
Im lost in your heart

Minho-i really wanted to help taemin but before I could jonghyun came barging in I really hate that guy he is always with taemin, but I don't understand why do I feel like this I don't even know taemin. So I left then and went on to class, but then I realized that the both of them weren't in class I bet they skip class I can't stand jonghyun anymore but if isn't their with taemin who is going to protect him I barely know him and I already think I know him better then anybody else.

then suddenly somebody is talking to me 

hi Minho why do u look so sad?

 Hi onew it's nothing 

then why don't we both go play videogames after school

welll.... Ok then but let's go my room though 

alright and stop being sad or ill have to kiss u 

jajaja aalright

Then the teacher enters and said everybody get back to our sets class is about to begin.

school finally ended me and onew went to walking to my room. Then I open my door and what saw made my blood boil I saw taemin and Jonghyun sleeping and hugging each other. I couldn't think at that moment my body moved on its self before I knew it a grab taemin fragile wirst and got him out of bed and drag him to the hallway and threw him up against the wall put my two hands against his sides. Asking him why where they huging each other I looked so scary I notice that taemin was also scared. But then he escaped and ran to the classroom and I just stood their.

onew- most people know me because of my money everybody only liked me because of my money I gave up on having friends. Until Minho came to my school I have never meet a person like Minho he is different from the rest, the more we became close the more I stared to fall in love with him. I told Minho if we should go play video games because he looked sad well once we gotta his room we open the door and see two guys huging eachother made me blush once I saw them, Minho grab the little boy hand and drag him to the hallway after a few second the boy left running and Minho stand their for a while then left running after the boy. 

So I went after Minho, and once I got to one of the class room I could see Minho protect the boy from some bullies and then he stared to beat them up then after that they left leaving Minho and the boy alone. I saw Minho huging him saying he would protect him from now and on. And when I saw them my heart started to beat I Just stood their. 


sorry I haven't write anything it might be crapy but next time all try even harder and try to update  more and please bear with me thank you 

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des2bfree #1
Chapter 3: cant wait for ur next updte