♕Calling BananaNutt ♕

♕ Byuntae Paradise ♕ ||REVIEW SHOP|| HAITUS


"A r e   Y o u   R e a d y?" 


               Right Side Up: Happinessonearth || BananaNutt || Ohsehunsdiq ⇦          Set, 


T i t l e ❧  5/5 

The title is very interesting! nice. nice. 


P o s t e r & B a c k g r o u n d ❧ 8.5/10 b u l g e s

Can i just say that the background is super adorable omfg. And you know what, the poster actually makes sense so, it's good!


P l o t & o r i g i n a l i t y ❧ 7/10  t h i g h s

Alrighty, even though you got the other bits high, I'm not so sure about the plot and originality because it's a common storyline to us fangirls, i have to admit but i like how you made some small changes to it. So extra point for you!


G r a m m a r & s p e l l i n g ❧ 10/10 b u t t s

 Perfect spelling and grammar. u v u 


W r i t i n g  s t y l e & s t o r y  f l o w ❧ 10/10  a b s

Simple writing style, nothing wrong with it though. It's your word choice. The story flowed well, despite only reading 3 chapters but 1 and 2 flowed well so i'm just assuming the rest is great. 


C h a r a c t e r i z a t i o n ❧ 8.5/10  n e c k  v e i n s 

I suggest you express the characters' feelings more but i'm happy with the first chapter because you introduced the main characters well. 


O v e r a l l  e n j o y m e n t ❧ 87/100 

              ▴▹▾◃▴▹▾◃▴▹▾◃▴▹▾◃▴▹▾◃◃▴▹▾◃▴▹▾◃▴▹▾◃▴▹▾◃▴▹▾◃◃▴▹▾◃▴▹▾◃▴▹▾◃▴▹▾◃▴▹▾◃◃▴▹▾◃▴▹▾◃▴▹▾◃▴▹▾◃▴▹▾◃ have some nachos

A/N : sorry for the wait~ 

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beybattler1 #1
review my story hub.com plis
beybattler1 #2
review my story hub.com plis
BananaNutt #3
Chapter 7: Thank you so much (: <3
- Username; clumsyblue

- Profile link; http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/317453

- Co-author if any; N/A

-Story title; The Scrapbook

-Story link; http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/412885

-Fanfic Genre/theme; romance, slightly fluff

-Is your story completed/ongoing/one-shot?; one-shot

-Which reviewer do you wish for?; anyone available

-Chapters to review 1-3 chapters(sorry we can't review a whole a story, unless it's a one-shot);

-Brief Summary; I don't need the presents. I don't need the pictures. I don't need the memories. I just need you, by my side again...

-Any additional comments; -

Thank you, :)
BananaNutt #5
- Username; BananaNutt

- Profile link; http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/7940

- Co-author if any; N/A.

-Story title; Right Side Up: happiness on earth

-Story link; http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/359535/right-side-up-happinessonearth-angst-fluff-key-kimhyunjoong-minho-romance-taemin

-Fanfic Genre/theme; romantic comedy. drama.

-Is your story completed/ongoing/one-shot?; Ongoing.

-Which reviewer do you wish for?; who ever is available and nice ^^'

-Chapters to review 1-3 chapters(sorry we can't review a whole a story, unless it's a one-shot); Chapters 1,2,10

-Brief Summary; Michaela and her best friend Kylie move to Seoul for school. They had no intentions of finding love. Until Michaela ran into Taemin who she later finds out is a famous celebrity she had admired when she was little. Meeting the rest of the members, Michaela is entangled in endless love triangles. With drama stacking on her shoulders, Michaela continues to search for happiness.

-Any additional comments; Uhm, im not that great of a writer, but its a remake, so its better than the past one >.< i hope its okay.
Chapter 5: Yay~! Hahaha I love you Brook <3 Thank you for this. I'll be waiting for the rest.
Hunny_chan210 #7
Chapter 6: Ahhhh I see == now I feel like i don't want to continue the story but thanks for the review

- Username; AshesAngel

- Profile link; http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/299137

- Co-author if any; N/A.

-Story title; ... Only For You ...

-Story link; http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/403977/only-for-you-eunhae-kyumin-minkey-shinee-superjunior-kangteuk-zhougeng

-Fanfic Genre/theme; School Life, Romance, Hurt/Comfort.

-Is your story completed/ongoing/one-shot?; Ongoing.

-Which reviewer do you wish for?; I don't mind, ^^

-Chapters to review 1-3 chapters(sorry we can't review a whole a story, unless it's a one-shot); Chapters 1-3 (it's all I have so far ^^;)

-Brief Summary; Lee Donghae is 15 and in his first year at SM Academy. He dreams of becoming an SM Trainee, and will go to any lengths to accomplish his dream. When a blast from the past enters his present, Donghae's world is turned upside down.

-Any additional comments; Most of the characters are either OOC, or modified in some way, whether it be age, family relations, etc.
Chapter 4: You call that harsh? You're the sweetest thing ever!
I liked it from top to bottom ;)
Yes, I'm too lazy to request a graphic or make one myself : |
Fakeness:my creation B)
About the originality, I thought so too! I mean like I don't see a lot of stories with this plot here, there was a reviewer that told me this wasn't original and stuff :c
And no my other stories are cliche and terrible cause i wrote em when i was 13 -_-'
Im happy you enjoyed this!
- Username; hansollover

- Profile link; http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/77178

- Co-author if any; no

-Story title; My Fear Is Betrayal

-Story link; http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/415570

-Fanfic Genre/theme; Dark/Angst, Drabble

-Is your story completed/ongoing/one-shot?; Completed drabble.

-Which reviewer do you wish for?; byuntaepotato

-Chapters to review 1-3 chapters(sorry we can't review a whole a story, unless it's a one-shot); –

-Brief Summary; I used to be someone who people's souls with my fakeness because of a stupid reason. I used to win in this game, but I lost. I lost to betrayal, my worst fear.

-Any additional comments; –