Chosen Student oo5.

Shining Academy

B e h i n d  t h e  S c e n e s

Your AFF Username: kpop4evah

A c t i o n

Your Character's Name: Lee Chun Hei
Character's Nickname: Chu
Age: 18 | 19
Place of Birth: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Date of Birth: June 6, 1991

Ethnicity: 1/2 Korean, 1/2 American
Spoken Languages: Fluent in English, Japanese, Korean, and Spanish
Name of Ulzzang: Lee Yeon Joo

Audition: My brother and I always joked around when we were bored at home so we went outside. He was dancing randomly when he challenged me to a dance battle. Me being the person I was couldn't refuse and we started dancing in our lawn. More and more people stared to show up and when we were done everyone was clapping. A man came up to me and said that there was this school I could go to. 
Profession: Dance Major (Mainly hip hop and pop)
Instrument: violin, piano

C u t


  • chocolate
  • plushies
  • turtles
  • music
  • sleeping
  • violets
  • watching movies
  • electronics


  • large animals
  • being yelled at
  • thunderstorms
  • rainy days
  • cabbage
  • people that are sad/depressed
  • using public bathrooms
  • bugs
  • homework/tests/school
  • being alone


  • singing
  • rapping
  • dancing
  • reading
  • tumbling
  • composing songs


  • bursting out into random songs and dancing
  • eating chocolate
  • batting my eyes when I want something
  • puffs out my cheeks when I'm bored
  • I stop and stare at anything I find interesting
  • I take small, random things and keep them as keepsakes
  • I glance down at my watch when I feel awkward
  • stuttering when I'm hiding something

Personality: Hi~ I'm Chun Hei but you can call me Chu! Hmm.. I can be shy, outgoing, a psycho, and happy-go-lucky but it depends on how I'm feeling. I'm the kind of girl that's into electronics and I'm a total nerd about it. Another thing thing is SUPERHEROS!!  Superman, Spiderman you name it.  I don't care entirely about my image which makes others think I'm stupid.  It doesn't seem like I think or understand a lot, but when I'm alone I like to meditate on things that bother me. I don't like using aegyo a lot because I'm not a big fan of it. But if I see someone else doing it I squeal like a little schoolgirl... it's true. I climb almost everything, but have never broken a bone in my body. You'll find me in a tree taking pictures, enjoying the day, or just chilling out. I read a lot and learn new languages frequently since both of my parents were foreign language teachers. I'm really interested in things and I'm not afraid to ask questions. I ABSOLUTELY love chocolate and I have to have some at least every day or else I'll be the laziest person you've ever meet. I'll call your name until you give me chocolate cookies, pudding, or chocolate cake. My friends constantly bribe me because they know I can't resist. Really, no one calls me unni because, honestly I don't act like one. I also have this cute turtle plushie that I call 'Franklin'. Sometimes I talked to him and told him things about my day since I didn't have very many friends. When I'm angry I can be a because I don't like putting up with people who tear down anyone, especially my friends. I can be overprotective of them but only because I care. I don't like to be left out of things especially if it's interesting. If they don't tell me, I'll probably use my annoying aegyo until they do. I have some insecurities about myself, but I don't like talking about them unless I know I can trust you. I hate being a burden to anyone so when I don't feel well at  times I keep it to myself.  When people tell me their problems, it often takes me a long time to answer because I think as if I was in the situation to get a better understanding. I'm really bad at keeping secrets so don't tell me any! IF you piss me off I usually storm out of the room, trying to find something to punch- so I don't punch you first. I hold grudges easily, which sometimes causes misunderstandings. I only apologize to those that I care for very well, which is saying something. When it comes to my dongsaengs, my true motherly instincts starts show. I LOVE kids and they seem to love me too. I keep my camera with me at all times because I think it helps you remember the most valuable things in life. 

