Chapter oo1.

Shining Academy

H i r a ' s  P O V

"This is it, Lord Tubbington. I'm finally going to Shining Academy."

My cat looked at me, purring.

I'm going to miss you.

"I'll miss you too, Lord Tubbington."

He mewed and I smiled.

Come back soon.


"Coming, umma!" I replied, patting my cat one last time.

"I'll see you whenever I come home, Lord Tubbington." I told my cat before walking out the door with four suitcases with me.

H a n a ' s  P O V

"I can't believe I'm going to Shining Academy." I smiled, heart thumping.


"I can not believe I'm going to Shining Academy." I said once again, to myself.



"Let's go!"

"Arasso!" I yelled.

He is so~ annoying.

"Stupid overprotective brother of mine." I muttered, walking out the door with my suitcases.

J o o e u n ' s  P O V

"Jooeun. Wake up."

"Go away." I managed to mumble, placing my pillow over my head to block out the noise.

"You're starting school today."


"Jooeun! If you don't wake up, I'll go to that school of yours. I'm sure they'll let me in. I'm pretty enough." Conceited.

"You're discusting. They'll think you're a monster the moment they see you."

"Umma! She's insulting me infront of you!"


"I already packed, umma."

"Okay, well come downstairs."

I sighed and plopped back on my bed, pulling the blankets over me once more.

K a t h e r i n e ' s  P O V

"I'm going to miss you, Shadow!"

Shadow barked at me, tail wagging.

"I can't believe I'm going to that school! Do you know how hard it is to get in?" I asked her. She just gave me a on the face.

"I heard that there are less than a hundred student's going to the school." I hugged my dog, kissing her forehead.

"Think I'll be okay?" Shadow turned and lectured me with her eyes.

You'll do fine. You're friends are with you. You're amazing.

"Katherine?" My grandmother called from downstairs.

"Coming!" I replied, patting Shadow once more before turning to the door with the grace of the ballerina within.

C h u n h e i ' s  P O V

I looked around my room once and slid my hand under the bed.


. Did they find out?


"Come down."

SOIEPOIAWPOEIGNB. I was nervous for no reason! Stupid brother.

I slid my hand under the bed once more and took out my emergency chocolate. My family would never approve of chocolate in the morning, but, hey. I beg to differ. The stuff's delicious.

I walked over to my stuffed turtle Franklin and patted his head.

"I'll miss you, Franklin."

Not that he'd reply, but I really would and I just wanted to tell him.

I turned and walked out the door, suitcases dragging behind.

N o  o n e ' s  P O V

The girls' met each other twenty minutes later, squealing and talking about how excited they were.

"I can't believe we're going."

"School's starting tomorrow!"

"Omo! How amazing is that?"

"I heard there's less than a hundred people."

"I heard the teacher's and headmaster were pretty kickass."

Once they reached the school, they looked at the exterior, amazed.

"It's so pretty." The girls nodded at Hana's comment, struck speechless.

They all walked to the main office where a young man worked.

"Hello, ladies. Names, please."

"Seon Hira."

"Lee Hana."

"Kim Jooeun."

"Katherine Le."

"Lee Chunhei."

"Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes and yes. I'm guessing you guys want rooms close to each other?" he asked.

The girl's nodded and the man smiled, handing each of them six pieces of paper.

"You're rooms are on the third floor east wing. Rooms 301, 302, 303, 304 and 305. You guys can decide on the room. They all look the same. Here's a letter from the headmaster, the school rules, the list of schedules, names of the kids and which schedule you're in, the teachers', and any holidays or events."

The girls' read through the letter, school rules, schedules, names and holiday event pages quietly. After reading the teachers' names, Jooeun squealed.

"I love our headmaster."

"Why, thank you, dear."

O n e w ' s  P O V

Chicke- Sky's the headmaster?!

J o n g h y u n ' s  P O V

BWOH?! Headmaster?!

K e y ' s  P O V

Omo. This was extrememly not expected! SKY!

Excuse me while I shoot laser beams at his head.

M i n h o ' s  P O V

Huh. I wasn't expecting Sky to be the headmaster.

T a e m i n ' s  P O V

Waaaaah! He's going to ruin our school lives! TT-TT

The first chapter is up. :D

It's not the best intro... -_-ll

But I'm brain dead. Sorry. *'sorry sorry' music plays*

> <

Tell me if I got your character wrong or something.

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Awesome ^^
kissabletaetae #2
Chapter 18: nice one~~~
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BaybeeDoubleHluvsyhu #5
o.....update soon :D
Ooo~ a spring dance! ><<br />
I'm looking forward to that! LOL<br />
Everything looks so pretty *3*<br />
I love the first chapter!<br />
I LOVE HIRA'S CAT'S NAME. That's the first thing that came to my mind after I read the first two sentences xD<br />
And out of the five SHINee boys, Key has the funniest thoughts! Followed by Onew (but then again, he's always thinking about chicken ^.~) Minho's so...calm :)<br />
The first chapter was awesome ^^ Update soon<3~
Yay! It started! And you portrayed my character very well. :)
OH MY GOD I LOVE THE FIRST CHAPTER ALREADY!!!!! :DDDDD so excited for the next one!!!! UPDATE ASAP!!!!! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD I love hira's cat haha lord tubbington!!! <3 cute!
@WandererShEeP: XD<br />
I love you, my dear.