Audition Form

Shining Academy

Sorry for the wait. I made an application thingy at a while ago, but they're still checking it, so I decided to just type the whole damn thing out, again. -_-

You have to fill EVERYTHING out perfectly. Erase the (parentheses) After you send it and I choose you, you can ask me to change anything through a PM (private message).

Please write this in first person. FIRST PERSON. Teehee. Thank you.

Anyhoo, please send it to me through email: [email protected] with the subject/title as 'Shining Academy - [then put your username here]' If you don't I won't look at it.

After sending it, please comment who you applied as. Thanks a lot and once again, sorry for the wait. > <


B e h i n d  t h e  S c e n e s

Your AFF Username: (I would like to know who the doll maker is)


A c t i o n

Your Character's Name: (Asian last name)

Character's Nickname: (Speaks for itself ;; Write 'none' if you don't have any)

Age: (16:{American age ONLY}17-20 ;; In America | In Korea ;;;; e.g. 17 | 18) [For the little line, hold shift and press the button below the backspace and enter buttons or just copy and paste])

Place of Birth: (It doesn't have to be in Korea)

Date of Birth: (Month Day, Year ;; e.g. December 25, 1993)

Ethnicity: (Have some Asian in you ;; e.g. 1/2 Korean, 1/2 African American)

Spoken Languages: (Please, be realistic)

Name of Ulzzang: (Just in case I want/need more pictures)

Link of Ulzzang: (Two, please)

Audition: (How did you get into the school?)

Profession: (What you are majoring at and why you are at Shining Academy ;; Has to do something with music ;;;; e.g. Instrumentalist: Flute)

Instrument: (If you play an instrument ;; Recommended for people studying with orchestra, band, etc.)


C u t

Likes: (More than 7 in bullet form)

Dislikes: (More than 7 in bullet form)

Hobbies: (More than 5 in bullet form)

Habits: (More than 5 in bullet form)

Personality: (Long and interesting so I can get to know your character)

Family Members/Background: (Give names, personality, what they do, etc. ;; No idols)

Friends: (They can be idols ;; NONE of the SHINee members ;;;; Last Name 'Stage Name' First Name - Group ;;;;;; e.g.: Jung 'Krystal' Soo Jung - f(x) ;;;;;;;; They will NOT go to the Academy, but visit time to time ;;;;;;;;;; No more than 4 ;;;;;;;;;;;; They must be around your age group)

Personality of your friends: (Put their stage name -if they have one- first then put a colon and then start typing away ;; So I know how they act towards you ;;;; e.g. Sung Gyu: Leader of Infinite, etc., etc.)


W h e r e f o r e   a r t   t h o u   L U C I F E R

Your Lucifer: (Who you want to end up with)

Your second Lucifer: (Just in case your first Lucifer gets picked)

Your Lucifer's Personality: (What they're like [put BOTH of your Lucifer's] ;; e.g. Key: A diva, etc., etc.)

Your Lucifer's actions toward the Juliette: (How you want them to act towards you ;; e.g. Nice, awkward, Shy, etc.)

Your Lucifer's feelings toward the Juliette: (What they feel about you ;; Can change in the future ;; e.g. Rivals then friends, kind, etc.)

Your Amigo: (Your bias ;; The one that is not a member of SHINee ;;;; Last Name 'Stage Name' First Name - Group ;;;;;; e.g.: Park 'Thunder' Sang Hyun - MBLAQ ;;;;;;;; Only one)

Your Amigo's Personality: (What they're like)

Your Amigo's actions toward the Juliette: (How you want them to act towards you)

Your Amigo's feelings toward the Juliette: (What they feel about you)

Moments: (Any 'moments' with your Lucifer? ;; e.g. Playing Truth or Dare, etc., etc. ;;;; I might not be able to put ALL of your moments here ;;;;;; Or put 'none')


E n d i n g   C r e d i t s

Trivia: (More than 5 in bullet form)

Password: (Did you find it?)

Password 2: (Did you find this one too?)

Anything else?: (Optional ;; Did I forget anything? Comments? Words of encouragement?)

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Awesome ^^
kissabletaetae #2
Chapter 18: nice one~~~
your graphic request is now finished. kindly pick it up @<br />
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thank you for requesting, make sure you credited the designer and the site at the forewords.
Just want to inform you that we have received your graphic request;<br />
<br />
Please be patient until your poster is finished. Thank you for request @ MP!<br />
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Note : if you wish to cancel your request, please tell us immediatelly. You can do it by tagging us @ the chatbox located in our site. Stating your name & fanfic URL.
BaybeeDoubleHluvsyhu #5
o.....update soon :D
Ooo~ a spring dance! ><<br />
I'm looking forward to that! LOL<br />
Everything looks so pretty *3*<br />
I love the first chapter!<br />
I LOVE HIRA'S CAT'S NAME. That's the first thing that came to my mind after I read the first two sentences xD<br />
And out of the five SHINee boys, Key has the funniest thoughts! Followed by Onew (but then again, he's always thinking about chicken ^.~) Minho's so...calm :)<br />
The first chapter was awesome ^^ Update soon<3~
Yay! It started! And you portrayed my character very well. :)
OH MY GOD I LOVE THE FIRST CHAPTER ALREADY!!!!! :DDDDD so excited for the next one!!!! UPDATE ASAP!!!!! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD I love hira's cat haha lord tubbington!!! <3 cute!
@WandererShEeP: XD<br />
I love you, my dear.