Chapter 3

3rd wheel


‘’What am I supposed to do?’’

Kyungsoo asked that to himself relentlessly since Suho and Kris had told him he would have to take care of Kai and make sure that Luhan and Sehun would explain to him. And he had to do it alone.

Kris told him he would get some help from Suho, after all, they were the leaders and they had the responsibility to keep the group’s harmony. But Suho had already too much to do: many people complained and joked about the fact Suho couldn’t ‘control’ EXO-K’s members well and they kept comparing them to Kris and the other members of EXO-M. Kyungsoo thought i twas a bit unfair, no one among EXO-M had derp faces that were out of control. Chanyeol by himself had more derp faces than the entire EXO-M. Fans didn’t really mind it, they actually love it but they still feel bad about it. And talking about derp faces, he was the 2nd best at it. Not something he was really proud of. He wanted to practice more in front of the mirror and looks cool in public but he had this problem to take care of. Why was he the one responsible in the first place?! Luhan was more mature than him and he was DIRECTLY involved in it! He couldn’t calm down. He was frustrated : the whole situation was totally ridiculous.  

‘’What am I supposed to do?’’

Kyungsoo was again thinking about what he was calling the crazy sh*t when Jongin entered their room as he tried to bear with the pain: his injury just got worse since they started promoting their title song MAMA. Jongin gave it all at each performance even if he knew for sure that his pain would only increase.

‘’Hyung, why are you always lying on your bed? You’re doing this a lot’s like your new hobby haha...and what are you even thinking about? What’s wrong with you?’’

‘’ Huh?! N-nothing…I…it’s really nothing. You should rather worry about yourself! Wait here, I’m going to help you change your bandages ok?’’

Kyungsoo then went to the bathroom to bring all he needed but his real reason was to hide the fact that he was blushing. He didn’t want Jongin to see it. He was so bad at lying too! That was another reason why he didn’t want to get involved in the crazy sh*t. He at lying and it was the key in s’ stupid plan. He definitely won’t be able to succeed; the others will probably be disappointed...

Sehun who had just entered, saw Kyungsoo, blushing, tumbling out of his room and coming from the same room, Kai’s voice. No, it was more like a moan/groan followed by a deep breath.

What the hell just happened?!

Sehun froze as he realized this scene was a déjà vu. A déjà vu because it happened to him with Luhan when they just started dating. When, he wanted to do stuffs...but Luhan would just escape as Kyungsoo did now. Sehun then laughed and kept a wide smile on his face, thinking that maybe, soon, he will be able to tell all what he wanted to his best friend.


Aish!! I should have waited for Kyungsoo hyung to come back. It hurts way too much when I try to remove the bandages by myself!

Kai closed his eyes and lied on his bed, trying to ignore his pain while waiting for his hyung.


He was cutting the vegetables as the water was boiling. Cooking was the only thing that could make him escape his unpleasant thoughts for a moment. The kitchen was also his shelter. It was the only room in their dorm where he could isolate himself from the rest of the group: he refused anybody’s help in the kitchen because whenever he was alone with one of them, they had to talk about Jongin. That pissed him off so much because his worries about Jongin gave him headache and when asking for help about it from one of s, he would reply: You know him better than I do, you will find a solution, Hwaiting! To Kyungsoo, this was complete bullsh*t. And Sehun was also being really weird as he was bringing up Jongin in every discussion they had while he used to talk only about his ‘perfect’ long-distance relationship with Luhan. Lately, he also played around a lot with Kai during the weekly music shows, fan signing events and radio shows. Kyungsoo wouldn’t have care about it if Sehun still was calling Luhan as much as he used too. That was the strange part of it.

But what alarmed him was the little talk he had with Sehun last night.

‘’ Hyung...what do you think about Jongin hyung?’’

‘’ What do you mean?’’

‘’ you consider him more like a dongsaeng, friend or really really close friend?’’

‘’What?! hahaha why are you asking such a weird thing?’’

Sehun looked at him seriously, waiting for an answer.

‘’Well...if i have to answer, I would say all 3?’’


Sehun blushed and avoided Kyungsoo’s eyes who stared at him for a while.

‘’Then what about you?’’ He finally said.

Sehun stuttered:

‘’I don’t’s a bit confusing...Hyung I wanted to tell that...I think...I think I’m going to practice my dancing now, see you later hyung!’’

 Without letting Kyungsoo say a word, Sehun stood up and went to his room leaving a really confused Kyungsoo in the living room.

Thinking back to yesterday, Kyungsoo did not know what to think of Sehun and his possible change of feelings for Jongin and Luhan.

He sighed and got back to his work: longer and more the recipe was, better it was for him and his mental state.

To help. That was all he wished for. To no longer feel guilty and to no longer lie to his best friend and hyung Jongin.

EXO’s maknae really wanted all his hyungs to find happiness like Luhan and himself. The only problem is that he had no idea how. He was now certain that Kyungsoo had some feelings for Jongin: He would always blush when he talked to him and he was avoiding him as much as possible. Even thought he clearly heard Jongin that day, he wasn’t sure about his friend’s feelings for Kyungsoo: He didn’t seem to act weird around him and he never talked about Kyungsoo or avoided him like their older hyung was doing. He desperately wanted Jongin to be in love with Kyungsoo so that everything would get solved by itself.

He almost spit the truth to Kyungsoo that night: What he planned with Luhan and the reason they didn’t want Jongin to know. They’d even agreed not to call as much as they used to in order to avoid any suspicion from Jongin.

He couldn’t bear with the guilt anymore. He has to talk about it with someone. He has to tell about his plan. It was was the most effective way for Jongin to know without getting angry and make everything goes back as it was or even better. No way would he tell this to Luhan. He was his lover yes, but that meant he knew him well. His plan was risky and it wasn’t the kind of plan his boyfriend would agree on. But then who? Chanyeol? Baekhyun? Suho? His EXO-M hyungs?  Suho.

Suho who just now entered the room, was his closest hyung after Luhan and Jongin. He was also the leader.

It’s been more than 10 times already that he was calling and hanging up right away. He missed his voice and he was worried about Jongin...and Kyungsoo too since that day when Sehun told him what was going on. Luhan was confused. He sighed and put his phone on the table. He would probably call tomorrow as he planned with Sehun. He was also wondering wether or not, he should tell him about their members’ plan about them both and Jongin. It’s been 2 weeks now that they were separated, and in 2 or 3 weeks, they will have to tell Jongin, otherwise, he will hear it from the others. He knew this will hurt him more than anything and he would never forgive him and Sehun for keeping it a secret and not telling him directly. Luhan closed his eyes and massaged his temples. He was exhausted and not only physically. This hurricane of feelings was killing him. Hopefully, Yixing would soon be back with their cups of tea. This night was going to be long...

Everyone was going crazy, including Suho. The leader didn’t know what to think. Kyungsoo told him that Sehun was changing his mind and that he was more into Jongin than Luhan but Sehun told him that Kyungsoo and Jongin had something going on. Who to believe? He had no idea. He needed to call someone to have more details.

‘’Luhan? It’s Joonmyun...’’


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shikasic #1
Chapter 5: update soon!
Coldsun1996 #2
Chapter 5: Hgvhsdgcvegdgcedgycvecy
Coldsun1996 #3
Chapter 4: Omg this story is sooo good <33333