Chosen Student oo2.

Shining Academy

B e h i n d  t h e  S c e n e s

Your AFF Username: cindychanx3

A c t i o n

Your Character's Name: Lee Hana

Character's Nickname: None

Age: 17 | 18

Place of Birth: New York City, USA

Date of Birth: November 7, 1993

Ethnicity: ½ Korean, ½ Japanese

Spoken Languages: Fluent in Korean, Japanese, English; proficient in Chinese, French and Spanish

Name of Ulzzang: Kim Shin Yeong

Audition: My parents realized my potential and interest in music, so they used their connections to get me an audition to Shining Academy. During the first few moments of my audition, I was really nervous and almost freaked out. Unconsciously, I touched my chest, where a necklace was dangling. My brother had given it to me the night before as a good luck charm. Feeling a bit more confident, I managed to restart and finish my audition (singing and playing an original composition on the piano) smoothly.
Profession: Singing & Dancing and Songwriting & Composition; to enter the entertainment business as an idol or as a songwriter

Instrument: Piano, guitar, violin, flute, harp, tanso and haegum (traditional Korean instruments)

C u t

-MUSIC<3; singing, dancing, composing, songwriting, choreographing
-sweets & chocolate
-strawberry-anything (especially ice cream) & red bean popsicles
-cute things (i.e. stuffed animals, cell phone charms)
-children (especially babies)
-reading mangas
-watching tv/dramas
-sunny days + the smell after it rains + rainbows
-playing pranks (nothing too serious/dangerous)

-back stabbers, getting hurt/betrayed/used
-liars, cheaters, posers/wannabes
-doing something wrong/being scolded
-rain/stormy weather (especially thunder)
-being left alone/abandoned
-water (almost drowned in a pool when I was 5)
-cats (allergic)

-singing & dancing
-playing instruments
-reading manga
-cooking/learning new recipes
-playing pranks & video games
-photography/scrapbooking + taking selcas

- I stutter or shift my eyes when I try to lie on the spot.
- I speed-talk if I’m nervous. And I play with my hair, usually by tucking it behind my ear.
- I bite my bottom lip when I’m thinking hard or when I’m concentrated.
- I twirl my hair, bat my eyes, swing side-to-side and playfully hit someone when doing aegyo.
- I squeak when I get scared (or poked on the sides – I’m really ticklish).
- I bite the rims of cups and straws or zone out when I get bored.
- I listen to ballads or play the piano when I can't sleep or have too much on my mind.
- I easily get cheered up with strawberry ice cream or red bean popsicles.

Personality: Generally, I am a bubbly and cheerful person, using aegyo when needed. I’m optimistic in any situation and always have a smile on my face. It’s really easy to make me smile and I get cheered up by the smallest of things. When there is something bothering me, I can't focus on other things and tends to zone out. I'm playful and liked playing pranks on people. During rehearsals, though, I'm really serious, almost like a perfectionist. I won't stop practicing until I can hit every note/dance every step.
In private, the “umma” side of me comes out. I'm really dedicated to and protective over my family and friends and wouldn't think twice to stand up for them, as long as no violence is involved. I like babying others, especially if they are younger than me. I like doing house chores such as cleaning and cooking. Cleaning because I can’t work if everything’s a mess and cooking because I don’t think anyone can work without food! At times, I’ll nag others to take care of themselves or to eat more.
It’s easy for me to make friends, but it takes me a while to fully trust someone. I forgive, but I don’t always forget. I don’t like confrontations, so unless I see it with my own eyes, I give everyone the benefit of the doubt. I despise crying, and I hate seeing others cry, so I try not to. Even though my heart might be breaking into a million pieces or I feel like crawling into a whole, I just fake a smile and turn away. I rarely get really upset; but when I do, I might stay that way for a while. However, after I get over it, it's like nothing ever happened.

Family Members/Background: I was born and raised in New York City to a Korean father (Lee Jaemin) and a Japanese mother (Yamaa Yuki). My father is a CEO of the NY branch of a family-run company and my mother was a dancer on Broadway who now owns a dance studio and teaches little children. I also have an overprotective older brother (Lee Jaesun, 21 years old). When I was 11, my family moved back to Korea under my grandfather's orders. My grandfather wanted my father to take control of the Korean branch of the family company. My grandfather and father are both traditional people, thinking my brother would grow up to run the company. My mother’s less traditional and believes in letting her children pursue their dreams. Because most of the pressure is on my brother, I am usually overlooked. Despite so, we still have a close relationship, he still babys me and is as protective as my father. Nonetheless, I was still forced to attend private schools that trained me in academics and the arts (due to my mom's influence). I had to excel in academics and learned how to sing, dance, play instruments, choreograph, compose and write lyrics.  I usually focus on the piano, harp and traditional Korean instruments in music and Korean traditional dancing, ballet, hip hop and freestyle dancing in dance class. At first, my grandfather and father objected the idea of me becoming an idol/entertainer, but my brother and my mother managed to persuade them.

