

I watched as they jumped and twirled and danced. It was amazing. I can’t believe we have people with this talent at school. If only we knew who they were. They wore cloaks with black masks so you couldn’t see their face. Very mysterious. I pulled my phone out and texted my best friend.

            Hyun Jae: hey where are you, exo is performing in 400 hall.

            Hyun Jae: HELLLOOOOOO

            Hyun Jae: Fine then, miss it :P

            Where is he, I know it’s between classes so there’s no way he’s not getting the message I shook my head to stop thinking about it and enjoyed the show. I looked to around into the crowd and saw everyone jumping and cheering along with the music.

            I wonder if Joonmyun is already here. There’s no way to tell in the sea of screaming fangirls. I looked back to the show. They stopped and the music cut off soon after. One of them yelled to everyone they would love to talk to the fans after school at the park before they grabbed the boombox and ran. Security was down the hall, chasing the “dancing delinquents” that were “polluting the school with unorthodox dancing and scandalous music”. Dumb principle.

            I went to class and continued the day through a state of paying attention/day dreaming/thinking of who could be in exo/texting Joonmyun. Speaking of Joonmyun and texting, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

            Joonmyun: sorry I was in the bathroom

            Hyun Jae: Oh well, it was exo, couldn’t you hold it!? haha

            Joonmyun: when a man has to pee a man has to pee xD

            Hyun Jae: ewwww gross, can we get off the subject of peeing please hahaha

            Joonmyun: are you gonna go to the park after school

            Hyun Jae: Of course

            Hyun Jae: You are too, right?

            Joonmyun: Yeah, I’ll be there

            Hyun Jae: Good, well I’m going to actually pay attention, see you then ^-^

            I turned my phone off and shoved it back in my pocket, all I have to do is get by limits in calculus and I’m home free!



            I put my notebook in my bookbag and walked out of class. I turned my phone on after pulling it out of my pocket to see that I have a text from Joonmyun.

            Joonmyun: Wanna walk home together?

            Hyun Jae: Sure :)

            Joonmyun: I’m at the front gate

            Hyun Jae: I’m almost there

            Joonmyun: I see you

            I look up from my phone and searched for him.

            Hyun Jae: How? Where are you?

            “Right here.” Someone said into my ear. I yelped in surprise.

            “Joonmyun!” I stammered. He laughed.

            “You know you couldn’t live without me.” He said with a half smile. When did he get so cute.

            “I-I think not.” I crossed my arms, closed my eyes and turned my head away. The sun was hurting my eyes even through my eyelids. All of a sudden I was picked up and slung over someone’s shoulder.

            “Hey! Let me down.” I hit him on the back lightly.

            “Not until you admit you can’t live without me.” He said, still standing there.

            “Nope.” I said and he started walking.

            “If you’re going to do this at least take my backpack so it won’t keep smacking me in the head every step you take.”

            “Okay, take it off and give it to me.” I took it off, very awkwardly because of me hanging upside down, and gave it to him. Plus it didn’t help that everyone was staring. I saw a few girls glaring at me because Joonmyun pays a lot of attention to me and not them. Not that he likes me or vice versa for me but they still want his attention.

            “Wow, I thought maybe you were heavy because you had a lot of books but taking your backpack off didn’t change a thing.” I could tell he was smiling from his voice.

            “JOONMYUN!” I pounded on his back again. I could feel him chuckling through the vibrations in his chest. That’s a weird feeling.

            “You’re messing up my hair!”

            “You can fix it!”

            “I shouldn’t have to! I only have a limited amount of time to get ready to go to the park, and taking the time to do my hair is not going to help!”

            “I’m sorry, would you like me to put you down?”

            “Yes please.”

            “Well I’m not going to.” He snickered.

            “JOONMYUN! If I don’t look good at the park it will be your fault, and then exo will think I’m ugly!”

            “You’ll look beautiful.”

            I sighed and brought my hands to my face. Then I realized, Joonmyun just called me beautiful. I was quiet for a minute, thinking about it.



            “I can’t live without you.” I said grudgingly slow. He continued walking.


            “I can’t live without you.” I said quickly. He stopped.

            “What!? I can’t hear you. Could you say that again?”

            “JOONMYUN! You know what I said!” He laughed as he put me down.

            “Could I have my backpack now?”

            “I’ll carry it for you.”

            He smiled and everything seemed to slow down. We were standing under a tree, the sun shining through the leaves, making his eyes sparkle. His hair was slightly ruffled and his head was tilted a little bit to the right. I snapped out of it.

            “You’re such a dork.” I smiled and turned around. We continued walking towards my house. We small talked along the way until we arrived in front of my house. He turned to me.

            “I’ll see you at the park then?”

            “Yep.” He smiled and I froze. Why is this happening all of a sudden. I quickly snapped back to reality and turned away quickly after returning the smile so he wouldn’t see my blushing face.

            “Bye.” I yelled without looking back. I got to the tree in the middle of the yard. All I have to do is get inside and then I’m safe. 10 more steps to the house. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2.

            “Hey Hyun Jae!” Joonmyun’s mom called to me. Crap.

            “Yes?” I called back.

            “Could you ask your mom if she has an extra flower pot? One of mine fell off the porch onto the sidewalk and broke.”

            “I will Mrs. Kim!” I smiled and went in my house. I closed the door and leaned back. Breathing deeply for a few seconds.

