend a lot of time with Doojoon. But its only because he helps me with my assignments." you say gently, placing a hand against his cheek.

"You could have asked me!" he bursts out, his eyes watery. You smile sadly before leaning up to kiss his eyelids, which flutter shut when your lips meet them.

"We're the same age, and you seem to have a hard enough time with your work." you soothe. But his eyes are open again, and they're just as teary as before.

"I hate seeing you with them, I hate it! I hate how Hyunseung can make you laugh when I can't do the same! I hate that I can't do aegyo, like Yoseob! I hate how much cooler Dongwoon is than I am! I hate how Junhyung can make your cheeks red when he raps, I hate how I don't have the power like Doojoon! I--I just... Don't feel good enough for you." a tear drips down onto your face and you blink up at Kikwang; strong Kikwang, the love of your life, was crying.

"Kikwang..." he closes his eyes tightly before a sob shakes his body. You wrap your arms around your boyfriends shaking form, his head nestled into your neck. Tears quickly seeping through your too large t-shirt.

"I love you. Even though you aren't like any of them... You're still Kikwang. And you're the man I took as my boyfriend." you said quietly, throat constricting. You shut your eyes and bit your lip to keep from crying.

"I love you Kikwang... So so much. You mean the world to me. So please... Don't say you aren't good enough for me. I should be saying that." you said hoarsely, tears silently escaping. He had stopped moving, instead as a response all you got was a snore.

You blinked and immediately shoved him onto his back, only to find him asleep.

"Kikwang! Seriously, I was just confessing my love to you and you fall asleep?!" you screech, disbelief written all over your face.


A growl rose up in your throat but you pushed it down. Instead deciding to cuddle into your teddy bear of a man.

"I really love you... More than the world. It hurts me to see you like this... So please... D-don't think you aren't good enough for me, don't leave me." you whisper, kissing his neck before snuggling into his chest, your arms around his shoulders.

After a few minutes of silence your eyes begin to shut, Kikwang's heartbeat lulling you to sleep.

But before you lost all consciousness you could feel arms tightening around you in a possessive manner. And a very faint,

"I love you too..."

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Chapter 5: Awwwwwwwwww! Super cute. LOL I can't really imagine Kikwang being this insecure though xD but it's still really sweet! <3
Chapter 4: ljoe jjang!!! anya!!
Chapter 1: SUGOIIIIII~
Chapter 3: Woohooo Zico so cool! He and his obsession with thighs *sigh*
İ have been working out everyday ever since i found out *shhh* ^^
Chapter 3: OOH LA LAAAAA! /wiggles eyebrows/ LOLJK I guess Zico gives off the aura of "experienced bad boy" ahahahaha! Awww, I love it when bad boys are actually cheesy teddy bears. IT'S SO ADORABLE.
Chapter 2: Awww so sweet! >< Yongguk just keeps burrowing deeper into my heart! GAH I'M TURNING INTO A CHEESY FANGIRL ARGH
Yes I'm commenting! LOL I should be asleep but since I'm on...
BTW, I know you're trying to make the "you" very ambiguous so that it could be anyone, but when reading things like "Your (eye color) eyes" and "Your (nose type (ex. small nose, button nose, sharp nose))" it kinda takes away from the emotion. Like as I was reading, I was getting into it because your writing is really good and all and then suddenly it's like "eye color" and I'm like what? So it was a little confusing as well.
Sorry to criticize, because I know how hard it is to keep the "you" very open! >< I love you writing so I just hope that by telling you this, you'll take into consideration the reader's perspective more and adjust your style to be more reader-friendly.