Chapter 7



School was nearing an end, and for once Baekhyun had agreed to spend some time with his friends after school; it was the least he could do after denying their offers none stop for the past few weeks. This time they’d invited him to an arcade and only agreed on going if his friends were the ones who paid for everything- but they knew him well- Baekhyun always paid for himself anyway when the time came.

“We should go and grab some grub before heading out, all in favour of Ddobbokki!?” Jongdae raised his hand in the air before his other friends lifted theirs in enthusiasm. It was class 2-A’s turn to clean up after school, but of course- cleaning called for skiving, so they Baekhyuns group of friends were all gathered around the lockers, changing their shoes into their comfortable converses and sneakers ready to hit the arcade whilst the other students in their class were probably still around school with mops and dustpans.

“Agreed!” They cheered. Baekhyun shook his head hopelessly whilst laughing. Trust his friends to be such idiots when their mid-terms were coming up. But his laughter came to a sudden stop when a thought occurred. His uncle might be home. Actually, the chances of him being home was more than likely, he’d make sure to stay home in time to ask Zora how her first day of school went or in other cases, be first to slaughter Baekhyun if she was to come home with even the smallest of paper cuts. However this time, he was passed caring. He could only handle so much of her in a week, and he wasn’t going to risk his friends catching him walking home with the ‘transfer student’.

Baekhyuns trail of thoughts came to an end when someone jabbed an elbow at him hard in the ribcage. His gaze lifted to see Jongdae glaring at him with a stiff expression, subtly initiating his eyes towards something as everyone was busy slipping on and swapping their shoes and arguing about who’d be on the bumper cars with who. But Baekhyun just lowered his eyebrows, confused as to why his friend who usually had a problem shutting up was suddenly deciding to play charades. Jongdae grew frustrated and dramatically, but quickly cocked his head towards the large window.

Out of curiosity, Baekhyun turned his neck and stared out the window, spotting a petite figure sitting on one of the benches outside, hunched over with her hands over her eyes. Her uniform was drenched, in something that’d almost looked like muddy water. The only way that Baekhyun could recognise the girl was her light coffee coloured hair that could only have looked lighter because of the patches of white chalk powder.

“Looks like they got to her already…Poor girl…” Jongdae said quietly with a sympathetic sigh. “Should we go help?” He asked. But Baekhyun continued to glare at her with a still expression.

“No…Just leave her” He answered bluntly, still watching her try to wipe away her tears with the tip of her damp blazer sleeves whilst he slowly took out his shoes from his locker when the appearance of the same white haired boy from the cafeteria made him freeze on the spot. The phantom boy surprised her from behind with something that had looked like one of Baekhyun t-shirts from back home, dangling between his teeth. After seeing that he was offering her it, she smiled, playfully fluffing his hair as a ‘thank you’ before accepting it.

At that, Baekhyun immediately turned away, slamming his locker door to vent out his hidden frustration. Doesn't seem like she needed any help.

“Kings' got some pretty good skill there…Don't you think?”

Baekhyun heard his friends fall silent at the too familiar voice. Kai somehow managed to be leaning on the locker right beside them, without them even noticing him.

Another one of her brown A5 sheets with a detailed picture of a cute fluffy dog with a black print on its neck of what had looked like a small crown. Baekhyun glanced at it before scanning the labelled description. "Loyal, brave and obedient...'King' shape shifts and morphs himself in and out of his natural form to come to rescue those in need of protection and a friend"

The dog freakin' shapeshifts. How absurd. 

Kais' dark orbs nailed at Baekhyun, eyebrows slightly lowered. “Shouldn’t you be helping her?” He asked.

“Baekhyun-ah…you know this person?” Lay cautiously eyed Kai. But before Baekhyun could think of something to say, Kai did it for him.

“Yeah, he does, and he knows Zora too …right, Baekhyun?” Just by the little grin on his face, Baekhyun could tell he was doing it on purpose. Just to piss him off. And hek- it was working. “Why don’t you help her? You’ve seen what they did” He continued asking, when suddenly; Zora appeared, walking towards the lockers whilst attempting to brush herself dry. Her eyes stopped at Baekhyun before she froze on the spot. What timing.

“Why should I help her?” Baekhyun scoffed as though it was the most ridiculous thing he’d ever heard.

Kai loosened his stiff jaw. “I dunno...just kinda thought it'd be the brotherly thing to do...

Baekhyuns clenched fists trembled beside him.

“Whoa~ Wait, don’t tell me…the mute girl is you’re sister?!” A boy suddenly erupted with laughter and a few of the others joined in. Meanwhile, Baekhyuns blood was boiling. There was a reason why he didn’t want his friends knowing about her…and only now had the reason become clear to him.

He was ashamed.

Ashamed of telling them about his obnoxious parents who got remarried without telling him. Ashamed of his crazy sister who couldn’t even do as much as talk. He was ashamed of his entire life.

