Sizes Of Images

simple // ur most basic layout tutorials thread

Haha, I'm enjoying this more than I thought I would. XD
Anyway, the topic we're going to cover today is basically
sizes. The size you make your images or the
size of your text. Let's start, yeah?


The size you make your image matters. Yes, it does. For one, I don't think you should ever change the height and the width so that the picture looks all odd. Kind of like squishing the photo together. Does that make sense? Here, I'll give an example.

The dimensions of this picture are 500x385.

When resizing an image, I suggest you keep that lock button (located right next to the width inside the box when inserting an image) locked. Never unlock it and make your own dimensions. If you do, it might come out looking a little something like this.
The first image is set to 500x200. The second is set to 300x385.

Notice how the images look really squished and ugly? That's not what you want. Keep the ratio lock button locked so that if you resize it, the ratio's will be even and the image will be resized properly. I'll give an example of if I resize the image with the ratio lock button locked.
The size of this image is 260x200.

See how the ratio's are locked and perfectly fine and the image still looks normal? That's what you want.

The second thing I have to say about the image size is.. the image itself! You should never pick an image with small dimensions and then resize it so that it's larger. Let's say you get a 100x100 icon and you resize it to 300x300. The most likely results would be that the image's quality becomes super low quality and you may even see the pixels in it. Here, I'll show an example for this one too.

This image's dimensions are 100x100. Now look at what happens when I change it to 300x300.


Notice how you can see the pixels of the image? That wouldn't look very good on a layout. If you're going to use an icon and you want it to be larger, don't resize. I'd say make a kind of chain with icons.

Next is the different ways you could find a picture and the source you could get it from.
Resources to get images are: Tumblr, WeHeartIt, Google Images, Photobucket..
Hmm, there are more resources but I can't seem to think of any right now. There are millions of resources actually. Just on some of them (like Photobucket) you may not find the best pictures-- but you still get some. Also, I don't really recommend WeHeartIt because mostly all of it is off of Tumblr. But, you know. Do what you want. It's your life. BUT. I have something to say about Google Images. If you find a picture that's too small and you want it to be bigger, click on the image, click on 'more sizes' and choose one of the first ones for the biggest sizes they hav available!

Let's say you want this picture but it's, obviously, way too small and you want a bigger one. Click on the image and then click on 'More Sizes'.

Then pick one of the first for a larger size.

See? Now you have a way larger and better picture to use. Personally, I think that the only way to go when resizing is to make it smaller. If you resize it larger, the quality grts worse and if you resize it so it's smaller, you won't have to run into that problem. I think this is all that I have to say about the sizes of images though.. Next, we're moving onto the size of text!

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Chapter 13: ⋆。°✩Reader Comment⋆。°✩

Hi author -esque!!

Love this tutorial!! Thank you so much!!

Thank you for creating this!!!!
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