

I woke up sweating like crazy. It was dream I realized as I recounted last night’s events.

            I pulled his mask up so only the bottom half of his face was showing. I looked down at slightly pink lips and looked back up into his brown eyes. He leaned closer. I could feel his lips brushing mine. I was about to lean in and close the remaining space between us when my phone rang.


            He awkwardly leaned back and cleared his throat.

            “You should, uh… you should get that.” He looked away and scratched his head.


            I checked the collar ID, it was my mom.

            “Sorry, it’s my mom.”

            “That’s ok.” He smiled coolly.

            “Hello?” I answered.

            “Dinner’s ready.” My mom said through the phone.

            “Ok, I’ll be home soon, I just got done at the park.”

            “Oh, was it fun?”


            “Ok well I’ll see you when you get home.”

            “Yep. Okay bye.”

            “Love you!”

            “Love you too, Mom.” And with that I hung up.

            “I’m sorry I gotta get home. Dinner’s ready.”

            “Yeah I should probably get home too.” There was an awkward pause.

            “Well I guess we should start climbing.” He stood up and me along with him. We descended and he started walking me home. After a few minutes of awkward silence I decided to break the ice.
            “So if I guess who you are then will you tell me.”

            “Mmm…” He thought for a second. “No.” He said with a teasing smile.

            “Aww why not!?” I fake pouted.

            “Because it’s a surprise.”

            “Tch. Are you a friend of someone I know?”

            “I’m a friend of Taemin.” Referring to the 10th grade dancer at our school that I met when he moved in down the street.

            “Oh, is he in Exo?” He chuckled.

            “No.” His smile remained, making my stomach turn.

            “Well here we are.” He said, gesturing to my house. I didn’t realize we were already there.

            “Well, um thank you for, uh, walking me home and everything.” I smiled as I pulled a strand of hair behind my ear.

            “It’s a privilege to walk such a pretty girl home.” I blushed and looked down.

            “Well, um, bye. Will I see you again?” I asked.

            “I’ll see if I can manage to fit you in to my busy schedule.” He said as he stretched. I rolled my eyes and laughed.

            “Bye.” I turned and walked to the porch and into the house. I paused for a second. How did he know which house was mine?

            I walked back to the door and popped my head out but he was already gone. Oh well.

            I sat down and the table and ate dinner, retiring to bed shortly after.

            I wonder why my subconscious replaced the masked guy with Joonmyun? Maybe because you subciously like Joonmyun. Shut up subconscious. I got up and looked out the window to see Joonmyun still sleeping. I opened my window.

            “JOONMYUN!” I yelled at the top of my lungs. “JOONMYUN GET UP AND GET READY! JOONMYUN!” I my phone and called him. He stirred a little bit but didn’t fully wake up. Ugh, lazy teenage boy.

            I took a shower, got my clothes on and went back into my room to grab my backpack. I looked through the window to see Joonmyun putting on a light blue button up shirt over a white t-shirt. I quickly looked away. My cheeks flushed red, I don’t want to see him getting dressed. He could at least close the curtains or change in the bathroom like I do.

            I went back downstairs and sat down at the table. My mom put down a plate of eggs, toast, bacon, sausage links, and a glass of OJ. I dug in and quickly finished. I wiped my face and grabbed my backpack off the floor.

            “Okay, bye Mom, bye Dad, I’m off to school!” I opened the door. Joonmyun greeted me from the street.

            “Wait, give this to Joonmyun.” Mom said as she handed me a slice of toast, 2 pieces of bacon and a sausage link wrapped in a paper towel.

            “Ok.” I grabbed it and walked to the sidewalk where Joonmyun waited. I held out the wrapped up food. “For you.” He opened the paper towel and started shoving toast in his mouth.

            “Thanks.” He said, barely understandable through his mouthful of food.

            “You’re a messy eater.” I took my thumb and wiped the bread crumbs from the corner of his mouth. He smiled as he swallowed.

            “I know.” He picked up a piece of bacon and bit off a little piece. His eyes widened as he swallowed. “Yah! I have an idea!” I raised my eyebrows at him. “You should feed me.” He smiled.

            “Nooo way.” I said as I turned my head straight forward.

            “Pleeeeeaaaaaase.” He said as he tried handing me the food.

            “Nope.” I said.

            He did a miserable attempt at aegyo with one hand. I laughed at his childness.

            “Ok fine. Just please stop doing whatever it is you call that.” He pouted as I took the food from him.

            “My aegyo is the best!” I laughed at him, his chest puffed out and looking up into the sky.