Family Members/Background: I lived in the United States with my parents and oppa Lee ChangSu when I was 3. Both of my parents were teachers at the middle school I attended, teaching English and science in high school. I saw them everyday which I thought was pretty good. For teachers, they both had decent salaries every week and they were able to provide for us well. As a child, I was very hyper in class and soon enough, I was sent to the principle's office because of it. Since I was so hyper, my parents decided to enroll me into a dance class to let me get beneficially get rid of it. I had absolutely no interest in dancing when I was 13 because I simply at it. My brother loved dancing and soon I would be going to the same studio soon. He was 17 and already one of the star pupils in his class because of how smooth and effortless he made his dancing seem. I felt that living up to the expectation of the teachers was going to be pretty difficult. My brother was so excited that after my first practice, he helped me at home with all the dance steps I had trouble with. (Which was kind of embarrassing.) Soon, we both were named the 'Dynamite Duo' because we both seemed to have a talent for dancing and it was pretty obvious. After 3 years, the dance studio recommended we go back to Korea and audition for a prestigious arts school there. So we all went back  to Seoul, South Korea where my parents were English teachers at a small elementary school. My brother and I would help the kids with their English and when there was recess, teach them dances and sing songs. We were almost always together and cared deeply for each other. When we were together we walked down the street randomly singing and dancing to any songs we heard.

Friends: Bang Min Ah - Girl's Day, Meng Jia - Miss A

Personality of your friends:
MinAh: She pretty hard for me describe. She's always been the crazy one getting me involved in every scheme she had. It didn't seem like it but she could pack a punch. She laughs a lot at random things and it's surprising I get along with her because of her aegyo. She is the only one I know that will do ssanti dancing and every chance I get I take it. She's so loveable even if you hate her, you love her. Confusing right? That's her for you.
Jia: She is the smartest one out of all of us. She makes sure that I'm doing my best and treats me like a little sister. She tries to get me not to hang out with MinAh so much but I can't help it. Helps me with more of the technical moves of dancing and even taught me her 'puppet dance'. She helps me with lots of problems I have and understands me a lot. She can read my facial expressions and body moments and can tell if something is wrong.

W h e r e f o r e   a r t   t h o u   L U C I F E R


Your Lucifer: Lee 'Onew' Jinki

Your Lucifer's Personality: Clumsy when he likes someone, friendly but quiet, when he wants something he doesn't give up until he gets it.

Your Lucifer's actions toward the Juliette: Right now we have more of a little sister/big brother relationship. We've held hands before but only when I help him up for him falling.  0_0

Your Lucifer's feelings toward the Juliette: Sees me as a friend he can could on and we hang out a lot together. Slowly feelings start to develop into something more.

Your Amigo: Bang 'C.A.P' Minsoo - Teen Top

Your Amigo's Personality: Can be flirty but isn't the playboy type. Really cares about his health and exercises regularly. He tries to take me with him but it really doesn't work. Is actually very softhearted for his strong and charismatic appearance. Loves helping others and is someone that you could trust easily.

Your Amigo's actions toward the Juliette: Teases me about the smallest things the way I write, talk, etc.. Loves to make me laugh when I'm feeling bad and talk a lot. He's a health freak so he tells me not to eat certain things with out calling me 'fat'.

Your Amigo's feelings toward the Juliette: He actually liked me before but doesn't want to tell me yet. He tries to keep it discreet and if he accidentally touches me or something he gets really nervous. Takes me out for ice cream when we get bored, or just for fun.

Moments: The first time I met him I was actually taking pictures in a tree and he was standing under it. I didn't notice and when I climbed down I fell on top of him. I apologized and quickly ran away, blushing.

E n d i n g   C r e d i t s


  • allergic to peanuts
  • blood type:B
  • color: yellow
  • number: 4
  • fruit : strawberries
  • Ideal date :Dinner and a walk somewhere quiet where you can both just talk. Something he planned himself, as long as it's special.
  • Has a stash of emergency chocolate under her bed along with her Spiderman collectibles
  • A Hardcore BlackJack--> bias CL

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Awesome ^^
kissabletaetae #2
Chapter 18: nice one~~~
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BaybeeDoubleHluvsyhu #5
o.....update soon :D
Ooo~ a spring dance! ><<br />
I'm looking forward to that! LOL<br />
Everything looks so pretty *3*<br />
I love the first chapter!<br />
I LOVE HIRA'S CAT'S NAME. That's the first thing that came to my mind after I read the first two sentences xD<br />
And out of the five SHINee boys, Key has the funniest thoughts! Followed by Onew (but then again, he's always thinking about chicken ^.~) Minho's so...calm :)<br />
The first chapter was awesome ^^ Update soon<3~
Yay! It started! And you portrayed my character very well. :)
OH MY GOD I LOVE THE FIRST CHAPTER ALREADY!!!!! :DDDDD so excited for the next one!!!! UPDATE ASAP!!!!! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD I love hira's cat haha lord tubbington!!! <3 cute!
@WandererShEeP: XD<br />
I love you, my dear.