The Letter, the School Rules and the Schedules.

Shining Academy


T h e  L e t t e r

Hello, students. Headmaster Skyler here.

Congratulations on passing the auditions! I'm very glad to have all sixty of you here in Shining Academy.

Please note that the girls' dorms are in the east wing, the boys' in the west. NO boys or girls are allowed in the opposite 's room after six in the evening. If you are caught, you will be expelled. Also, the tree house and the gym are closed at ten P.M. sharp. The pool is open from 4:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. on weekdays and from 12 a.m.-9 p.m. on weekends.

Absolutely NO students are allowed to drink alcohol and do drugs. If you are caught doing one or both, you will be expelled then and there, on the spot.

Celebrities do come from time to time. Do not get crazy on them. There will be consequences depending on your actions. Yes, you can get expelled, children.

Please, respect your teachers and your fellow peers. That is all, for now.

I hope you can all reach your dreams here in  S h i n i n g   A c a d e m y.


~ H e a d m a s t e r   S k y l e r



T h e  S c h o o l  R u l e s

oo1) No cell phones in class.

oo2) No I-pods in class unless your teacher allows you to use it.

oo3) No alcohol or drugs.

oo4) No weapons allowed.

oo5) No fighting allowed.

oo6) No boys or girls allowed in the opposite 's room after six p.m.

oo7) No gum in class.

oo8) Do not get crazy on celebrities.

oo9) Respect each other.

o1o) Do not be late to class.



T h e  S c h e d u l e s

The First Schedule: Monday - Friday

7:30-8:20: Choir

5 minutes to get to class

8:25-9:15: Dance

15 minute Break

9:30-10:20: Band

5 minutes to get to class

10:25-11:15: Drama

45 minute Lunch

12:00-12:50: World Language

5 minutes to get to class

12:55-1:45: Orchestra

1:45-2:40: Free Period

2:40-3:30: Physical Education

The Second Schedule: Monday - Friday

7:30-8:20: World Language

5 minutes to get to class

8:25-9:15: Physical Education

15 minute Break

9:30-10:20: Choir

5 minutes to get to class

10:25-11:15: Dance

45 minute Lunch

12:00-12:50: Band

5 minutes to get to class

12:55-1:45: Drama

1:45-2:40: Free Period

2:40-3:30: Orchestra


The Third Schedule: Monday - Friday

7:30-8:20: Drama

5 minutes to get to class

8:25-9:15: Orchestra

15 minute Break

9:30-10:20: World Language

5 minutes to get to class

10:25-11:15: Physical Education

45 minute Lunch

12:00-12:50: Choir

5 minutes to get to class

12:55-1:45: Dance

1:45-2:40: Free Period

2:40-3:30: Band


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Awesome ^^
kissabletaetae #2
Chapter 18: nice one~~~
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BaybeeDoubleHluvsyhu #5
o.....update soon :D
Ooo~ a spring dance! ><<br />
I'm looking forward to that! LOL<br />
Everything looks so pretty *3*<br />
I love the first chapter!<br />
I LOVE HIRA'S CAT'S NAME. That's the first thing that came to my mind after I read the first two sentences xD<br />
And out of the five SHINee boys, Key has the funniest thoughts! Followed by Onew (but then again, he's always thinking about chicken ^.~) Minho's so...calm :)<br />
The first chapter was awesome ^^ Update soon<3~
Yay! It started! And you portrayed my character very well. :)
OH MY GOD I LOVE THE FIRST CHAPTER ALREADY!!!!! :DDDDD so excited for the next one!!!! UPDATE ASAP!!!!! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD I love hira's cat haha lord tubbington!!! <3 cute!
@WandererShEeP: XD<br />
I love you, my dear.