
It was Friday night and I still don't know if I'm going to go with Joonmyun. And I still haven't heard anything from the exo member...

Maybe he wasn't really interested in me at all. Maybe he just got bored.

I sighed, resting my head on my hand. I closed my eyes for a second. Contemplating what I should do. Should I go to the amusement park and possibly start something with Joonmyun or should I sit around waiting for the stranger to appear again?

The logical thing to do would be to go to the amusement park but.... still.

I bit my lip. I pulled my phone out and looked at the brightly lit screen.

Joonmyun: Hey do you know if you can come?

Joonmyun: I'm taking that as a yes (:

Joonmyun: No really, can you, anwer.


I sighed and banged my head on the table multiple times. I guess I should-


I looked at my phone again.

Joonmyun: Are you mad at me?

I was about to reply when a new message popped up.

Joonmyun: don't be mad ):

Joonmyun: WAAAHHHH


I immediantly busted out laughing.

"Honey, are you alright?" My mom called from the living room.

"I'm fine!" I yelled back.

I continued laughing as I typed a reply.

Hyun Jae: No, you pabo, I just don't know yet.

Joonmyun: Oh, well... figure it out! :p

Hyun Jae: I will........ eventually.

Joonmyun: Ok, well, eventually needs to be before tomorrow :D

Joonmyun: Please, pleeeeeaaaaaase?

I bit my lip again.

Hyun Jae: I don't know....

A picture popped up of Joonmyun pouting and I couldn't say no.


Hyun Jae: Ok ok fine I will.

Joonmyun: YAAAAAAY.

I almost didn't notice....

Hyun Jae: Why are you wearing a microphone?

Hyun Jae: And who took that?

Joonmyun: Hey I'll be right back. I have to do a project for.... Chemistry.

Hyun Jae: Ok? But hurry, and remeber my questions!

I saw he started typing back but stopped. Hmmm. I decided to do some homework to pass the time.

After I finished my assignments I looked at my clock. 9:27. I checked my phone again. No message.

I got up and looked through the window to his room. No, he didn't go to bed early or anything. I sighed and went downstairs for a drink. I poured some Mountain Dew into my glass.

"Hey, don't you want to go to bed early if you're going to Lotte World tomorrow?" My mom asked behind me. I turned to her.

"Yeah I think I might, I'm kind of waiting for Joonmyun to reply to my text though."

"Oh, well, make sure you don't wait too long." Her face crinkled into a smile. "Tell you what, go out to my car and get some money for you tomorrow." My jaw dropped as I stared at her.

"Really!?" My parents never give me money, since when did this start happening.

"Yes, yes. You can have, say 100,000 won(about 90 dollars)" I just kept staring at her, my mouth hanging wide open in shock. 100 freaking thousand won. My head started spinning. My mom grabbed me and started shooing me to the door.

"Hurry." She looked around for a second before she turned to me with her hand cupped around the side of . Quietly she whispered, "Before your father notices. Now go." Shooing me again. I grabbed her keys and went out to the car. I sat down, opening the glove compartment. What is that smell? I smelled the air a little more, trying to place it but I couldn't. I shrugged it off and grabbed what I was allowed. I climbed out and the locked the car, closing the door. I started walking back to the house.

"Psst." I stopped and looked around. I didn't see anyone. My confusion apparent as the person called out once again.

"Over here."

I looked towards the street and saw someone peeking out from behind the tree. It was the person from Exo! I walked over to him and stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

"Uhh.." He scratched his head in a suttle, cute way. "...hope it's not weird just showing up at your house like this. I promise I'm not a stalker or anything."

"That reminds me. How did you know which house was mine the other night?" I raised my eyebrow at him with a playful smile.

"I... uh... Taemin told me."

"Did you ask him?" Hoping he would say yes. That would tell me he was thinking of me, but I guess he wouldn't have been thinking of me if he hadn't come anyway. UGEUFGYB HYUN JAE SHUT UP. I mentally slapped myself for overthinking all of this. He looked awkward and uncomfortable.

"Actually, it's okay, you don't have to answer that." I smiled. He sighed and slumped his shoulders.

"How was your week?" He asked politely.

"It was okay, one of my friends decided to not talk to me for a whole week." I stuck my tongue out at him in a playful manner. He returned my banter with a cheesy smile.

"You consider me your friend?" He sounded genuinely surprised.

"Well yeah. I mean, last time we almost..." I trailed off looking away. He started to say something before he cleared his throat.

"Oh, uh, yeah..." I stuck his hands in his pocket and looked down, his eyes flicking between me and the ground.

"So, um, how was your week?"

"It was okay, I guess, it's better now." He smiled at me and I looked down, trying to hide my reddening face. "I want to ask you if you'll go on a date with me but that would be weird since I'd be wearing a mask the whole time."

"And it would be weird going on a date with someone I don't know the identity of."

"Also that." He replied. "So are you doing anything tomorrow?"

"I'm going to Lotte World."

"Really? With who?"

"My best friend and his friends."

"Who's your best friend?"


"Oh, do you like him? Because if you do I can stop, you know...." He trailed off.

"Oh, no it's okay." For now.

"Could I have your phone number?" He asked, biting his lip slightly. I took a breath to calm myself, but he's so cute, I can't help it. "So that I won't have to come find you or anything to talk to you, it'll be a lot easier." He smiled.

"Sure. Where's your phone, I'll put my number in." I held my hand out. He felt in his pockets before realizing he didn't have it.

"I don't seem to have it.." Confusion in his voice, and also disappointment.