            “Whatever you say.” I took the piece of bacon he had bitten off of and held it in front of him. He opened his mouth and bit down.

            “Mmmm, yummy.” He smiled. I fed him all the food and threw away the napkin in a trash can along the sidewalk.

            “Thank you.” He smiled.

            “You will never believe what happened yesterday at the park.”

            “WHAT!?” He widened his eyes and put his hands on his cheeks in mock excitement. I smile and shake my head playfully. He smiles and runs his hand through his hair, almost making me forget what I was going to say. WHAT IS HAPPENNING TO ME!? I clear my throat.

            “Well, after the performance, I was waiting away from the rest of the fans because they were flocking around the members. All of a sudden someone from behind me speaks. I turn around… and it’s one of the Exo members! So he asks if he could show me something and I follow him to this big tree which we climb. Then, once we get to the top he points out and I look to see a beautiful view of all of Seoul. We talk for hooooouuuuuurs just getting to know each other. We stopped talking and sat in silence just enjoying the view. I look over at him to find he’s already studying me intently. So he speaks up and says something about not being able to tell me much about his past or else I’ll know who he is, and he says who he is, is a surprise. I almost fall off the tree limb when he grabs ahold of me and I open my eyes and look up into his beautiful brown eyes that make me want to melt inside and realize I’m still in his arms. I reach up and pull his mask up so that only the bottom half of his face is showing and then he leans in slowly and we were JUST about to kiss WHEN ME MOM CALLS!” I put my face in my hands and shake my head as Joonmyun laughs.

            “Hey, it’s not funny!” I yell at him. He stops laughing and purses his lips, trying not to laugh.

            “And it wasn’t even about anything important, all she called about was dinner.” At this Joonmyun couldn’t hold in his laugh anymore and spit flew all over my face. I opened my mouth in an O shape.

            “JOONMYUN!” I stomped my foot on the ground. “You just spit all over my face!” He stopped laughing but he was still smiling.

            “Sorry.” He said.

            “You have to wipe it off!”

            “With what?” He said looking around, his teasing smile was still there. I crossed my arms.

            “You’re going to have to find something.”

            “Okay, come here, I’ll use my shirt.” He stepped closer as he put his hand under his shirt and pulled it up to my face with his palm. He wiped my chin and then my cheeks. I breathed in through my nose and smelled his cologne. He smells so good. That sounds really weird. But he does smell good. As he was wiping my forehead I open my eyes to see his bare chest and my eyes trailed down to his abs.


            “There.” He let his shirt fall back down.

            “U-h t-t-thanks I-I’ll be going now, I-I’m gonna be l-late for cl-class. S-See ya Joonmyun I’ll, uh, text you, yeah, or, whatever. Byeeeee!” I yelled as I ran off.

            “Wait! Where are you going!? I thought we were walking together!?” I heard him call from behind me, his voice fading with every step. Once I got to school and to my class I lay my head on the desk and repeatedly hit my forehead on it and groaned. My phone vibrated in my pocket and I pulled it out.

            Joonmyun: Hey what happened!?

            Hyun Jae: I had to go to the bathroom.

            Joonmyun: No you said you were going to be late.

            Hyun Jae: Yeah, if I was going to use the bathroom before class then I had to hurry or I would’ve been late.

            Joonmyun: Oh, well me and a few other people are going to the amusement park on Saturday. You wanna come?

            Hyun Jae: Um, I don’t know. I’ll have to ask my mom? I’m not sure I really like amusement parks anyways.

            Spending a whole day with Joonmyun might be a bad idea. Especially with the mysterious stranger recently entering my love life. I wonder when I’ll see him again.

            Joonmyun: Oh come one, it’ll be fun.

            Joonmyun: I promise(:

            Hyun Jae: MAAAAAAYBE, if my parents say yes.

            Hopefully this wasn’t the bad decision to make. I just don’t want to develop anything for Joonmyun, especially when he doesn’t feel that way about me, and the Exo member. I’m definitely not one of THOSE girls who would do something like go for both of them. Or have one as a back up plan. That’s just wrong.

            Joonmyun: YAAAAAY! You already know you’re parents are going to say yes.

            Hyun Jae: I don’t know, I think my mom said something about Grandma coming over Saturday or something I don’t know.

            I made up an excuse just in case I wanted to bail.

            Joonmyun: Okay, well hopefully nothing will be going on(:

            Hyun Jae: Yeah yeah haha

            Hyun Jae: I need to pay attention to this English crap.

            Joonmyun: okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

            I laughed at him and shook my head. He’s such a dork.

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Chapter 3: The charades part was funny~
a coconut? haha XD