            “Hyun Jae, what did Mrs. Kim want?” My mom called.

            “She wanted to know if you have an extra flower pot. Can I go to the park in a little bit? That dancing group at school I was telling you about is having a little fan thing there.”

            “Sure sweetie. I’ll take this over to the Kims’ house, you can go get ready.”

            “Okay.” I ran upstairs and threw my backpack on my bed. Luckily I’d gotten it before I fell into my little trance.

            I looked out of my window and into Joonmyun’s room. He wasn’t in there yet. I sighed, closed the curtain and started getting ready.


            I got my phone out and texted Joonmyun.

            Hyun Jae: Hey, I’m going to meet with some friends to go to the park. Sorry I can’t walk with you! I’ll make it up!

            Joonmyun: That’s okay, I was going to go with some friends too.

            As if on cue, a car pulled into the Kims’ garage as I looked out the window. I couldn’t see who was in it.

            I walked out the door and walked to the park. Of course I was lying when I said I was going to the park with friends. I just didn’t want to walk with Joonmyun and have that feeling take over again.

            I thought about it as I walked to the park. Once I arrived I found a group of my friends and walked up to them. If Joonmyun sees me alone then he’ll know I didn’t walk here with a group of friends. Plus, it’s less likely he’ll approach me if I’m with people he doesn’t really know.

            “Exo is going to start soon.” Hana said.

            An announcer came on a stereo system and we turned our heads toward him.

            “Are you guys ready to see Exo!” He yelled in the mic, which wasn’t really necessary because his voice is already amplified. The crowd yelled and screamed and went pretty much crazy.

            “Okay then!” All of sudden music started blasting and Exo walked out from behind the small stage that had been set up.. The crowd went crazy when they started dancing. By this time it was dark so the lights cast different colors of blue, red, green, and orange onto the dancing to make it look more dynamic. Of course there were the regular white lights too but they were dimmer.

            They danced 3 songs before the music stopped and the announcer came back on stage.

            “Okay, now… you guys can talk to the members and get autographs. Although they will give you their stage names of course, not their real names.” The crowd got excited as the members stepped off the stage.

            Then it was chaos, everyone was running to meet the members, all wanting to be first, all wanting to impress. I stayed back and waited for a little bit, knowing I wouldn’t be able to get close enough anyway even if I wanted to.

            “What are you doing back here all by yourself.?” Asked someone behind me. The voice startled me, I hadn’t noticed anyone walk behind me. I turned around and saw one of the twelve members of exo standing there. He was tall and had reddish brown hair, so that didn’t tell me anything, a lot of guys are tall with reddish brown hair I realized. I looked into his brown eyes and I couldn’t breath.

            “I-I was just w-waiting for the crowd to die down.” He nodded, I could tell he was smiling from under his mask.

            “Oh ok. So…” He trailed off.

            There was an awkward silence. He cleared his throat.

            “Can you help me out? I don’t really know what to say to pretty girls.” I blushed and looked down, not knowing what to say.

            “Did you enjoy our performance tonight?” I nodded vigorously.

            “Yes, very much.”

            “Can I show you something?” He held his hand out.

            “Uh, sure.” I took his hand and he started walking, pulling me along with him.

            He took me to a really tall tree and turned to me.

            “Come here.” I walked closer to him. He picked me up suddenly and put me on a branch in the tree.

            “What are we doing?” I asked hesitantly as I looked down.

            “Just trust me.” He climbed into the tree with me and we made our ascent. Lucky I didn’t wear a skirt or dress tonight. Once we got to the top he pointed out and I gasped.

            “It’s beautiful.” I said as I looked out to see the whole city sprawled beneath us. The lights and the cars, it was all so beautiful.

            “Isn’t it?”

            “How did you find out about this place?”

            “I was an adventurous kid.” I smiled and laughed.

            After that we talked for at least 2 hours. About a lot of things, but every time I tried to ask him about his past he would change the subject. The only thing I got out of him was his comment about him being him adventurous child. We just finished talking about role models and our plans for the future when we stopped talking and sat in silence.

            I turned to him to find he was looking at me with his warm brown eyes.

            “The reason I haven’t talked about my past is because you would know who I am if I talked about it. You don’t know it but I’ve had the biggest crush on you since we were kids in elementary school.” I gave him a confused look, I wonder who that could be. “And who I am..is a surprise.” He said as he tapped my nose lightly.  I flinched a little bit at the unexpected action which caused me to start to fall backward, my eyes widened and I closed them when I was about to fall. I felt a strong pair of arms wrap around my waist and he pulled me back up.

            “Are you okay?” He asked, worried.

            “I’m fine.” I looked up at him, noticing how close we were all of a sudden, and noticing how I was still wrapped in his arms. My breath hitched. I pulled his mask up so that the bottom half of his face was showing, I looked down at a pair of slightly pink lips. I looked back into his brown eyes and he started leaning in. I felt his lips brushing mine. I leaned in so that our lips were fully touching. I pulled my hands up to bury them in his hair. His arms were still around my waist. We pulled apart to catch our breath. His arms unwrapped from around my waist and I pulled my hands out of his hair and let them rest at my sides.

            I carefully put my hand on his mask again and waited for him. He nodded, telling me I could continue. I shut my eyes and pulled the mask off. I opened my eyes and they widened in shock.


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Chapter 3: The charades part was funny~
a coconut? haha XD