~^Oblivious Nature^~ (Onew) Chapter 8 (Finale)

~^Oblivious Nature^~ (Onew SHINee)

^Poster By Undankbar :)

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This is the last chapter of my Onew story *Cries a little*  My key story will be coming soon so Yay! I also am working on a Short Taemin story, i love Taemin, he's is soo adorable!! READ/RATE/MESSAGE ~{xxxKissTheAngelxxx}~ Melissa Playing: "Finally" By Brave Brothers ft U-kiss song here(Amazing song!) Special guest ALERT!! hehe ^^


“Damn Kun-Sun! You did really good with the whole yearbook planning!” Key said next to me, flicking through a copy of the new yearbook as we walked into the Prom hall.

I hooked on tightly to Taemin while Minho and Jonghyun followed behind us then Onew and Yoora.

“Wow Kun-Sun! This is such a cute Prom, I never went to my Prom I was too grown up for it!” Yoora blabbed out as we stopped at the bleachers.

~…Condescending …~

“Yeah thanks,” I faked a smile.

“Anyway who wants to come with me to get a drink?” Minho suggested, he knew this was a really awkward moment.

“We will!” Key and Jonghyun yelled out.

“Yeah us too!” Taemin and I agreed.

“I’ll stay here,” Yoora smiled widely.

I looked at Onew, “What about you?”

Onew looked at Yoora then at me, “I’ll stay here with Yoora,”


“Alright let’s go get drinks!” Key squealed signalling Minho and Jonghyun to drag Taemin and I away from the happy couple.

Onew gave us a weak smile, as we got further away. We finally stopped at the punch table.

“That was beyond awkward!” Key coughed out.

“Tell me about it, Yoora’s such a kill joy!” Minho agreed pouring out some punch.

“Hyung’s completely crazy!” Taemin commented unhooking himself from my arm.

“I hope he’s happy cause I just wanna get this night over with,” I huffed as Taemin handed me a cup full of punch.

I took a sip of my punch then noticed the guys were staring at something behind me with smirks. I turned around with a mouth full of punch to meet a familiar face.

“Hey Kunnie!” He smiled.

I spat out my punch, luckily no one got hit by it and wiped my mouth, “Chulyong?! I mean Mir, what are you doing here?”

“Did you really think I’d miss our last Prom?” Mir replied with a smirk.

“Umm…well yes,” I said plainly.

“Ah, Kunnie Kunnie Kunnie, I would never miss our last year Prom, especially when there’s a page in the yearbook dedicated to me!” Mir held up his yearbook page next to his face and mimicked the picture.

I sniggered at Mir. I really did miss his quirky nature.

“Oh Chulyong, you remember SHINee right?” I said gesturing to Key and the rest.

“Yeah…one’s missing, where’s Onew Hyung?” Mir noticed and began looking around.

“He’s around somewhere with his girlfriend Yoora,” Jonghyun explained. I gritted my teeth hearing Yoora’s name.

“Oh…So Kun-Sun, would you like to dance with me?” Mir smirked holding his hand out.

“Umm..” I looked at Taemin, he was looking around the room in awe.

“I won’t step on your feet and we can catch up!” Mir cooed out raising his eyebrows.

I smiled, “It’s not that, it’s just that Taemin’s my date tonight, sooo if you want to dance with me, you’re gonna have to ask Taemin first!”

Mir his chin and smirked, “Okay little miss difficult…” Mir turned to Taemin, “Taemin, may I dance with your beautiful date?”

“Hmmm…Sure but make sure you don’t twirl her, she gets sick!” Taemin laughed remembering an old memory.

Mir laughed and held out his hand again, “That’s a yes…Come my lady,”

I rolled my eyes and took his hand so he could lead me to the dance floor. Mir led me to the centre of the room and positioned his hands on my waist while I placed mine around his neck.

Soon we began swaying side to side to an unknown song.

“So, how’s the spotlight Chulyong?” I asked looking at him.

“It’s okay, I miss the normal things though and it’s Mir now,” He smirked smugly.

“Let’s get this clear, CHULYONG…Just because you’re in a hot idol group doesn’t mean I’m gonna call you by your stage name, Okay!” I gave Mir a glare.

Mir chuckled, “I’ve missed you Kunnie-Sun!”

“I missed you too, Chulie Pop!” I giggled.

Mir grinned then looked down for a second, “So…you dating anyone?”

I suddenly got rather nervous, “Ummm no, you seeing anyone?”

“Nope, you were the last to kiss these lips!” Mir pushed out his lips making me chuckle.

“Same here,” I smiled staring at him.

Mir was the same as when I met him, so sweet, so funny, quirky and somewhat dorky.

~…I could fall for Mir…~

“Do you like anyone at the moment?” Mir asked probing deeper.

“Lee Joon’s pretty y, I could lay down for him!” I laughed out.

“What?! You’d lay down for Joon but not me your Chulie Pop?! I feel so betrayed!” Mir huffed and pulled a dramatic pose.

I laughed and shook my head, “But seriously, I did like someone but he doesn’t matter now,”

Mir gave me his y smirk, “Good…cause I was thinking we could fool around a bit!”