Kai smirked before walking back, grabbing Zora’s wrists and dragging her foreword. “Baekhyun’s friends- meet Baekhyun step sister” He grinned victoriously at them whilst Zora was caught by Baekhyuns' gaze; his deathly gaze that seethed venom.

“I don’t count you as a sister” Baekhyun said through his gritted teeth. “You’re nothing but a pesky; irritating parasite. An eyesore. An annoying, insane mute! I don’t want you in my life! And I never did!” Before the tears in his eyes could fall, Baekhyun powerfully shoved Zora out of the way.

“Oy! Baekhyun! Wait!” Lay called, however far too late. He’d already passed the door and was out of the building before he could even finish saying his name.

Complete shock struck everyone’s faces, however Zora more than shocked...she was utterly mortified, as if her heart suddenly plummeted to the stone cold ground.  


“Get lost!” Baekhyun barked at whoever knocked at his door during the night. He was lying on his bed, his blazer over his head and his tie loosened to his chest as the sound of the rain hitting his window was soothing him to sleep. Because of Zora, school couldn’t have felt more troublesome, he just wanted to fall asleep and wake up the next day like it never happened, as if he never blew his cover and he’d never lost his cool in front of his friends. But when the knocking continued, he was forced to unveil his face from beneath his suffocating blazer. “I said get lost!” He growled, flinging his pillow at the door just to vent out his frustration.

“Baekhyun, where’s Zora?” His uncle entered the room and for a moment Baekhyun was confused as to how he got in. But then he realized that he had probably forgotten to lock the stupid door. “You were supposed to walk home with her! Where is she?!” His uncle scolded, already panicking. But Baekhyun just felt like shoving a pillow in his uncles’ face, however decided not to since he preferred his head attached to his body.

“Beats me, I don’t give a , I called her a parasite so she’s probably wondering around acting like one”


And there goes his left ear drum.

“How could you talk to your sister like that?!”

At that, Baekhyun suddenly erupted. He flung himself up from his bed before yelling, “I’ll ing speak to her however I want!” He barked, however detected the distress and alarm on his uncles face and paused. He hadn’t seen his uncle break out in a cold sweat since he was little when he told him that he’d left Zora in the playground whilst he went to a friend’s house. “...You must really love her, asking for her, talking about her all the time” Baekhyun scoffed, swallowing and feeling a tight lump at his throat. “If only mom and dad would love me that much” Warm tears suddenly fell to his hands, his uncle watching with his heart throbbing with sympathy.

“Baekhyun…” His uncle soothed before sitting beside him on the bed. “We just…we need to find Zora, we really really need to find her, Baekhyun” The sincerity in his voice almost made Baekhyun curious. He glared at him suspiciously.

“There’s something about her you’re not telling me...”

His uncle went quiet, his lips quivering as though he wanted to say something but it wouldn’t come out. After much hesitation, a sigh escaped his mouth. “Zora…she’s not a normal child, Baekhyun…you know what I mean when I say that…”

Baekhyun slowly nodded his head as a signal to tell his uncle to keep going. But it was easier said than done. He could easily tell that his uncle was struggling for form the right sentence.

“Your…Your mom, she…she married Zora’s father. And she got to know his child however...after their marriage...he went beserk...people called Zora's father ‘insane’, ‘crazy’, 'completely out of his mind'”


“I’m not sure. But he died in an accident the year they got married, suicide some people called it. Zora was taken under government care- they thought she was crazy too, even more-so because she couldn’t talk. They treated her horrifically…Your mother couldn’t stand for it. She said that they were treating the poor child like an animal, caging her up and experimenting on her, so she…took her back without them knowing”

Realization hit Baekhyun like a truck.

Zora was a stowaway.

“She made Zora move in with us in hopes of them never finding her. When you took her outside, they must have seen her, recognized her. Those people who broke in must have been looking for her. They can’t take her, Baekhyun. For your mothers sake, for Zora’s sake, you need to make sure it doesn’t happen”

Baekhyun swallowed as he felt his heart accelerate. His hands became clammy and his forehead broke out into a cold sweat. What has he done?


“ZORA!” Baekhyun shouted as loud as his lungs permitted him. The sound of the thunder and rain was drowning out his voice already. He wandered around the neighbourhood, allowing the rain to drench his clothes for the second time in a row. Baekhyun had rushed out of the house so fast that he was stupid enough to not bring an umbrella. But then again, he wasn’t thinking straight. “ZORA!” each time he was followed by silence, Baekhyun felt nauseous; the feelings of guilt, fear and anxiety stirred in his stomach.

What happens if they find her? What would they do? Whatever it was, it couldn’t be good. There must have been a reason why his mother was so desperate as to kidnap her away from them. If it really came to that, he was even on counting on that Kai guy or the shapeshifted dog to come and save her if anything was to happen. 

Baekhyun checked his phone, but there were no texts from Zora, only just a couple from Lay and Jongdae saying that they needed to talk which for the moment, he wasn't interested in. He resulted in attempting to call her to see if she’d actually pick up. As long as she did, he'd know that she was safe, and he might be able to find her somehow even though she couldn’t speak. The dial was heard from the other line and Baekhyun anxiously waited.