Friends: Lee ‘Hoya’ Howon – Infinite; Liu Amber – f(x)

Personality of your friends:
Hoya: A jokester at times, but like a second big brother to me. My best guy friend. We’re very comfortable around each other and I know I can tell him anything. He knows when something is bothering me and how to make me feel better. He has a slightly rash and violent side to him, beating anyone up who dares hurt those close to him.
Amber: A tomboy that has her girly moments too. My best girl friend. We have fun doing anything and everything together. She gives the best advice about topics ranging from fashion to decisions to love.    

W h e r e f o r e   a r t   t h o u   L U C I F E R

Your Lucifer: Taemin

Your Lucifer's Personality: The cute and adorable maknae of SHINee! He's very polite and gentlemanly. He's not afraid to show his true emotions and can easily be read through his facial expressions and gestures. He's shy around someone he first meets but he easily makes friends with people. He's dedicated to his family and friends, never hesitating to stand up for them. Even though he's the youngest, he's independent and doesn't like being babyed by his 'umma' Key (though he pretends he does). He's a very talented dancer and can play the piano exceptionally well.
Your Lucifer's actions toward the Juliette: Nice; Since we both make friends easily, we quickly become good friends. He treated me kindly and acted like a gentleman, holding the doors for me, holding my books and walking with me to class. When we are dating, romantic surprises occur often, whether it’s just a peck on the cheek and a rose on a random day.
Your Lucifer's feelings toward the Juliette: Friendly → Love; We start out as close friends and then fall in love with one another. However, it takes a while for him to confess his feelings for me.

Your Amigo: Kim Dongjun – ZE:A
Your Amigo's Personality: The maknae of ZE:A. He’s very charismatic and knows what to do to make a girl fall for him. He fits the typical bad-boy role: smirking, glaring at people and being overconfident. However, he can be a ‘bad-boy’ and cute at the same time. He’s very loyal and only dates a girl if he is serious about her.
Your Amigo's actions toward the Juliette: Caring and endearing; because it’s love at first sight for him, he does things to get my attention. We become friends and he does everything he can to make me his girlfriend. He makes sure no one picks on me in school and is always a shoulder to cry on if my Lucifer makes me cry. 

Your Amigo's feelings toward the Juliette: Love at first sight. He saw me on my first day of school and was struck by Cupid.

1. I fall into the pool and almost drown. My Lucifer is at the scene and is about to save me but Dongjun jumps in before him and gets me out of the pool.
2. My Lucifer decides to confess to me one day, but he sees me laughing with Dongjun and thinks something is up between us, so he turns around and walks away. 

E n d i n g   C r e d i t s

- I have A blood type.
- I've never had a boyfriend due to my overprotective father and semi-overprotective brother.
- I almost drowned in a pool when I was 5 because my brother was joking around. He's protective of me because he still blames himself for almost killing me.
color – cherry blossom pink
drink – Starbucks Vanilla Bean Frappucino & Watermelon Icee
food – anything that’s home cooked
flower – cherry blossom & rose
idol group – Super Junior (bias = Ryeowook)
song – DBSK’s “Love in the Ice” & Big Bang’s “Haru Haru” & Super Junior’s “Sapphire Blue”

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Awesome ^^
kissabletaetae #2
Chapter 18: nice one~~~
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BaybeeDoubleHluvsyhu #5
o.....update soon :D
Ooo~ a spring dance! ><<br />
I'm looking forward to that! LOL<br />
Everything looks so pretty *3*<br />
I love the first chapter!<br />
I LOVE HIRA'S CAT'S NAME. That's the first thing that came to my mind after I read the first two sentences xD<br />
And out of the five SHINee boys, Key has the funniest thoughts! Followed by Onew (but then again, he's always thinking about chicken ^.~) Minho's so...calm :)<br />
The first chapter was awesome ^^ Update soon<3~
Yay! It started! And you portrayed my character very well. :)
OH MY GOD I LOVE THE FIRST CHAPTER ALREADY!!!!! :DDDDD so excited for the next one!!!! UPDATE ASAP!!!!! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD I love hira's cat haha lord tubbington!!! <3 cute!
@WandererShEeP: XD<br />
I love you, my dear.