"Well, I can grab some pen and paper from inside and write it down for you?"

"Would you?" He asked politely.

"Yeah, hold on. Come around to the side of the house, I'll drop it out the window. My parents will get suspicious if I come back out for no reason." He chuckled lightly.

"Sure." He replied as he started walking towards the small strip of yard between my and the Kims' house.

I went inside, hurrying to my room. I wrote down my number and went to the window. Checking to make sure Joonmyun wouldn't see me before I dropped it.  I opened the window and peered down the two stories to see him standing there, his head tilted towards me with his hands in his pockets, look boy-bandish. I folded the paper into a small airplane and threw it down. It started floating towards him before it turned sharply. He jumped up as it went by, he caught it but fell. I burst out laughing before I could stop myself.

I stopped myself before calling out to him.

"Are you ok?" Still chuckling a little bit.

"Erm.. yeah." He picked himself up and dusted off his clothes. "I'm just peachy."

"Okay, be safe walking home!" I told him and he nodded.

"I will."

I smiled and waved to him before retreating back and shutting the window. My phone buzzed from the bed. Has he already texted me? I scooped it off the bed and saw it was from Joonmyun.

Joonmyun: Hey I'm back.

Hyun Jae: Hi (:

Joonmyun: Gahh, I'm so tired.

Hyun Jae: I didn't ask. kekeke


Joonmyun: So whatcha doooooin

Hyun Jae: Nothing, I already finished all my assignmentNow I'm just bored :c

Joonmyun: We should play a game.

Hyun Jae: OOH, can we play charades?

Joonmyun: Umm sure? ;D

Hyun Jae: Ok ok.

I got up and opened the curtains to see him sitting on his bed indian style. He mouthed something to me. I watched carefully as he made gestures while he spoke.

You.... go..... first.

I nodded letting him know I understood. I looked down as I tried to think of something. I know! I'll act like a coconut! Wait what are you talking about!? YOU GOING TO BECOME A CRAZY HAG WHEN YOU GROW UP AND THE ONLY THINGS TO TALK TO ARE GOING TO BE CATS AND OTHER SMALL ANI- I saw Joonmyun laughing from my window and picked up my phone.

Hyun Jae: Hey, what are you laughing at!?

I sent the text and stuck my tongue out at him, he did the same before checking his phone.

Joonmyun: Your facial expressions hahaha

Hyun Jae: What do you mean?

Joonmyun: You looked like you had a genuine idea, then you made a staleface and smacked your forehead, and then you made a "You're crazy." face, then a terrfied face.

I crossed my arms and pouted, I hadn't realized I was doing that.

Hyun Jae: Whatever, just guess what I am.

I stuck my tongue out at him again.

Joonmyun: Well whatever it is it isn't pretty.

Hyun Jae: What do you mean? I haven't started yet?

He busted out laughing before replying.

Joonmyun: Exactly.

I made an O with my mouth. How dare he!? I can't he just- He's so- JHERFGRDSJ. I pouted again and stomped my foot. He started laughing even more at my actions.

Joonmyun: I'm kidding, I'm kidding. You're pretty hahaha

I kept my arms crossed and turned my face away, acting as if I was still mad. I could see him stick his tongue out from my peripheral vision. I laughed before texting him again.

Hyun Jae: Okay okay, I'm starting now.

A pregnant woman! I'll be a pregnant woman.

I grabbed a pillow and stuffed it under my shirt. I started waddling around and pretended to have weird cravings.

Joonmyun: A gorilla?

Joonmyun: No no, a....... um...... fkushgkj

I laughed at his frustration, I then pulled the pillow out of my shirt and cradled it like a baby. I looked through the window at him practically jumping off the bed an point, his mouth forming an O.

Joonmyun: A pregnant woman?

Hyun Jae: Yep

Joonmyun: Ok ok my turn.

He put both his hands up at his chest with his hands dangling from his wrists. He started walking around funny and his mouth knawing and snapping at the air. I laughed as he continued to walk around.


Joonmyun: Yesssss

I looked up from my phone to see him giving me an eye smile and my heart thudded in my chest. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as I thought. I think... I think I like Joonmyun. Yes. Yes, I do. I exhaled slowly as I heard and felt my phone vibrate.

Joonmyun: Hey are you ok?

He looked at me, his face full of concern. My heart warmed and I smiled at him.

Hyun Jae: Yes. I'm fin (:

Joonmyun: Ok good ;D

We both laughed.

Hyun Jae: Ok my turn again.

So, we kept playing for a little longer before we both realized it was 12:30 and we were both tired. I sighed as I layed down in bed and thought about the day, and Joonmyun. His smile, his laughter, his charm, his caring, loving nature, his muscles. I cleared my throat. Then I thought of my other love ineterest. I groaned. What am I supposed to do? I like Joonmyun, but I also kind of have something with that stranger. I don't want to hurt either of them. Me and myself argued together.

I actually know who Joonmyun is.

Exactly! You don't know the stranger. That's the whole point!

I sighed once again, starting to get a headache. My phone lit up and I looked at it, still in my hand.

Joonmyun: Night. See you tomorrow. Sweet dreams.

I blushed at his thoughtfulness.

See, did the stranger say goodnight...!? No.

I mentally smacked myself for ruining the moment.

Hyun Jae: Night to you to Joonmyun (: See you tomoooooooorrrow

I turned my phone off and set it on my bedside table. I my side and closed my eyes. I couldn't help the small smile that crept across my face.

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Chapter 3: The charades part was funny~
a coconut? haha XD