Pick up. Pick up. Please pick up. He prayed to himself when suddenly-

“[Hello?]” An unfamiliar voice picked up to Baekhyun shock.

“Hello?! Zora?! Is Zora there?!” He yelled down the phone whilst wiping away the rain droplets from his eyes that were blurring his vision.

“[Are you her relative?]” The boy asked.

“Y-Yes! I’m her step brother. Where is she, is she alright? Who are you?”

“[I’m an officer, Do Kyungsoo]”

Baekhyun flinched ever-so-slightly. Do Kyungsoo. He could have sworn he had a classmate called Do Kyungsoo.

“[Your sister’s in the police station…i think you should come and-]”

The call ended just like that and Baekhyun found himself running towards the police station as if his life depended on it.


“She’s not in any trouble” Kyungsoo informed with a light smile.

Much to Baekhyuns surprise, the police station wasn’t as intimidating as he’d thought it’d be. The bright lighting and polished floors had almost given him an illusion of a friendly atmosphere despite the fact that there could have been some very dangerous criminals under the same roof as him.

“That lady there found her unconscious in the rain and brought her in until someone could collect her” He said, pointing his pencil towards Loopy Luna, sitting paitently in the waiting area. Zora was lying across the couch right beside her, asleep.

Baekhyun sighed, letting the fact that she was safe relieve him before he turned back to Kyungsoo. As he had rightly suspected, Do Kyungsoo was a student from class 2-B. However the last time Baekhyun had seen him was summer last year when he just seemed to stop coming to school. Now he could probably guess why. He must have been helping out his parents who worked in the police force. And if you worked with the police, then going to school must have been a hassle. 

“Thank you…for letting her stay” He said to him, secretly letting a sigh escape his mouth as he rubbed his palms against his wet school pants. Kyungsoo shook his head.

“Don’t mention it. You should thank that woman over there though.” He cocked his head towards Loopy Luna, who was happily fiddling with the rings around her finger as she waited for the two to finish their conversation. “She a relative of yours?” Kyungsoo wondered, although not seeing the resemblance.

“Er…she’s…just someone we know” Baekhyun cleared his throat. “We’ll take our leave” He didn’t know whether or not it’d be appropriate to bow. He might be working with the police, but he was probably still the same age as him; would bowing still be appropriate? But before he could take his leave, there was something he remembered that needed to be addressed. “Hey…If anyone asks…could you tell them that you never saw her? Please?” He pleaded, blinking away the rain droplets that were still falling to his eyes. Zora’s a stowaway after all. Having people in the police knowing where she is or what she did wouldn’t be such a great idea unless they were on their side.

Kyungsoo pulled a face before deciding to nod. “Sure…As long as you don’t go telling everyone in school I’ve joined the fuzz” He joked with a playful wink.

After Kyungsoo left to take care of other businesses, Baekhyun turned to the seats in the waiting area, noticing that Loopy Luna had already disappeared and left Zora lying on the couch unattended, people glaring and staring at her, giving her the weirdest looks. Baekhyun stepped towards her and crouched down to stare at her colourless face. She was sleeping soundly, almost peacefully, without a care in the world. Although it would usually aggravate him; going through so much trouble just to find her asleep in a police station; he couldn’t help but sigh in relief, tucking in a strand of her damp hair behind her ear. “Idiot…” 


A/N: Love you all~ 

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Blueberrryy #1
Please complete the story
Chapter 14: coh cute angry baek hihi (in my mind)
Chapter 11: I dont really like when the main character getting slandered by who knows .. but I'm still going to read ≧﹏≦
a minute ago I search my name on google, and this page took my attention. well since the oc has the same as mine its quite awkward yet exiting .. and I'm going to read XD
Gonna start reading this story ❤
Chapter 26: I'm definitely going to check out the wattpad version of this fic! I'm a little disappointed tho, Baekhyun suits this character so well, I don't know if I could get the same feels from a different lead. Anyways, expecting the best from you! Good luck!
Chapter 24: I've reread this story and its awesome! What's the deal with kai and baekhyun?! At least tell me that authornim! Whether or not u complete the story is up to u...
Aliiioooo #8
Chapter 24: I love this story just as much as Growl. Hopefully when you get better you could update this story because that would be awesome!
stephanfelix #9
Chapter 24: I'm anew reading but I love your story
And I can't put it down uncle max is a buzz kill please find your inspiration again and update please this story is amazing I am a writer to but not on here you have many supporters don't stop the story here
Chapter 24: So I read this amazing story in two days and I'm devastated because I don't know if you, dear author still have intensions in continuing this story. It hasn't been updated in a year and as an author myself I know that when someone doesn't write new things for such a long time it's because the initial idea has been lost. Or at least this goes for me and the stories I write. When I take a break I forgot the reason why I start a particular story and then - baam!! - I don't have the desire to finish whatever I started.

If you had lost your inspiration, I hope you'll get it back magically ♡♡♡