“Chulyong!” I squealed hitting his chest, he just smiled and shrugged.

~…Maybe I can move on…~


I wasn’t really enjoying myself being that my band members we’re avoiding me because of their hatred for Yoora. I didn’t understand what they saw that was so bad about her. She’s pretty, kind, sensitive, c….

“Oh my god this Prom is sooo lame!” Yoora yawned out catching my attention.

“It’s not that bad, I think it’s quite nice,” I replied looking at her.

“Whatever Onew, why did we even come here?” Yoora moaned checking her phone.

“Because we promised we’d come to Kun-Sun’s last Prom,” I explained analysing Yoora’s displeased face.

“WE, didn’t promise anything, you did….where’s little Kun-Sun anyway?” Yoora asked not taking her eyes off her phone.

I looked around and stopped at each member one by one, first Minho then Taemin and Key, Jonghyun was talking to some girls.

I continued to look around until I saw Kun-Sun. She was dancing with Mir. Right then something changed, I felt something…

“Awww there she is, look at her dancing with Mir, they’re like cute little kids!” Yoora cooed out in a baby voice nudging me.

“Why do you have to do that?” I snapped at her.

“Do what Oppa?” Yoora replied like she did nothing, was this what my band members were talking about...

“Patronise Kun-Sun all the time, she’s 18 you know, only a year younger than you!” I scorned at her.

“Okay whatever, why do you care anyway? She seems happy with her pity dance with Mir!” Yoora shrugged me off.

“Pity dance?! Mir use to love her!” I replied disgusted by what I was hearing.

Yoora rolled her eyes, “That’s what you say, no offence but I don’t see what anyone would see in Kun-Sun, she’s just a little girl,”

I couldn’t believe I didn’t see Yoora for she was until now…I’m so stupid! I thought Yoora was smart, funny, cute, beautiful…everything that Kun-Sun is….

“Anyway after this, we should go to that new club, I’m sure you can get me in!” Yoora beamed a wide smile at me.

How could I even like something so conceited like Yoora…

“Actually Yoora, I think we should go somewhere and talk,” I sighed then glanced at Kun-Sun.

Yoora shrugged, “Whatever,”

I huffed and led Yoora into the hallway. I guess Kun-Sun was right, I owe her and SHINee an apology.


“Ai ya Taemin! Stop twirling me!” I squealed out feeling slightly queasy.

“Sorry Noona, I got carried away!” Taemin giggled as he stopped twirling me.

I shook my head and regained my focus. I looked around the room then noticed someone was missing.

“Key, where’s Onew?” I asked tapping his shoulder.

“Umm, I think he left with Yoora,” Key replied quietly.

~…He left without saying goodbye?...~

“Oh,” I sighed.

“Kun-Sun don’t worry…” Jonghyun put his arm around my shoulders, “…I bet we’re having a better time than he is!”

I smiled, “Thanks Jonghyun, you’re probably right!”

“Of course I’m right plus, you have lover boy over there,” Jonghyun signalled to Mir before moving across the dance floor.

I walked up to Mir and smiled, “You having fun Chulyong?”

“Yeah I am….Can we go somewhere quiet to talk?” Mir asked. He looked slightly nervous.

I nodded, “Sure,”

Mir took my hand and led me to a dark corner of the Prom hall. We stopped in the corner, it was weird that we could see everyone dancing but they couldn’t see us.

Mir cleared his throat, “I’ve had a great night with you Kun-Sun,”

“Awww Chulyong, I’ve had a great time with you too, if it weren’t for you showing up tonight, I’d be miserable,” I cooed out sincerely.

“Yeah…hey, I’ve been thinking…” Mir looked at me, he had a familiar look in his eye.

“About what?” I asked trying to read his face.

“About us,” Mir stated simply.

I was quite surprised so I stayed quiet and waited for Mir to speak once more.

“Truth is…I gotta leave right now, busy schedule you know, but I wanted to ask you…Can we give us another shot, is it possible we can go back to being together?” Mir asked with a glossy eyed expression.

~…But what about Onew?...~

I took a deep breath and exhaled, “Chulie…Honestly, I would love to be back with you, I’ve missed you so much since you dropped out but…at the moment, my feelings are all messed up and I need time,”

Mir gave me a light smile, “I understand…I hope Onew knows what he’s got,”

“Oh my god! Did everyone know except Onew?!” I screeched slightly annoyed.

Mir chuckled, “Pretty much…and I know you too well Kun-Sun!”

Mir took out his phone and looked at it, “Well…I gotta get going,”

“Do you have to go?” I whimpered out.

Mir frowned slightly then took my hand, “Yeah, sadly I do…It was really fun hanging with you tonight,”

I bit my lip hard, “I’m really gonna miss you Chulyong!”

“I’m gonna miss you too,” Mir smiled.

Mir pulled me closer to him and slowly leaned forward then kissed me on the lips. His lips were warm and soft, the kiss felt amazing but Mir wasn’t the one I wanted to kiss.

Mir pulled back and smirked, “I just need a little goodbye present!”

I giggled shyly “Chulyong…you know I could of fallen in love with you,”

Mir my cheek, “I know, see ya round Kunnie!”

