Chosen Student oo3.

Shining Academy

B e h i n d  t h e  S c e n e s

Your AFF Username: IceCreamLover

A c t i o n

Your Character's Name: Joo Eun Kim

Character's Nickname: Joo~ (Only five people can call me that)

Age: 17 | 18

Place of Birth: California

Date of Birth: March 2, 1995

Ethnicity: 3/4 American 1/4 Korean

Spoken Languages: English, Korean

Name of Ulzzang: Song Ah Ri

Audition: I played the 'Flight of the Bumblebee' and amazingly got in.

Profession: I am a Flautist

Instrument: Flute

C u t


  • Meat
  • Video games
  • Pokemon
  • Cakes
  • DBSK
  • Super Junior
  • Music
  • Flutes
  • Piccolos


  • Vegetables
  • Bad singers
  • Rats
  • Dead stuff
  • Tattoos
  • Snobby people
  • Doing homework
  • Being short


  • Reading
  • Sleeping
  • Hiking
  • Eating
  • Listening to music
  • Going out with my friends


  • Biting my left thumb when I'm nervous
  • Tching when someone makes a mistake
  • Twiddling my thumbs when I'm bored
  • Drumming my fingers after I get bored of twiddling my thumbs (and vice versa)
  • Covering my face when I get embarresed
  • Rubbing my temples when I get stressed
  • Cracking my knuckles

Personality: I am very short. Like 5'6.... I HATE IT! I have an older sister and a mother and father. I am very shy, but once I get to know someone, my inner personality comes out and I show them that I am fun-sized. I hate having secrets kept from me and I will pester my friends until they either tell me or try to kill me. (It almost happened once.) I'm not perfect, but I will get anything done. (eventually) I zone out a lot, so my friends need to start slapping me for a good minute, then I slap them back. I try to take care of my friends and if anything happens to them, I will find the person who hurt them and demand an explanation. I usually then drag the person back and make them say an apology. I'm not popular, and I don't want to be popular. I think it's dumb to get up early in the morning to fix my appearance- what a waste of sleeping time!
Family Members/Background: Kim Na Young is my older sister who ADORES being popular. She gets up at 5:30 to get her appearance ready for school. She wants to be a queenka, but I doubt she's going to be one. She tries so hard to be in the 'in' crowd, it's pitiful. She wonders why I hate being popular, so she takes me out with her friends to 'show me what you're missing!' My mother is Cho Lee Min. She is an accountant and she loves her job. Since she counts A LOT, she wants me and Na Young to get A's in math. She is cheerful, and will do anything in her power to help her family. She loves her kids and husband very much. My dad is an engineer, so he doesn't come home early. Whenever he does, it's a big event so we make up the lost time by having fun and playing board games. My dad is a very serious man- it's amazing how my mom and dad are polar opposites, yet they get along well- and won't put up with aegyo...
Lee Gikwang-BEAST
Bang 'Mir' Chul Yong-MBLAQ

Personality of your friends:
Lee Gikwang-BEAST: This dude is really odd... yup. And bipolar. Sometimes. He is also really caring, and will stand up to others. He is loyal and will do anything to make his friends feel better. He is nice, and is sweet. He is like a calendar because he remembers EVERYTHING! If it's someone's birthday, he would buy the present the day before and the cake, he would bake it at home. He is actually handsome and some people (girls) like him only for that.
Bang 'Mir' Chul Yong- MBLAQ: Mir is loud and cocky. He will do what ever he wants whenever he wants. So, I control his wanting with food. If he does something that pleases me, I will make him food that he likes. Since he is such a trouble maker, people rely on me to control him. Sadly, they only think about first appearences so they don't know that he surprisingly has a lot of aegyo and will use it to try to get what he wants.

W h e r e f o r e   a r t   t h o u   L U C I F E R

Your Lucifer: Kim 'Key' Kibum

Your Lucifer's Personality: A diva who likes to bully others who are in a lower class than him.

Your Lucifer's actions toward the Juliette: Rude and cocky, then sort of changes to a nicer guy then before.

Your Lucifer's feelings toward the Juliette: Rivals to aquaintances

Your Amigo: Lee 'Chunji' Chanhee - Teen Top

Your Amigo's Personality: Chunji is a nice guy who is smart and caring. He is someone that can be a therapist,
but a second later a personal cheerleader. He is certain to make any one laugh because he can be such an idiot at times.

Your Amigo's actions toward the Juliette: Bestfriends

Your Amigo's feelings toward the Juliette: Bestfriends

Moments: Truth or Dare with all ten of us.

E n d i n g   C r e d i t s


  • I am a blood type A
  • I eat icecream when I'm feeling down
  • Sungmin is my favorite member of Super Junior
  • I am an extreme B2UTY
  • My favorite band is F.T. Island
  • I am a Cassiopiea
  • I am also a Primadonna
  • My favorite member of F.T. Island is Hong Ki :)

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Awesome ^^
kissabletaetae #2
Chapter 18: nice one~~~
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BaybeeDoubleHluvsyhu #5
o.....update soon :D
Ooo~ a spring dance! ><<br />
I'm looking forward to that! LOL<br />
Everything looks so pretty *3*<br />
I love the first chapter!<br />
I LOVE HIRA'S CAT'S NAME. That's the first thing that came to my mind after I read the first two sentences xD<br />
And out of the five SHINee boys, Key has the funniest thoughts! Followed by Onew (but then again, he's always thinking about chicken ^.~) Minho's so...calm :)<br />
The first chapter was awesome ^^ Update soon<3~
Yay! It started! And you portrayed my character very well. :)
OH MY GOD I LOVE THE FIRST CHAPTER ALREADY!!!!! :DDDDD so excited for the next one!!!! UPDATE ASAP!!!!! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD I love hira's cat haha lord tubbington!!! <3 cute!
@WandererShEeP: XD<br />
I love you, my dear.