~^Oblivious Nature^~ (Onew) Chapter 6

~^Oblivious Nature^~ (Onew SHINee)

^Poster By Undankbar :)

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The truth will come out sooner or later! :O Don't you just love Onew! :) READ/RATE/MESSAGE ~{xxxKissTheAngelxxx}~ Melissa Playing: "Friend's Confession" By 2am Song Here (I cried to this song once :/, it's soo good though!)



“YOUR GIRLFRIEND’S A GOLD DIGGING HUSSY!” Jonghyun ambushed me just as I walked into the room.

“What the hell Jonghyun! What happened to the plan?!” Key shouted at him.

“ the plan, I can’t hold my tongue anymore!” Jonghyun growled back staring at me.

I was completely lost, “What the hell is going on?”

“Hyung we have been discussing things, things about your girlfriend,” Minho stated calmly.

“What Yoora? She’s great!” I replied with a smile.

Key shook his head, “No, she isn’t…Hyung-“

“She’s a conceited !” Jonghyun roared out.

“JONGHYUN!” Key and Minho scorned him.

“What I’m sorry, I can’t do this pleasant sugar coating crap,” Jonghyun huffed folding his arms.

“Why are you guys being like this? You don’t know Yoora!” I argued back.

“No Hyung, you don’t! You don’t see anything because you’re so blind to the obvious,” Taemin said calmly.

“You guys know nothing, I’m gonna call Kun-Sun maybe she can talk some sense into you,” I took out my phone ready to dial.

“Maybe you should!” Key shouted at me.

That was it, I dialled her number. The one person I knew that would be honest with me was Kun-Sun. There’s nothing she can’t tell me….


Today I decided not to go and see SHINee. I had a lot to do for prom and the yearbook. The prom was in a week and I still hadn’t picked a date.

However I was nearly done with the yearbook layout. I had dedicated a full page to Mir, I had been thinking about him a lot recently, mainly thinking if I could have ever fallen for him like I’d fallen for Onew.

But things never go to plan…

Suddenly my phone began to ring. I looked at the screen to see Onew’s name flash up. I quickly picked up my phone,

“Hi Oppa!” I chimed down the line.

“Hey Kun-Sun, I need to talk to you, can you come over?” Onew’s voice sounded strained like he had just found something out.

~…Does he know?...~

I felt my heart beat faster, “Urrr s-sure, I’ll come over now,”

“Thanks Kun-Sun,” Onew replied before hanging up.

I took a deep breath then grabbed my hoodie before dashing out of my room.

“Umma, Appa, I’m going to SHINee’s!” I called out running down the stairs and out the door.

“Okay!’ I faintly heard my Appa reply as I slammed the door shut and began running to the SHINee house.

It was strange, even though I knew Onew had girlfriend, my heart was still beating for him. And now that maybe he knows, he can-We can be together…maybe…

I ran up to the front door and knocked hard. I panted heavily as the door opened to reveal Minho with a curious looking face.

“Did you run here?” He asked as I stood up straight.

“Yes!” I puffed out.

“I hope it was worth it….Onew’s outside in the garden,” Minho smiled weakly at me then let me into the SHINee house.

I walked through the hallway then kitchen and opened the back door to the garden. I saw Onew sitting on the swing bench looking up at the sky. I took a deep breath again and walked over to him,

“So what do we need to talk about Oppa?” I asked shyly sitting next to him.

“Oh hey Kun-Sun, sorry for calling you here on short notice,” Onew apologised looking at me.

~…This is it…~

“It’s okay,” I breathed out slowly.

“I wanted to ask you something…” Onew paused for a second.

~…Say it Onew, say it….~

“…I wanted to ask you about Yoora,” Onew finished.

“Oh...your girlfriend,” I sighed. The pain in my heart began again.

“Yeah I wanted to ask you, what do you really think about her?” Onew asked staring at me.

“Umm well…” I didn’t know whether to be honest or not.

“Be honest with me Kun-Sun,” Onew pleaded with me.

~…Fine, if this is what you really want…~

“I hate her, she’s so conceited and belittling to both me and Taemin, all she does is ask you for things and brag about how famous you are, she’s not right for you!” I let it all out.

“Kun-Sun that’s a bit harsh, you don’t even know her!” Onew was quick to defend her.

“No Oppa, you asked for honesty and I’m giving it to you! I don’t think you really know her, yet you spend all your free time taking her to all these expensive places, Oppa she’s using you!” I yelled out standing up, trying to make him see sense.

Onew stood up, “What are you trying to say Kun-Sun? Wait no, is this because of the lack of time we spend together because you don’t have to worry, you have Taemin and-“

“No Oppa, it’s not about me, it’s about Yoora, she’s a bad person!” I argued desperately trying to make him see.

~…Say it….tell him you’re in love with him…~

I ignored the voice in my head and waited for Onew’s reply.

“You’re just like Jonghyun and the rest, why do you even care who I date?!” Onew shouted.

~…Because I love you…~

“Because we do Onew, we’re trying to protect you!” I yelled back ignoring the voice again.

~…Say it, say you love him…~

Onew’s face was becoming red, “I can take care of myself! Why would you even tell me I shouldn’t date Yoora, you have no right an-“

“BECAUSE I LOVE YOU ONEW!” I screamed out cutting him off. I had given into the voice.

Onew stared at me clueless, “Huh?”

It was too late to go back now, “Onew…I’m in love with you…I have been for a long time,”

Onew stood frozen staring at me, more like staring through me.

“Onew say something!” I yelled out.

Onew shook his head and stayed silent for a while, “Kun-Sun…I’m sorry-“

“No Oppa I’m sorry!” I cut him off for the last time before running back inside.

I ran through the kitchen and into the hallway where I bumped into Key.

“Key please move out the way so I can leave!” I sniffed out looking down at the floor. I didn’t want him to see me like this.

“Kun-Sun look at me, what happened?” Key spoke softly holding my shoulder and tilting my head up.

I looked at him and began crying heavily, “I told him Oppa and he just stood there staring right through me…Oppa…it hurts…I just want to go home!”

“Ai ya Kun-Sun,” Key wrapped his arms around me and I cried into his chest.

“Shhh….Hush Kun-Sun, I’ll take you home,” Key whispered in my ear.

I nodded and Key led me home. Why does rejection hurt so much?

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I loved this so much
Chapter 9: onew so pabo
he didn't know it all this time
i like alternative ending
he deserve it
although my bias is onew
good job, thor
Chapter 9: Wow. I like the alternate ending more! This ia pretty cool! Good story!
good story ^^
T T This is so sad...I listened to SNSD Jessica's Almost...It made this more sad....
OnewLover11 #6
Aigoo This Is The First Time To Cry That Much Of Tears ;_; You Are Amazing :D
I liked the second ending better, when she ends up with Taemin, bearing in mind onew is my bias she was right to leave him, taeminnie was waiting for her. So sweet!!! Luved it :D
LOL. Key failed at being a bird XD Not so almighty afterall :P Key being so impatient XD One JongKey moment :P Poor Taemin :( Overall, AWESOME STORY!! I had a hard time not bursting out laughing cos my maid is asleep right now XD
@killeraegyo08 - Thank you very much ^-^ Yeah Kun-Sun and Mir would have been perfect together but i felt it was too easy. that's why for the alternative ending is used Taemin instead, it's like the ultimate payback for breaking her heart.<br />
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@MidnightMistress0912 - Lol i know. i realised i started getting upset with him when i was writing it, which led me to do the alternative ending which is bit more real to me.
Onew is so oblivious. Lol, hence the title... >.< Kinda mad me pissed off at him, but nicely written! :D