“Goodbye Mir,” I sighed as he walked away and left the Prom hall.

I took a deep breath and headed to the punch table. I poured myself a large cup full and downed it. What was I thinking? Mir could be my one shot of finding someone but I still love Onew…

“Kun-Sun you okay?” Minho appeared beside me.

“Umm yeah, I’m gonna go outside and get some air, Oppa I’ll be back in a second,” I said quickly before rushing out of the Prom hall.

I took a left down the hall and pushed the double doors open and walked outside into the break area.

I stopped suddenly as I noticed Onew sitting on one of the school benches.

~…Go to him…~

I obeyed the voice in my head and began walking to the bench. I sat on the bench next to Onew quietly. He seemed to notice me but kept quiet.

“Hey...” I mumbled out.

“Hey...” Onew replied not looking at me but down at his feet.

“Mir showed up to Prom,” I said trying to start a conversation.

“Yeah I know,” Onew replied plainly.

I glanced at Onew then back ahead, “He kissed me and asked me if we could get back together,”

I saw Onew sit up in the corner of my eye, “What did you say?”

I smiled and looked at him, “I said I couldn’t,”

“Oh…” Onew sighed and focused back on the ground.

“So where’s Yoora?” I asked looking up at the sky. The stars were out shining bright.

“She left….we broke up,” Onew replied looking at me.


“That’s horrible Onew!” I said trying hard to be sympathetic.

“No, not really…she was a !” Onew grinned looking at me.

We burst into laughter together, it was nice but soon it became awkward and silent.

I sighed, “You know what’s funny?...I think I might have just given up the best boyfriend and the best kisser I could ever have,”


“Yeah, Onew?” I answered looking at him. He was sitting up straight looking ahead.

Onew sighed, “I want to say I’m sorry…”

“You don’t have to-“

Onew cut me off by placing his finger on my lips, “Kun-Sun shhhh, just listen to me for a second!”

I nodded as he moved his finger from my lips.

Onew cleared his throat, “I’m sorry for not seeing the obvious, for not seeing you, the grown up, talented beautiful you…I know it maybe a little late now but tonight Kun-Sun I saw you, not a little sister,”

I tilted my head confused, “Oppa, what are you getting at?”

Onew looked at me, “What I’m trying to say is….Kun-Sun do you want to be my girlfriend?”

“What?!” I choked out.

Onew moved closer to me and held my hand, “For the first time today, I saw you, the real you, the pretty, kind, funny, lovable Kun-Sun….You’re everything I convinced myself that Yoora was but I was blind….I want you Bae Kun-Sun,”

“Yes Onew, I’ll be your girlfriend!” I squealed out, my eyes were beginning to blur.

Onew smiled and hugged me. I looked up at him then suddenly I felt our lips touch. I let out a little whimper during the kiss. It was just as I imagined, my heart beating fast and butterflies in my stomach.

~…Onew is the one…~

Onew broke from the kiss with a surprised look on his face, “Urr wow, I never did that with Yoora!”

I burst into laughter, “Oppa you serious?! You never kissed her in the whole month and a half you were dating?!”

Onew shook his head, “Nope, the timing was never right,”

I grinned and my lip, “But ours was…”

“Yeah,” Onew smiled turning a slight rosy colour.

I smirked back at and held his hand, “I love you Onew…but even though I say that, Mir is still a better kisser!”

“Hey! That's not fair that was my first try!” Onew argued with me trying to poke me.

I giggled and sighed, “You wanna try again?”

“Yeah,” Onew my face and kissed me gently.

I had waited for this moment since forever, I was glad we were finally here.

~…Kun-Sun and Onew, Together Forever…~

*Surprise!* ^-^ Click next for Alternative Ending *O* ---->


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I loved this so much
Chapter 9: onew so pabo
he didn't know it all this time
i like alternative ending
he deserve it
although my bias is onew
good job, thor
Chapter 9: Wow. I like the alternate ending more! This ia pretty cool! Good story!
good story ^^
T T This is so sad...I listened to SNSD Jessica's Almost...It made this more sad....
OnewLover11 #6
Aigoo This Is The First Time To Cry That Much Of Tears ;_; You Are Amazing :D
I liked the second ending better, when she ends up with Taemin, bearing in mind onew is my bias she was right to leave him, taeminnie was waiting for her. So sweet!!! Luved it :D
LOL. Key failed at being a bird XD Not so almighty afterall :P Key being so impatient XD One JongKey moment :P Poor Taemin :( Overall, AWESOME STORY!! I had a hard time not bursting out laughing cos my maid is asleep right now XD
@killeraegyo08 - Thank you very much ^-^ Yeah Kun-Sun and Mir would have been perfect together but i felt it was too easy. that's why for the alternative ending is used Taemin instead, it's like the ultimate payback for breaking her heart.<br />
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@MidnightMistress0912 - Lol i know. i realised i started getting upset with him when i was writing it, which led me to do the alternative ending which is bit more real to me.
Onew is so oblivious. Lol, hence the title... >.< Kinda mad me pissed off at him, but nicely written! :D